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Vincent Van Gogh's 'A Cornfield, with Cypresses'

John Leighton, Anthony Reeve, Ashok Roy and Raymond White
Technical Bulletin Volume 11, 1987


In 1889, Van Gogh painted three versions of A Cornfield, with Cypresses. The version in the National Gallery, London, is discussed in the context of Van Gogh's approach to the subject. This is followed by sections describing a technical examination and the cleaning and restoration of the painting. The materials and medium used by Van Gogh are described in a separate section. The painting was cleaned with a brush and deionised water and swabbed with white spirit. A second layer of dirt was removed with 1% potassium oleate. Painted edges were revealed by using a larger stretcher for the canvas. The surface of the painting was glazed.


alcohol, canvas, cleaning, A Cornfield with Cypresses, deionised water, glazing, paintings, Van Gogh

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Vincent Van Gogh's 'A Cornfield, with Cypresses', John Leighton, Anthony Reeve, Ashok Roy and Raymond White (PDF 17.47MB)

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Leighton, J., Reeve, A., Roy, A., White, R. 'Vincent Van Gogh's "A Cornfield, with Cypresses"'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 11, pp 42–59.


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