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Secondary schools

Talks, workshops and teaching resources for school groups 

Key Stages 3–5

School visits 2024-25

The National Gallery's new Centre for Creative Learning will be opening early in 2025. It will give us larger and more dynamic spaces for making and talking about art, celebrating children and young people’s creativity and encouraging imagination.

We will be unable to host onsite school visits in the autumn and early part of the spring terms but will continue to run online sessions. To coincide with our van Gogh exhibition, which opens in September 2024, we will be offering additional online workshops inspired by van Gogh's works in the National Gallery collection.

Find out more about our full online programme and how to make a booking below.

Secondary school sessions

Educator-led live sessions for schools, offered online only:

Online talks

Interact and ask questions in these talks led by Educators over Zoom.

See our online talks

Online practical workshops

Develop practical skills with these artist-led workshops over Zoom.

See our online workshops 

SEND groups

Tailored multisensory sessions for students with special education needs and disabilities (SEND).

See our SEND programme

Self-guided groups

Information about booking a group of six or more.

Find out more

For secondary school teachers

CPD sessions, cultural placements, and inspiring ways to engage with art. 

CPD sessions

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) sessions for teachers.

See our CPD sessions

Initial Teacher Education

Sessions for trainee teachers training as part of a higher education course or in school-based training.

See our training sessions


Inspiring ways students can engage with the collection, from 5-minute meditations to 10-minute talks.

See the latest stories

Our nationally acclaimed public speaking initiative for young people aged between 14 and 23
Find out more

The National Gallery Schools Programme is supported by the GRP Charitable Trust