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The Crucifixion:
Catalogue entry

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Full title
The Crucifixion
Jacopo di Cione
Inventory number
Dillian Gordon
Extracted from
The Italian Paintings before 1400 (London, 2011)

Catalogue entry

, 2011

Extracted from:
Dillian Gordon, The Italian Paintings Before 1400 (London: National Gallery Company and Yale University Press, 2011).

© The National Gallery, London

c. 1369–70

Egg tempera on wood, 154.0 × 138.5 cm

In the centre Christ hangs on the cross, which bears a plaque inscribed ·I·N·R·Y· (Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum = Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews). On either side angels carrying basins receive the blood pouring from the wounds in his hands and side, while the blood from his feet trickles down the cross. On the left (Christ’s proper right) is the Good Thief, Saint Dismas: he has a polygonal halo and two angels are carrying his soul in the form of a small child up to Heaven. On the right is the Bad Thief, Gestas: two devils hold a brazier above his head, and a figure on horseback is smashing his legs (John 19:32).

In the foreground the swooning Virgin is supported by Mary Magdalene, dressed in red, and three other holy women, while Saint John the Evangelist stands grieving nearby.

On the left soldiers are drawing straws for Christ’s garment.

On the right are various figures, presumably scribes and Pharisees, and several soldiers, including one with a shield marked ·S·P·Q·R· (Senatus Populus Que Romanus = the Roman Senate and People). One man holds up a sponge on a stick; he assuaged Christ’s thirst with vinegar. Ranged between the crosses in groups are soldiers on horseback, carrying banners marked ·S·P·Q·R· and spears. The figure on horseback carrying a lance and raising his hand to his face is probably the soldier who pierced Christ’s side (John 19:34), sometimes identified as Longinus. Opposite him, the figure in yellow on horseback has a blue polygonal halo1 and is probably the centurion who recognised Christ as the Son of God (Matthew 27:54).

In compartments on the left are: at the top, Saint John the Baptist, dressed in a camel skin under his cloak and holding a staff with a cross; and below, Saint Paul, holding the sword with which he was beheaded and a book. On the right, at the top Saint James the Greater carries a pilgrim’s staff hung with a black purse decorated with a small cross, and a book; below him is Saint Bartholomew, carrying the knife with which he was flayed alive, and a book.

The predella, decorated with pastiglia in a floral design, with coloured glass beads resembling jewels at the centres of the flowers, contains five roundels with figures. From left to right: a female saint with a red cross and a book, Saint Martha(?);2 Saint Bernard, holding an open book inscribed: Dic. Mat’/ domini si/ in ierusale/ eras qua/do captus/fuit/ filius/tuus et ui/tus. Cui / illa R/it / In ierusalem era/ quado/ hoc aud[i] [?]ui et gres[su] [?] (see below);3 the Virgin and Child; Saint Benedict, bearded, wearing a white habit and holding a book and staff (the small black hog, fig. 8, transforming him into Saint [page 43][page 44] Anthony Abbot is almost certainly a later addition – see below);4 Saint Catherine of Alexandria, crowned and holding the wheel on which she was tortured and a martyr’s palm.

Fig. 1

Composite X‐radiograph of NG 1468. © The National Gallery, London

The pilasters on either side are also decorated with pastiglia, and contain quatrefoils with small shields, no longer legible, with only fragments remaining of red and blue. The unusual three‐dimensional baldachin with cusped ogival arches has vaults painted blue with gold stars.5

Technical Notes

Panel structure and condition

For the whole altar piece, including the framing, the greatest height is 154.0 cm, the greatest width 138.5 cm.

Main Crucifixion panel: painted surface (cusped top) 108.0 × 84.0 cm, measured to the top of the painted surface in the central cusp, which is higher than the others.

Side compartments, painted surface (pointed top): Saint John the Baptist 49.5 × 13.0 cm, Saint Paul 51.5 × 13.0 cm, Saint James 50.5 × 12.5 cm, Saint Bartholomew 50.5 × 12.5 cm. There are simple mouldings separating these compartments, not included in the measurements. Diameter of each of the roundels in the predella 15.0 cm.

The X‐radiograph (fig. 1) reveals the original structure.6 The central panel is constructed of three pieces of wood, 3.0 cm thick with a vertical grain: width of left board (recto) c. 43.5 cm, central board c. 35.0 cm, right board c. 37.5 cm.

Visible in the X‐radiograph at the height of Saint Bartholomew’s chest are the traces of a hole left by the removal of what was probably a Y‐shaped iron fitting, reminiscent of a fish‐tail hook, which extended from a large hole in the right edge into the main panel. Also visible in the X‐radiograph is an empty dowel hole at the left edge, level with the top of Saint Paul’s head.

The predella is a horizontal board 2.0 cm thick, c. 115 cm wide and 21.8 cm high (including frame mouldings top and bottom), glued and nailed to the front of the main panel.7 Each of the seven domes of the baldachin is composed of a separate block of wood, hollowed out to form the vaulting, and glued and nailed to the front of the main panel. The cusps, their traceried edges and the ogival arches have been carved separately and glued and nailed in place. Most, if not all, of the finials, many of the drop capitals, much of the decoration around the ogival arches and probably all the finials crowning the domes are later replacements.

The pilasters are carved out of separate solid blocks of wood, finishing at the top with curving spire‐like shapes; their top finials and side mouldings may be later replacements. At the base of each pilaster a cube‐shaped section has been cut away at the back edge, possibly related to the installation of the altar piece on an altar block.

The backs of the domes and back of the panel have been painted a dark grey at a later date.

The panel has suffered significant worm damage and has some splits.

Painting condition and technique

Cleaned and restored in 1955–6.

The main panel, but not the predella, was covered with a layer of canvas before the gesso was applied.

