He was born and worked in Antwerp, where he was taught by Frans Snijders. In 1633-4 he was in Paris, on his way to Italy. He may have visited the Netherlands; Dutch influence probably helped to moderate his early Baroque style. By 1641 he had returned to Antwerp. He was a still-life, animal and flower painter, especially famous for his depiction of trophies from the hunt.
Jan Fyt
1611 - 1661
Works by Jan Fyt
Jan Fyt was an extremely successful painter of bird and animal still-life pictures, using a light, frothy style of brushwork peculiar to him. Here, he has piled up the birds' bodies – a brace of partridges alongside a greenfinch, chaffinch, brambling, robin and quail – in a pyramid. The evening s...
Not on display
Probably by Jan Fyt
A hare’s carcass hangs from a fixing on a wall, a wound bloodying its soft, furry stomach. Its untethered leg flops lifelessly toward an overflowing basket of fruit, below which three dead birds – a brace of partridges and a jay – are displayed top-to-tail. A precious blue and white porcelain bow...
Not on display