Catalogue entry
Francesco Francia and workshop
NG 179, 180
The Buonvisi Altarpiece: Saint Anne with the Virgin and Four Saints (main panel) and
the Pietà (lunette)
, ,Extracted from:
Giorgia Mancini and Nicholas Penny, The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings, Volume III: Bologna and Ferrara (London: National Gallery Company and Yale University Press, 2018).

© The National Gallery, London
NG 179 oil on canvas (transferred from panel),
201.3 × 185.4 cm, painted surface 198.7 (max) × 182.7 (max) cm;
NG 180 oil on wood, 98.5 × 191 cm (including additions)
NG179 signed on the throne: ‘FRANCIA.AVRIFEX. BONONIE̅SIS.P.’ (‘Francia. Goldsmith. of Bologna. p[ainted this]’)
The main panel (NG 179) has been transferred from wood to canvas. The canvas has been marouflaged onto a synthetic support. From the pattern of losses visible in the photographs made after cleaning, the panel must have had six vertical joins and consisted of seven boards of wood, the outer two being relatively narrow. The joins run through Saint Sebastian’s right foot and just to the right of his head, through the Virgin’s right eye, Saint Anne’s left hand, Saint Lawrence’s left shoulder and behind Saint Benedict’s head.
The lunette (NG 180) was painted on a poplar panel (about 2.6 cm thick) composed of three boards joined horizontally and shaped as a semicircle. The spandrels are a later addition and increase the overall height of the panel by 4.5 cm and the width by 6 cm (3 cm each side). These were attached either in the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century, when this painting was converted from a crowning lunette to a separate gallery painting in a rectangular frame.
The back of NG 180 exhibits saw marks, but there is also evidence that the wood was split into boards and there are some traces of hand finishing, so the panel probably retains its original thickness. Dowels are visible in the X‐radiographs. Two small butterfly keys (one at the centre of each join) were inserted from the back to reinforce the joins, which were later also reinforced with fibres. Two vertical battens, apparently of pine, are inserted into channels with a dovetail profile in the back of the panel. They have been sawn at the lower edge of the panel, which is very uneven and has probably been cut – but by how much is not clear.

Infrared reflectogram detail of the right‐hand angel in NG 180. © The National Gallery, London
The panel has some woodworm damage and slight splits where it is restricted by the added spandrels but is otherwise in good condition. On the back, on the original part of the panel, are inscriptions and three wax seals.
Preparatory layers and preliminary drawing
The preparatory layer was largely removed from the main panel during the transfer carried out in 1891, but fragmentary remains in several cross‐sections of paint indicate that both panels were prepared with a layer of gesso.1 A thin unpigmented layer was applied on top, and in one sample from the lunette it was possible to determine that this layer is composed of a drying oil.2
Lines that can be identified for certain as underdrawing are not obvious in the infrared images of the main panel. This could be because some of the underdrawing was lost in the transfer process.
In the infrared images of the lunette some drawing can be seen, consisting of simple outlines, very finely drawn. These are only identifiable as underdrawing where the painted outline does not follow the drawing exactly. This is the case in the left arm of the angel in red, which was painted lower than it was drawn (fig. 1). Smaller changes include enlargement of the eyes of several of the figures and adjustment of the positions of chins and hairlines. In the lower portion of the panel, where there is now a straight ledge of grey stone, are lines which appear to be continuations of the draperies and of the heel of Christ’s left foot and, by the foot of the angel in green, what looks like the top of a spray of lilies. This is in keeping with the evidence from panel examination that the lower edge has been cut. There seems therefore to have been a first idea for the composition that extended further down the panel. It must have been abandoned quite early in the painting process, since a sample from the ledge just below the angel in green shows that only the underpaint for his drapery runs beneath the grey stone paint.
In the infrared images of the main panel it is possible to see a few fine lines similar to the underdrawing on the lunette, and similar small changes to eyes and the contours of faces. The most significant change is to the position of the Christ Child’s head, which seems to have been drawn slightly lower and to the right of its painted position.
Medium and pigments
Linseed oil was identified as the paint binder in samples from Saint Benedict’s white robe and the blue sky in the main panel, and in green and red paint from the lunette.3
[page 169] [page 170]
Detail of NG 179. © The National Gallery, London
The sky is painted with ultramarine mixed with lead white over a layer of azurite and lead white. The Virgin’s cloak in the main panel – the brightest of all the blue draperies – employs these same blue pigments. The first layer consists of azurite mixed with varying amounts of white, but in some areas further layers were applied in pink and purple shades, the deepest purple‐red shadows being mixtures containing mainly red lake with a little ultramarine or azurite and colourless soda‐ash glass.4 The whole cloak was then glazed with natural ultramarine, applied with varying thickness to further refine the folds, and sometimes mixed with white for the very brightest lights. This distinctive layer structure is also to be found in the darker and more purple blue of Saint Anne’s cloak and in the robe of Saint Paul, with more reliance on the purple‐red shades in the undermodelling.
The deep blue of the Virgin’s cloak in the lunette is painted in the same way as Saint Anne’s. Surprisingly, the blue runs beneath the areas showing the green lining and beneath the whole of her red robe, which is only glazed rather thinly on top with red lake. The far brighter red of Saint Paul’s cloak on the main panel is instead achieved with multiple layers of undermodelling consisting of various mixtures of vermilion, red lake, lead white and bone black, finally glazed with red lake. All the layers include colourless soda‐ash glass as an additive.
[page 171]
Detail of NG 180. © The National Gallery, London
The green lining of Saint Paul’s robe was painted first with a thin layer of verdigris, lead white and black; thick layers, consisting chiefly of verdigris, were applied over this. The angel in green in the lunette was also painted with verdigris. A sample from the knee shows that the lower half was painted first in a blue paint made from azurite and white.5 The upper part appears different and may not have the same structure, or it may be that the upper green paint is more thickly applied, obscuring more effectively what is beneath. The spotty final layer of verdigris has been blotted with a cloth over the whole drapery, presumably to make it uniform.
Beneath the thin black modern overpaint in the background of the lunette is the mid‐grey original paint consisting of lead white and lamp black. This has been applied over a light beige layer consisting of lead white with some black, yellow earth and colourless soda‐ash glass.
Green pigment was seen when examining the surface under low magnification in the flesh of every figure in the main panel, giving the greenish‐brown tone that is especially evident in the darkest shadows. This pigment was identified as green earth in paint samples, and found to have been mixed with lead white, vermilion, black, yellow ochre, red lake, a very small amount of ultramarine in places, and with colourless soda‐ash glass as an additive. The modelling of the flesh was built up in multiple layers – four or five are visible in most of the cross‐sections – working from relatively pale beige hues that probably constitute the mid‐tones, with darker shadows and the lightest highlights applied on top.
Much of the gold decoration is reinforced. It could only be examined under low magnification, and observations concerning its original character in the main panel are advanced tentatively. The gold of the signature seems to have been applied on an insubstantial, perhaps colourless, mordant. The haloes seem to be drawn with shell gold (reinforced with later gold paint), perhaps with mordant gilding for the stronger line around the perimeter. The flecks of gold in the Christ Child’s three‐pointed radiance seem to be the work of a restorer, but they follow traces of an original. There are remnants of what seems to be an original gold pattern on Saint Sebastian’s loincloth, and also of a gilded fringe where it billows out below. There is a touch of gold on one of the arrows, in a line of light along the metal tip. The pattern on Saint Paul’s sword also appears to be rendered with shell gold, and there is a simple double line of gold around the hem of his red cloak, together with touches of gold around the cuff and neck of his blue robe, which suggest a gold‐patterned border. Saint Anne’s blue cloak has a solid line of gold around its edge, as do the cuffs of her red robe. Saint Lawrence’s alb has gold lines at the neck and small gold dots on the dark green half‐circles of the orphreys on his shoulders. Around the neck and cuffs of the Virgin’s red dress and the hem of her blue cloak is a slightly more elaborate gold‐patterned border, now very faint. Very little of this is visible in ordinary viewing conditions. In the lunette all the haloes seem to have been reinforced, probably because of the overpaint in the background. They were toned down in the most recent treatment. There are traces of original gold decoration in the form of a single line around the cuffs and hem of the robe of the angel in green, and around the neck, cuffs and hem of the robe of the angel in red. There are also touches of gold on the end of the feathers of both angels.
The main panel has suffered from being transferred on to canvas. The paint surface is uneven and has sunk in places. Its condition must, however, have been a serious problem before the transfer took place as it exhibits many of the same problems suffered by the lunette, which has not been transferred.
