General reading list
Many books on the conservation and restoration of paintings also address methods of, and approaches to, scientific examination and technical analysis:
A. Kirsh and R. S. Levinson, ‘Seeing through Paintings: Physical Examination in Art Historical Studies’, New Haven and London 2000
D. Pinna, M. Galeotti, and R. Mazzeo, eds, ‘Scientific Examination for the Investigation of Paintings. A Handbook for Conservator-restorers’, Florence 2009
'Artists’ pigments: A Handbook of their History and Characteristics’, 4 vols, Cambridge, New York and Washington 1986–2007
Scientific analysis of National Gallery paintings
The following publications discuss the scientific analysis of paintings in the collection. The Gallery's ongoing series of schools' catalogues also look at the technical examination of individual paintings.
D. Bomford, J. Dunkerton, D. Gordon and A. Roy, ‘Art in the Making: Italian Painting before 1400’, London 1989
D. Bomford, J. Kirby, J. Leighton and A. Roy, ‘Art in the Making: Impressionism’, London 1990
D. Bomford, ed., ‘Art in the Making: Underdrawings in Renaissance Paintings’, London 2002
D. Bomford, S. Herring, J. Kirby, C. Riopelle and A. Roy, ‘Art in the Making: Degas’, London 2004
D. Bomford, J. Kirby, A. Roy, A. Rüger and R. White, ‘Art in the Making: Rembrandt’, London 2006
D. Bomford, with J. Dunkerton and M. Wyld, ‘A Closer Look: Conservation of Paintings’, London 2009
J. Dunkerton, S. Foister, D. Gordon and N. Penny, ‘Giotto to Dürer: Early Renaissance Painting in The National Gallery’, London and New Haven 1991
J. Dunkerton, S. Foister and N. Penny, ‘Dürer to Veronese: Sixteenth-Century Painting in The National Gallery’, London and New Haven 1999
S. Foister, A. Roy and M. Wyld, ‘Making and Meaning: Holbein’s Ambassadors’, London 1997
D. Gordon, ‘Making and Meaning: The Wilton Diptych’, London 1993
M.E. Wieseman, ‘A Closer Look: Deceptions and Discoveries’, London 2010
Technical Bulletin
Articles on the technical examination of paintings in the Gallery, as well as more wide-ranging studies of artists’ materials and techniques, are published annually in The National Gallery Technical Bulletin.