Abraham Pietersz. van Calraet was born in Dordrecht, where he seems to have spent his life. He may have been a pupil of Aelbert Cuyp, whose style he closely imitated. He was a still-life and landscape painter.
Abraham van Calraet
1642 - 1722
Works by Abraham van Calraet
Against a grey sky threatening snow, the people of Dordrecht are out on the ice. In the foreground, a man chats to a woman with a laden basket. The sharp pink of her jacket is echoed on the saddle cloth of one of the horses on the left, the vivid colour enlivening the muted browns and greys of th...
On display elsewhere
Paintings depicting the interior of large stables were first made popular by Philips Wouwerman in Haarlem in the 1650s. They tend to depict day-to-day activity in large rural stables – a gentleman horseman, surrounded by his servants. Van Calraet was working 30 to 40 years later in Dordrecht and...
Not on display
Probably by Abraham van Calraet
This handsome horse, which would have been an impressive status symbol in seventeenth-century Holland, is presented in a dramatic light. It dwarfs the stable boy. Its forequarters stand out brightly against the dark hillside while its rump is contrasted against the luminous sky; there are no othe...
Not on display