Catalogue entry
Joseph Mallord William Turner ra –
NG 472
Calais Pier, with French Poissards preparing for Sea: an English Packet arriving
,Extracted from:
Judy Egerton, The British Paintings (London: National Gallery Company and Yale University Press, 2000).

© The National Gallery, London
Oil on canvas, 172 × 240 cm (67¾ × 94½ in.)
Turner Bequest 1856.
RA 1803 (46); Tate Gallery 1931 (19); Paris, Louvre, 1938 (140); New York, Chicago, Toronto and London, Tate Gallery, 1946‐7 (45); Moscow and Leningrad 1960 (51); RA 1974‐5 (75); Tate Gallery, Turner’s Holland, 1994 (2).
At the Tate Gallery 1910‐19; 1949‐56; 1961‐8; and for the opening of the Clore Gallery, April 1987, for six months.
Farington, Diary, vol. VI, pp. 2013, 2023‐4, 2030, 2287‐8; Ruskin, Works, vol. XII, p. 378 and note 1; vol. XIII, pp. 105‐7, 111 n.; Whitley 1928, pp. 58‐9; Davies 1946, p. 147; Davies 1959, pp. 94‐5; Finberg 1961, pp. 81‐2, 97‐101, 171; Gowing 1966, p. 10, with detail of sea; Gage 1969, p. 40; Wilton 1979, pp. 82‐3, 219; A.G.H. Bachrach, “Turner. Ruisdael and the Dutch”, Turner Studies, I, no. 1 (1981), pp. 22‐5, with three details, figs. 7‐9; Wilton 1982, pp. 11‐12; Butlin and Joll 1984, pp. 37‐8 (with exhaustive bibliography to 1984), cat. no. 48, plate 58; Gage 1987, p. 66; Wilton 1987, pp. 64‐6, 85, fig. 89; Shanes 1990, pp. 121‐2;
G.H. Bachrach, Turner’s Holland, exh. cat., Tate Gallery 1994, pp. 13‐14, 28‐9.
by J. Cousen for The Turner Gallery, 1859 (Rawlinson 692), republished The Art Journal, New Series, vol. VII, 1861, facing p. 48.
Technical Notes
In very good condition. As with Sun rising through Vapour (NG 479), Turner used a double thickness of canvas. An unprimed canvas was attached to the stretcher before the second canvas on which the picture was to be painted. In this instance, it appears that the second canvas was sized and primed after it had been stretched – some of the ground has penetrated through to the first canvas. Both canvases are loosely woven and have threads of very variable thickness. Many of the thicker vertical threads of the second canvas have left ridges on the paint surface.
The picture was surface cleaned and varnished in 1890. By 1954, the varnish had become very discoloured and the tacking edges of both canvases had split, and the picture was cleaned and lined.

Our Landing at Calais ‐ nearly swampt, 1802. Black and white chalk on grey paper, drawn across two of the pages, each 43.5 × 27.3 cm, of the ‘Calais Pier’ sketchbook (TB LXXXI‐58‐9), and inscribed as title (composite image) . London, Tate Gallery. © Tate Gallery
Calais Pier was included in the first public display of 34 oils and 102 watercolours from Turner’s bequest to the nation, selected by Ruskin and presented from February 1857 as ‘The Turner Gallery’ in Marlborough House, then the only additional space available to the National Gallery. Ruskin’s account of the oils, entitled Notes on the Turner Gallery 1856 and published in a paper‐covered booklet (price one shilling), provided most people with their first guide to Turner’s works, ordered (with long‐unchallenged authority) into ‘periods’. In these Notes, Ruskin pronounced Calais Pier to be ‘the first’ picture to bear the signs of ‘Turner’s colossal power’.1
