Possibly by Anthony van Dyck, 'Drunken Silenus supported by Satyrs', about 1620
About the work
This uproarious crowd of mythical characters is noisy and ill-behaved, but meant to make you smile. The old man who has lost his clothes in the revels is Silenus – in Roman myth, the teacher and mentor of Bacchus, the god of wine. In the seventeenth century, the Roman myths were popular as subjects for painting. Flemish artists in particular found Silenus a personification of everything ribald, exuberant and funny. He made an appealing subject, giving artists the chance to paint an old man, naked and drunk – comic but sometimes touched with pathos.
The picture came from Rubens’s studio in Antwerp and it seems to have been a joint effort by several young artists working there. But the superb rendering of Silenus’ bloated, happy face and the folds and bulges of his solid, glowing flesh strongly suggest that they were painted by the young Anthony van Dyck.
Key facts
- Full title
- Drunken Silenus supported by Satyrs
- Artist
- Possibly by Anthony van Dyck
- Artist dates
- 1599 - 1641
- Date made
- about 1620
- Medium and support
- oil on canvas
- Dimensions
- 133.5 × 197 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1871
- Inventory number
- NG853
- Location
- Room 18
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Previous owners
- Frame
- 18th-century French Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Gregory Martin, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Flemish School: circa 1600–circa 1900’, London 1986; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2013Divine BodiesLaing Art Gallery6 June 2013 - 29 September 2013
2014Rubens and His LegacyCentre for Fine Arts (BOZAR)25 September 2014 - 4 January 2015Royal Academy of Arts24 January 2015 - 10 April 2015
2021Rubens: Picturing AntiquityThe Getty Villa Malibu10 November 2021 - 24 January 2022
1677R. de Piles, Conversations sur la connoissance de la peinture, et sur le jugement qu'on doit faire des tableaux: Où par occasion il est parlé de la vie de Rubens, & de quelques-uns de ses plus beaux ouvrages, Paris 1677
1681R. de Piles, Dissertation sur les ouvrages des plus fameux peintres: Dediée à Monseigneur le Duc de Richelieu, Paris 1681
1787L. Thiéry, Guide des amateur et des étrangers voyageurs à Paris, ou description raisonnée de cette ville, de sa banlieue, & de tout ce qu'elles contiennent de remarquable, vol. 1, Paris 1787
1804Alexandre Paillet, Catalogue des tableaux, marbres, bronzes, vases précieux, porcelaines anciennes, meubles de Boulle, et autres articles curieux: Composant le cabinet de feu M. Dutartre, ancien trésorier des bâtimens, Paris, 19 March 1804
1812Choix de gravures à l'eau forte: D'après les peintures originales et les marbres de la galerie de Lucien Bonaparte: Cent quarante deux gravures, London 1812
1815Catalogue of the splendid collection of pictures belonging to Prince Lucien Buonaparte […], London 1815
1824W. Buchanan, Memoirs of Painting: With a Chronological History of the Importation of Pictures by the Great Masters into England Since the French Revolution, London 1824
1827M. Henry, Catalogue de tableaux précieux des diverses écoles et autres objets de curiosité, tels qu'émaux de petitot, dessins, gravures, marbres antiques et modernes, bronzes, meubles de Boule, etc.: Formant le cabinet de feu M. le Cher Féréol Bonnemaison, Paris, 17-21 April 1827
1829E.A. Réveil and J. Duchesne, Musée de peinture et de sculpture, ou, recueil des principaux tableaux, statues et bas-reliefs des collections publiques et particulières de l'Europe, vol. 2, Paris 1829
1831Catalogue of pictures by Italian, Spanish, Flemish, Dutch, and English masters, with which the Proprietors have favoured the Institution, June 1831, London 1831
1837G.F. Waagen, Kunstwerke und Künstler in England und Paris, vol. 1, Berlin 1837
1838G.F. Waagen, Works of Art and Artists in England, trans. H. Lloyd, vol. 2, London 1838
1842J. Smith, Supplement to the: A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters: In Which is Included a Short Biographical Notice of the Artists, with a Copious Description of Their Principal Pictures […], vol. 9, London 1842
1843A. Cunningham, The Life of Sir David Wilkie: With His Journals, Tours, and Critical Remarks on Works of Art; and a Selection from His Correspondence, vol. 2, London 1843
