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Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, 'The Wagon ('Souvenir of Saintry')', 1874

Key facts
Full title The Wagon ('Souvenir of Saintry')
Artist Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
Artist dates 1796 - 1875
Date made 1874
Medium and support oil on canvas
Dimensions 46 × 55.9 cm
Inscription summary Signed; Dated
Acquisition credit Presented by William Edward Brandt, Henry Augustus Brandt, Walter Augustus Brandt and Alice Mary Bleecker in memory of Rudolph Ernst Brandt, 1963
Inventory number NG6340
Location Not on display
Collection Main Collection
The Wagon ('Souvenir of Saintry')
Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

A sandy road leads from the immediate foreground to a cluster of sunlit buildings in the centre background. A further, much hazier group, lies just to the right of the prominent tree. The first group depicts the village of Saintry, south-east of Paris. The square tower with its pointed roof is a dovecot which still stands next to the town hall. The buildings to the left are probably those of a different village, Morsang-sur-Seine. While attending a family celebration in May 1873, Corot painted the first version of this view. He painted this second version a year later, almost certainly in the studio, shifting the viewpoint slightly and changing some of the details.

In his later years Corot painted substantial numbers of ‘souvenirs’, or paintings based on memories of actual places. This painting could be also described as a repetition or variant as it is so close to the first version.

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