Anthony van Dyck, 'Lord John Stuart and his Brother, Lord Bernard Stuart', about 1638
About the work
This life-size double portrait shows the youngest sons of the 3rd Duke of Lennox: Lord John Stuart, on the left, with his brother Lord Bernard Stuart. They were only about 17 and 18 but they ooze aristocratic superiority and are dressed in extravagant fashion.
Van Dyck’s ability to evoke the textures of silk and satin was one reason his portraits were so popular with the aristocracy at the time. Here he has enhanced the effects further by using the clear lines and muted colours of the background as a foil for the folds and rich colours of the fabrics.
He has also evoked a tension in the brothers' relationship. They stand close, their postures overlapping, each with his left hand on his hip and his torso turned towards the other. But their eyes do not meet. One leans back rather passively, while the other, who looks directly us, takes an active step forward, his spurs and sword clearly on display.
Key facts
- Full title
- Lord John Stuart and his Brother, Lord Bernard Stuart
- Artist
- Anthony van Dyck
- Artist dates
- 1599 - 1641
- Date made
- about 1638
- Medium and support
- oil on canvas
- Dimensions
- 237.5 × 146.1 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1988
- Inventory number
- NG6518
- Location
- Not on display
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 19th-century English Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the National Gallery’s Annual Report, ‘The National Gallery Report: January 1988 – March 1989’.
Exhibition history
2009Van Dyck & BritainTate Britain18 February 2009 - 17 May 2009
2016Painters' Paintings: From Freud to Van DyckThe National Gallery (London)23 June 2016 - 4 September 2016
2019Rubens, Van Dyck and the Splendour of Flemish PaintingSzépművészeti Múzeum29 October 2019 - 16 February 2020
2022Gainsborough's Blue BoyThe National Gallery (London)25 January 2022 - 15 May 2022
2023Masterpieces from the National GalleryShanghai Art Museum East17 January 2023 - 7 May 2023National Museum of Korea2 June 2023 - 9 October 2023Hong Kong Palace Museum22 November 2023 - 11 April 2024Chimei Museum2 May 2024 - 1 September 2024
1815R. Smirke, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Pictures Now Exhibiting at the British Institution, London 1815
J. Smith, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters: In Which is Included a Short Biographical Notice of the Artists, with a Copious Description of Their Principal Pictures […], vol. 2, London 1830
1854G.F. Waagen, Treasures of Art in Great Britain: Being and Account of the Chief Collections of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Illuminated Mss. […], vol. 2, trans. E. Eastlake, London 1854
1857W. Bürger, Trésors d'art exposés à Manchester en 1857 et provenant des collections royales, des collections publiques et des collections particulières de la Grande Bretagne par W. Burger, Paris 1857
1877F.G. Stephens, On the Pictures at Cobham Hall: An Address Delivered in the Picture Gallery, July 27th, 1876, London 1877
1882J. Guiffrey, Antoine van Dyck: Sa vie et son oeuvre, Paris 1882
1887'The Grosvenor Exhibition (Third and Concluding Notice)', The Athenaeum, 1887
1887C.S. Robertson, 'Cobham Hall: Inventory of Furniture and Pictures in 1672', Archaeologia Cantiana, XVII, 1887, pp. 392-408
1899C. Phillips, 'Van Dyck's Works at the Academy', Daily Telegraph, II, 1899
1900L.H. Cust, Anthony van Dyck: An Historical Study of his Life and Works, London 1900
1900M. Rooses, Fifty Masterpieces of Anthony van Dyck in Photogravure, trans. F. Knowles, London 1900
1900E. Law, 'The van Dyck Exhibition at the Royal Academy, II', Magazine of Art, XXIV, 1900, pp. 200‑3
1900C. Phillips, 'Van Dyck at Burlington House', Art Journal, 1900
1909E. Schaeffer, Van Dyck: Des Meisters Gemälde, Stuttgart 1909