Calais Pier, Ruskin added, was ‘the richest, wildest and most difficult composition’. ‘What actually happens’ in this complex picture is expertly explained by A.G.H. Bachrach (1981).2 Turner’s title specifies an ‘English packet arriving’; this is the regular cross‐channel ferry‐boat on the left, dark‐sailed and cutter‐rigged, which has arrived in the outer harbour. Passengers crowd her deck to watch a near‐collision as a large French fishing‐boat with light‐coloured sails makes for the open sea.3 From the piers on both sides of the harbour, small fishing‐boats are trying to put out to sea. On the right, and most conspicuously, a small ketch is ‘frantically trying to get … away from the pier on which she threatens to be smashed by the violent on‐shore wind’. Bachrach draws attention to Turner’s placing of a similar ketch on the left, which has succeeded in putting out from the further pier, and is now in a position to make sail and follow the big fishing‐boat in the centre on her way to the open sea: this is exactly the course that the ketch still at the pier hopes to follow. Bachrach observes that ‘For a sail‐conscious public such implied diagonals would have been perfectly obvious’. The packet‐boat flies a British flag; all the fishing‐boats appear to be local. Turner dubs them ‘French poissards’ in his title; this appears to be an idiosyncratic adaptation of the feminine word ‘poissarde’, denoting a fish‐wife (in a ‘low’ or ‘Billingsgate’ sense).4
A strong on‐shore wind bedevils all manoeuvres. But for all the risks in the air, this is not a scene of grave danger, like Dutch Boats in a Gale: Fishermen endeavouring to put their Fish on Board, the so‐called ‘Bridgewater Seapiece’, which Turner had exhibited in 1801 (on long loan to the National Gallery since 1987).5 In that picture, collision is imminent, and dark clouds contribute to the sense of danger. In Calais Pier, Ruskin remarked, ‘It is very squally and windy; but the fishing‐boats are going out to sea, and the packet is coming in in her usual way, and the flat fish are a topic of principal interest on the pier. Nobody is frightened, and there is no danger.’6 While Ruskin is perhaps unaware of the potential danger, he is surely right to stress that this is not a scene of ‘violent storm’. The fishwives on the pier itself, stolidly getting on with the gutting and scaling, assure us of that, as do the blue sky above the wind, and the band of sunlight on the horizon.
The air of excitement which hangs over the picture is largely an echo of Turner’s own feelings. Calais Pier is based on his own observations on arriving at Calais the previous year. On his first trip abroad, at the age of 27, and taking advantage of the Peace of Amiens, Turner had crossed from Dover to Calais on 15 July 1802, in this or a similar ‘English packet’. Farington, who followed him to France the next month, records that the crossing from Dover to the point of landing at Calais pier took ‘three Hours & 35 minutes’ (and cost ten shillings and sixpence, plus a shilling and threepence to the captain).7 Turner’s ‘Calais Pier’ sketchbook (TB LXXXI) contains many pen and ink and chalk studies of shipping, some used in the sea pictures with which Turner made his name in this decade, as well as ideas for historical or mythological paintings such as Hero and Leander (NG 521, pp. 296‐305), painted much later.
A study inscribed ‘Calais Pier’ (fig. 2) provided the essential idea for the painting, indicating a passenger‐boat on the left, a smallish fishing‐boat nearby and another trying to put out from the pier on the right. Turner developed this, with much additional drama, into the principal elements of his finished painting; but in the painting, the central fishing‐boat becomes a larger, light‐sailed trawler, derived from another of his ‘Calais Pier’ sketchbook studies (LXXXI‐151), and its proximity to the ferry‐boat is developed into a drama of nearcollision. In Fishing Boats entering Calais Harbour,8 probably painted about 1803, or soon after Calais Pier, Turner depicts another risk of collision taken by two French fishing‐boats in what Professor Bachrach calls ‘another hair‐raising manoeuvre’,9 also in a strong wind; this time the scene is set outside the piers, with the town of Calais in the background.