In the main scene there are no significant changes between the underdrawing and the painting, suggesting that this complicated composition had been carefully worked out before underdrawing commenced. As far as it is possible to tell, the underdrawing is by a single hand: in the infrared images it is difficult to distinguish the underdrawing from the modelling in the flesh paint, although there are some obvious underdrawn outlines for the features and the hair (figs 2 and 3). The draperies have basic outlines with a minimal amount of hatching. Infrared reflectography reveals changes in all the saints in the side compartments. There were at least two attempts to draw each of John the Baptist’s feet before the final position was fixed (figs 5 and 6). The whole of his right leg under his cloak was underdrawn, although the cloak has been incised and was therefore part of the early stages of design. The hemlines and feet of the other three saints were initially drawn slightly lower. These lower positions were incised, suggesting that the saints were originally intended to be standing on gold, or more likely a sgraffito textile. In the predella there is a small change to the Virgin’s left hand, which was drawn lower down but then moved further up so that the Child could be shown grasping her finger.

Water gilding on a red bole has been used for all the backgrounds and haloes and the frame. The gilding is fairly well preserved, although with some scratches and repairs. The outlines between paint and gold have been incised freehand, [page 45] including the shoulders of the foreground figures with haloes. Straight lines (spears, crosses, etc.) have been incised with the help of a straight edge, and haloes with compasses.

Figs 2 and 3

Infrared reflectogram details of the mourning Saint John the Evangelist and one of the Pharisees. © The National Gallery, London

© The National Gallery, London

At least seven punches have been used for tooling the gold: two or three ring punches and at least two simple dot punches. A five‐petal rosette (Skaug no. 402) has been used for the polygonal halo of the Good Thief, and a six‐petal rosette (Skaug no. 557) for the borders and around the predella roundels (fig. 4).8 The stippling in the pastiglia has been done with a four‐prong punch; a smaller four‐prong punch and a small ring punch have been used in the haloes. The lettering above the cross and on the banners is executed with sgraffito.

Mordant gilding has been applied with an extremely thin off‐white, milky‐looking mordant for the borders of robes, the pattern on Christ’s loincloth, the stars on the Virgin’s cloak, the decoration of the books, the decoration of Saint Bartholomew’s cloak, the dots on the yellow tunics worn by two of the soldiers, the diadems, the handles of the swords and the tips of their scabbards, the horses’ bits, and the lettering · S·P·Q·R·. The vermilion cross carried by John the Baptist has a mordant‐gilded handle. Saint James’s black purse has a small mordant‐gilded cross with a dot above the top arm.

Mordant silver, which has tarnished, has been used for helmets and chain mail, the tips of lances, Saint Paul’s sword, Saint Bartholomew’s knife, and the spikes on Saint Catherine’s wheel. Details have been drawn in black and the helmets have blue hatching over the silver.

Fig. 4

Detail of the punch marks around the roundel with the Virgin and Child in the predella. © The National Gallery, London

[page 46]
Fig. 5

Infrared reflectogram detail of Saint John the Baptist. © The National Gallery, London

Fig. 6

Detail of Saint John the Baptist. © The National Gallery, London

[page 47]
Fig. 7

Detail of Saint Bernard’s book from the roundel in the predella. © The National Gallery, London

Fig. 8

Detail of the hog added to the roundel with Saint Benedict in the predella. © The National Gallery, London

The flesh has been underpainted with a pale green of lead white and green earth. In the Bad Thief’s flesh the darker flesh tones are brownish mixtures of vermilion, black, yellow earth and lead white, or sometimes a slightly greener hue made from yellow earth, black and lead white, while the lighter mid‐tones and highlights are lead white and vermilion. The Bad Thief is still alive, whereas Christ and the Good Thief are dead and consequently they appear less pink, with little or no vermilion present in the flesh tones.

The paint surface is in good condition, apart from a few scattered losses, and some discoloration of pigments. The lining of the Virgin’s cloak was green with a black pattern over mordant gilding and has now discoloured.9 Her dress is red lake applied directly to the gesso layer, and fading accounts for its patchy appearance. There has been extensive blackening of vermilion,10 which was used for the garments of Mary Magdalene and the priest raising his arm, for the soldier’s shield, and for the tabards, flags, blood and harnesses. In the predella the partly blackened vermilion of Martha’s cross has been considerably retouched from the handle upwards. Where the vermilion has been mixed with red lead or glazed with red lake it has been protected from degradation. The vermilion in the darker areas of the floor textiles in the side compartments has also blackened slightly; the lighter horizontal planes have been painted with red lead. Red lead has also been used for the Child’s garment in the predella.

The vaulting of the baldachin has been painted with azurite on an underlayer of black paint, decorated with stars painted with shell gold.

All pale blue draperies have been painted with a mixture of ultramarine and lead white, for example, the robe of John the Evangelist.11 The blue harness of the chestnut horse to the left of the cross has been painted with ultramarine ash (poorer quality ultramarine) over the brown of the horse, which is a mixture of charcoal black, red and yellow earths, with lead white.12 The cloak of the Virgin is painted with high‐quality ultramarine over a grey undermodelling.

The yellow cuirass and skirt of the dismounted soldier on the left has been painted with a mixture of lead‐tin yellow ‘type II’ (giallorino),13 yellow earth and yellow lake over a paler base colour of lead‐tin yellow and lead white.14 A bright green used in some of the costumes has been made with lead‐tin yellow mixed with azurite.

In the predella the small black hog painted over the white of Saint Benedict’s robe, and over the punching of the border, was almost certainly added at a later date (see fig. 8). It has not been incised, but neither has Saint Martha’s cross, while Saint Benedict’s staff and Saint Catherine’s wheel and palm have been incised. The lettering on Saint Bernard’s book has been inscribed with ink (see fig. 7).