Both paintings have widespread flake losses. In the main panel there are small scattered losses from many areas but especially from the sky. There are also areas where losses are larger, including the outer edges and the robes of Saint Anne and Saint Paul. Both paintings exhibit areas where wide cracks have developed in the paint as it was drying and paint has subsequently been lost. This is especially bad in areas of orange or red drapery, such as the robes of the Virgin and Saint Anne, the cloak of Saint Paul in the main panel, and the robe of the angel in red in the lunette.
In both the main panel and the lunette the paint containing azurite has darkened and the paint containing ultramarine has blanched. Blanching can also be seen in areas of brown shadow such as the hair of Saint Sebastian in the main panel and of Christ in the lunette.
To disguise all these problems, both paintings had been extensively repainted before the most recent treatment; much of this old repaint was not removed and is now becoming more visible due to discoloration. The gilding is worn and has been reinforced, as has been mentioned in the previous section.
[page 172]Conservation history
Both paintings are likely to have been cleaned when they were re‐framed for display in the Palazzo Buonvisi in the late eighteenth century (see ‘Provenance’ below). After the transfer of both paintings to the ducal palace in Lucca it was agreed, on 27 August 1827, that they should be restored. The work was probably undertaken soon afterwards by Michele Ridolfi or at least under his supervision.6 The spandrels were probably added at that date, although this could have been done in previous decades. The style of their decoration would be possible in 1800 but more likely in the 1820s.
The main panel was transferred from wood to canvas in 1891. Flaking paint on both panels was secured in 1940 and 1955. In 1971–3 the transfer canvas of the main panel was marouflaged onto a modern synthetic support. At the same time the painting was cleaned and restored, as was the lunette.
Saint Anne and the Virgin in the main panel
The altarpiece was commissioned for the Buonvisi chapel dedicated to Saint Anne, the mother of the Virgin Mary, in the church of S. Frediano, Lucca. An account of the church and chapel is provided in a separate section below. In the main panel the Virgin Mary and Saint Anne are seated close together on a throne, and Francia’s composition reflects their dual prominence here with an arch springing above each figure. They are united by the infant Christ, who is seated on his mother’s lap but leans towards his grandmother to take the fruit proffered by her (probably intended to be an apple but more like an apricot in size and colour) . The departures from, and debts to, the prevailing conventions for depicting Saint Anne and the Virgin are described in Appendix 1 below, but it is worth observing here that, among altarpieces with this subject, the painting is highly unusual in representing Saint Anne as smaller in size than her daughter. Francia took great care in painting the blues, as is explained in the section on pigments above. He was especially concerned to ensure that the Virgin’s blue is the brightest in the painting.
The Virgin is less directly engaged with her child because we are to understand that she is thinking of his destiny, which is foreshadowed by the Sacrifice of Isaac: the Old Testament episode represented by Francia as a relief carving in the capital beside her head. It was not a new idea to incorporate an Old Testament episode into the Virgin Mary’s throne or the surrounding architecture but it was ingenious to do so in a manner that suggests the Virgin’s thoughts, and tactful to give this an emphasis that no attentive viewer can miss but that does not disrupt the figural composition.7
The saints beside the throne in the main panel
Saint Sebastian and Saint Paul stand on the left side of the throne and Saint Lawrence and Saint Benedict on the right. Three of these are the name saints of the members of the Buonvisi family, who commissioned the altarpiece and for whom the chapel was built: the patron, Benedetto (1450–1513); his brother, Paolo (died 1484); and their father, Lorenzo (died 1451).8 Saint Sebastian, who was often invoked against the plague, may have been included on account of the plague that broke out in Lucca in 1510, and other such reasons have been given for – but are not necessary to explain – the presence of Saint Anne and Saint John the Baptist.9
Sebastian is depicted nude but for a loincloth, tied to a column and pierced by three arrows. It is typical of Francia at this stage in his development that the arrows are inconspicuous. Paul is, as usual, depicted with the sword with which he was executed. His pose repeats that of his neighbour and indeed their feet are almost identical. The rich colours he wears connect him with the Virgin above, although the blue of his tunic is greener in hue than that of the Virgin’s cloak; these colours also help link the principal panel with the lunette.
Lawrence, as always, is attired as a deacon, wearing a dalmatic (the long‐sleeved outer tunic worn by a deacon over his alb, or inner tunic of white linen). In this case the dalmatic is of a gold damask with a pattern outlined in scarlet, a textile that the patrons, involved in the silk trade, would have especially valued.10 The damask is divided by green orphreys into nine visible panels, most of which are decorated with bold foliate patterns but two of which feature unusual open knot designs. Lawrence was martyred in Rome in AD 258 – roasted, according to legend, on a grill, the handle of which he holds here with his right hand, together with a martyr’s palm in the other.
Saint Benedict was normally represented in a black habit but the Camaldolite Order, which followed his rule, wore white and the Buonvisi family was closely connected with the Camaldolese abbey of Cantignano.11 Carmichael’s suggestion that Benedict may be a portrait12 should not be dismissed, although, if it is one, the subject has surely been idealised. Benedict’s features differ from those of the other saints – in particular, his eyeballs seem safely lodged within their sockets – and a profile view was often employed for portraits incorporated in altarpieces. It is noteworthy that Benedict looks at Christ, whereas Paul and Lawrence look at Benedict. Given that these saints stand for family members, this is appropriate, since Benedetto was the true patron of the chapel. Sebastian, who was not chosen as a family saint, looks up to heaven.
In front of the pedestal of the throne the infant John the Baptist (holding a scroll inscribed ‘ECCE AGNVS DEI’ on one side, with the ‘ECCE’ legible in reverse on the other) raises his hand and lifts his head to acknowledge not only the infant Christ above him, but also Christ sacrificed, depicted in the lunette. His gesture also draws attention to Francia’s signature. The nimble posture of his seemingly weightless body is supplemented by the delightful melodic lines of the scroll in front of him and the two flying tails of the belt for his camelskin behind him.
The Pietà in the lunette
The lunette (NG 180) depicts the Virgin Mary with the dead Christ, flanked by two angels, against a dark background. The scale of the figures is larger than those in the main [page 173] panel, to compensate for the greater height at which they were placed.13 Christ’s body rests on his mother’s lap, his back supported by her right hand and his feet touching the ground. She looks down with eyes red from weeping (fig. 3). With great subtlety Francia makes her resemble her mother in the panel below, thus showing how grief has aged her. The colour of her blue cloak is also the same as that of Saint Anne (as noted above in the section on pigments). These two panels appear to have been the only parts of the altarpiece (no predella is recorded) and this is only one respect in which they are connected.

Detail of NG 180. © The National Gallery, London
The angel on the left looks at the viewer, while supporting Christ’s head with his right hand, partially concealed by hair, his fingertips gently touching Christ’s cheek. A few shining corkscrew curls, of the kind that Francia delighted in painting a decade or so earlier, are blown back from this angel’s cheek (fig. 4).
The angel on the right, his hands joined in prayer, looks sorrowfully downward (perhaps at the wounds in Christ’s feet). This angel’s drapery, rising like flames behind the pale feet, has a movement and complexity that are faintly echoed in the flutter of Sebastian’s loincloth below. Both angels have large, dark wings, the outer ones sweeping in lines parallel with the edge of the lunette.
