Works by Spanish
A man and child are seated at a table. The man looks attentively at the child, who turns away and picks a grape from a bunch nearby. The rest of the composition is only roughly sketched in; the child’s left arm, the man’s body and the table are unfinished.The painting was once thought to be by a...
Not on display
This sketchily painted landscape is dotted with groups of figures in seventeenth-century Spanish dress. We are not certain where the scene is set, although it may be the forest of the Palace of El Pardo, north-west of Madrid. This palace had vast hunting grounds, which are probably those represen...
Not on display
Probably Spanish
The ointment jar the woman holds is an attribute of Mary Magdalene, but this seems to be a portrait of a woman in the guise of the saint. The sitter’s hairstyle and distinctive necklace can be associated with early sixteenth-century medals and specifically with an anonymous portrait of the Spanis...
Not on display