Attribution and Date

NG 1468 was attributed to Jacopo di Cione by Osvald Sirén in 1917,15 but was catalogued by Martin Davies as ‘style of Andrea Orcagna’.16 Richard Offner and Klara Steinweg returned to the attribution to Jacopo di Cione in 1965, devoting a long analysis to the composition and the various hands.17 They perceived the lower zone with the standing figures as [page 48]forming a horizontal band (see fig. 9), with above them the four groups of horsemen, subdivided by the vertical crosses. They attributed to Jacopo di Cione the upper parts of the picture with the three crosses, the group of mourning women and Saint John; they attributed to a second painter the groups of horsemen, and the figures to the left of the mourning women and to the right of Saint John. The second painter they considered superior to Jacopo di Cione and close to the Master of the Ashmolean Predella. This identification was fully accepted by Miklós Boskovits, who dated the painting about 1370–5. Boskovits agreed with Offner and Steinweg’s division of hands with the exception of the roundels in the predella, which they had attributed to workshop assistants but which he attributed to Jacopo di Cione himself.18 Although Offner and Steinweg considered Saints Paul and Bartholomew close to Jacopo’s style but inferior in quality, they considered Saint John the Baptist and Saint James Major, and also the roundels with the Virgin, Saint Benedict and Catherine, of higher quality and close to the second painter. Offner and Steinweg suggested that, as in the San Pier Maggiore altar piece, a third person might have been responsible for the design. They drew attention to the similarities between the baldachin of the frame and the design of the throne in the San Pier Maggiore altar piece, and considered NG 1468 to date possibly immediately after that altar piece, which is documented 1370–1 (see pp. 52–91). NG 1468 is dated around 1368 by Gert Kreytenberg, who sees Jacopo di Cione as responsible for the figure of Saint Matthew in the triptych in the Uffizi, Florence, completed by Jacopo after his brother Andrea’s death in 1368.19

Offner and Steinweg showed that NG 1468 is based on Andrea da Firenze’s frescoes in the Chapter House (Spanish Chapel) of Santa Maria Novella, Florence, painted in 1366–8.20 The composition appears to be an immediate response to those frescoes. Moreover, Jacopo seems to have eschewed complex punching after 1368, and the rosette punch mark (Skaug no. 402) no longer appears in his work: in the San Pier Maggiore altar piece the punching of the borders includes a rosette made up of individual rings.

In the exhibition catalogue Art in the Making,21 the division of labour is discussed, based on the differences in handling and application of tempera, particularly in the flesh painting, and accords largely with that described by Offner and Steinweg, and Boskovits. The painting technique suggests two hands were involved, although insofar as it is possible to tell, a single hand, also to be found in the San Pier Maggiore altar piece, was responsible for the underdrawing. The first and principal painter (see fig. 9), identified as Jacopo di Cione, uses soft brush‐work, and paints hair in broad undulating waves and hands with long, elegant but unarticulated fingers. He was responsible for the group of mourners under the cross, the figure with the vinegar‐soaked sponge, all three crucified figures, and most of the draperies, the full‐length saints at the sides and the half‐length figures in the predella. The second painter (the Master of the Ashmolean Predella; see fig. 9) achieves a crisper, more enamel‐like finish, the paint is built up more solidly, hair and beards are rendered with great precision, often with tight curls and ringlets, and the hands are more realistically articulated.

Subject, Design and Iconography

Martin Davies pointed out that the inscription on the book held by Saint Bernard (see fig. 7) is from the Liber de Passione Christi et doloribus et planctibus matris eius, ascribed to Saint Bernard:22 the full text is: ‘Dic mihi Mater domini si in Jerusalem eras quando fuit captus filius tuus et vinctus et ductus ad Annam tractus. At illa: In Jerusalem eram quando hoc audivi et gressu quo potui ad Dominum meum flens perveni.’ (‘Tell me mother of God, if you were in Jerusalem when your son was captured and overcome and led before Annas. Yet she [says]: I was in Jerusalem when I heard this and with such progress as I could I came weeping to my Lord.’) The ‘planctus Mariae’, as it was known, was a liturgical composition expressing the lamentation of the Virgin and her suffering at the foot of the cross.23 Evidently in NG 1468 there is an overt link between the Virgin holding her Child, in the central roundel of the predella, and the sorrowing Virgin below her crucified Son in the main tier above.

Such a comprehensive depiction of the Crucifixion scene, with the Good and Bad Thieves, the mourning Virgin, the scribes and Pharisees, the casting of lots for Christ’s garments, the centurion Longinus, and so on, is rare in small‐scale independent Florentine panel paintings and altar pieces.24 The schema of the Crucifixion suggests that a fresco scheme and an altar piece programme have been condensed into a single unit. The two tiers of standing saints are reminiscent of pilaster figures in fresco schemes as well as pilaster figures from altar pieces (here the pilasters are decorated solely with pastiglia). The predella has no structural function but is there in an illustrative capacity, to accommodate the five roundels: these could be interpreted as alluding to the type of half‐length figures to be found in a polyptych. Offner and Steinweg interpret the starred baldachin as symbolising Heaven;25 it most closely resembles the actual vaults of a church, often painted blue with gold stars (and symbolising Heaven).

Original Function and Location

Offner and Steinweg thought NG 1468 too small for an altar piece and therefore considered it to have probably been made for private devotion.26 Davies also thought it too small for the altar of a chapel and suggested that it could have been painted for a sacristy or private oratory.27

The presence of Saint Bernard and Saint Benedict almost certainly indicates a Cistercian patron, as first suggested by Davies.28 He linked the inscription on the book held by Saint Bernard with the altar piece of the Vision of Saint Bernard (Florence, Accademia) attributed to Matteo di Pacino,29 which, as Laura dal Prà has convincingly argued, must have come originally from the Badia a Settimo, the main Cistercian foundation just outside Florence.30

The Badia a Settimo itself cannot be ruled out as the original location of NG 1468.31 There was a chapel there dedicated to Saint James, which could explain the inclusion of Saint James,32 and a nunnery dedicated to Saint Bartholomew came under the Badia (see below). However, in NG 1468 the presence of two female saints in prominent positions in the predella, in the company of the Virgin and the two foremost saints of the [page 49]Cistercian Order, Saints Bernard and Benedict,33 suggests that it is linked with a Cistercian nunnery, rather than a monastery.

Three female foundations in Florence and its environs were dependants of the Badia a Settimo: San Donato in Polverosa, San Bartolomeo and Santa Maria Maddalena di Cestello (de’ Pazzi) on the Borgo Pinti.

San Donato in Polverosa came under the Badia a Settimo in 1259.34 There is no evidence to suggest that NG 1468 was ever there.35

San Bartolomeo was founded following a bequest of Masino del Migliore, who in his will of 1352 gave land for a monastery of nuns under the Badia a Settimo to be established; its altar was consecrated by the Bishop of Florence, Andrea Corsini, in 1361.36 If NG 1468 was commissioned for this nunnery, this could perhaps explain the presence of Saint Bartholomew.

