Raphael, 'The Mond Crucifixion', about 1502-3
About the work
One of Raphael’s earliest works, this altarpiece was commissioned by the wool merchant and banker Domenico Gavari for his burial chapel dedicated to Saint Jerome in the church of S. Domenico in Città di Castello, Umbria.
Christ’s body hangs from the Cross. Two angels balance on delicate slivers of cloud on either side, catching the blood that flows from his wounds in golden chalices reminiscent of those in which wine would be served during Mass at the altar below.
The sun and moon are both visible in the sky, marking the eclipse that coincided with Christ’s death. Saint Jerome and Mary Magdalene are at the foot of the Cross, gazing up at Christ’s body with reverence and pity. The Virgin, dressed in purplish black to denote mourning, stands to the left of the Cross with John the Evangelist to the right. They both look towards the viewer and wring their hands in grief.
Key facts
- Full title
- The Crucified Christ with the Virgin Mary, Saints and Angels (The Mond Crucifixion)
- Artist
- Raphael
- Artist dates
- 1483 - 1520
- Date made
- about 1502-3
- Medium and support
- oil on wood
- Dimensions
- 283.3 × 167.3 cm
- Inscription summary
- Signed; Inscribed
- Acquisition credit
- Mond Bequest, 1924
- Inventory number
- NG3943
- Location
- Room 11
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 20th-century Replica Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Cecil Gould, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Schools’, London 1987; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2022The Credit Suisse Exhibition: RaphaelThe National Gallery (London)9 April 2022 - 31 July 2022
1839J.D. Passavant, Rafael von Urbino und sein Vater Giovanni Santi, 3 vols, Leipzig 1839
1845George, Galerie de feu S.E. le Cardinal Fesch, ancien archevêque de Lyon, primat des Gaules, etc., etc., ou catalogue raisonné des tableaux de cette galerie, accompagné de notices historiques et analytiques, Rome, 17 March 1845 - 18 March 1845
1878G. Vasari, Le vite de'più eccellenti pittori, scultori ed architettori: Con nuove annotazioni e commenti di Gaetano Milanesi, ed. G. Milanesi, 8 vols, Florence 1878
1881E. Müntz, Raphaël: Sa vie, son oeuvre, et son temps, Paris 1881
1882J.A. Crowe and G.B. Cavalcaselle, Raphael: His Life and Works, 2 vols, London 1882
1883A. Rossi (ed.), Giornale di erudizione artistica, Perugia 1883
1897G. Magherini-Graziani, L'arte a città di Castello, Città di Castello 1897
1910J.P. Richter, The Mond Collection: An Appreciation, London 1910
1913O. Fischel, Raphaels Zeichnungen, Berlin 1913
1923A. Rosenberg, Raffael, des Meisters Gemälde, in 274 Abbildungen, ed. G. Gronau, Berlin 1923
1924R. Fry, 'The Mond Pictures in the National Gallery', The Burlington Magazine, XLIV/254, 1924, pp. 234-46
1927G. Magherini-Graziani and E. Giovagnoli, La prima Giovinezza di Raffaello, Città di Castello 1927
1948O. Fischel, Raphael, trans. B. Rackham, London 1948
1956K.T. Parker, Catalogue of the Collection of Drawings in the Ashmolean Museum, vol. 2, Italian Schools, Oxford 1956
1958W. Schöne, Raphael, Berlin 1958
1962Gould, Cecil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Schools (excluding the Venetian), London 1962
1962E. Camesasca (ed.), Tutta la pittura de Raffaello, 2nd edn, Milan 1962
1963R. Wittkower, 'The Young Raphael', Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin, XX, 1963, pp. 150-68
1965C. Gilbert, 'A Miracle by Raphael', North Carolina Museum of Art Bulletin, VI, 1965, pp. 2-35
1971L. Düssler, Raphael: A Critical Catalogue of His Pictures, Wall-Paintings and Tapestries, trans. S. Cruft, London 1971
1975C. Gould, Delaroche and Gautier: Gautier's Views on the 'Execution of Lady Jane Grey' and on other Compositions by Delaroche, London 1975
1977K. Oberhuber, 'The Colonna Altarpiece in the Metropolitan Museum and Problems of the Early Style of Raphael', Metropolitan Museum Journal, XII, 1977, pp. 55-91
1979S.F. Pagden, 'A Re-Examination of the "Raphael" Drawing in the National Gallery of Canada', Annual Bulletin of the National Gallery of Canada, III, 1979, pp. 57-66
1982P. de Vecchi, Tout l'oeuvre peint de Raphael, Paris 1982
1983J.-P. Cuzin, Raphaël: Vie et oeuvre, Fribourg 1983
1983P. Joannides, The Drawings of Raphael: With a Complete Catalogue, Oxford 1983
1983R. Jones and N. Penny, Raphael, New Haven 1983
1983D. Thompson, Raphael: The Life and Legacy, London 1983
1983F.F. Mancini, 'Raffaello e Francesco Tifernate: Un documento e alcune precisazioni', Antichità viva, XXII, 1983, pp. 27-34
1983A. Marabottini, Raffaello giovane e Città di Castello (exh. cat. Pinacoteca Comunale, 1983), Città di Castello 1983
1985G.B. Pezzini, S. Massari and S. Prosperi Valenti Rodinò, Raphael invenit: Stampe da Raffaello nelle collezioni dell'Istituto nazionale per la grafica catalogo, Rome 1985
1986K. Oberhuber, 'Raphael and Pintoricchio', Studies in the History of Art, XVII, 1986, pp. 155-72
