Leaving a legacy
The Turner Bequest
British painter Joseph Mallord William Turner enjoyed a highly successful artistic career. When he died, he bequeathed to the nation a large number of his paintings, including Dido building Carthage and Sun Rising through Vapour. These two paintings came with the condition that they should be displayed alongside Claude’s Mill and Seaport with the Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba.
By linking these paintings together Turner wanted to ensure that his association with the earlier Old Master, Claude, would endure beyond his lifetime. We are now lucky to have several of Turner's paintings in the collection, including The Fighting Temeraire (pictured).
If you are inspired by Turner and the National Gallery, perhaps you would consider remembering us in your will. A gift of any size, large or small, will have a lasting impact on our work and help to develop and maintain the collection, keep the Gallery free, and continue enriching the lives of future generations.
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To discuss what your support could achieve, please contact Meredith Loper in the Development Office on 020 7747 5982 or by email at: Meredith.Loper@nationalgallery.org.uk