However, the iconography of NG 1468 makes it more likely to have come from Santa Maria Maddalena di Cestello, which was founded in 1257 in the parish of San Pier Maggiore; it became Cistercian in 1321/2 and was placed directly under the Badia a Settimo in 1324.37 Mary Magdalene is commonly found in Crucifixion scenes supporting the Virgin at the foot of the cross, but in NG 1468 she is particularly prominent, especially in comparison with the fresco in the Spanish Chapel from which the composition apparently derives. Moreover, the female saint in the left‐hand predella roundel, identified by Offner and Steinweg as Saint Margaret, may in fact be identified as Mary Magdalene’s sister, Martha.

The church of Cestello as it was in the fourteenth century (probably still as originally built in 1257) is shown in a rough drawing in the Codice Rustici (f. 19).38 The drawing, which is datable around 1457, shows the church before the radical rebuilding of 1480 onwards; it was a simple rectangular building, with an oculus above the main door, a campanile, a walled courtyard in front, and a cloister. Alison Luchs cites a document showing that in 1323 the church had altars dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene, the Virgin Mary and Saint Michael Archangel, Saint Luke, Saints Vincent and Nicholas, and Saints Benedict and Bernard.39

If NG 1468 indeed came from Cestello, then there is the possibility that it was painted either for the high altar or perhaps one of the side altars dedicated to Saints Benedict and Bernard. The primary importance of these two saints to the church is demonstrated by the position of the altars dedicated to them in the fifteenth‐century rebuilding, where they were on either side of the cappella maggiore.40 The presence of John the Baptist is explained by his being the main patron saint of Florence. The other male saints could be the name saints of nuns at the nunnery or of patrons contributing to the cost of the altar piece; the pilasters evidently once bore coats of arms, presumably those of the patron/s. It is relatively rare for Saint Paul to be shown by himself: generally he is shown together with Saint Peter. Near Cestello was the Ospedale of San Paolo a Pinti, which was founded in 1065 for travellers, hence perhaps also the presence of Saint James.41 In 1442 the nuns of Cestello moved to San Donato in Polverosa and the nunnery [page 50]was taken over by Cistercian monks;42 the church was completely rebuilt from 1480 onwards with an intensive campaign of family chapels, each with its own altar piece, at which time presumably altar pieces from the old church would have become obsolete.43 It could have been then that NG 1468 was removed.

Fig. 9

Detail from NG 1468. The figure of Saint John the Evangelist and the figures to his proper right are here attributed to Jacopo di Cione; the figures to his proper left are here attributed to the Master of the Ashmolean Predella. © The National Gallery, London

Luchs has suggested that NG 1468 might also originally have been painted for the Chapter House in Cestello.44 The scene of the Crucifixion was canonical for the decoration of chapter houses:45 it is possible that Cestello wanted a replica of the frescoes of the Chapter House of Santa Maria Novella, hence the dependent iconography. A fresco of the Crucifixion was commissioned for the Chapter House of Cestello from Perugino in 1493 and completed on 20 April 1496; it showed Saint Bernard and the Virgin on the left of the crucified Christ, Mary Magdalene at the foot of the cross, and Saint Benedict and John the Evangelist on the right.46 This would presumably have rendered the Crucifixion scene in NG 1468 superfluous.

Cestello became a venue for the confraternity of Sant’Antonio della Notte, which began renting a site there for its meetings in 1490.47 It is possible that NG 1468 was given or sold to the confraternity. The altar piece would have been suitable since the confraternity commemorated Saint Bernard of Clairvaux in its offices,48 and this would also explain why the figure of Saint Benedict was converted into Saint Anthony by adding the small black hog, suitable for the dedication of the confraternity to that saint.49


London 1877, Royal Academy, Exhibition of Works by the Old Masters, lent by Revd J. Fuller Russell (151). London 1989–90, National Gallery, Art in the Making. Italian painting before 1400, 29 November–28 February (7).


Collection of William Beckford at Fonthill Abbey; stated in John Rutter’s Description of Fonthill Abbey of 1822 as having come from the Camposanto at Pisa.50 Not in the Beckford Sale catalogue, Fonthill 1822 (sale not held); but in the Beckford and Additions Sale, Fonthill, 10 October 1823 (lot 34), as Andrea Orcagna, bought by Bentley (= Fuller Russell?). Collection of Revd J. Fuller Russell where seen by Waagen.51 Fuller Russell Sale, 18 April 1885 (lot 123), as Spinello,52 bought by Ash. Bequeathed by the Revd Jarvis Holland Ash, 1896.53


1. The polygon is incised but seems never to have been gilded. (Back to text.)

2. Like Saint Margaret, Saint Martha’s attribute is a cross (and sometimes a dragon). See Kaftal 1952, no. 206, col. 681. (Back to text.)

3. For the text see Migne, Patrologia Latina, vol. 182, col. 1133ff. (Back to text.)

4. Contrary to the exh. cat. Art in the Making 1989, p. 150. Saint Anthony Abbot is always dressed in brown or black (see, for example, NG 3896, p. 257 of this catalogue). He is correctly identified by Offner and Steinweg, Corpus, Section IV, Vol. III, 1965, Jacopo di Cione, p. 80 and N5, as Saint Benedict. Although the fierce hog looks somewhat wolflike (a wolf is associated with the Cistercian Saint Galgano), a similar hog, baring its white teeth, is shown in a late fourteenth‐century Florentine painting accompanying a figure who is indisputably Saint Anthony Abbot (see Christie’s, Important Old Master and British Pictures. Evening Sale, 2 December 2008, lot 33, attributed to Giovanni di Tano – the hog’s teeth are not visible in the illustration). (Back to text.)

5. See exh. cat. Art in the Making 1989, pl. 130. The canopy was accidentally damaged in 1989 (see ibid. , p. 140). (Back to text.)

6. Because of the fragile nature of NG 1468 it has not been re‐examined off the wall or under a microscope. A thorough examination was undertaken for the exh. cat. Art in the Making 1989, pp. 140–55. For the structure see pp. 140–4. Contrary to the Art in the Making catalogue, there are no signs that there were ever any horizontal battens. (Back to text.)

