Peter Paul Rubens, 'The Judgement of Paris', probably 1632-5
About the work
Eris, goddess of discord, was the only immortal not invited to an important wedding. Furious at being left out, she threw a golden apple inscribed ‘To the Fairest’ among all the goddesses at the feast. Three claimed the title – Minerva, Juno and Venus. Jupiter, chief of the gods, declared that Paris should be the judge. The young man had been raised as a shepherd, but was actually a prince of Troy.
It is this moment of choice that Rubens has depicted: Paris hands the golden apple to Venus, goddess of beauty, in the centre. The goddesses had all cheated. Juno offered Paris wealth and power, Minerva offered wisdom and strength. Venus promised him the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen of Sparta – an irresistible gift.
In the clouds above their heads is the implacable Fury, Alecto. In a jealous rage, Juno commanded her to destroy the Trojans. She caused Paris to abduct Helen, and the famous Trojan War began.
Key facts
- Full title
- The Judgement of Paris
- Artist
- Peter Paul Rubens
- Artist dates
- 1577 - 1640
- Date made
- probably 1632-5
- Medium and support
- oil on wood
- Dimensions
- 144.8 × 193.7 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1844
- Inventory number
- NG194
- Location
- Room 18
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 17th-century French Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Gregory Martin, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Flemish School: circa 1600–circa 1900’, London 1986; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2017Rubens and RembrandtThe National Gallery (London)22 March 2017 - 6 August 2017
1626V. Cartari, Imagini degli dei degli antichi, Padua 1626
1665B. de Monconys, Journal des voyages de monsieur de Monconys, 3 vols, Lyon 1665
1672G.P. Bellori, Le vite de'pittori, Rome 1672
1677R. de Piles, Conversations sur la connoissance de la peinture, et sur le jugement qu'on doit faire des tableaux: Où par occasion il est parlé de la vie de Rubens, & de quelques-uns de ses plus beaux ouvrages, Paris 1677
1681R. de Piles, Dissertation sur les ouvrages des plus fameux peintres: Dediée à Monseigneur le Duc de Richelieu, Paris 1681
1727L.D. de Saint-Gelais, Description des tableaux du Palais Royal: Avec la vie des peintres à la tête de leurs ouvrages: Dédiée à Monseigneur le duc d'Orleans, premier prince du sang, Paris 1727
1733M.L.R., Les curiositéz de Paris, de Versailles, de Marly, de Vincennes, de S. Cloud, et des environs, Paris 1733
1749A.-N. Dézallier d'Argenville, Voyage pittoresque de Paris, ou, Indication de tout ce qu'il y a de plus beau dans cette grande ville, en peinture, sculpture, & architecture, Paris 1749
1754Recueil d'estampes gravées d'aprez les tableaux de la Galerie et du Cabinet de S. E. Mr. le Comte de Bruhl, Dresden 1754
1793125 Pall Mall, The Orleans Gallery, Now Exhibiting at the Great Rooms, Late the Royal Academy, Now 125 Pall Mall, April 1793, London, April 1793 - June 1793
1796'Whitley Papers Report', Oracle, X, 1796
1811Phillips, Catalogue of a Genuine and Highly Select Collection of Sixteen Pictures…collected by a Nobleman, London, 21 May 1811
1813Phillips, A Catalogue of Lord Kinnaird's Collection of Valuable Original Pictures, London, 4 March 1813 - 5 March 1813
1824W. Buchanan, Memoirs of Painting: With a Chronological History of the Importation of Pictures by the Great Masters into England Since the French Revolution, London 1824
1829J. Stacey, 'Thomas Penrice's Collection, Yarmouth', in A General History of the County of Norfolk, Norwich 1829, vol. 1
J. Smith, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters: In Which is Included a Short Biographical Notice of the Artists, with a Copious Description of Their Principal Pictures […], vol. 2, London 1830
1836S. Wilkin (ed.), Sir Thomas Browne's Works, London 1836
1844Christie & Manson, Catalogue of the Celebrated Collection of Pictures, of the Very Highest Class: The Property of John Penrice, Esq., London, 16 July 1844
1845G. Foggo, A Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery with Critical Notes, London 1845
