Signatures and inscriptions
Jan Gossaert (Jean Gossart)
The Adoration of the Kings
Oil on oak panel, 179.8 x 163.2 cm, painted surface approximately 177.2 x 161.8 cm
NG2790 is signed in two places: once on the collar of the black king’s black attendant, IENNIN GOSS... (fig.1); a second time on the black king’s hat, IENNI/ GOSSART: DEMABV... (fig.2: the A in GOSSART is unlike the other A; the reason is not obvious).
On the black king’s hat: BALTAZAR (fig.3).
Near the hem of the scarf held by the black king: SALV[E]/ REGINA/ MIS[ERICORDIAE]/ V:IT[A DULCEDO ET SPES NOSTRA] (Hail, Queen of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope) (fig.4).
On the scroll held by the second angel from the left: Gloria:in:excelcis:deo: (Glory to God in the highest) (fig.5).
On the object at the Virgin’s feet, which is the lid of the chalice presented by the eldest king: [L]E ROII IASPAR (the king Caspar: fig.6).