7. Exh. cat. Art in the Making 1989, fig. 97. (Back to text.)

8. Skaug 1994, II, chart 6.14. (Back to text.)

9. Exh. cat. Art in the Making 1989, pl. 136. (Back to text.)

10. For the blackening of vermilion see Spring and Grout 2002, pp. 50–61. (Back to text.)

11. Exh. cat. Art in the Making 1989, pl. 131. (Back to text.)

12. Ibid. , p. 149 and pl. 134. (Back to text.)

13. For an explanation of lead‐tin yellow, type II, see ibid. , pp. 37–8. (Back to text.)

14. Ibid. , pl. 132. (Back to text.)

15. Sirén 1917, I, pp. 258–9. (Back to text.)

16. Davies 1951, pp. 307–9; Davies 1961, pp. 396–8. (Back to text.)

18. Boskovits 1975, p. 326. See also Fremantle 1975, p. 165. (Back to text.)

19. Kreytenberg 2000, pp. 164 and 168. Parenti (2001, p. 330) considers it uncertain how much of the Saint Matthew panel was in fact painted by Jacopo, attributing the figure of Saint Matthew to Andrea and those parts not by him to the Master of the Ashmolean Predella. The latter was a collaborator of Jacopo on NG 1468 (see discussion of the attribution below). (Back to text.)

20. Offner and Steinweg, Corpus, Section IV, Vol. III, 1965, Jacopo di Cione, p. 75, N1. They suggest that the prototype was a fresco, now lost, in the Chapter House of Santo Spirito, Florence, which Ghiberti and the Magliabechiano attributed to Ambrogio Lorenzetti, and Vasari to Simone Martini, as well as noting the influence of other Sienese compositions, such as that of Pietro Lorenzetti in the Lower Church of San Francesco, Assisi. For the frescoes in the Spanish Chapel see Offner and Steinweg, Corpus, Section IV, Vol. VI, 1979, Andrea Bonaiuti, passim. (Back to text.)

21. Exh. cat. Art in the Making 1989, pp. 153–5. (Back to text.)

[page 51]

22. Davies 1961, p. 397. (Back to text.)

23. Dal Prà (1990) 1995, p. 169 and note 12. (Back to text.)

24. Later Florentine examples include the Crucifixion (70.0 × 43.0 cm), possibly attributable to Niccolò di Pietro Gerini, in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (see van Os and Prakken 1974, pp. 94–5, cat. 56) and another (59.0 × 77.0 cm) is by Agnolo Gaddi (Florence, Uffizi), datable to the 1390s, whose function is unclear although it may have been a predella panel (Marcucci 1965, no. 98, pp. 138–9); Boskovits 1975, p. 298, suggests that it was part of the complex decorating the Cappella del Crocefisso in San Miniato al Monte, Florence; see also Bellosi in Berti 1979, p. 278. (Back to text.)

25. Offner and Steinweg, Corpus, Section IV, Vol. III, 1965, Jacopo di Cione, p. 75. As Offner and Steinweg point out (p. 76, N6) this type of canopied structure was often placed over altars with frescoes, an example being the Dragondelli altar of about 1368 in San Domenico, Arezzo. They note that a similar canopy is to be found in Giovanni del Biondo’s Annunciation (Florence, Accademia) formerly in the Cavalcanti Chapel in Santa Maria Novella, Florence (see Offner and Steinweg, Corpus, Section IV, Vol. V, Part II, 1969, Giovanni del Biondo, pp. 108–9), and also that such baldachins were probably more numerous than the surviving examples might lead one to suspect. (Back to text.)

27. Davies 1961, p. 397. (Back to text.)

29. See Michela Palmeri in Boskovits and Tartuferi 2003, cat. 34, pp. 174–81. (Back to text.)

30. Dal Prà (1990) 1995, pp. 163–95. The altar piece was transferred from the Badia to Santa Maria delle Campora (a dependant of the Badia), possibly soon after 1434. (Back to text.)

31. The Badia a Settimo became Cistercian with monks from San Galgano in 1236 (Lasinio 1904, p. 4). (Back to text.)

32. For the chapel of Saint James, frescoed in 1313–15, see Calzolai 1958, p. 78; and Boskovits and Neri Lusanna, Corpus, Section III, Vol. III, revised edn of 1989, p. 40, fig. 6. (Back to text.)

33. The Cistercians were reformed Benedictines. (Back to text.)

34. [Curia Arcivescovile] La Chiesa Fiorentina 1970, no. 15, pp. 76–7; Marini 1997, pp. 85–127, esp. p. 92. (Back to text.)

35. The only fourteenth‐century panel paintings connected with San Donato are the Crucifix by Bernardo Daddi now in the Accademia, Florence (see Andrea Blasio in Boskovits and Tartuferi 2003, cat. 4, pp. 48–53) – notice that all the figures in the Last Judgement, both Blessed and Damned, are female – and the Virgin and Child with Saints Donato and John the Baptist attributed to Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni now in the Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca, Cortona. Between 1188 and 1797 three altars are mentioned: the high altar of the church was dedicated to San Donato and the two lateral altars to the Virgin and Saint Thomas Bishop (Thomas à Becket). See Marini 1997, p. 103. Very damaged frescoes showing the Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian and the Assumption of the Virgin are attributed by Boskovits 1975, pp. 57 and 357–9, and figs 56 and 58, to the Master of the Rinuccini Chapel in Santa Croce, Florence. (Back to text.)

36. Calzolai 1958, p. 86. The monastery was suppressed in 1453 under Pope Nicholas V. The painting could then have been moved to Cestello and eventually taken over by the confraternity of Sant’Antonio della Notte, as tentatively suggested below. (Back to text.)

37. Calzolai 1958, p. 65, gives the date as 1322; Sforzini 1855, p. 21, gives the date as 1323. Santa Maria Maddalena la Penitente was founded originally for repentant courtesans (see Paatz 1952, IV, pp. 90ff; Luchs 1977, p. 128, note 7; Marini 1997, p. 93). (Back to text.)

