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Francesco del Cossa's 'S. Vincent Ferrer'

Alistair Smith, Anthony Reeve and Ashok Roy
Technical Bulletin Volume 5, 1981


The article discusses the treatment, cleaning and restoration of S. Vincent Ferrer. It has three main sections: 1) Art-historical background, and a tentative reconstruction of the polyptych; 2) Treatment of the support, describing the removal of cradle and consolidation with wax and resin, warp relaxation, and balsa wood support construction; 3) A note on the materials and technique, with a discussion of spherulitic malachite and identification of egg yolk medium.


artists' materials, Francesco del Cossa, panel paintings

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Francesco del Cossa's 'S. Vincent Ferrer', Alistair Smith, Anthony Reeve and Ashok Roy (PDF 13.47MB)

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Smith, A., Reeve, A., Roy, A. 'Francesco del Cossa's "S. Vincent Ferrer"'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 5, pp 44–57.

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