Several studies in the ‘Calais Pier’ sketchbook record Turner’s own arrival in France; most of them are reproduced in the exhibition catalogue Turner en France.10 A study inscribed ‘Our Landing at Calais – nearly swampt’ (fig. I)11 is often taken as evidence that Turner himself landed in the same high wind that he depicts in Calais Pier; but as Professor Bachrach points out, if the ferry‐boat had to make a tide‐stop off Calais, passengers eager to land could have themselves rowed ashore, and in fact such sketches show a landing from just such a rowing‐boat, more liable to be ‘nearly swampt’. Farington, by 1802 aged 55 and temperamentally less adventurous, waited to disembark from the ferry until ‘we were placed against the Pier in the harbour of Calais, and landed by ladder’.12
Calais Pier was one of five paintings which Turner exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1803.13 Farington records comments on it from several Royal Academicians, most of whom had not hesitated to praise Turner’s Dutch Boats in a Gale, exhibited two years earlier, particularly for its emulation of the younger Van de Velde. Now full exposure to Turner’s own ‘manner’ rather floored them. West considered that ‘the “Harbour of Calais”, by Turner was clever in his manner but would have been better had more time been employed upon it’.14 Fuseli ‘commended both the “Calais Harbour" and the large Landscape [The Festival upon the Opening of the Vintage of Macon, no. 110 in the 1803 exhibition], thinking they shewed great power of mind, but perhaps the foregrounds too little attended to’;15 but on the same day Farington added that ‘Garvey said to me today that this praise of such crudeness was extravagant, a Humbug’. Sir George Beaumont considered that ‘Turner finishes his distances & middle distances upon a scale that requires universal precission throughout his pictures, – but his foregrounds are comparatively blots, & faces of figures witht. a feature being expressed’.16 Constable, making a general comment on Turner’s five exhibits, thought ‘that Turner becomes more and more extravagant and less attentive to nature’.17 It should be remembered that Turner in 1803 was regarded as a rather uncouth prodigy, capable de tout, but at no point beyond criticism. He had been elected a Royal Academician (on 12 February 1802, at the astonishingly early age of 26) only a year before exhibiting Calais Pier. Neither his works nor his behaviour conformed to the standards to which most Royal Academicians aspired. In short, Turner baffled his elders. Talking about him to Farington in May 1803, shortly after Turner’s election to the Council of the Academy, Ozias Humphry remarked on his ‘arrogant manners … more like those of a groom than anything else; no respect to persons or circumstances’.18

Calais Pier, 1802. Black and white chalk on grey paper, drawn across two of the pages, each 43.5 × 2 7.3 cm, of the ‘Calais Pier’ sketchbook (TB LXXXI‐102‐3), and inscribed as title (composite image) . London, Tate Gallery. © Tate Gallery

Calais Pier, detail (© The National Gallery, London)
The sea in Calais Pier came in for heavy and continued criticism. Farington noted that Beaumont thought ‘the Water in Turner’s Sea Piece (Calais Harbour) like the veins of a marble Slab’;19 nearly a year later, he recorded Thomas Hearne’s remark that in ‘Calais Pier’ the sea ‘appeared like batter’.20 A harsh review in the Sun declared ‘The sea looks like soap and chalk, smoke, and many other things’, while the sky ‘is a heap of marble mountains’; it considered that the picture demonstrated ‘a lamentable proof of genius losing itself in affectation and absurdity’, concluding that ‘the boards of the Pier are well painted, but what an inferior object that is for an artist who has bolder points in view!’21
Ruskin detected ‘the first indication of colour, properly so called, in the fish’ lying on the boards of the pier (fig. 3); they appear to be mostly skate, whose rosy‐coloured wedge shapes have attracted painters from Chardin to Ensor (they reappear on the sands in Sun rising through Vapour (NG 479, see p. 267)).22 He recounts that while the engraver Thomas Lupton was at work on a mezzotint of Calais Pier (eventually unfinished, as noted below), Turner called to examine his progress, and also saw his own painting for the first time for several years.23 ‘In the foreground was a little piece of luxury, a pearly fish wrought into hues like those of an opal. He stood before the picture for some moments; then laughed, and pointed joyously to the fish; ‐ “They say that Turner can’t colour!” and turned away.’24
Calais Pier was based on Turner’s own observations; but his decision to paint it may have been stimulated by seeing, towards the end of his first trip abroad, Jacob van Ruisdael’s Une tempête sur le bord des Digues de la Hollande in the Louvre,25 a very different composition, but one with a stormy sea and dark sky relieved by a band of light along the horizon. Returning from the tour of Switzerland which had been the chief purpose of his trip, Turner arrived in Paris around 27 September 1802; he appears to have devoted the next week or more to making the sketches and memoranda of paintings in the Louvre which densely fill his ‘Studies in the Louvre’ sketchbook (TB LXXII).26 Turner’s pencil sketch of Ruisdael’s Tempest is on page 81 of this sketchbook; his notes on the picture are given in full below.27 Turner criticised Ruisdael for ‘His inattention of the forms which waves make upon a lee shore’, though Bachrach (1981, p. 22) argues that Turner’s comment was not based on knowledge of Dutch shallows and shores. Turner’s own picture is too different to be ‘in part a private competition’ with Ruisdael’s Tempest, as suggested by Jerrold Ziff,28 though his notes indicate that he studied it carefully, and no doubt he learned much from it.
