Van der Helst was born in Haarlem; he may have been taught by Nicolaes Eliasz. in Amsterdam, where he is recorded in 1636 and where he was active for the rest of his career. He was a portrait and figure painter.
Bartholomeus van der Helst
1613 - 1670
Works by Bartholomeus van der Helst
The young girl in this portrait seems a little shy and tentative. Her eyes are wide and enquiring, her eyebrows slightly raised. She holds out the fan a little awkwardly as if uncertain what to do with it. Her hand placed on her stomach almost appears to steady her.The girl’s identity is unknown,...
Not on display
The lady in Bartholomeus van der Helst’s portrait may be unknown now, but she appears to have been a woman of some status. Standing out against a severe, plain black background, her clothes announce her wealth and status – and little else. Although she appears modest and unassuming her gaze is di...
Not on display
The young man in this portrait leans on a stone ornament, confident and at his ease. Dressed fashionably in black, with large amounts of expensive lace on show, he has a falling collar – a relatively new trend in Holland – and a multitude of tiny buttons down the front of his coat. The black sati...
Not on display