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Further Reading


Pagnotta 1987
L. Pagnotta, ‘Giuliano Bugiardini’, Turin 1987. 

Panoksky 1991
E. Panofksy, ‘Perspective as Symbolic Form’, trans. C. Wood, New York 1991 (first German edition 1927).

Parenti 1995
R. Parenti, ‘Santa Maria della Scala. Lo spedale in forma di città’ in R. Barzanti, G. Catoni, and M. De Gregorio, eds., ‘Storia di Siena. Dalle origini alla fine della repubblica’, Siena 1995, pp. 51–5.

Parronchi 1974
A. Parronchi, ‘Prospettiva e pittura in Leon Battista Alberti’ in ‘Convegno internazionale indetto nel V centenario di Leon Battista Alberti’, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, vol. 209 (1974), pp. 213–31.

Passavant 1969
G. Passavant, ‘Verrocchio: Sculptures, Paintings and Drawings’, London 1969.

Pavesi 2009
M. Pavesi, ‘Ambrogio Bergognone e l’opinio per il Duomo di Milano’, in ‘Arte Lombarda’, vol. 157 (2009), pp. 5–16.

Pavia 1998
G. C. Sciolla, ‘Ambrogio da Fossano detto il Bergognone: un pittore per la Certosa’, exh. cat., Castello Visconteo, Museo Civico and Certosa di Pavia, Pavia, Milan 1998.

Payne 1999
A. Payne, ‘The Architectural Treatise in the Italian Renaissance: Architectural Invention, Ornament and Literary Culture’, Cambridge 1999.

Payne 2007
A. Payne, ‘Alberti and the Origins of the Paragone between Architecture and the Figurative Arts’, in A. Calzona, F. P. Fiore, A. Tenenti and C. Vasoli, eds., ‘Leon Battista Alberti: teorico delle arti e gli impegni civili del “De Re Aedificatoria”’, Florence 2007, pp. 347–68.

Pedretti 1964
C. Pedretti, ‘An “Arcus Quadrifons” for Leo X’ in ‘Raccolta Vinciana’, vol. 20 (1964), pp. 219–54.

Penny 1995
N. Penny, review of 2ndedition of ‘Italian and Spanish Paintings in the National Gallery of Scotland’, H. Brigstocke, Edinburgh, 1993, in ‘The Burlington Magazine’, vol. 137 (1995), pp. 323–4. 

Penny 2005
N. Penny, ‘Introduction: Toothpicks and Green Hangings’ in ‘The Biography of the Object in Late Medieval and Renaissance Italy’, R. J. M. Olson, P. L. Reilly and R. Shepherd, eds., Oxford 2005, pp. 1–10.

Penny 2008
N. Penny, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings, vol. II, Venice 1540–1600’, London 2008.

Penny and Spring 1996
N. Penny and M. Spring, ‘Veronese’s Paintings in the National Gallery: Technique and Materials, Part II’ in ‘National Gallery Technical Bulletin’, vol. 17 (1996), pp. 32–55.

Penny, Mancini, Billinge and Spring, forthcoming
N. Penny and G. Mancini, with contributions by R. Billinge and M. Spring, ‘The National Gallery Catalogues: The Ferrarese and Bolognese Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Schools’, London forthcoming.

Pericolo 2009
L. Pericolo, ‘Heterotopia in the Renaissance: Modern Hybrids as Antiques in Bramante, Cima da Conegliano, and the “Hypnerotomachia Poliphili”’ in ‘Getty Research Journal’, no. 1 (2009), pp. 1–16.

Perissa Torrini 1993
A. Perissa Torrini, ‘Una Trinità di Giovanni Mansueti’, in ‘Arte veneta’, vol. 45 (1993), pp. 108–11.

Perosa 1960
A. Perosa, ed., ‘Giovanni Rucellai ed il suo Zibaldone’, vol.1, ‘Il Zibaldone quaresimale’, London 1960.

Piero della Francesca 1984
Piero della Francesca, ‘De prospectiva pingendi’, ed. G. Nicco-Fasola, 2 vols., Florence 1984 (first edition 1946).

Pisani 2009
D. Pisani, ‘Piuttosto un arco trionfale che una porta di città. Agostino di Duccio e la porta di San Pietro a Perugia’, Venice 2009.

Pisani 2012
D. Pisani, ‘Echi rimanesi nella porta San Pietro a Perugia’ in A. Calzona and M. Ceriana, eds., ‘Per un nuovo Agostino di Duccio. Studi e documenti’, Verona 2012, pp. 149–67.

Plazzotta 2001
C. Plazzotta, ‘Beccafumi’s “Story of Papirius” in the National Gallery’ in ‘The Burlington Magazine’, vol. 143 (2001), pp. 562–6.

Popham 1946
A. E. Popham, ‘The Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci’, London 1946.

Popham and Wilde 1949
A. E. Popham and J. Wilde, ‘The Italian Drawings of the XV and XVI Centuries in the Collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle’, London 1949.

Pouncey 1937
P. Pouncey, ‘Ercole Grandi’s Masterpiece’ in ‘The Burlington Magazine’, vol. 70 (1937), pp. 160–3, 66–9.

Preyer 1993
B. Preyer, ‘Il Palazzo Corsi-Horne. Dal diario di restauro di H. P. Horne’, Rome 1993.

Preyer forthcoming
B. Preyer, ‘The “chasa della Vergine Maria”: The Patron and Site of Domenico Veneziano’s Carnesecchi Tabernacle in Florence’, forthcoming.

Princeton 2010
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