1986P. Vecchi, 'The Coronation of the Virgin in the Vatican Pinacoteca and Raphael's Activity Between 1502 and 1504', Studies in the History of Art, XVII, 1986, pp. 73-82
1987Gould, Cecil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Schools, London 1987
1987L.D. Ettlinger and H.S. Ettlinger, Raphael, Oxford 1987
1988J. Burckhardt, The Altarpiece in Renaissance Italy, ed. P. Humfrey, Oxford 1988
1988J. Stumpel, 'On Grounds and Backgrounds: Some Remarks about Composition in Renaissance Painting', Simiolus, XVIII/4, 1988, pp. 219-43
1989S.F. Pagden and M.A. Zancan, Raffaello: Catalogo completo dei dipinti, Florence 1989
1990J. Plesters, 'Technical Aspects of some Paintings by Raphael in the National Gallery', in J. Shearman and M.B. Hall (eds), The Princeton Raphael Symposium: Science in the Service of Art History, Princeton 1990, pp. 15-37
1991J. Dunkerton et al., Giotto to Dürer: Early Renaissance Painting in the National Gallery, New Haven 1991
1991M.B. Hall, Colour and Meaning: Practice and Theory in Renaissance Painting, Cambridge 1991
1991B. Santi, Raffaello, Florence 1991
1991P. Zampetti, Pittura nelle Marche, Florence 1991
1995P. de Vecchi, Raffaello: La mimesi, l'armonia e l'invenzione, Florence 1995
1996J. Meyer zur Capellen, Raphael in Florence, trans. S.B. Polter, London 1996
1997F.C. Serraller, Rafael, Madrid 1997
1997J. Traeger, Renaissance und Religion: Die Kunst des Glaubens im Zeitalter Raphaels, Munich 1997
1998S. Buck and P. Hohenstatt, Raffaello Santi, Known as Raphael, 1483-1520, Cologne 1998
1998L.F. Jacobs, Early Netherlandish Carved Altarpieces, 1380-1550: Medieval Tastes and Mass Marketing, Cambridge 1998
1999R. Freiherr Hiller von Gaertringen, Raffaels Lernerfahrungen in der Werkstatt Peruginos: Kartonverwendung und Motivübernahme im Wandel, Munich 1999
1999K. Oberhuber, Raphael: The Paintings, Munich 1999
1999C. Wagner, Farbe und Metapher: Die Entstehung einer neuzeitlichen Bildmetaphorik in der vorrömischen Malerei Raphaels, Berlin 1999
2000G. Finaldi, The Image of Christ, London 2000
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2001J. Meyer zur Capellen, Raphael: A Critical Catalogue of His Paintings, vol. 1, Beginnings in Umbria and Florence, ca. 1500-1508, Landshut 2001
2002T. Henry, 'Raphael's Altar-Piece Patrons in Città di Castello', The Burlington Magazine, CXLIV, 2002, pp. 270-4
2003J. Shearman, Raphael in Early Modern Sources (1483-1602), New Haven 2003
2003D. Wardleworth, 'The "Friendly" Battle for the Mond Bequest', British Art Journal, IV/3, 2003, pp. 87-93
2004A. Roy, M. Spring and C. Plazzotta, 'Raphael's Early Work in the National Gallery: Paintings before Rome', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XXV, 2004, pp. 4-35
2004H. Chapman, T. Henry and C. Plazzotta, Raphael: From Urbino to Rome (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 20 October 2004 - 16 January 2005), London 2004
2006T. Henry and F.F. Mancini, Gli esordi di Raffaello: Tra Urbino, Città di Castello e Perugia, (exh. cat. Pinacoteca Communale (Città di Castello), Palazzo Vitelli alla Cannoniera, 24 March - 11 June 2006), Città di Castello 2006
2006C. Saumarez Smith et al., Ludwig Mond's Bequest: A Gift to the Nation (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 14 July - 29 October 2006), London 2006
2007M. Spring, 'Raphael's Materials: Some New Discoveries and their Context within Early Sixteenth-Century Painting', in A. Roy and M. Spring (eds), Raphael's Painting Technique: Working Practices before Rome: Proceedings of the Eu-ARTECH Workshop, Florence 2007, pp. 77-86
2007R. Billinge, 'Recent Study of Raphael's Early Paintings in the National Gallery, London, with Infrared Reflectography', in A. Roy and M. Spring (eds), Raphael's Painting Technique: Working Practices before Rome: Proceedings of the Eu-ARTECH Workshop, Florence 2007, pp. 67-75
2022Plazzotta, Carol, and Tom Henry, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings, 4, Raphael, London 2022
This is a reproduction frame, based on a sixteenth-century Italian frame which was previously on Veronese’s The Dream of Saint Helena.
On the back edge is a twisted ribbon. The carved frieze, composed of scrolling foliage, flowers and tendrils, is set against a punch-tooled background, and has a winged cherub centred at the top. Set in the frieze at the bottom of the frame is a cartouche detailing the inventory number, date of the bequest and artist’s name (‘3943 / MOND BEQUEST, 1924 / RAPHAEL’).
On either side of the frieze, the frame is ornamented with a bead-and-reel motif on the inner edge, and imbricated (overlapping) laurel leaves on the outer edge. The reverse moulding is adorned with fruits and leaves, culminating in an acanthus leaf at the top and corners. The sight edge features a lamb’s-tongue motif.
Raphael’s The Mond Crucifixion was commissioned by Domenico Gavari for his burial chapel in the church of S. Domenico, Città di Castello. It was integrated into the chapel’s architecture within a stone frame, which still exists in its original setting.
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.