Only a fraction of the wound in Christ’s side is visible to us; no other marks of suffering can be detected. His expression is one of sorrow and repose, and the stiffness of his body is softened by gracious curves. The representation [page 174] of controlled and silent grief, all the more intense because it is so restrained, was greatly and justly admired in the past.14
From the mid‐fifteenth century the dead Christ had become a common subject for the upper register of altarpieces, especially in north Italy. It supplemented, and may perhaps have served as a substitute for, the Crucifixion, which had long been obligatory for chapels (generally placed upon, but sometimes hung above, the altar) and was obviously appropriate for the place where the eucharistic sacrament was consecrated. In many cases the body of Christ was shown on the edge of the tomb, supported by angels, as in the cimasa of Francia’s Felicini Altarpiece (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna) and in numerous paintings by Giovanni Bellini and his followers. But some version of the Lamentation, an episode (not described in the Gospels) occurring between the Deposition and the Entombment, was also employed: a striking example of a lunette with this subject is the one installed in 1487 in S. Giorgio, Ferrara, by Cosimo Tura for the Roverella Altarpiece (now in the Louvre; the main panel is NG 772), which Francia would surely have known. Both Tura and Francia show Christ’s body on the Virgin’s lap, a subject known as the Pietà, which should be understood as a condensed and intimate version of the Lamentation. The Pietà was also popular in sculpture and, especially around 1500, for the main panels of altarpieces and for smaller devotional paintings (such as NG 2671).15 There is no consistency in the way that subjects of this sort were identified, either in the sixteenth century or later: an inventory of 1834 describes NG 180 as a ‘deposizione di Croce’.16
The architecture
During the 1490s Francia painted four monumental altarpieces featuring the Virgin and Child enthroned with saints, each of which included an elaborate architectural setting and a landscape beyond: the Felicini Altarpiece, the Manzuoli Altarpiece and the Scappi Altarpiece, all today in the Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna, and the Bentivoglio Altarpiece in S. Giacomo Maggiore, Bologna (p. 151, fig. 1).17 The setting Francia has supplied for the main panel here retains features found in these earlier works but is far simpler, clearer and cleaner. The landscape is now shrunk to a detail beside Sebastian’s knee, although the clouds have the same fleecy shapes with thin horizontal plinths that Francia had previously employed. The foliate ornament on the underside of the arch that springs forward from the pillar behind the throne is like that of the frieze in the Manzuoli Altarpiece but far more discreet. The idea of decorating the uppermost portion of a pier with a relief was earlier used in the Bentivoglio Altarpiece, albeit competing there with the decoration of a capital below. The concave form of the pedestal of the throne here (apparently hexagonal in plan and without steps) is anticipated by the lowest portion of the pedestal in the Felicini Altarpiece and is a motif that Francia, as a goldsmith, would have noted in Roman altars and the lower registers of candelabra.
The polychromy in Francia’s earlier architectural settings, generally involving combinations of marble with bronze that was gilded or patinated green, is now replaced with a less distracting grey and grey‐green. The very minimal articulation of the walls, with the frieze indicated by a simple moulding, is also notable.18 There are two monolithic columns of marble to either side of the foreground. They have no relation to the rest of the architecture and were perhaps inserted only to provide something to which Sebastian can be tied. The irregular, tawny horizontal banding is more like the bark of a cherry tree than any familiar pattern in stone.
Because the architecture has been reduced to quiet ‘background music’, its implausible character – especially the absurd meeting of the arches with the side walls – and the oddity of a throne with no back are seldom remarked upon.
Attribution and dating
Although the altarpiece by Francia is signed, and although it was mentioned by Vasari in the 1550 and 1568 editions of his Lives,19 Francia’s work was little known in Tuscany even by experts during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and the signature was mistaken as an abbreviation for the Florentine painter Franciabigio. The altarpiece was published as such by Vincenzo Marchiò in his guidebook to the city of 1721 and was recorded as such by several earlier and later manuscript sources.20 By the close of the eighteenth century Francia was better known as an artist and in a list of 1778 this ‘most beautiful and precious’ work was correctly attributed to ‘Francesco Francia Bolognese’.21 The removal of the altarpiece from the Buonvisi chapel to the family picture gallery followed soon after. In the modern literature concerning Francia almost all scholars agree in considering this obviously large and prestigious commission as executed by the artist as well as signed by him.22 But there has been less agreement about its date.
It is clear from the wills dictated by the patron Benedetto Buonvisi (see Appendix 3) that Francia had received the commission by August 1510 and that by June 1511 the altarpiece had still not been completed but was expected. It is possible that Francia travelled to Lucca to oversee the installation of the altarpiece and that, while there, he received another major commission for the same church: the Immaculate Conception for the Stiatta chapel, which seems to have been settled upon between May 1511 and August 1512.23 Even if he never travelled to Lucca, it seems unlikely that, had the first commission not been completed promptly, the second would have been so readily given. Moreover, delays would have prompted notarial activity and of this there is no trace. Thus there seems no reason to doubt that NG 179–180 was painted between 1510 and 1512.24 This hypothesis is supported by the very similar treatment of the infant Christ and the identical facial type given to the Virgin in a painting by Francia and his workshop which is dated 1513.25
The choice of an artist from Bologna
It is unlikely to be a coincidence that another artist from Bologna, Amico Aspertini, had been painting in fresco in the chapel of Saint Augustine in the same church of S. Frediano in 1508 and 1509, invited there by Pasquino Cenami, prior of [page 175]the community from 1505 to 1510, who had many contacts in Bologna. Either Aspertini or the prior or others in the circle of the prior (see Appendix 2) may also have suggested Francia. His paintings have a purified monumentality and austere decorum like that of Fra Bartolommeo, who had worked with great success for the cathedral of Lucca in 1509 but was, after 1510, completely absorbed by his work for the Florentine Republic.26 It is indeed not impossible that Fra Bartolommeo himself had commended Francia’s work, which he is likely to have encountered in his travels (he was in Venice in 1508 and would probably have travelled there via Bologna). And if the Saint Benedict in this painting is indeed a portrait, then it is likely that Francia was supplied with a drawing – in which case that drawing may have been made by Fra Bartolommeo. Although encumbered with commissions elsewhere, Fra Bartolommeo retained close links with Lucca, presenting to the convent of S. Romano there in 1513 the altarpiece he had intended for S. Pietro Martire in Murano (dated 1508).27
In his will of 1510 Benedetto Buonvisi refers to the artist as ‘a certain painter called Francia’ (‘cuidam pictori cui vocatur Francia’), a formula which strongly suggests that he had no personal acquaintance with him.28 It may therefore support the supposition that the painting was not made in Lucca. As already mentioned, Francia was also commissioned to paint an altarpiece of the Immaculate Conception for the Stiatta chapel in S. Frediano.29 This work follows a pattern established by the altarpiece of the same subject executed by Vincenzo Frediani (active 1481–1505) in 1502 for the church of S. Francesco (now in the Museo Nazionale di Villa Guinigi, Lucca). The fact that Francia’s altarpiece for the Stiatta chapel is based on a local model is not evidence that he travelled to Lucca, as he could have been provided with a sketch of this picture by his patrons,30 but he may have done so – if only to supervise the installation of the Buonvisi Altarpiece.31
The patron
Benedetto Buonvisi was born in Lucca around the mid‐fifteenth century. Together with his brothers, Antonio, Ludovico and Paolo, he managed the family’s international banking business and its trading interests, especially in silk.32 The family’s pre‐eminence in local politics is demonstrated by the fact that Benedetto and Paolo were elected as senators (anziani) or counsellors (gonfalonieri) more than forty times over a period of 45 years, from 1468 to 1513. Furthermore, two of his brothers were members of the Consiglio Generale della Repubblica and of the Collegio dei Mercanti, and as such represented the city on diplomatic missions. Benedetto had strong ties with the Medici and when he sent a letter of condolence to Piero de’ Medici on the death of his father, Lorenzo il Magnifico (1449 –1492), he spoke of the latter as a ‘master and father’, on whom he had always relied. Dignitaries and ambassadors visiting Lucca were received by Benedetto in his house in Borgo S. Frediano. The Buonvisi had offices in Naples, Venice, Genoa, Lyons, Tours, Louvain, Antwerp and London. Antonio Buonvisi became the banker to Henry VIII and was an intimate friend of Thomas More.
The Buonvisi chapel in S. Frediano
NG 179 and 180 were commissioned by Benedetto Buonvisi for his family chapel in S. Frediano in Lucca. According to tradition this church had been founded in the late sixth century by the Irish priest Finnian (also called Fridianus, died 588), son of Ultach, King of Ulster. From the mid‐eleventh century it was governed by the Canons Regular of Saint Augustine. In the second half of the twelfth century it became one of the most important centres for the diffusion of the reformed Gregorian liturgy. Between the end of the fifteenth century and the early sixteenth the church underwent a major campaign of refurbishment: aisles were vaulted, new chapels were built, and a new chancel and choir stalls created.33 These works were carried out mainly by Matteo Civitali (1436 –1501) and his nephew Masseo (died 1517/18) and their assistants, at the instigation of the prior, Pasquino Cenami, with whom the Buonvisi were closely associated: indeed, Benedetto was married to Filippa di Martino Cenami, and he was among the powerful laymen present at Pasquino’s election.34
In wills dictated in 1488 and 1497, Benedetto Buonvisi expressed his desire to be buried in S. Frediano, ‘in the burial vault of his ancestors’.35 In the second of these wills he made arrangements for a chapel to be built in the church, charging his brother Paolo, as executor, with responsibility for the construction of the chapel and its fittings, as well as for arranging for masses to be celebrated there.36 Furthermore, Benedetto wanted his own mortal remains and those of his deceased brother Ludovico to be transferred to the chapel’s vault.37 The same stipulations appear in the will dictated by Benedetto on 19 August 1506.38 From yet another will, of 16 August 1510, it is clear that Benedetto himself had overseen the erection of the chapel and commissioned appropriate decoration and fittings.39 On 11 June 1511, in the presence of the prior and canons, Benedetto endowed the chapel with properties in Matraia and Lucca.40 This document states that the chapel, dedicated to Saint Anne, had been erected in the southern aisle, by the facade (‘in calce dicte ecclesie versus meridiem’), and that the altarpiece and other ornaments would be installed when they were complete.41 The patronage of the chapel was to belong to Benedetto and Paolo Buonvisi and then pass to their heirs.
