John Mills and Raymond White
Technical Bulletin Volume 9, 1985
The media used in 10 paintings by George Stubbs, executed between 1772 and 1800, were analysed. As a result, some earlier findings by the same authors have been modified. The raw materials thought to have been used are drying oil, non-drying oil or fat, beeswax and pine resin. A table lists the findings and it can be seen that there is a difference chronologically.
The three earliest paintings examined contain no drying oil, only wax-resin or non-drying oil fat/resin, and no prepared ground. The paintings from 1783 contain in addition drying oil. The article concludes with a history of the interest in ancient Greek encaustic painting techniques with which Stubbs could have experimented.
encaustic painting, England, Europe, George Stubbs, Greek, paint, UK
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Mills, J., White, R. 'The Mediums used by George Stubbs: Some Further Studies'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 9, pp 60–64.
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