1922C. Holmes, 'Georges and Francis Villiers', The Burlington Magazine, XL, 1922, pp. 54-6
1930A.J.H. Cornette, La peinture à l'exposition d'art flamand à Anvers (exh. cat. Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, 1930), Brussels 1930
1931G. Glück, Van Dyck, des Meisters Gemälde, Stuttgart 1931
1932M.A. Cornette, Trésor de l'art Flamand du Moyen Age au XVIIIme siècle: Mémorial de l'exposition d'art Flamend ancient à Anvers 1930, par un groupe de spécialiste, Paris 1932
1937F. van den Wijngaert, Anthony Van Dyck, Antwerp 1937
1937C.R. Cammell, 'A Misnamed Portrait Group at the National Gallery', The Connoisseur, 1937, pp. 202ff
1970G. Martin, The Flemish School, circa 1600-circa 1900, London 1970
1974R.R. Wark, 'A Note on Gainsborough and van Dyck', Museum Monographs, III, 1974, pp. 45‑53
1982O. Millar, Van Dyck in England, London 1982-1983
1982C. Brown, Van Dyck, Oxford 1982
1987O. Millar, 'Sir Anthony van Dyck's "Double portrait of Lord John and Lord"', Sotheby's Art at Auction, 1988,
1988E. Larsen, The Paintings of Anthony van Dyck, Freren 1988
1988G. Waterfield et al., A Nest of Nightingales: Thomas Gainsborough: The Linley Sisters (exh. cat. Dulwich Picture Gallery, 21 September - 30 December 1988), London 1988
1988O. Millar, 'Sir Anthony Van Dyck's Double Portrait of Lord John and Lord Bernard Stuart', in S. Liddell (ed.), Sotheby's Art at Auction 1987-88, London 1988
1989National Gallery, The National Gallery Report: January 1988- March 1989, London 1989
1990S.J. Barnes, A.K. Wheelock and J. Held, Anthony Van Dyck, New York 1990-1991
1992G. Beard, The Complete Gentleman: Five Centuries of Aristocratic Life, New York 1992
1994M. Rogers, 'Van Dyck's Portrait of Lord George Stuart, Seigneur d'Aubigny, and Some Related Works', in S.J. Barnes and A.K. Wheelock (eds), <i>Van Dyck 350</i>, Washington 1994, pp. 263-78
1994B. Zuur, 'Art and Status in the Dutch Republic', in Faces of the Golden Age: Seventeenth-Century Dutch Portraits, The Hague 1994
1995R. White and J. Pilc, 'Analyses of Paint Media', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XVI, 1995, pp. 85-95
1999H. Vlieghe and C. Brown, Van Dyck 1599-1641, Antwerp and London 1999
1999E.E.S. Gordenker, 'The Rhetoric of Dress in Seventeenth-Century Dutch and Flemish Portraiture', Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, LVII, 1999, pp. 87-104
1999A. Roy, 'The National Gallery van Dycks: Technique and Development', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XX, 1999, pp. 50‑83
1999R. White, 'Van Dyck's Paint Medium', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XX, 1999, pp. 84-8
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2001E.E. Gordenker, Van Dyck (1599-1641) and the Representation of Dress in the Seventeenth-Century Portraiture, Turnhout 2001
2001E. Chaney and G. Worsdale, The Stuart Portrait: Status and Legacy (exh. cat., Southampton Art Gallery), Southampton 2001
2004H. Vey et al., Van Dyck: A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings, New Haven 2004
2007M. Baur-Callwey, Die Differenzierung des Gemeinsamen: Männliche Doppelporträts in England von Hans Holbein d. J. bis Joshua Reynolds, Munich 2007
2009K. Hearn (ed.), Van Dyck & Britain (exh. cat., Tate Britain, London), London 2009
2010C. Whitfield and E. Clark, Caravaggio's Friends & Foes, London 2010
2016S. Alsteens and A. Eaker, Van Dyck: The Anatomy of Portraiture, New Haven and London 2016
2016A. Robbins, Painters' Paintings: From Freud to Van Dyck (exh. cat., The National Gallery, London), London 2016
2019J. Tátrai, Van Dyck and the Splendour of Flemish Painting, ed. A. Varga, Budapest 2019-2020
2019H. Belsey and J. Yarker, Thomas Gainsborough: The Portraits, Fancy Pictures and Copies after Old Masters, New Haven 2019
2021J. Peacock, Picturing Courtiers and Nobles from Castiglione to Van Dyck: Self Representation by Early Modern Elites, New York 2021
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.