The names of the craftsmen commissioned to undertake the decoration of the chapel are mentioned in the will of 16 August 1510.42 The patron required that the completed works should be assessed by experts.43 The altarpiece (‘anconam’) by Francia and the ‘wooden ornament of the image’ (‘lignamine ornamenta ymaginis’) – that is, the frame carved and gilded by Ambrogio di Biagio – were being made at the same time (the painting, presumably, in Bologna and the frame in Lucca).
When the Buonvisi chapel was renovated at the end of the eighteenth century the original furnishings were lost, with the exceptions of NG 179–180, which were taken to the Buonvisi palace, and the two ledger stones that indicate the entrances to the vault. Rather touchingly, a framed photograph of the National Gallery’s painting donated by the theologian and art historian Montgomery Carmichael was placed on the chapel [page 176] around 1900 and remains there to this day.44 Carmichael (who was British consul in Leghorn) must have hoped by this means to encourage visitors, and especially British travellers, to reflect on the original purpose and placement of this great altarpiece, now removed from a religious context, for we know that he was dismayed by the way art lovers, and indeed expert connoisseurs, ignored the religious content and function of paintings they studied in galleries.

View across the west end of the nave of S. Frediano showing the full extent of the Buonvisi chapel. © Equipe Fotostudio di Marco Degli Esposti, Bologna

Stefano Tofanelli, Saint Anne adoring the Infant Christ, about 1795. Lucca, Buonvisi chapel, S. Frediano. © Equipe Fotostudio di Marco Degli Esposti, Bologna
Previous owners: from the Buonvisi chapel to the Buonvisi palace
The Buonvisi family continued to prosper throughout the seventeenth century, when there were three Buonvisi cardinals.45 By 1768 the family palace near S. Frediano housed a collection of 185 pictures.46 Later in the eighteenth century Francia’s altarpiece was moved there and shown as two paintings, doubtless therefore re‐framed and probably cleaned.47 The move presumably anticipated the arrival of a new altarpiece, Saint Anne adoring the Infant Christ (fig. 2), sent to Lucca from Rome by the leading Lucchese painter of the day, Stefano Tofanelli (1752–1812).48 By 1796 this very beautiful painting, worthy of a follower of Pompeo Batoni (1708–1787) and Anton Raphael Mengs (1728–1779), and deeply indebted to Raphael, was on the new altar in the superb neoclassical chapel designed by the leading local architect Giovanni Lazzarini (1769–1834). It is hard to be sure whether the prevailing motive was to refurbish the chapel in a modern style, employing the finest local talent, or to remove to a picture gallery a work which had become more valuable as an old master painting than effective as a devotional aid, but in any case the move reflected the increasing esteem for Francia. The altarpiece is flanked by two other fine modern works by local artists: one by Bernardino Nocchi, of the ‘Transition’ of Saint Anne, and the other by Francesco Cecchi (1717–1812), of the Birth of the Virgin.49
In 1800, shortly after this outstanding act of artistic patronage, Conte Francesco Gerolamo, the last remaining male member of the Buonvisi family, died. There must always have been a strong element of dynastic retrospection in his creation of this chapel. It preserved the fine seventeenth‐century marble tomb of Cardinal Buonviso Buonvisi and included busts of the other two family cardinals placed in roundels in the lunettes above the two side paintings. The family property, and indeed responsibility for the chapel, passed to the nephew of Count Francesco Gerolamo, Francesco Montecatini and his heirs, who, for a while, added the name Buonvisi to their own.50 Nocchi’s painting was not completed before 1804;51 Cecchi’s may also have been completed after 1800. A stucco frame identical to those around these works, and perhaps intended for a fourth painting, surrounds a monument to Montecatini and his wife, Mariana Santini, on the side wall opposite that of the cardinal.52
An account of the formation and dispersal of the Buonvisi collection is given in an appendix here (pp. 460–2). It was the most important in the city of Lucca and had been greatly enhanced by Conte Francesco Gerolamo. In February 1819 we know that the collection consisted of [page 177]216 paintings.53 After prolonged negotiations a group of the Buonvisi pictures, including NG 179–180, were sold, in the winter of 1823 or soon afterwards, to the Duchess of Lucca, who was afflicted with cancer and died in March of the following year.54 Her son inherited and enlarged the collection, housed in the royal palace (acquiring more paintings from the Buonvisi), but then felt obliged to sell. (For a full account of this collection see pp. 473–8.)
Sale to the National Gallery: Galvani,
and Flight
In 1840 the Duke of Lucca’s Venetian agent, Carlo Galvani (1805–1866), tried to sell the Francias to the National Gallery, together with a painting by Domenichino (1581–1641; Appendix 3 below, documents 7, 8). In July 1840 the Francias were included in the exhibition of the duke’s collection at the Society of Painters in Water Colours, together with 13 other paintings formerly in the Buonvisi collection.55 In the same year both Francias were bought by E.G. Flight, from whom they were purchased by the Trustees of the National Gallery through William Buchanan (1777–1864) in June 1841 for £3,500.56 The Trustees assumed that Flight was an agent for the Duke of Lucca (the paintings were described as ‘at present under your charge’) and the price was one which they had offered for the paintings through Buchanan in the previous year. The purchase was therefore recorded in the Gallery’s catalogue as from the duke.
Many years later, early in 1860, Flight wrote indignantly to the Director, Sir Charles Eastlake, asserting that the Francias had been ‘bought by myself and sold by me and delivered by me’. Eastlake must have explained that it had been assumed that he had been an agent because another letter from Flight followed, objecting that he had never been anyone’s agent but had bought the paintings for £3,200 ‘at my own risk and as my own speculation’ nearly a year before the sale to the National Gallery.57 It is hard to explain this episode other than as evidence of Buchanan’s dishonesty. He cannot have communicated the offer made by the Trustees in 1840 of £3,500. Knowing that Galvani would accept £300 less, he must then have arranged for Flight to buy them at that price, speculating that he could, after a brief interval, sell to the Trustees at the price they had previously offered. Whether Buchanan took a cut or was doing a favour for one of his backers will probably never be known.
This acquisition, together with that of a Perugino (NG 181) acquired soon afterwards, doubtless reflects the dawning recognition by the Trustees that it would be valuable for the national collection to include work by the antecedents of the mature Raphael.
See above. On the altar of the Buonvisi chapel in S. Frediano, Lucca (recorded there until 1721). Moved to the Buonvisi palace, Lucca, after 1768, probably in the 1790s. Sold by Francesco Montecatini (son of Nicolao Montecatini and Maria Caterina Buonvisi) to Maria Luisa di Borbone, Duchess of Lucca, in late1823 or early 1824. On her death in 1824 the paintings passed to her son, whose collection was sold in London between 1840 and 1841. Purchased in 1840 by E.G. Flight, from whom purchased in June 1841 by the Trustees of the National Gallery.
In Room 36 of the piano nobile of the Palazzo Ducale, Lucca, according to an inventory compiled on 15 November 1834, there was ‘Un quadro in tela con cornice dorata del Martini dall’originale del Francia rappresentante la Madonna con vari Santi’. Given that there were elsewhere in the palace copies of other great altarpieces in the duke’s collection, this was almost certainly a copy of the main panel of the altarpiece catalogued here.58
Nineteenth‐century catalogues of the collection cite an ‘old copy’ of Francia’s altarpiece in the ‘Gallery of Berlin’.59 This must refer to another version of the Pietà made by Francia or his workshop and acquired from the sacristy of the Badia in Bologna for the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin.60 It is modelled on NG 180 but with the addition of another Mary and with the Virgin’s legs visible.
