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Ultra-Violet Filters for Artificial Light Sources

David Saunders
Technical Bulletin Volume 13, 1989


It is well known that ultraviolet light can be very damaging to works of art, even at low levels. Incandescent light sources for the illumination of paintings and other sensitive works generally contain a significant proportion of ultraviolet light which can be excluded by means of filters. This article reviews light sources and their ultraviolet content in relation to the colour-rendering properties of the source. Various types of filters to remove ultraviolet radiation from light sources are tested and described, both for low temperature and high temperature applications.


artificial lighting, colour-rendering, gallery lighting, heat-resistant filters, picture lighting, ultraviolet content of light sources, ultraviolet filters

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Ultra-Violet Filters for Artificial Light Sources, David Saunders (PDF 3.2MB)

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Saunders, D. 'Ultra-Violet Filters for Artificial Light Sources'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 13, pp 61–68.