1845T. Penrice, Letters Addressed to the Late Thomas Penrice, Esq., while Engaged in Forming His Collection of Pictures, 1808-1814, ed. J. Penrice, Yarmouth 1845
1847R.N. Wornum, Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery, London 1847
1853National Gallery, Report from the Select Committee on the National Gallery, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index, London 1853
1853London, National Gallery Archive, NG15/3: Report from the Select Committee on the National Gallery, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index, 1853
1856J. Hübner, Catalogue des tableaux de la galerie royale de Dresde, trans. L. Grainger, Dresden 1856
1864P.F. Rombouts and T. van Lerius, De Liggeren en Andere Historisce Archieven der Antwerpsche Sint Lucasgilde, 2 vols, Antwerp 1864
1868J. Bruce (ed.), Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, in the Reign of Charles I, 1636-8, London 1868
1868R.N. James et al., National Exhibition of Works of Art, Leeds, 1868 (exh. cat. Leeds Infirmary, 1868), Leeds 1868
1870F. Muller, 'Catalogus der schilderijen van Diego Duarte, te Amsterdam in 1682, met de prijzen van aankoop en taxatie', De Oude Tijd, II, 1870, pp. 397-402
1877A. Goovaerts et al., L'œuvre de P. P. Rubens: Catalogue de l'exposition organisée sous les auspices de l'administration communale d'Anvers (exh. cat. Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, 1877), Antwerp 1877
1878H. Blackburn, Illustrated Catalogue to the National Gallery: Foreign Schools, London 1878
1882W.J.A. Jonckbloet and J.P.N. Lands (eds), Musique et musiciens au XVIIe siècle: Correspondance et oeuvre musicales de Constantin Huygens, Leiden 1882
1882E. Bonnaffé, 'Notes sur les collections des richelieu', Gazette des beaux-arts, II, 1882, pp. 96-112
1883P. Rubens, 'Memoire 1676', Rubens-Bulletijn, II, 1883
1887M.-F. Reiset, Une visite à la Galerie nationale de Londres, 2nd revised edn, Rapilly 1887
1887K. Woermann, Katalog der königlichen Gemäldegalerie zu Dresden, Dresden 1887
1887W. Armstrong, 'Notes on the National Gallery', The Guardian, 1887
1888E.T. Cook, A Popular Handbook to the National Gallery Including, by Special Permission, Notes Collected from the Works of Mr. Ruskin, London 1888
1890M. Rooses and J. Maes, L'œuvre de P. P. Rubens: Histoire et description de ses tableaux et dessins, vol. 3, Antwerp 1890
1900V. Champier and G.-R. Sandoz, Le Palais-Royal d'après des documents inédits, Paris 1900
1900G. Upmark, 'Ein Besuch in Holland, 1687', Oud Holland, XVIII, 1900, pp. 117-28
1904M.H. Witt, The German and Flemish Masters in the National Gallery, London 1904
1905A. Rosenberg, P. P. Rubens: Des Meisters Gemälde in 551 Abbildungen, ed. R. Oldenbourg, Stuttgart 1905
1906'Half Holidays at the National Gallery', Pall Mall Gazette, 1906
1909M. Rooses and C.L. Ruelens, Correspondance de Rubens, Antwerp 1909
1910Exposition d'art ancient: L'art belge au XVIIe siècle (exh. cat.exh. cat.), Bruxelles 1910 Brussels, 1910), Bruxelles 1910
1913H.F. Cook (ed.), A Catalogue of the Paintings at Doughty House, Richmond and Elsewhere in the Collection of Sir Frederick Cook, Bt, 3 vols, London 1913
1913C. Stryienski, La galerie du régent, Philippe, duc d'Orléans, Paris 1913
1914Musée d'Anvers, Exposition du Musée d'Anvers (exh. cat. Musée d'Anvers, 1914), Antwerp 1914
1916R.A. Peltzer, 'Hans Rottenhammer', Jahrbuch der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses, XXXIII/40, 1916
1921R. Oldenbourg and A. Rosenberg, P. P. Rubens. Klassiker der Kunst in Gesamtausgaben, Stuttgart 1921
1921Lucian III, trans. A.M. Harmon, Loeb Classical Library 130, London 1921
1922J. Farington, The Farington Diary, ed. J. Greig, 8 vols, London 1922
1923G. Gronau, Raffael, Stuttgart 1923
1925C.J. Holmes, Old Masters and Modern Art: The National Gallery, the Netherlands, Germany and Spain, London 1925
1928L. Burchard, 'Die neuerworbene Landschaft von Rubens im Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum', Jahrbuch der Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, XLIX/1, 1928, pp. 62-8
1928G. Glück and F.M. Halberditzl, Die Handzeichnungen von Peter Paul Rubens, Berlin 1928
1928L. Burchard, 'Alcuni dipinti del Rubens nel suo periodo italiano', Pinacotheca, I/1, 1928, pp. 14-6