38. Luchs 1977, pp. 14–15, and p. 136, note 2 and fig. 3. (Back to text.)

39. The altars are listed in an indulgence granted by the Cistercian Bishop Tommaso of San Marco in Calabria to visitors to the church of Santa Maria Maddalena di Cestello. See Luchs 1977, p. 140, note 13, citing Florence, ASF , Compagnie Religiose Soppresse, C.XVIII (Cisterciensi) 398, no. 20, dated 21 9bre 1323. (Back to text.)

40. Luchs 1977, pp. 18–19. (Back to text.)

41. Richa 1754, I, p. 313; Artusi and Patruno 2000, pp. 313–20. The authors say the Spedale was either next to Cestello or next to San Pier Maggiore, preferring the latter option. From 1333 it was run by Vallombrosan monks from the Abbey of Razzuolo, together with the Dorati family, and in 1438 it came under the Benedictine nuns of Sant’Apollonia in via San Gallo. (Back to text.)

42. Calzolai 1958, p. 85. In 1628 it was taken over by the Carmelites of Santa Maria degli Angioli (not to be confused with the Camaldolese Santa Maria degli Angeli). (Back to text.)

43. Luchs 1977, passim, gives an extremely thorough account of the rebuilding of the church, the patronage and artists of the altar pieces, etc. (Back to text.)

44. Via email, 4 May 2008. (Back to text.)

45. See Stein‐Kecks 2004, pp. 133ff; see esp. pp. 252–5 for Cestello, although dealing exclusively with the Perugino fresco and with nothing on any earlier Chapter House decoration. See also Boskovits 1990, pp. 123–42: Chapter House meetings were begun by the Cistercians; the Chapter House, usually sited on the east side of the cloister next to the sacristy, was, together with the refectory and cloister, central to the community life of the monastery; it was used for meetings of the order – both provincial and general – confessions, punishments, etc. (Back to text.)

46. Luchs 1977, pp. 109–10, 261 and 350–1. The fresco was commissioned by Dionigi Pucci and his wife Giovanna. See also Scarpellini 1984, cat. 68, pp. 90–1, and Canuti 1931, vol. II, p. 164, docs 193–5. (Back to text.)

47. Luchs 1977, p. 172, note 47. She transcribes Florence, ASF , Compagnie Religiose Soppresse, C.XVIII (Cisterciensi) 396, no. 18 (T), f. 60 verso (Luchs, p. 349), and 510, no. 383, ff. 54 verso–55 (Luchs, pp. 291–2); she also cites Florence, ASF , Compagnie Religiose Soppresse, C.XVIII (Cisterciensi) 492, no. 327, ff. 50 verso–51 verso, and ASF , Notarile Antecosimiano, G428 (1490–2). (Back to text.)

48. Luchs 1977, p. 60. (Back to text.)

49. The confraternity of Sant’Antonio della Notte met at night. It was founded in the via degli Alfani, according to Monti 1927, p. 187, by twelve patricians in 1484, or according to the source cited by Luchs 1977, p. 172, note 47 (Florence, ASF , Compagnie Religiose Soppresse, A.XCVIII 119, no. 34), by eleven founding members on 24 February 1485 (= modern style 1486). See also Weissman 1982, pp. 92–5, 124–5 and 194. It should be noted, however, that there is nothing resembling NG 1468 in the surviving inventories of the confraternity dating from 1588, 1659 and 1725 (Florence, ASF , Compagnie religiose soppresse da Pietro Leopoldo 107 – no foliation). However, the first surviving inventory dates from nearly 100 years after the confraternity had moved to Cestello. Because the site to be used by the confraternity required some building work, including the erection of a wall so that the nuns could not be seen, the confraternity was still meeting in Santissima Annunziata in 1491 (Luchs 1977, p. 172, note 47). (Back to text.)

50. Rutter 1822, p. 52, giving a provenance from the Camposanto in Pisa. See also Levi 1993, pp. 133–48, esp. p. 147. The Camposanto in Pisa was used by Carlo Lasinio as a depot; see also note 31 on p. 355 of this catalogue. Carl Strehlke kindly informs me that he has discovered that Lasinio used his own wax seal and that of the Camposanto to authenticate paintings which were not in Pisa but in the collection of Carlo Laureani (d. 1849), the Jesuit custode of the Biblioteca Vaticana, much of which passed into the Vatican, some works being sold at his death to Giulio Sterbini (Strehlke cites David Farabulini, La pittura antica e moderna e la Galleria del Cav. Giulio Sterbini: ragionamento, Rome, 1874, pp. 11–12). Sterbini died in 1911, but some of his pictures had been sold prior to his death. There is, of course, the possibility that Lasinio did the same for other collectors. (Back to text.)

51. Waagen 1854, II, p. 463, as Spinello Aretino. (Back to text.)

52. In the Fuller Russell Sale catalogue the provenance is given as Fonthill. Davies 1961, p. 398, note 6, gives details of the provenance of the Crucifixion in the Lehman Collection, New York, which has sometimes been confused with NG 1468. See fig. 5 on p. 95 of this catalogue. (Back to text.)

53. As by Spinello and catalogued as such until 1906; subsequently catalogued as by Jacopo di Cione in An Abridged Catalogue of the Pictures in the National Gallery, London 1911, p. 166. (Back to text.)