Farington records on 13 May 1803 that ‘Lord Gower asked the price of “Calais Harbour", and Turner signified that it must be more than that for which He sold a picture to the Duke of Bridgewater’ (i.e. more than the 250 guineas for which he had painted Dutch Boats in a Gale, the so‐called ‘Bridgewater Seapiece’, for Lord Gower’s great‐uncle the 3rd and last Duke of Bridgewater in 1801). Calais Pier remained in Turner’s possession. In a note of about 1810 in his ‘Finance’ sketchbook (CXXII‐36), Turner set a figure of £400 against ‘Calais’ (but see Finberg 1961, p. 171).
A mezzotint of the subject was begun by Turner’s friend the engraver Thomas Lupton. W.B. Cooke saw ‘Turner’s grand picture of Calais Pier’ in Lupton’s studio on 20 February 1835, and according to Ruskin’s ‘fish’ story quoted above the painting was there for several years. The engraving was never completed. Turner was continually dissatisfied with its progress, believing that in reducing the scale of his picture to that of the plate Lupton had misjudged the relative proportions of the shipping, and demanding so many alterations that Lupton refused to proceed. Rawlinson describes it as a ‘fine plate’, and records several engraver’s proofs, but no impressions were published.29
Turner’s Calais Pier made the subject popular. As Mary Bennett and Edward Morris suggest,30 it is likely to have directly inspired the oil of Calais Pier, dated 1844‐5, made by David Cox (1783‐1859), chiefly a watercolourist. Cox is known to have admired Turner’s work. He himself visited Calais in 1826 and again in 1829, when he spent a week sketching there, exhibiting his first Calais Pier, a watercolour, in 1829. His oil of Calais Pier of 1844‐5 appears to be his only oil painting of a continental subject,31 and although the composition is his own, the Turneresque qualities of Cox’s view of the pier crowded with fishwives and sailors (a brisk sea in this case to the right) strongly suggest that he is likely to have seen Turner’s picture, either in Turner’s house or in the studio of the engraver Thomas Lupton.
1. Notes on the Turner Gallery at Marlborough House 1856, London 1857, pp. 8‐9 (reprinted in Ruskin, Works, vol. XIII, see pp. 105‐7). (Back to text.)
2. Bachrach 1981, p. 22. The compiler is indebted to Professor Bachrach (scholar and sailor) for discussing the picture and allowing her to draw so heavily on his knowledge. (Back to text.)
3. Shanes 1990, p. 122, suggests that in depicting the near‐collision of the French fishing‐boat and the English packet Turner wanted to demonstrate ‘what bad sailors the French could be’. (Back to text.)
4. Harrap's New Standard French and English Dictionary, London 1972, p. 69. (Back to text.)
5. Private collection; B & J , cat. no. 14, plate 11. See Bachrach 1994, pp. 28‐9. (Back to text.)
6. Notes on the Turner Gallery, p. 9. (Back to text.)
7. Farington, Diary, including the journal of his visit to Paris, beginning 27 August 1802, vol. V. pp. 1810, 1916. (Back to text.)
8. Frick Collection, New York; B & J , cat. no. 142. plate 147. (Back to text.)
9. In correspondence with the compiler. (Back to text.)
10. Centre Culturel du Marais, Paris 1981‐2. Pages 58‐9, 71, 74‐5 and 78‐9 are repr., figs. 159, 160, 161, 163; but disregard the perversity whereby the grey pages of Turner's sketchbook are reproduced as blue or even bright green. (Back to text.)
11. ТВ LXXXI‐58‐9. (Back to text.)