1929National Gallery, National Gallery, Trafalgar Square: Catalogue, 86th edn, London 1929
1930T. Cox, The National Gallery: A Room to Room Guide, London 1930
1931J. Denucé, Art-Export in the 17th Century: The Firm of Forchondt, Antwerp 1931
1932M.A. Cornette, Trésor de l'art Flamand du Moyen Age au XVIIIme siècle: Mémorial de l'exposition d'art Flamend ancient à Anvers 1930, par un groupe de spécialiste, Paris 1932
1932J. Denucé, The Antwerp Art-Galleries: Inventories of the Art-Collections in Antwerp in the 16th and 17th Centuries, Antwerp 1932
1940F. van den Wijngaert, Inventaris der Rubeniaansche prentkunst, Antwerp 1940
1947P. Hendy, An Exhibition of Cleaned Pictures of 1947: (1936-1947), London 1947
1948O. Fischel, Raphael, trans. B. Rackham, London 1948
1949J. Denucé, Na Peter Pauwel Rubens: Documenten uit den kunsthandel te Antwerpen in de XVII eeuw van Matthijs Musson, Antwerp 1949
1949F. Lugt, Inventaire général des dessins des écoles du Nord, 2 vols, Paris 1949
1955The Diary of John Evelyn, ed. E.S. de Beer, 6 vols, Oxford 1955, vol. 5
1957K.T. Parker and J. Mathey, Antoine Watteau: Catalogue complet de son oeuvre dessiné, Paris 1957
1958M. Levey, Twenty-Four Masterpieces from the National Gallery, London, London 1958
1959J. Held, Rubens: Selected Drawings, London 1959
1963B. Teyssèdre, 'Une collection de Rubens au XVIIe siècle: Le cabinet du duc de Richelieu décrit par Roger de Piles (1676 - 1681)', Gazette des beaux-arts, LXII, November 1963, pp. 241-300
1963L. Burchard and R.-A. d'Hulst, Rubens Drawings, Brussels 1963
1967M. Jaffé, 'Rubens and Raphael', in Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Art presented to Anthony Blunt, London 1967, pp. 98-107
1968M. Jaffé, 'Rubens in Italy II: Some Rediscovered Works of the First Phase', The Burlington Magazine, CX/781, 1968, pp. 174-87
1968J. Thuillier, 'Doctrines et querelles artistiques en France au début du XVIIe siecle: Quelques textes oubliés ou inédits', Archives de l'art Français, XXIII, 1968, pp. 125-217
1970G. Martin, The Flemish School, circa 1600-circa 1900, London 1970
1977M. Jaffé, Rubens and Italy, Oxford 1977
1978C. Gould, The Draped Figure, Themes and Painters in the National Gallery 2, 2nd edn, London 1978
1979A. Braham, Rubens, Themes and Painters in the National Gallery 8, London 1979
1984D. Sutton, 'Aspects of British Collecting, III.XIII: The Orléans Collection', Apollo, CXIX/267, 1984, pp. 357-72
1986Martin, Gregory, National Gallery Catalogues: The Flemish School, circa 1600 - circa 1900, London 1986
1987F. Woolf and M. Cassin, Bodylines: The Human Figure in Art, (exh. cat. The National Gallery, London, 18 March - 17 May 1987), London 1987
1989M. Jaffé, Rubens: Catalogo completo, Milan 1989
1989C. Scribner, Peter Paul Rubens, New York 1989
1989J. Müller Hofstede, '"Stolidi Iudicium Paridis": Zur Ikonologie des Parisurteils bei Peter Paul Rubens', Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch, L, 1989, pp. 163-87
1991R. Kendall, Van Gogh to Picasso: The Berggruen Collection at the National Gallery (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 16 January - 21 April 1991), London 1991
1992H. Damisch, Le Jugement de Pâris, Paris 1992
1992M. Vidal, Watteau's Painted Convesations: Art, Literature and Talk in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century France, New Haven 1992
1994A. Schnapper, Curieux du Grand Siècle: Collections et collectionneurs dans la France du XVIIe siècl, Paris 1994
1996O. von Simson, Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640): Humanist, Maler und Diplomat, Mainz 1996
1997F. Healy, Rubens and the Judgement of Paris: A Question of Choice, Turnhout 1997
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2004R. Rosenberg, 'Une ligne horizontale interrompue par une ligne diagonale', in O. Bonfait (ed.), La description de l'œuvre d'art: Du modèle classique aux variations contemporaines, Paris 2004, pp. 55-74
2005L. Oliver et al., 'The Evolution of Rubens's "Judgement of Paris" (NG194)', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XXVI/1, 2005, pp. 4-22
2010D. Jaffé, 'Rubens's Lost "Pocketbook": Some New Thoughts', The Burlington Magazine, CL/1260, 2010, pp. 173-81
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.