A reduced copy of NG 179 (canvas on panel, 74.9 × 64.8 cm) was sold as lot 28 at Christie’s on 13 November 1959 for 95 guineas. Another, also canvas on panel, was lot 165 in Sotheby’s, Sussex, on 22 November 1991 (51.5 × 47 cm). Many more copies are recorded of the lunette, NG 180, and some of these were made to furnish modern Anglican churches, which reveals the intense admiration felt for the piety and decorum of Francia’s art – and also reflects the fact that the lunette was not displayed as it is now, which would have made it impossible to copy exactly without a scaffold.
The copy of the Pietà in the church of the Holy Trinity at Coleman’s Hatch, East Sussex, built in 1912–13 and paid for by shipping magnate John McAndrew (1838–1925), had been made by the donor’s sister and installed in the church shortly after its dedication.61 Another copy was in the church of St Barnabas in Tunbridge Wells. This is probably the picture (canvas, 98 × 184 cm) that appeared at auction in London in 1992.62 Both this copy and the one in Coleman’s Hatch reproduce the painted spandrels, which are nowadays covered by the frame of the altarpiece. A further copy of the Buonvisi lunette, but reduced in size (canvas, 63.5 × 121.9 cm), featured in the Phillips sale in London on 16 February 1993 (lot 25).
Framing, display and reputation
It is possible that the original frame was far more ornamental than the paintings within it: in 1822 Tommaso Trenta described the Buonvisi altar as having had ‘many carvings’ (‘con diversi intagli’).63 He also believed it to be the work of both Masseo Civitali and Ambrogio Pucci. According to a memorandum by Civitali’s son, Giuseppe (1511–1574), his father had died while working on the Buonvisi altar, which was then completed by Ambrogio Pucci.64 However, it is possible that Giuseppe was referring to another altarpiece frame because Masseo died sometime between 4 November 1517 and 6 November 1518, and it seems unlikely that by [page 178] that time he would not have completed a commission he had received in 1510 from one of the most powerful patrons in Lucca. Furthermore, it is clear from Benedetto Buonvisi’s will that Ambrogio had received the commission to carve the frame and that it had not merely been transferred to him. At the same time some co‐ordination of design would be expected and some degree of collaboration is probable.

Photograph of 1928 showing the view north from the Octagon of the ‘Barry Rooms’ as hung by Charles Holmes about 1920, with NG 179/180 together with the Pala Strozzi (NG 1119) and Raphael’s Ansidei Madonna in the distance. © The National Gallery, London

NG 179/180 in their current frame, made in about 1891 by Dolman. The spandrels shown in the illustration on p. 169 were concealed probably in about 1973. © The National Gallery, London
Although no frame known to be by Ambrogio Pucci has been identified, a rare example of surviving carving by Masseo and his collaborators, the altarpiece in the church of SS. Sisto e Margherita in Villa Collemandina (Lucca), painted between 1514 and 1519, may give an idea of the appearance of the original frame of the Buonvisi Altarpiece.65
We know that the two paintings were framed separately in the gallery of the Buonvisi palace and then in the Palazzo Ducale of Lucca – and in the latter palace they also occupied different rooms both in 1829 and in 1834.66 The paintings were also for many years separately framed in the National Gallery: the lunette with its added painted spandrels was displayed beside the main panel rather than above it.67 This may surprise us but Eastlake, when considering the acquisition of the great Costa Altarpiece, thought it best not to acquire the original lunette because it ‘could not again be placed above the picture’.68 When acquired, it seems likely that the paintings retained their Lucchese frames. The Trustees resolved to have the paintings ‘placed under glass’ in 1854, which was undertaken for NG 179 in January and for NG 180 in October by Critchfield. The documentation indicates cases placed over the frames.69
It is not clear exactly when the two paintings were reassembled in the altarpiece frame that encloses them today (fig. 8). It must have been after 1887 when the French curator, connoisseur and collector Frédéric Reiset recommended that it be done.70 A probable date would be 1891, when the main panel was transferred to canvas. It seems to be one of a group of altarpiece frames made for the National Gallery around that date by the firm of Dolman, probably at the instigation, perhaps to the specification, and certainly at the suggestion of Sir Frederic Burton, [page 179]Director from 1874 to 1894. This initiative attracted much attention. It was an acknowledgment that altarpieces came from a different context: a way of recalling their ecclesiastical origin without disrupting the gallery setting with an attempt at reconstruction.
The capitals are similar in design to those found on the frame for the great altarpiece by Costa (NG 1119; see p. 83) and the frieze is identical. The elongated and fluted pilasters are, however, unusual among the frames of this type and must be a response to the austerity of Francia’s style. The frame was clearly designed for glass and retains evidence of how the glass was fitted. In this case the artist’s name and the painting’s title and number are painted in gold letters in the plinth between the pedestals of the pilasters. The name of Francia, with ‘Raibolini’ in parentheses, reflects Burton’s eccentric attempt to depart from conventional usage in his new catalogue of the collection (Francia was found there under ‘Raibolini’).71 The designation of the regional school (Bolognese), also given on the frame, was a notable feature of the revised display arrangements made by Burton after completion of the Central Hall in 1887.72 Early photographs do not show the wooden spandrels which now conceal the neoclassical painted ones and these may have only been added after the paintings were cleaned in 1973. The toning of the gilding has greatly darkened.
By 1920 the paintings, reunited in Burton’s frame, occupied the north‐west wall of the Octagon in the centre of the ‘Barry Rooms’ (Room 39; fig. 7) as a sort of pendant with the Costa on the north‐east wall. From the south these altarpieces framed a view of Raphael’s Ansidei Madonna placed in Room 37 (then VIII) on a screen between the columns, which originally flanked (and again today flank) the entrance to Room 32 (then VII). This was part of Charles Holmes’s rearrangement of the collection after the First World War: the ‘sober illumination’, as well as the somewhat darkened splendour, recalled old ecclesiastical interiors and would, he hoped, help visitors ‘to understand more clearly the early religious pictures which at first sight may seem too brilliantly coloured, or too lavishly gilded’.73
A curious paradox may be observed here: both Burton’s initiative and Holmes’s, by restablishing something of the painting’s original character as an altarpiece, made it harder to appreciate – and, above all, far harder to to admire (or copy) the lunette, which many ‘English lovers of paintings’ considered to have ‘no equal in the whole range of Italian art’.74 Neither shared the very high general esteem for Francia. And in Holmes’s faint praise we may recognise the dawn of the indifference and distaste now commonplace among art lovers. Of the altarpiece he asks: ‘does it leave any definite impression upon us, other than that of something well designed, well coloured and generally imposing?’ He concedes that the lunette is ‘a masterpiece of formal arrangement’, ‘the colour … as rich and broad as could well be desired’, the ‘expression of sorrow’ such as has affected ‘generation after generation’, but, all the same, it somehow lacks ‘profundity of art’.75 What had seemed a refined ideal is now found to be bland.
Appendix 1
Saint Anne and the Virgin during the Renaissance
Several ways of representing Saint Anne and her relationship with her daughter, the Virgin Mary, coexisted in the early sixteenth century. The oldest convention in Western Europe seems to have been for Saint Anne to be represented seated, with the Virgin, smaller in scale, on her lap, and the infant Christ on the Virgin’s lap. This hieratic and frontal arrangement must have been inspired by the convention for representing the Trinity with God the Father seated behind the Crucified Christ, smaller in scale, and the Holy Spirit. The image was known as ‘Saint Anne Trinitaire’, ‘Anna Selbdritt’ and ‘Sant’Anna metterza’.76
A move towards naturalism may be observed in the altarpiece of about 1424 by Masaccio (1401–1428) and Masolino (1383–1447). Here the Virgin is the same size as her mother and on a separate, lower throne, so she is seated between the knees of Saint Anne rather than on her lap.77 It is, however, not the case that the discrepancy of scale was always avoided thereafter. A convention whereby Saint Anne was depicted standing holding a miniature Virgin and Child even enjoyed some popularity around 1500 and, in Florence, where Masaccio and Masolino’s solution must have been well known, Fra Bartolommeo in his huge altarpiece (the Pala del Gran Consiglio) for Palazzo Vecchio (begun in 1510) borrowed the idea of the double throne but made Saint Anne distinctly larger than her daughter.78 The same formula was used thirty years later in SS. Annunziata by Antonio di Donnino (1497–1547).79 Francia was highly original in making his Virgin Mary larger than her mother, thereby indicating the effect of age as well as Saint Anne’s lesser theological eminence.
