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Methods and Materials of Northern European Painting in the National Gallery, 1400–1550

Rachel Billinge, Lorne Campbell, Jill Dunkerton, Susan Foister, Jo Kirby, Jennie Pilc, Ashok Roy, Marika Spring and Raymond White
Technical Bulletin Volume 18, 1997


Presents a detailed summary of research carried out and published since the 1950s on Northern European paintings. Subjects under discussion include: documentary sources for painting methods and materials; guild regulations; descriptions of artists' workshops; panels and their preparation; canvas; underdrawing; gilding; pigments; media (the results of medium analysis are tabulated). The use of linseed and walnut oils, egg tempera (which was used predominantly for underpainting), prepolymerized oils, thinners, and the medium used for glazes are discussed.


art history, artists' materials, Northern Europe, painting techniques, paintings

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'Methods and Materials of Northern European Painting in the National Gallery, 1400–1550'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 18, pp 6–55.

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