12. Farington, Diary, journal as cited in note 7. vol. V, p. 1810. (Back to text.)
13. His four other RA exhibits in oils in 1803 were Bonneville, Savoy, with Mont Blanc (24; B & J , cat. no. 46), The Festival upon the Opening of the Vintage at Macon (110; B & J , cat. no. 47); Holy Family (156; B & J , cat. no. 49); and Chateau de St Michael, Bonneville, Savoy (337; B & J , cat. no. 50); he also showed two ambitious watercolours, St Huges denouncing Vengeance of the Shepherd of Cormayer, in the Valley of d’Aoust (384; W 364) and Glacier and Source of the Arveron, going up to Mer de Glace (396; W 364). Many of these subjects and others of the period were planned in the ‘Calais Pier' sketchbook (ТВ LXXXI). (Back to text.)
14. Farington, Diary, 17 April 1803, vol. VI, p. 2013. (Back to text.)
15. Ibid. , 2 May 1803, vol. VI, p. 2023. (Back to text.)
16. Ibid. , 3 May 1803, vol. VI, p. 2023. (Back to text.)
17. Ibid. , 17 May 1803, vol. VI, p. 2031. Constable may have been thinking chiefly of Turner’s other exhibits; he continued ‘His views in Switzerland fine subjects but treated in such a way that the objects appear as if made of some brittle material.’ (Back to text.)
18. Farington, Diary, 15 May 1803, vol. VI. p. 2031. (Back to text.)
19. Ibid. , 3 May 1803, vol. VI, p. 2024. (Back to text.)
20. Ibid. , April 1804, vol. VI, p. 2288. (Back to text.)
21. Quoted by Whitley 1928, p. 59. Butlin and Joll 1984 quote a more favourable review (probably by John Britton) in the British Press, 9 May 1803, which found more to praise but criticised the clouds as ‘too material and opake; they have all the body and consistency of terrestrial objects, more than fleeting vapours of insubstantial air’. (Back to text.)
22. Ruskin 1851, p. 378. By ‘first indication of colour’ Ruskin perhaps means the selection of objects for the sake of their colour, as distinct from the rendering of facts. (Back to text.)
23. In relating this anecdote in 1851 (pp. 51‐2), Ruskin wrote ‘several months’, correcting himself in 1857 (p. 472, n.) to ‘several years’. The longer interval presumably reflects Lupton’s account of the length of time spent in trying to produce a plate which would satisfy Turner. Rawlinson dated the mezzotint to 1827. As Butlin and Joll 1984 note (p. 38), John Gage has traced a reference in the Cooke papers to W.B. Cooke seeing ‘Turner’s grand picture of Calais Pier’ at Lupton’s on 20 February 1835. (Back to text.)
24. John Ruskin, Pre‐Raphaelitism, London 185
, p. 51. Ruskin does not state here that the picture was Calais Pier, but his Academy Notes, 1857, p. 472 establish it. (Back to text.)
25. Inv. 2558; repr. Bachrach 1981, fig. 5. (Back to text.)
26. Catalogued by Finberg 1909, I, pp. 181‐94; see also Finberg 1961, pp. 85‐91. (Back to text.)
27. TB LXXII, p. 23: ‘a Brown picture, which pervades thro’ the waters so as to check the idea of it being liquid, altho’ finely pencild the introducing of the House on the embankment destroys all the dignity of the left ‐ an Offing with Ship moring in strip of Weather happily disposed and color’d and a heavy sombre grey sky with warm lights (the half tints this leaf) ‐ the chief light is upon the surge in the foreground ‐ but too much is made to suffer: so that it is artificial ‐ and shows the brown in a more glaring point of view and His inattention of the forms which waves make upon a lee shore Embanked (the ships all in shadow).’ Turner’s sketch of Ruisdael’s Tempest deliberately omits ‘the House on the embankment’. TB LXXII‐81 is Turner’s sketch of Ruisdael's Coup de Soleil, also in the Louvre; his comments on it are on p. 22a. (Back to text.)
28. Jerrold Ziff, ‘Turner and Poussin’, Burlington Magazine, CV, 1963, p. 320 and n. 34. (Back to text.)
29. See Rawlinson 1913, II, p. 381, no. 791. The copperplate remained in Turner’s possession until his death; it was later sold, and presented to the Artists’ General Benevolent Institution. (Back to text.)