A more popular variant retained the idea of the Virgin seated on her mother’s lap but reduced or discarded the difference in scale and the frontality, allowing much more physical and psychological interaction between the three figures. Leonardo’s painting of Saint Anne, now in the Louvre, and his previous designs for the subject, of which the cartoon in the National Gallery (NG 6337) is the most famous example, belong to this category.80 The altarpiece painted in Verona by Girolamo dai Libri (1474 –1555), of 1510–18 (NG 748), is another example.81
A third variant was for the Virgin Mary and Saint Anne to be seated side by side, as here in Francia’s altarpiece. This convention was the preferred one for sculpture and paintings that included other members of the Virgin’s family (and all three of Saint Anne’s husbands). Many such were made, especially north of the Alps, in the later fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries.82 In these side‐by‐side groups, whether or not the ‘holy kinship’ is included, Saint Anne commonly touches the infant Christ, offers him a fruit and exchanges looks with him – interaction of a kind that tended to be somewhat contorted when the Virgin was perched on her mother’s lap. The most celebrated and most venerated image in this category was certainly the marble group by Andrea Sansovino (1467–1529) completed by 1512 for the church of S. Agostino in Rome.83 We might suppose that this [page 180] sculpture was an influence on Francia, but the date makes this unlikely and Sansovino still represents Saint Anne at a larger scale than the Virgin. If Francia had a model in mind, or was given one by his patron, it may, rather, have been a smaller sculptural group, many of which, carved in Germany, made no distinction of this kind.84

Detail of NG 179. © The National Gallery, London
It seems likely that local tradition and theological positions played some part in the choice of convention. As far as local tradition is concerned, we might suppose that patrons in Lucca would be inclined to follow Florentine examples established by Leonardo or Fra Bartolommeo, but Francia did not do so.85 As for theology, the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, whereby the Virgin was held to be born free of sin, was much debated in this period, but there was no question of the Dominican opponents of this doctrine seeking to diminish the sanctity of the Virgin’s mother, and they may well have been keen to assert their veneration for her (Fra Bartolommeo was of course a Dominican friar).
In representations of Saint Anne in the eighteenth century great ingenuity could be shown in preserving the superior stature of Saint Anne and at the same time not making the incongruity too disturbing. Tofanelli’s replacement altarpiece now in the Buonvisi chapel, in which the Virgin stands before her seated mother, is a good example of this (figs 5, 6).
Appendix 2
Cultural exchanges between Bologna and Lucca
So widely had the fame and the works of this craftsman spread throughout Lombardy, that even from Tuscany men sent for something by his hand, as they did from Lucca, whither there went a panel containing a S. Anne and a Madonna, with many other figures, and a Dead Christ above in the lap of His Mother; which work is set up in the Church of S. Fridiano, and is held in great price by the people of Lucca.86This passage in Vasari’s Lives has been much glossed by modern scholars. As mentioned above, it seems likely that Francia was recommended through the same channels that only a few years earlier had brought Aspertini to Lucca. The relationships between humanists in Lucca and Bologna and the connections between their Augustianian foundations have been explored by Maurizia Tazartes in several publications.87 Among the most active individuals in the cultural exchanges between the two towns was the Lucchese doctor and mathematician Leonardo Richi, who taught at Bologna University in 1497–8 and was a friend of the Bolognese humanist Giovanni Filoteo Achillini (1466–1538; known to both Francia and Aspertini). In his Viridiario, a collection of eulogies, Achillini mentions Richi as well as a member of the Trenta family and a ‘Medico’, most likely the internationally famous jurist and diplomat Giovan Marco de’ Medici, a close friend and political [page 181]associate of Benedetto Buonvisi.88 It is clear that these three members of the Lucchese elite, all of them closely related to Pasquino Cenami and S. Frediano, had connections with Bolognese scholars and artists. Another intermediary might have been Girolamo di Paolo Buonvisi, nephew of Benedetto, employed by Pope Julius II as ambassador and banker, who was in Bologna from 1508 and probably knew Francia. But the key figure in the relationship between the two cities was surely Pasquino Cenami, who was appointed prior of the convent of S. Frediano in 1505.89 He was born in Lunigiana (a small hilly region in northern Tuscany, near the border with Liguria), took a degree in theology at Bologna, and was prior of the convent of S. Frediano dei Sacchi in Bologna from 1482 to 1489.90 After his return to Lucca he kept in touch with his compatriots in Bologna and with the Augustinians of S. Giovanni in Monte and S. Giacomo. It has been argued that Aspertini was in Lucca sometime before starting his work in the chapel of S. Agostino (1508–9), perhaps even before 1506.91
Appendix 3
1 Will of Benedetto Buonvisi, 2 September 1488
[fol. 520v] … corpus suum seppelliri voluit ad ecclesiam Sancti Fridiani de Luce in tumulo suorum ancestrorum cui funeralia et exequias fieri voluit et in eis [?] expendi pro ut videbitur infrascriptis eius executoribus et fidecommissaris … testamenti. Item amore dei et ut supra iudicavit et reliquit fabrica corpus Christi in ecclesia Sancti Fridiani de Luce florenos decem ad computum…922 Will of Benedetto Buonvisi, 17 September 1497
[fol. 119 r] … corpus suum seppelliri voluit ad ecclesiam S.ti Fridiani de Luce in sepulcro suorum ancestrorum … [fol. 120v] Item amore dei et pro remedio anime sue et dicti quondam Ludovici eius fratris et aliorum suorum defunctorum iudicavit et reliquit quod in eccelsia S.ti Fridiani de Luca fiat et construatur una capella in eo loco et sub illo titulo et sub illis … et forma de quibus … idem Paulo videbitur et placebit et cum illis expensis … in construct.. et ornamentis et in fulcimentis ipsius cappelle de quibus eidem Paulo videbit et placebit … in qua cappella … corpora ipsius Benedicti testatoris et domini quondam Ludovici fratris sui et in qua cappella celebrari voluit et decrevit futuris perpetuis … unam missam quolibet die et … deputata per dictum paulum. In dote … cappella … reliquit unam domum sita in civitate lucense … item aliam domum dicti testatoris…933 Codicil to the will of Benedetto Buonvisi, 27 May 1500
[fol. 212r] … Item revocaretur et annullaretur … dicto testamento legatum factum de cappella costruenda in ecclesia Sancti Fridiani de luce et omnia legata facta … cappella promisit … domo de dicto legato…94
Detail of NG 179. © The National Gallery, London
4 Will of Benedetto Buonvisi, 19 August 1506
[fol. 309r] … corpus suum seppelliri voluit ad ecclesiam S.ti Fridiani de Luca in sepulcro et pro ut infra dicetur … [fol. 309v] … item amore dei et pro remedio anime sue et quondam Ludovici eius fratris et aliorum suorum defunctorum quod in ecclesia Sancti Fridiani de Luce fiat et construatur una capella in eo loco et sub illo titulo det sub illis … et forme de quibus et pro ut videbitur Paulo eius fratri et cum illis expensis tamen in constructione et ornamentis et in fulcimentis ipsius capelle de quibus et pro ut videbitur et placebit eidem Paulo in qua capella … ponant corpora ipsius benedicti testatoris et dicti quondam Ludovici fratris sui et in qua capella celebrari voluit perpetuis futuris … unam missam quolibet die et ea ora … erit deputata et ordinate per dictum Paulum et ad ita celebrandum prior et conventus dicte ecclesie obligentur et obligare debeant in valida … dote … unum predium sive bona … empta [fol. 310r] fuerunt filiis et heredibus quondam domini petri de Fatinellis … situm in communi Matraie … item unam domum ad duos arcus dicti testatoris sita in civitatis lucense ex opposito allodii…955 Will of Benedetto Buonvisi, 16 August 1510
