Girolamo da Carpi was influenced by Raphael and Correggio among others. He was employed by Cardinal Ippolito d'Este and Pope Julius III.
Girolamo da Carpi
1501 - 1556
Works by Girolamo da Carpi
Guided by a star, the Three Kings journeyed from the East to Bethlehem to honour the newborn Christ. Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.Girolamo’s depiction of the subject is unusual. Normally the holy family is shown in a stable in the ruins of a classic...
Not on display
Possibly by Girolamo da Carpi
This painting looks as though it has been composed from two separate portraits. The figure in the red and white dress of a cardinal points to the signature on the parchment in front of him, ‘Hyppol[itus] me[dicis] Vice cancel[arius]’, which identifies him as Cardinal Ippolito de‘ Medici, vice-cha...
Not on display