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Occurrences of the Purple Pigment Fluorite on Paintings in the National Gallery

Marika Spring
Technical Bulletin Volume 21, 2000


The occurrence of fluorite (calcium fluoride) in 10 paintings is discussed. Most uses date from 1470–1520 and occur on panels, polychrome sculpture, and wall paintings from the Tyrol or southern Germany, where it was a locally extracted material and a by-product of mining for other materials. The other uses occur in works painted close to known smaller deposits of fluorite, and it is suggested that these artists were also using local materials. Other uses of unusual or locally available materials by the same artists are discussed. Several cross-sections containing purple fluorite are included.


artists' materials, fluorite, pigment

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Occurrences of the Purple Pigment Fluorite on Paintings in the National Gallery, Marika Spring (PDF 6.36MB)

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Spring, M. 'Occurrences of the Purple Pigment Fluorite on Paintings in the National Gallery'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 21, pp 20–27.

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