List of archive references cited

  • Florence, Archivio di Stato, Compagnie Religiose Soppresse, C.XVIII (Cisterciensi) 396, no. 18 (T), f. 60 verso
  • Florence, Archivio di Stato, Compagnie Religiose Soppresse, C.XVIII (Cisterciensi) 398, no. 20: 21 9bre 1323
  • Florence, Archivio di Stato, Compagnie Religiose Soppresse, C.XVIII (Cisterciensi) 492, no. 327, ff. 50 verso–51 verso
  • Florence, Archivio di Stato, Compagnie Religiose Soppresse, A.XCVIII 119, no. 34
  • Florence, Archivio di Stato, Notarile Antecosimiano, G428 (1490–2)

List of references cited

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ArtusiLuciano and Antonio PatrunoGli antichi ospedali di Firenze: un viaggio nel tempo alla riscoperta dei luoghi d’accoglienza e di cura; origine, storia, personaggio, aneddotiFlorence 2000
Blasio 2003
BlasioAndrea, in Cataloghi della Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze, Dipinti, eds Miklós Boskovits and Angelo TartuferiFlorence 2003, 1cat. 448–53
Berti 1979
BertiLuciano, ed., Gli Uffizi. Catalogo GeneraleFlorence 1979
Bomford et al. 1989
BomfordD.J. DunkertonD. GordonA. Roywith contributions from J. KirbyArt in the Making. Italian Painting before 1400 (exh. cat. National Gallery, London, 29 November 1989 – 28 February 1990), London 1989
Boskovits 1975
BoskovitsMiklósLa Pittura Fiorentina alla vigilia del Rinascimento 1370–1400Florence 1975
Boskovits 1990
BoskovitsMiklós, ‘Insegnare per immagini: dipinti e sculture nelle sale capitolari’, Arte Cristiana, 1990, 78737–8123–42
Boskovits and Neri Lusanna 1989
OffnerRichardKlara Steinwegadditional material, notes and bibliography by Miklós Boskovitsin collaboration with Enrica Neri LusannaThe Fourteenth Century. The Works of Bernardo Daddicontinued under the direction of M. Boskovits and M. GregoriA Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine PaintingOffnerRichard and Klara Steinweg eds, Section IIIIII, new edition, Florence 1989
Boskovits and Tartuferi 2003
BoskovitsMiklós and Angelo Tartuferi, eds, Dal Duecento a Giovanni da MilanoCataloghi della Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze, Dipinti1Florence 2003
Calzolai 1958
CalzolaiCarlo CelsoLa Storia della Badia a SettimoFlorence 1958
Canuti 1931
CanutiFiorenzoIl Perugino2 volsSiena 1931
Curia Arcivescovile 1970
Curia ArcivescovileLa Chiesa Fiorentina, 1970
Dal Prà 1995
dal PràLaura, ‘L’“Apparizione della Vergine a San Bernardo” dell’Accademia fiorentina e Badia a Settimo. Spunti agiografici e planctus Mariae’, in Storia e Arte della Abbazia Cistercense di San Salvatore a Settimo a Scandicci, ed. G. Viti (first published in Rivista Cistercense, VII, 1990, pp. 61–90), Certosa di Firenze 1995, 163–95
Davies 1951
DaviesMartinNational Gallery Catalogues: The Earlier Italian SchoolsLondon 1951
Davies 1961
DaviesMartinNational Gallery Catalogues: The Earlier Italian Schools, 2nd revised edn, London 1961 (1st edn, London 1951)
Farabulini 1874
FarabuliniDavidLa pittura antica e moderna e la Galleria del Cav. Giulio Sterbini: ragionamentoRome 1874
Fremantle 1975
FremantleRichardFlorentine Gothic Painters from Giotto to Masaccio: a Guide to Painting in and near Florence, 1300 to 1450London 1975
Frey 1892
FreyCarl, ed., Anonimo Magliabechiano. Il Libro di Antonio BilliBerlin 1892
Kaftal 1952
KaftalGeorgeIconography of the Saints in Tuscan PaintingFlorence 1952
Kreytenberg 2000
KreytenbergGertOrcagna. Andrea di Cione. Ein universeller Künstler der Gotick in FlorenzMainz 2000
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LasinioErnestoUn antico inventario della Badia di S. Salvatore a SettimoFlorence 1904
Levi 1993
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Luchs 1977
LuchsAlisonCestello. A Cistercian Church of the Florentine Renaissance (PhD diss., The Johns Hopkins University 1975), New York and London 1977
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National GalleryAn Abridged Catalogue of the Pictures in the National GalleryLondon 1911
Offner and Steinweg 1965
OffnerRichard and Klara SteinwegThe Fourteenth Century. Jacopo di CioneA Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine PaintingSection IVIIINew York 1965
Offner and Steinweg 1969
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Offner and Steinweg 1979
OffnerRichard and Klara SteinwegThe Fourteenth Century. Andrea BonaiutiA Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine PaintingSection IVVINew York 1979
Paatz 1940–54
PaatzWalter and Elisabeth PaatzDie Kirchen von Florenz: ein kunstgeschichtliches Handbuch6 vols (I, 1940; II, 1941; III, 1952; IV, 1952)Frankfurt 1940–54
Padfield et al. 2002
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Palmeri 2003
PalmeriMichela, in Cataloghi della Galleria dell’Accademia di Firenze, Dipinti, eds Miklós Boskovits and Angelo TartuferiFlorence 2003, 1cat. 34174–81
Parenti 2001
ParentiDaniela, ‘Studi recenti su Orcagna e sulla pittura dopo la “pesta nera”’, Arte Cristiana, 2001, 89806325–32
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RichaGiuseppeNotizie istoriche delle Chiese Fiorentine divise ne’ suoi quartieri (I, 1754; IV, 1756; VIII, 1759; IX, 1761), 10 volsFlorence 1754–62
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RutterJohnA Description of Fonthill Abbey and Demesne … including a list of its Paintings, Cabinets and other curiosities, 2nd edn, Shaftesbury 1822
Saunders et al. 2006
SaundersDavidRachel BillingeJohn CupittNick Atkinson and Haida Liang, ‘A New Camera for High‐Resolution Infrared Imaging of Works of Art’, Studies in Conservation, 2006, 51277–90
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SforziniPaoloCenni Storici intorno alla Badia di SettimoFlorence 1855
Sirén 1917
SirénOsvaldGiotto and some of his followers2 volsHarvard and London 1917
Skaug 1994
SkaugErlingPunch Marks from Giotto to Fra AngelicoOslo 1994, 1 and 2
Spring and Grout 2002
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Stein‐Kecks 2004
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van OsHenk W. and Marian PrakkenThe Florentine Paintings in Holland 1300–1500Maarssen 1974
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List of exhibitions cited

London 1877
London, Royal Academy, Exhibition of Works by the Old Masters and Deceased Masters of the British School, 1877
London 1989–90
London, National Gallery, Art in the Making. Italian Painting before 1400, 29 November 1989–28 February 1990

The Organisation and Method of the Catalogue


The artists are listed in alphabetical order. Paintings are catalogued in chronological order under the artist’s name. Some artists are identified only as the master of a particular work, such as the Master of the Borgo Crucifix; others are known only through their association with a particular area, such as Pisa, Venice or Umbria.