Dominus Benedictus quondam domini Laurentij de bonvisis mercator et lucensis civis pro omnipotentis dei gratiae mente et intellectu sanus et integer recte et articulate loquens corpore infirmus et in lecto facens volens sibi et filjs ac bonis suis et hereids qui fieri vult post eius mortem consulere disponere et ordinare hoc presens nuncupativum testamentum sive scriptis facere procuravit et decrevit ac fecit condidit disposuit et ordinavit in hunc modum…Corpus vero suum sepelliri voluit ad ecclesiam S.ti Fridianj de Luca in sepulcro de quo et pro ut infra dicetur…Item dixit et declaravit se amore dei et pro remedio anime sue et quondam Ludovici eius fratris et aliorum suorum defunctorum dedisse principium in ecclesia Sancti Fridianj de Luca quod construatur et fiat una pulcra capella in honorem Dei quam huicusque conduxit fecit ad terminum ubi est et videntur.Et intentionis sue est et ita iudicavit et reliquit, voluit et mandavit quod proficiatur et ad finem debitum et honorabiliter perducatur et propterea dixit se dedisse et commisisse cuidam pictorj qui vocatur francia ad pingendum anconam et magistro Ambrosio Blaxj de luca carpentario ad faciendum de lignamine ornamenta ymaginis et magistro Masseo et cuidam filio magistri Jacobi de Villa ad faciendum de lignamine banchas et spallerias pro dicta capella, que omnia debent fieri pulcra et bene composita et ornata, quibus magistris debet satisfieri sumptibus suis secundum iudicium hominum peritorum de quibus dixit quod Bartholomeus magistri Laurentii de Petrasancta est bene informatus.Ac etiam voluit quod laboreria predicta qui fiunt per dictum magistrum Ambrosium debeant deaurari bene, pulcre et competenter, pro ut tale laborerium requiret et his omnibus et de predictis omnibus voluit satisfieri de mercede laborum suorum et de aliis satisfieri secundum arbitrium bonorum virorum.Ac etiam dixit astractum dicte capelle dedisse et commisisse ad faciendum Piero Antonio de Carraria scharpellino Luce habitatori de quo habere debet pro quolibet brachio quadro posito in opera bologninos tredecim.Quibus omnibus magistris dixit dedisse partes mercedum suarum de quibus et pro ut latius constare dixit in libris dicti testatoris et reliqua dictarum mercedum et aliorum propterea debitorum voluit eis dari et solvi sumptibus sue hereditatis.Et licet dictus testator suis sumptibus fecerit et perficere intendat et vult predicta omnia, tamen idem testator iudicavit et reliquit ac voluit quod tam filii et descendentes domini Pauli eius fratris quam filii et descendentes in perpetuum ipsius testatoris sint patroni dicte cappelle et ad eos communiter spectet et pertineat ius patronatus ipsius capelle et omnes honores, iura et preheminentie que ad ius patronatus de iure pertinere noscuntur.Item etiam iudicavit et reliquit quod in dicta capella fiant ornamenta vitrorum ad fenestras cum graticulis et cortina et alia necessaria et requisita pro altari pulcre et competenter et corrispondentia ad instar aliorum ornamentorum et secundum conditionem ipsius capelle et aliorum ornamentorum.In qua capella recondantur et ponatur corpora ipsius testatoris et dicti quondam Lodovici eiusi fratris et in qua capella celebrari voluit perpetuis futuris … unam missam quolibet die ea hora qua erit deputata et ordinata per dictum dominum Paulum eius fratrem … Pro cuius capelle dote et in executionem cuiusdem legati facti per dictum quondam Lodovicum eius fratrem et ut ita dictj prior et conventus se obligat et obligati sint et observare teneantur et debeant. Item dictus testator iudicavit et reliquit eidem capelle unum predium sive bona quod et que empta fuerunt a filiis et heredibus quondam domini Petrj de Fatinellis de luca militis et lucensis civis situm et sita in comunj matraie lucensis comitatus per ducatos centum sexaginta…Item unam domum ad duos arcus dicti testatoris sitma in civitatis lucensis ex opposito allodii … cum duabus apotecas.966 Document pertaining to the Buonvisi chapel in S. Frediano, 11 June 1511
[fol. 20v] [Benedetto Buonvisi] Exposuit et dixit quod ipsi [Benedetto and Paolo] post mortem quondam Bone Memorie Lodovici eorum fratris germani, et in executionem pie voluntatis dicti quondam Lodovici celebrare fecit, et in futurum celebrare intendunt quotidie unam Missam in prefata Ecclesia Sancti Fridiani quam etiam in futurum celebrari volunt ut infra dicetur. Ac etiam quod ipse Dominus Benedictus jamdiu ex devotione quam gerit ad prefatam Ecclesiam et Monasterium Sancti Fridiani et ad Prefatos Dominos Priorem, Canonicos, et Capitulum, et ad honorem, et reverentiam omnipotentis Dei, et eius Intemerate Matris semperque Virginis Mariae, et totius Curiae Triumfantis Statuit et decrevit suis sumptibus fundare unam capellam in prefata Ecclesia Sancti Fridianj sub honore et vocabulo Sancte Anne Matris eiusdem Intemeratae Virginis Marie./ [fol. 21r] Et iam fundavit [page 183]locum dictae cappellae in calce dictae Ecclesie versus meridiem ubi ad praesens est dictus locus pro dicta cappella de novo fundatus erectus et edificatus, in quo etiam intendit facere, et quod ibi sit altare cum ancona et aljis suis debitis et competentibus ornamentis, ac etiam fulcimentis, quae sunt ad manus magistrorum qui conducunt ea, et quamprimum erunt perfecta ea poni facient in dicta Cappella, et etiam intendit, et vult dictam cappellam dotare adeo quado quolibet die in perpetuum celebretur in illa una Missa in honorem Dei, et Beatissimae, ac Gloriosissimae eius Matris sempre Virginis Mariae, et prefatae Sanctae Annae matris eiusdem Virginis Mariae, ac totius Curiae Triunfantis … / [fol. 21v] assignavit dictis Domini Priori, et capituolo presentibus, recipientibus pro dote dictae cappellae, et in executionem voluntatis dicti quandoam Lodovici eius fratris infrascripta bona videlicet Preadium, et Bona de Matraja, quod, et qaue empta fuerunt a filii quondam Petri de Fatinellis pro Ducatis centum sexaginta … Item unam Domum muratam, solariatam et copertam as duos arcus, in quibus sunt duea apothecae sitam in civitate Lucae in contrata Sancti Christofori ex opposite Turris et allodii curiae Mercatorum Lucensis civitatis … / [fol. 22v] capellanum predictus teneatur et obligatus sit in perpetuum per se, vel per idoneam personam cotidie celebrare unam Missam in dicta cappella, de quibus qualibet hebdomeda celebrare, et dicere debeat unam missam mortuorum, et in aliis Missis continuo faciat mentionem de, et pro anima dicti quondam Lodovici, et oret pro eo, et in remissionem suorum peccatorum; et etiam teneatur quolibet / [fol. 23r] anno celebrare festam Sanctae Annae … Acta fuerunt predicta Lucae in sala audientiae dicti Monasterii … [fol. 23v] Benedetto … eligendo nominavit et praesentavit in Rectorem et cappellanum dictae cappellae honestum et morigeratum vir, ac decretorum Doctorem Dominum Joannem Antonium Palanzanum canonicum dicti Monasterii…977 Letter from Carlo Galvani in response to an official enquiry from the National Gallery, dated 21 July 1840
Monsieur, J’ai l’honneur de répondre a votre lettre d’hier et relativement à son sujet je peux vous assurer que Monsieur Buchanan n’aurait pas aucune difficulté de ceder au Gouvernement les trois Carracci, et je sais même que Monsieur Tomelin n’aurait pas aucune repugnance à faire cette cession au Gouvernement ce qu’il ne ferait positivement avec d’autres personnes.Dèsirant vous parler franchement pour ce que concerne les deux Francia il m’est de toute impossibilité de les laisser au moins de 4000 livres, mais pour ce que regarde le Raphael toute fois que le Gouvernement se decidat a faire cet achat avec les Francia et un’autre tableau de la Galerie du duc de Lucque je ne dis pas que nous pourrions traiter et y retrouver une convenance reciproque, le que je me flatte de voir realisée – tout à vos ordres, je vous prie de agréer mes amitiés bien amicales.Charles Galvani 202, Piccadilly988 Letter from Carlo Galvani, undated, but July 1840, in response to the Duke of Sutherland (Chairman of the Trustees)
EccellenzaIn pronto riscontro all’onorato foglio di V.E. ricevuto in questo momento, ho l’onore di dire all’E.V. che il prezzo ristretto pel quale potrei lasciare i due Francia e il Domenichino uniti sarebbe di lire sterline 5800, ma prendendo la Galleria il solo Francia non potrei fare ribasso alcuno dalle lire 4000 fissate per tal quadro.Ringraziando l’Eccelenza Vostra; con tutto il rispetto mi dichiaro / d. Va Ecclenza / Devo e obbo servitore / Carlo Galvani99Notes
1 Identified as gypsum, calcium sulphate dihydrate, by ATR–FTIR microspectroscopic imaging. It is probably gesso sottile (roasted gypsum that has then been slaked) rather than raw gypsum. (Back to text.)
