The Keeper of Paintings and the Palette of Perception
A mobile based immersive adventure that encourages children to explore and learn about one of the greatest collections of paintings in the world.
Playable at the National Gallery.
A mobile based immersive adventure that encourages children to explore and learn about one of the greatest collections of paintings in the world.
Playable at the National Gallery.
The Keeper of Paintings needs your help! Claws Monet, that silly cat, has knocked all the gems out of the magical Palette of Perception!
Without the gems, the Keeper’s magical abilities to look after the paintings are in jeopardy. Can you help by searching through the gallery rooms and find where those gems might be hiding?
Suitable for ages 7+. Designed for use only at the National Gallery. Parental supervision is recommended at all times while playing The Keeper of Paintings app in the National Gallery.
Download the app for free on your phone or tablet.
This is a YouTube video player. Below the video are the title and the view time.
The Keeper of Paintings was commissioned by the National Gallery, London and StoryFutures, Royal Holloway, University of London as part of StoryFutures China, a research and development project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). StoryFutures China is led by Brunel Design School, Brunel University London.
Members of the Children's Advisory Group, children from Christ Church CEP Academy Folkestone, and families who participated in the open call testing sessions in November 2021 and February 2022
Produced by:
Executive Producers: Lawrence Chiles (The National Gallery), James Bennett (StoryFutures, Royal Holloway, University of London)
Created by Arcade:
Simon Hobbs, Alex Book, Jon Meggitt, Olivia Hinkin, Daniëlle Verburg, Michelle Collier, James Harvey, Zach Thompson-Howley, Jagoda Wrobel
Project Management:
Kylie Bryant (StoryFutures, Royal Holloway), Olivia Hinkin (Arcade), Clementine Vaughan (The National Gallery)
The National Gallery Project Team:
Lawrence Chiles, Clementine Vaughan, Anne Mason, Maria Alambritis, Anne Fay, Caroline Smith, Emma Capron, Karen Eslea, Christine Riding, Larry Keith
StoryFutures China Project Team:
The Principal Investigator for StoryFutures China is Dr Vanja Garaj (Brunel Design School, Brunel University London). The research team includes Dr Christine Singer (Children’s Audience Researcher, Royal Holloway), Dr Lulu Yin (UX Researcher, Brunel Design School), Professor Jen Parker-Starbuck (Story Consultant, StoryFutures, Royal Holloway), Dr Marianna Rolbina (Business Networks Researcher, StoryFutures, Royal Holloway), Dr Youngok Choi (Co-Investigator, Brunel Design School), Olive Hou (Assistant Producer, Royal Holloway), Xunnan Li (The Creative Industries Policy Researcher, StoryFutures, Royal Holloway)
The audience insight team at StoryFutures, Royal Holloway University of London, are helping us learn more about how families experience the Gallery, especially when children are playing this magical new adventure ‘The Keeper of Paintings’. Please take part in this survey when you visit - all your feedback will be very welcome.