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Jan Gossaert (Jean Gossart)
Virgin and Child
Oil on oak panel, (arch-topped), 30.7 x 24.3 cm

Inscription and provenance


GE.3. MVLIERIS SEMEN IHS. SERPENTIS CAPVT CONTRIVIT (Genesis 3, Jesus the seed of the woman has bruised the head of the serpent).

This inscription is discussed in Iconography.


The picture was in the collection of Edmond Beaucousin (1806–1866), Paris. His collection of 46 paintings was purchased in 1860 for the Gallery; NG1888 was one of the 11 pictures considered ‘superfluous’ and offered to the National Galleries of Scotland and Ireland. Six, including NG1888, were selected for Dublin and sent there on 15 June 1860.1 They were returned to London in 1926.

Further Sections

1. Campbell and Dunkerton 1996, pp. 164–5 and references; Wornum’s Diary, 15 June 1860.