Italian, Roman
Works by Italian, Roman
A lizard grasps at a shrub and tries to scare off a crane, which has trapped its tail under a clawed foot. A snake twisted around a vine above joins in, its long red tongue visible as it hisses at the bird.This is one of only two mosaics in the National Gallery’s collection as we no longer collec...
Not on display
A man with a distinctive beard and moustache sits in a chair looking out. He wears a black ecclesiastical robe and holds a geometric compass in his left hand. On the table to the left is an armillary sphere and a sheet of paper with a horoscope, on which rests a book inscribed along the edge of i...
Not on display
This unusual design is an adaptation of a twelfth-century mosaic that shows Christ crucified and decorates the apse of San Clemente in Rome. Its Cross is, as here, adorned with 12 doves; they represent the Twelve Apostles, Christ’s followers who spread his message after his death.Looping tendrils...
Not on display