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Gainsborough's 'Dr Ralph Schomberg'

David Bomford, Ashok Roy and David Saunders
Technical Bulletin Volume 12, 1988


Thomas Gainsborough's techniques of painting portraits (including six brushes, dim lighting conditions, and artificial backgrounds in the studio), his fee schedules, and his ideas about proper hanging of paintings introduce an examination of his painting, Dr Ralph Schomberg, from about 1771. Material changes in the original paint layers are of interest. The random colour disparity is discussed in the context of paint application and the painter's palette. The style is contrasted with that of his contemporary Joshua Reynolds.


colour, Joshua Reynolds, lighting, paintings, portraits, Thomas Gainsborough

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Gainsborough's 'Dr Ralph Schomberg', David Bomford, Ashok Roy and David Saunders (PDF 10.73MB)

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Bomford, D., Roy, A., Saunders, D. 'Gainsborough's "Dr Ralph Schomberg"'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 12, pp 44–57.

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