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Protective Glass for Paintings

David Saunders and Anthony Reeve
Technical Bulletin Volume 15, 1994


Discusses the advantages and disadvantages of glazing paintings for display and travel. Reflectivity, strength, weight, colour, and ultraviolet absorption of plain, etched, and metal oxide-coated glass were considered. These values are summarised for glass types currently available.

The preferred but most expensive choice is a low-iron laminated glass with a low reflective coating, followed by ordinary glass laminate with a low reflective coating. Plastics with low reflective and scratch-resistant coatings would be even better, but are not yet available in large sheets.


glass, glazing (protecting), paintings (objects)

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Saunders, D., Reeve, A. 'Protective Glass for Paintings'. National Gallery Technical Bulletin Vol 15, pp 98–103.

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