Giovanni di Pietro was a Spaniard, and known as Lo Spagna in Italy (Espagna is the Italian for Spain). He worked in Perugia, Todi, Trevi and Spoleto. Several authenticated works exist. He may have been in Perugia in 1470; he was certainly there in 1504. He imitated Perugino and to a lesser extent, Raphael.
Lo Spagna
active 1504; died 1528
Works by Lo Spagna
Christ kneels in prayer and looks up at an angel who holds a chalice. This is the beginning of the Passion (Christ’s torture and crucifixion), when Christ prayed in the garden at Gethsemane: knowing that he is to die, Christ asks God to ‘take this cup away from my lips’.It was painted by Lo Spagn...
Not on display
Christ Carrying the Cross is a painting dating from the beginning of Lo Spagna’s professional maturity as an artist. Bent under the weight of the large wooden cross, Christ looks towards the viewer as he makes his way along the road to Calvary. Behind him, a raised area of ground falls away to r...
Not on display
Probably by Lo Spagna
Christ kneels on a grassy hillock, hands folded in prayer, and looks up at a floating angel who carries a chalice. At the front, three of the apostles slumber, heads resting on their arms or hands. Soldiers wearing fantastic Renaissance versions of classical armour approach from the sides, led by...
Not on display