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Agostino Carracci, 'Cephalus carried off by Aurora in her Chariot', about 1599

About the work


A strong, determined woman is pushing a reluctant youth into a chariot on the left. This is Aurora, goddess of the dawn, who has fallen in love with a mortal, the hunter Cephalus. He resists her advances, for he is already in love with Procris, daughter of the king of Athens.

This is one of two large drawings made in connection with the ceiling decoration of the Gallery in the Palazzo Farnese in Rome, which was begun in 1597. The other drawing, A Woman borne off by a Sea God (?), is also in the National Gallery’s collection. The project, centred around the classical theme of the loves of the gods, was largely designed and executed by Annibale Carracci, with the assistance of his older brother Agostino. These large sheets represent the final stage of the preparatory drawings – the full-scale cartoons from which images were transferred onto the ceiling.

Key facts


Full title
Cephalus carried off by Aurora in her Chariot
Artist dates
1557 - 1602
Part of the series
The Farnese Gallery Cartoons
Date made
about 1599
Medium and support
charcoal and white chalk on paper
202.5 × 398.8 cm
Acquisition credit
Presented by Lord Francis Egerton, 1837
Inventory number
Not on display
Main Collection
20th-century Replica Frame

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.


About the series: The Farnese Gallery Cartoons


These huge cartoons were made in preparation for the painted ceiling in the Gallery of one of Rome’s greatest Renaissance private palaces, the Palazzo Farnese (now the site of the French Embassy in Rome). In 1593 Odoardo Farnese, who had just been made a cardinal, opened negotiations to get the Carracci brothers to decorate the palace he had inherited the previous year. Annibale Carracci moved to Rome in 1595, and was followed by his older brother Agostino two years later.

The Carraccis frescoed the vault and end walls of the long narrow Gallery on the first floor of the palace, where the Farnese family’s extensive collection of antiquities were displayed. Packed with illusionistic architecture, sculptures and painted mythological scenes illustrating the loves of the gods, the ceiling gives the impression of being three-dimensional. The frescoed decoration in the Palazzo Farnese is rightly considered the Carraccis' crowning achievement and was widely admired both during their lifetime and afterwards.

Works in the series

A strong, determined woman is pushing a reluctant youth into a chariot on the left. This is Aurora, goddess of the dawn, who has fallen in love with a mortal, the hunter Cephalus. He resists her advances, for he is already in love with Procris, daughter of the king of Athens.This is one of two la...
Not on display
A muscular sea god, with dragon-like wings sprouting from his hips, is carrying off a naked woman. They are surrounded by winged infants known as putti and a host of marine divinities, some of whom ride on dolphins. Cupid aims an arrow at the couple in the centre. This is a working drawing, or ca...
Not on display