30. The Emma Holt Bequest, Sudley: Illustrated Catalogue, Liverpool 1971, pp. 21‐2, plate 34. Bennett and Morris note that ‘during his first residence in London, 1804‐14, he [Cox] studied Turner’s pictures at the Royal Academy with particular care and then or later he may have seen Turner’s Calais Pier which remained with the artist’. (Back to text.)
31. Stephen Wildman, David Cox, exh. cat., Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery and V&A , London 1983‐4, p. 82, repr. (A copy of The Emma Holt Bequest catalogue, cited above, annotated by the authors (Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool) notes that Cox painted two oil versions of his Calais Pier.) (Back to text.)
- RA
- Royal Academy of Arts, London; Royal Academician
List of references cited
- Bachrach 1981
- Bachrach, A.G.H., ‘Turner. Ruisdael and the Dutch’, Turner Studies, 1981, I, 1, 22‐5
- Bachrach 1994
- Bachrach, Fred G.H., Turner’s Holland (exh. cat., Tate Gallery), London 1994
- Britton 1803
- Britton, John, ‘review’, British Press, 9 May 1803
- Butlin and Joll 1984
- Butlin, Martin and Evelyn Joll, The Paintings of J.M.W. Turner, 2 vols, revised edn, New Haven and London 1984 (first edn, 1977)
- Cousen 1861
- The Art Journal (New Series), 1861, VII
- Davies 1946
- Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: The British School, London 1946 (revised edn, London 1959)
- Davies 1959
- Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: The British School, revised edn, London 1959
- Farington 1978–98
- Farington, Joseph, The Diary of Joseph Farington, eds Kenneth Garlick, Angus Macintyre and Kathryn Cave, index compiled by Evelyn Newby (vols I–VI ed. Kenneth Garlick and Angus Macintyre; vols VII–XVI ed. Kathryn Cave), 16 vols, New Haven and London 1978–98
- Finberg 1909
- Finberg, A.J., The National Gallery: A Complete Inventory of the Drawings in the Turner Bequest, London 1909
- Finberg 1961
- Finberg, A.J., revised by Hilda F. Finberg, The Life of J.M.W. Turner R.A., London 1961 (1st edn, 1939)
- Gage 1969
- Gage, John, Colour in Turner: Poetry and Truth, London 1969
- Gage 1987
- Gage, John, J.M.W. Turner: A Wonderful Range of Mind, Oxford 1987
- Gowing 1966
- Gowing, Lawrence, Imagination and Reality (exh. cat. Metropolitan Museum of Art), New York 1966
- Harrap 1972
- Harrap's New Standard French and English Dictionary, London 1972
- Holt 1961
- The Emma Holt Bequest, Sudley: Illustrated Catalogue, Liverpool 1971
- Centre Culturel du Marais 1981-2
- Centre Culturel du Marais, Turner en France, Paris 1981-2
- Rawlinson 1908-13
- Rawlinson, W.G., The Engraved Work of J.M.W. Turner. R.A., 2 vols, London 1908–13
- Ruskin 1851
- Ruskin, John, Pre‐Raphaelitism, London 1851
- Ruskin 1857
- Ruskin, John, Notes on the Turner Gallery at Marlborough House, 1856, London 1857
- Ruskin 1903-12
- Cook, E.T. and Alexander Wedderburn, eds, The Works of John Ruskin, 39 vols, London 1903–12
- Shanes 1990
- Shanes, Eric, Turner's Human Landscape, London 1990
- Waterhouse 1958
- Waterhouse, Ellis K., Gainsborough, London 1958 (reprinted, 1966)
- Whitley 1928
- Whitley, William T., Artists and their Friends in England, 1700–1799, 2 vols, London and Boston 1928
- Wildman 1983
- Wildman, Stephen, David Cox (exh. cat. Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery), 1983
- Wilton 1979
- Wilton, Andrew, The Life and Work of J.M.W. Turner, London 1979
- Wilton 1982
- reference not found
- Wilton 1987
- Wilton, Andrew, Turner in his Time, London 1987
- Wornum 1859–61
- Wornum, Ralph, The Turner Gallery (later reissues have texts by different authors), 1859–61
- Young Ottley 1832
- Young Ottley, W., Descriptive Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery, with Critical Remarks on their Merits, London 1832
- Ziff 1963
- Ziff, J., ‘Turner and Poussin’, The Burlington Magazine, 1963, 105, 315–21
List of exhibitions cited
- London 1803
- London, Royal Academy of Arts, 1803
- London 1931, Tate
- London, Tate Gallery, 1931
- London 1953-62
- London, National Gallery, National Gallery Acquisitions, 1953–62
- London 1974–5, Royal Academy
- London, Royal Academy of Arts, Turner 1775–1851, 16 November 1974–2 March 1975
- London 1994
- London, Tate Gallery, Turner’s Holland, 1994
- Moscow and Leningrad 1960
- Moscow, Pushkin Museum; Leningrad, The Hermitage State Museum, British Painting 1700–1960, Summer 1960