A painting is discussed under the artist’s name where the authorship is not considered to be in doubt. ‘Attributed to’ implies a certain measure of doubt.


Dimensions are given in centimetres; height is preceded by width.

Technical information and method

The paintings listed here, except Segna di Buonaventura’s Crucifix (NG 567), Spinello Aretino’s fresco (NG 1216.1) and Jacopo di Cione’s Crucifixion (NG 1468), have been re‐examined for this catalogue in the conservation studios. The paintings have been remeasured and examined with X‐radiography and infrared reflectography wherever possible.

The X‐radiographs were made using conventional X‐ray sensitive film sheets (30 × 40 cm, Kodak Industrex AA400), which have been scanned to produce 16‐bit mono TIFF digital images and finally assembled using software to produce a mosaic.1 A complete survey of the paintings in infrared was made using a Hamamatsu C2400 vidicon system, equipped with a N2606‐06 vidicon tube, which is sensitive between 500 and 2200 nm (radiation shorter than 900 nm was excluded using a Kodak 87A filter). Where features of interest were identified these were then recorded subsequently, when it became available, with SIRIS or OSIRIS, the Gallery’s digital infrared imaging systems, equipped with InGaAs detectors sensitive between 900 and 1700 nm.2 The paintings were examined with a Wild M650 stereo‐binocular operating microscope at magnifications between 6× and 40×. Photomicrographs were taken using a Zeiss Axiocam HrC mounted on the Wild microscope.

Occasionally references are made to X‐radiographs and infrared images which are not illustrated; this is because once these images are reduced to page size the information they contain is often no longer decipherable.

Technique and condition are discussed together since the condition of a painting is often, among other factors, the result of the techniques employed in its making.


Descriptions of construction and carpentry are based on direct physical examination, infrared images and X‐radiographs. The support is assumed to be poplar unless otherwise stated. Where the wood has been identified positively, this is noted.


The medium of the paint is assumed to be egg tempera unless otherwise stated. For some of the works, analysis of the binding medium in paint samples has been carried out using Fourier transform infrared microscopy (FTIR) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), usually during earlier examinations or in conjunction with conservation treatment. The results are described in the individual catalogue entries and, where published, the reference is given. Some further analysis of samples from a few of the paintings has been carried out specifically for this catalogue.

Gilding and tooling

Information on gilding is presented before that on painting, in keeping with the order of execution. Mordant gilding and silvering are included in the discussion on gilding, despite being applied in the later stages, so that all the techniques of metal leaf decoration could be discussed together. The individual punches are described, but the reader is also referred to Erling Skaug’s catalogue published in 1994. The particular gilding technique used by the artists has generally been identified from examination of the surface of the painting with a stereomicroscope. In some cases samples were available from previous examinations and were re‐examined, or occasionally a new sample was taken, particularly where analysis of the metal leaf or investigation of the composition of a mordant was of interest. Where metal leaf has been identified, this has been confirmed with energy dispersive X‐ray analysis in the scanning electron microscope (SEM‐EDX).

Punch mark illustrations

Unfortunately, when printed, some photomicrographs that show depressions in a paint surface appear to the reader reversed. This is particularly disturbing with some images of punch marks in gilding which may seem to show raised pastiglia. This phenomenon is a result of the way the human brain interprets visual signals; expecting a pattern of shadows and highlights to have been caused by raised areas (which would be more usual in normal life), this is the message sent to the reader by the brain.

[page xxiii]

Descriptions of the pigments for many of the paintings were available from earlier research carried out during the preparation for the 1989 exhibition Art in the Making: Italian Painting before 1400. Information also existed from studies of new acquisitions or from analysis carried out in support of conservation treatment. The paint samples that existed from earlier examinations were re‐examined with optical microscopy, SEM‐EDX and occasionally Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microscopy. A limited number of new samples were taken to address specific questions that arose during the research for the catalogue. The surface of the paintings was examined under a stereomicroscope wherever possible at magnifications of up to 40×. At this magnification many pigments can be identified with a reasonable degree of reliability, and these examinations greatly extended the information on pigments and pigment mixtures in areas of the paintings that were not sampled, and enabled the observations from samples to be correlated with the appearance of the painting itself.


As full an account as possible is given with regard to authorship, companion panels – particularly relevant for altar pieces – subject matter, iconography, original location, date, patronage and so on. The compiler has tried to make this information accessible to the lay reader as well as to the art historian. Inevitably there is a certain amount of speculation, but it is made clear where an argument is hypothetical. For ease of reference the comments are given subheadings, but their sequence varies according to the requirements of the argument.

Notes and references

1. X‐radiography and the associated scanning of the plates and processing were carried out by the photographic departments of the National Gallery. For a full description of the process see J. Padfield, D. Saunders, J. Cupitt and R. Atkinson, ‘Improvements in the Acquisition and Processing acquisition and processing of X‐ray images of paintings’, National Gallery Technical Bulletin, 23, 2002, pp. 62–75. (Back to text.)

2. For more details on SIRIS see D. Saunders, R. Billinge, J. Cupitt, N. Atkinson and H. Liang, ‘A new camera for high‐resolution infrared imaging of works of art’, Studies in Conservation, 51, 2006, pp. 277–90. (Back to text.)

About this version

Version 3, generated from files DG_2011__16.xml dated 06/03/2025 and database__16.xml dated 09/03/2025 using stylesheet 16_teiToHtml_externalDb.xsl dated 03/01/2025. Entries for NG564, NG566, NG579.6-NG579.8, NG752, NG1139-NG1140 & NG1330, NG1147, NG1468, NG2927, NG3897, NG5360, NG6572-NG6573 and NG6599 marked for publication; citations for NG6583 altered to include update date.

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Gordon, Dillian. “NG 1468, The Crucifixion”. 2011, online version 3, March 9, 2025.
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