SEND programme
Tailored sessions for students with special education needs and disabilities (SEND)
Primary and Secondary schools
Tailored sessions for students with special education needs and disabilities (SEND)
Primary and Secondary schools
The National Gallery's new Centre for Creative Learning has extended facilities to allow visitors with additional needs to experience the collection and explore their own creativity. The new Creative Space provides a flexible and sensory environment, blending traditional approaches with appropriate technology, such as lighting, sound and projection. The whole centre has acoustic treatment reducing distracting noise, particular attention has been given to flooring, and there is a fully equipped Changing Places facility.
We are happy to adapt all our sessions, but also offer bespoke workshops. The SEND programme builds on the Gallery’s experience of running programmes for this audience, and has been further developed in collaboration with specialist practitioners through our termly school partnership. Specially developed resources are used to engage young people and inspire their teachers and carers to use The National Gallery as a resource for learning and enrichment.
Experience the sounds and spaces, colours and light at The National Gallery. Paintings are explored through the senses, music, drama and practical art activities. These may involve simple print making, fabric painting, making paint and mark making, depending on the interests and needs of the students. You will always have the opportunity to go into the Gallery to see the actual paintings and engage with colours, textures, shapes and the architecture of the building. You may wish to focus on a single painting or choose to investigate a theme through several paintings.
This session can be tailored for students with moderate learning difficulties (MLD), severe learning difficulties (SLD) and profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). Prior to your Gallery visit, we offer an online session to find out more about your students and their needs, how the workshop fits with other areas you are studying, and how best we can support you.
Capacity: 12 max
Schedule: Times and schedule to be agreed prior to visit. Please email
Each term we work in depth with one SEND school to create a programme of activities bespoke to their students and teachers. If you would like to partner with us, please email and we will arrange a call.