- New York, Chicago, Toronto and London 1946–7
- Chicago, Art Institute of Chicago; New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art; Toronto, Art Gallery of Toronto; London, Tate Gallery, Masterpieces of English Painting: William Hogarth, John Constable, J.M.W. Turner, 15 October–15 December 1946 (Chicago), –16 March 1947 (New York), 2 April–11 May 1947 (Toronto), 20 August–30 October 1947 (London)
- Paris 1938
- Paris, Palais du Louvre, La Peinture Anglaise XVIIIe & XIXe Siècles, 1938
Arrangement of the Catalogue
This is a catalogue of the 61 works which represent the British School in the National
Gallery now, at the beginning of 1998. The first Descriptive Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery, with Critical Remarks
on their Merits, by W. Young Ottley, was published in 1832 (earlier catalogues were hardly more than hand‐lists). The first scholarly catalogue
devoted to the Gallery’s British pictures – National Gallery Catalogues: The British School – was compiled by Martin Davies (Director 1968–73). Its first edition in 1946 included 333 pictures. By 1959, when Davies published a revised edition (following large transfers of pictures upon
the Tate’s separation
in 1954
from the National Gallery in 1954), the number of British pictures in the National
Gallery had been reduced to 99.
Martin Davies’s British School catalogue still stands as a model of concise record and meticulous (sometimes astringent) footnotes. This catalogue is chattier. I have tried to combine accurate information about the making and subsequent history of the pictures with more concern for their subject matter than Martin Davies allowed himself. Here I share to the full Neil MacGregor’s conviction that the public should have as much information as possible about their pictures. In a collection still dominated by portraits, much information about sitters (men, women and, in the largest portrait of all, a horse) is available; some of it may help to assess how far a portraitist has succeeded in reflecting individual character. The background information offered here can, of course, be skipped, leaving the illustrations – or better still, the actual works – to speak for themselves.
All the works have been examined in the company of Martin Wyld, the Gallery’s Chief Restorer. He has compiled all the Technical Notes except for those on Hogarth’s Marriage A‐la‐Mode, which have been contributed by David Bomford. Many of these Technical Notes incorporate the results of detailed examination by Ashok Roy, Head of the Scientific Department, and by his colleagues Raymond White and Jennie Pilc. The bibliography of published work on the techniques and pigments used by artists during the period covered by this catalogue (pp. 432–5) has been compiled by Jo Kirby of the Gallery’s Scientific Department.
The catalogue is arranged in the two parts into which it fairly naturally falls. Part I catalogues the well‐known and deservedly popular works which are nearly always on view (except when lent to outside exhibitions). The artists represented in it are Constable, Gainsborough, Hogarth, Thomas Jones, Lawrence, Reynolds, Sargent, Stubbs, Turner, Wilson, Wright of Derby and Zoffany, arranged in alphabetical order, with their works (when more than one) in their known (or likely) chronological sequence. The time‐span of works by this small group of twelve artists is hardly more than 150 years, from Hogarth’s six paintings of Marriage A‐la‐Mode, of about 1742, to Sargent’s Lord Ribblesdale, dated 1902. In this part of the catalogue, movements of pictures to and from the Tate are briefly noted (below the heading Exhibited), such information being offered to reassure those who remember seeing, say, Wright of Derby’s An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump in the Tate rather than in the National Gallery (or recalling locations given in past literature) that their recollection was not at fault. Under this heading, movements for short periods usually indicate loans supplied by the Tate to fill gaps on the National Gallery walls when it lent pictures for exhibition elsewhere. ‘Tate 1960–1’, frequently noted, indicates the period of the Gallery’s winter exhibition National Gallery Acquisitions 1953–62 ; to make room for this exhibition, most of its British School pictures were accommodated and displayed in the Tate Gallery.