1844A.M. Jameson, Companion to the Most Celebrated Private Galleries of Art in London: Containing Accurate Catalogues, Arranged Alphabetically, for Immediate Reference, Each Preceded by an Historical & Critical Introduction […], London 1844
1890M. Rooses and J. Maes, L'œuvre de P. P. Rubens: Histoire et description de ses tableaux et dessins, vol. 3, Antwerp 1890
1904W. Armstrong, The Peel Collection and the Dutch School of Painting, London 1904
1905A. Rosenberg, P. P. Rubens: Des Meisters Gemälde in 551 Abbildungen, ed. R. Oldenbourg, Stuttgart 1905
1928L. Burchard, 'Die neuerworbene Landschaft von Rubens im Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum', Jahrbuch der Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, XLIX/1, 1928, pp. 62-8
1931G. Glück, Van Dyck, des Meisters Gemälde, Stuttgart 1931
1944H.G. Evers, Rubens und sein Werk: Neue Forschungen: Mit 370 Abbildungen, Brussels 1944
1947P. Hendy, An Exhibition of Cleaned Pictures of 1947: (1936-1947), London 1947
1949J. Denucé, Na Peter Pauwel Rubens: Documenten uit den kunsthandel te Antwerpen in de XVII eeuw van Matthijs Musson, Antwerp 1949
1963B. Teyssèdre, 'Une collection de Rubens au XVIIe siècle: Le cabinet du duc de Richelieu décrit par Roger de Piles (1676 - 1681)', Gazette des beaux-arts, LXII, November 1963, pp. 241-300
1976H.B. Teilman, 'Head of a Man by Peter Paul Rubens', Carnegie Magazine, March 1976, pp. 108-17
1977A.P. de Mirimonde, 'Rubens et la Musique', Jaarboek van het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen, 1977, pp. 97-197
1977D. Bodart, Rubens e l'incisione nelle collezioni del Gabinetto Nazionale delle Stampe, Rome 1977
1986Martin, Gregory, National Gallery Catalogues: The Flemish School, circa 1600 - circa 1900, London 1986
1988E. Larsen, The Paintings of Anthony van Dyck, Freren 1988
1989M. Jaffé, Rubens: Catalogo completo, Milan 1989
1989H. Robels, Frans Snyders, Stilleben- und Tiermaler, 1579-1657, Munich 1989
1990S.J. Barnes, A.K. Wheelock and J. Held, Anthony Van Dyck, New York 1990-1991
1990D. Bodart (ed.), Pietro Paolo Rubens (1577-1640), Rome 1990
1991C.B. Bailey, Les amours des dieux: La peinture mythologique de Watteau á David, Paris 1991
1992R. Stephan-Maaser, Mythos und Lebenswelt. Studien zum 'Trunkenen Silen' von Peter Paul Rubens, Münster 1992
1994K. Renger, 'Die Anstückungen von Münchner "Silen" und "Schäferszenen"', Wallraf-Richartz-Jahrbuch, LV, 1994, pp. 171-84
1995S. Alpers, The Making of Rubens, New Haven 1995
1995M. Gregori, 'La collezione dei dipinti antichi', in M. Natoli, Luciano Bonaparte: Le sue collezioni d'arte, le sue residenze a Roma, nel Lazio in Italia (1804–1840), Rome 1995, pp. 263-313
1995R. Bartoli Contini, 'La Galleria Bonaparte. Catalogo', in M. Natoli, Luciano Bonaparte: Le sue collezioni d'arte, le sue residenze a Roma, nel Lazio, in Italia (1804-1840), Rome 1995, pp. 315-72
1997B. Edelein-Badie, La collection de tableaux de Lucien Bonaparte, prince de Canino, Paris 1997
1999H. Vlieghe and C. Brown, Van Dyck 1599-1641, Antwerp and London 1999
1999L. Keith, 'The Rubens Studio and the "Drunken Silenus supported by Satyrs"', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XX, 1999, pp. 96-104
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2004H. Vey et al., Van Dyck: A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings, New Haven 2004
2004T. Döring et al., Peter Paul Rubens: Barocke Leidenschaften, Munich 2004
2010R. Bartoli, 'Lucien Bonaparte collectionneur', in M.T. Caracciolo (ed.), Lucien Bonaparte: Un homme libre, 1775-1840, Milan 2010, pp. 241-53
2012A. Vergara and F. Lammertse, The Young Van Dyck (exh. cat., Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid), Madrid 2012
2012F. Lammertse and A. Vergara, 'A Portrait of Van Dyck as a Young Artist', in F. Lammertse and A. Vergara (eds), The Young Van Dyck, Madrid 2012, pp. 23-73
2014N. von Hout and A. Galansino, Rubens and his Legacy, London 2014-15
2014G. Gruber, 'Lust', in A. Galansino and N. van Hout, Rubens and His Legacy, London 2014, pp. 120-75
2021A.T. Woollett, D. Gasparotto and J. Spier, Rubens: Picturing Antiquity (exh. cat., J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles), Los Angeles 2021
2021A.T. Woollett, ‘Visualizing an Epic Past: Rubens, Antiquity, and the Art of Painting’, in A.T. Woollett, D. Gasparotto and J. Spier, Rubens: Picturing Antiquity (exh. cat., J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles), Los Angeles 2021, pp. 5-27
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.