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Velázquez's 'Christ after the Flagellation': Technique in Context

Larry Keith and Dawson W. Carr
Technical Bulletin Volume 30, 2009


Velázquez’s Christ after the Flagellation contemplated by the Christian Soul has always been a difficult picture to place within the narrative of his artistic development – in particular, whether it was produced before, during, or even after his first trip to Italy, which took place in 1629–30. The discussion of the problem is usually framed by several different kinds of evidence, whether the more objective criteria of iconography, materials and paintings technique, or the more elusive influences provided by the examples of Italian art, whether seen in Madrid or Italy – all of which are considered in the context of suggesting a date for the picture.


grounds, technique, Velázquez

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Velázquez's 'Christ after the Flagellation': Technique in Context, Larry Keith and Dawson W. Carr (PDF 23.23MB)

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Keith, L., Carr, D.W. 'Velázquez's "Christ after the Flagellation": Technique in Context'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 30, pp 52–70.


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