Part II catalogues the Gallery’s collection of portraits (including four marble busts) of those who played significant parts in the history of the National Gallery itself. Since it is in a sense a narrative (though an incomplete one) of the Gallery’s history, Part II is presented chronologically, according to the various sitters’ relationships to the National Gallery. Lawrence is the only artist to appear in both parts of this catalogue (his portrait of *Queen Charlotte appears in Part I, his two portraits of *John Julius Angerstein in Part II). In this group, Sir George Beaumont (grudgingly sitting to Hoppner, an artist he habitually denigrated) will be a familiar figure in the history of British art. Other Trustees and benefactors – preeminently, perhaps, Layard of Nineveh – will be better known outside the perspectives of the National Gallery, while two of its minor heroes – William Seguier, the Gallery’s first Keeper, and William Boxall RA , its second Director – may hardly be known at all.
Few portraits of National Gallery benefactors were ever transferred to the Tate; the only exceptions appear to be the transfer of the first version of Linnell’s portrait of Samuel Rogers (the National Gallery retaining a second version) and the transfer in 1949 of Hoppner’s portrait of Charles Long, Lord Farnborough, accepted by the National Gallery as a gift in 1934, but hung for a few months only, before being pronounced by Sir Kenneth Clark (Director, 1933–45) ‘not worth a place’. The National Gallery retains a finer image of Long in the form of Chantrey’s marble bust. Most of the works in Part II are hung in the Reception Area or the Reserve Collection.
All but one of the benefactors who figure in Part II have one thing in common: they bought pictures, but begat no heirs, and therefore chose to give or bequeath paintings to the National Gallery. The exception is the actor‐manager Thomas Denison Lewis, who in 1849 bequeathed not only *Mr Lewis as The Marquis in the Midnight Hour (Shee’s portrait of his famous actor‐father), but also £10,000 for future Gallery purchases. Prudently invested, the Lewis Fund enabled the purchase of many National Gallery pictures of all schools, including two much‐loved British pictures: the Heads of Six of Hogarth’s Servants and Gainsborough’s *Cornard Wood. The Hogarth was transferred to the Tate in 1960: thus, unknowingly, Lewis became a benefactor to both institutions.
Appendix includes provisional catalogue entries for *Portrait of a Lady, painted by Cornelius Johnson (or Jonson van Ceulen) after his return to Holland,
and *On the Delaware, by the wholly American painter George Inness. Both were included in Martin Davies’s
British School catalogue, but since they do not properly belong to the British School, they will
eventually be included in more appropriate Schools catalogues.
About this version
Version 3, generated from files JE_2000__16.xml dated 20/02/2025 and database__16.xml dated 28/02/2025 using stylesheet 16_teiToHtml_externalDb.xsl dated 03/01/2025. Entries for NG472 and NG479 prepared for publication; biography of Turner and entries for NG130, NG472, NG479, NG681, NG925, NG1162, NG3044, NG6196-NG6197 and NG6544 proofread following mark-up and corrected.
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- Egerton, Judy. “NG 472, Calais Pier, with French Poissards preparing for Sea: an English Packet arriving”. 2000, online version 3, February 28, 2025.
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- Egerton, Judy (2000) NG 472, Calais Pier, with French Poissards preparing for Sea: an English Packet arriving. Online version 3, London: National Gallery, 2025. Available at: (Accessed: 28 March 2025).
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- Egerton, Judy, NG 472, Calais Pier, with French Poissards preparing for Sea: an English Packet arriving (National Gallery, 2000; online version 3, 2025) <> [accessed: 28 March 2025]