2 Confirmed by ATR–FTIR micro‐spectroscopic imaging. (Back to text.)
3 See Bromelle and Smith 1976, p. 74. Analysis was carried out using gas chroma‐tography only, which is not able to determine whether or not the oil is heat‐bodied. (Back to text.)
4 Colourless soda‐ash glass was used in these paintings in paints containg red lake and in beige colours such as flesh and the underpaint for the grey background of the lunette. For discussion and context see Spring 2012, pp. 11, 21. (Back to text.)
5 The mineral azurite was of a type that contains as associated mineral impurities dolomite (calcium magnesium carbonate) and complex orange‐brown inhomogeneous particles containing iron, copper, antimony and small amounts of zinc and arsenic. (Back to text.)
6 Ciardi 1981, p. 30. (Back to text.)
7 In other cases, if only one such scene was given prominence it was the Temptation of Adam (because after the ‘Fall of Man’ mankind would be redeemed by the Virgin Mary, sometimes therefore described as the Second Eve). (Back to text.)
8 It is clear that the father had died before 1511. (Back to text.)
9 Maurizia Tazartes proposed that Anne, Sebastian and John the Baptist provided a range of protections (Réau, III, I, 1958, p. 93; II, 1959, p. 1191). (Back to text.)
10 A comparable textile but with a more intricate pattern outlined in red is worn by one of the kings in Foppa’s altarpiece (NG 729). (Back to text.)
11 This saint had often been mistaken for Romuald, who indeed is shown in white robes. See Williamson 1901, p. 112, and Davies 1961, p. 157, note 4. (Back to text.)
12 Note in the National Gallery’s dossier for this painting submitted by Montgomery Carmichael (1857–1936, British consul in Leghorn, a keen theologian and art historian, and author of a remarkable book on Francia). (Back to text.)
13 See Penny 2004, p. 324, for an example of figures in the upper register being given a different scale. (Back to text.)
14 See, for example, Williamson 1901, p. 113: ‘In this picture we find the “fullest expression of the genius for pathos that Francia possessed to so great a degree in these later years”’. See also Lipparini (1913, pp. 99–100), who wrote that Francia achieved the ‘bellezza superiore, a quel dolore circondato dalla calma, a quella semplicità di mezzi che sono proprii dei grandissimi artisti … nel volto della Madre, il nostro pittore ha saputo trovare quell’espressione di nobile e angoscioso dolore che non potè trovare nel quadro di Parma e che gli sfuggirà di nuovo in quello di Torino. Essa è una figura perfetta; così come perfetta è la bellezza dei due angioli, due creature celesti da cui il dolore è assente e lascia il posto a un lieve velo di mestizia.’ (Back to text.)
15 It has been suggested that Francia’s composition might owe something to sculptural representations of this subject, such as the group by Baccio da Montelupo commissioned for S. Domenico in Bologna in 1494, four figures of which remain in the church museum. See D’Apuzzo 1997, pp. 108–9. (Back to text.)
16 Nannini 2005, p. 203. (Back to text.)
17 Negro and Roio 1998, pp. 134–8, no. 8 (Felicini); pp. 138–40, no. 9 (Mazuoli); pp. 146–7, no. 15 (Scappi); p. 141, no. 11 (Bentivoglio). (Back to text.)
18 First found in Francia’s Presentation in Cesena (Negro and Roio 1998, pp. 193–4, and nos 68a and b ) . (Back to text.)
19 Vasari 1966–87 edn, III (1971), p. 588. (Back to text.)
20 Marchiò 1721, p. 286 – this author was far more interested in the mummified remains of local saints than in works of art. An earlier attribution by Pietro Paolini to Franciabigio is cited by Carmichael 1909, pp. 117–18. This is confirmed by the ‘Note dei quadri piu cospicui che si ponno vedere nelle chiese di Lucca, fatta dal celebre pittore Pietro Paolini Lucchese’, BSL , MS 966, Miscellanea Fascicolo 19, fol. 371v (‘un quadro di Francesco Franciabigio … degno di gran lode’). The attribution of this manuscript is controversial, see Rivoletti in Pellegrini 2009. See also the ‘Inventario’, MS 2186 compiled by Andrea Martini di Lucca, which repeats the name of Franciabigio. (Back to text.)
21 ‘Lucca: pittrice nelle sue chiese’, BSL , MS 3299, fasc. 13. Cf. another list in the ASL , Legato Ceru, MS 94, which is undated but also identifies the artist correctly. (Back to text.)
22 Doubts about Francia’s responsibility for the infant John the Baptist have, however, been expressed by Simonetta Stagni (in Fortunati Pietrantonio 1986, I, p. 5). (Back to text.)
23 Tazartes 1983, p. 9; Tazartes 2007, p. 199; Negro and Roio 1998, p. 199; Ferretti in Filieri 2004, p. 548. On Francia’s Immaculate Conception see the detailed entry by Ferretti, ibid. , pp. 546–9. (Back to text.)
24 Federica Toniolo (1993, p. 84) and Massimo Ferretti (in Filieri 2004, p. 548) have suggested a date around 1511 for NG 179–180, while a slightly later date, around 1513–14, has been proposed by Maurizia Tazartes (2007, p. 198). (Back to text.)
25 In the Akademie der bildenden Kunste, Vienna. Negro and Roio 1998, pp. 201–2, no. 76. (Back to text.)
26 Ferretti, in Filieri 2004, p. 544, argued that Francia was influenced by Fra Bartolommeo. (Back to text.)
27 Humfrey 1993, p. 477. (Back to text.)
28 Tazartes 1982, p. 29. (Back to text.)
29 For this commission see Tazartes 1983, pp. 8–10, and Tazartes 2007, pp. 198–200. (Back to text.)
30 Carmichael 1909, p. 31, note 1. (Back to text.)
31 The success of two public commissions by Francia may have been followed by the demand for smaller pictures by him and his workshop for Lucchese patrons. A Virgin and Child by Francia in Palazzo Mansi in San Pellegrino (now in a Bolognese private collection) and a Madonna, also by him, in Palazzo Sardi, from Casa Fatinelli, the whereabouts of both unknown, are listed by Ridolfi (1877, pp. 62, 66). In 1776 Tommaso Francesco Bernardi mentions a small panel by Francia in the Casa Buonvisi depicting a female saint (‘quadretto piccolo bislongo in tavola, maniera antica con una santa, figura intiera, del Francia da Bologna’), BSL , MS 3299, ‘Miscellanea lucchese raccolta da Tommaso Francesco Bernardi’. The latter panel, listed as ‘una piccola figurina di Francia, Francesco’, appears in a letter by Michele Ridolfi to Duke Carlo Ludovico di Borbone dated 1 Sept. 1822. ASL , Intendenza della Lista Civile e poi della Real Casa Borbonica, Documenti Diversi, 10, fasc. 4. (Back to text.)
32 On the Buonvisi family see Luzzati in DBI , 15, 1972, pp. 302–9. The family company, Benedecto Buonvisi e Compagni di Lucca, which included his brother Paolo and ranked first among the 96 companies in the city trading in silk. (Back to text.)
33 An idea of how S. Frediano looked after this major renovation is provided by the detailed description compiled during the pastoral visit of 1575, AAL , ‘Sacre Visite’, 26, cc. 56–62. (Back to text.)
34 Tazartes and Luzzati 1981, p. 63, and Tazartes 2007, p. 184. (Back to text.)
35 Appendix 3, documents 1 and 2. (Back to text.)
36 In a codicil to his will dictated on 27 May 1500 Benedetto revoked the endowment for the chapel. See Appendix 3, document 3. (Back to text.)
37 From a later document we learn that, before his death, Ludovico, son of Lorenzo Buonvisi, paid for masses for the repose of his soul in S. Frediano; see Appendix 3, document 6. (Back to text.)
38 Appendix 3, document 4. (Back to text.)
39 Appendix 3, document 5. (Back to text.)
40 For the document drafted by the notary Benedetto Franciotti see Appendix 3, document 6. On this occasion a chaplain was appointed. (Back to text.)
41 Romano Silva (1985, pp. 78–9) has argued that, even if the 1511 document states that the chapel was built ex novo, this was not exactly the case. (Back to text.)
42 Wooden furnishings were to be provided by Masseo Civitali and one of his brothers‐in‐law, the sons of Jacopo da Villa. The carpentry work (including the gilding) for Francia’s altarpiece was consigned to Ambrogio di Biagio, while the stonemason Piero Antonio da Carrara was employed to work on the chapel’s paving. (Back to text.)
43 Appendix 3, document 5. (Back to text.)
44 The photograph is accompanied by a label indicating that it was ‘donata gentilmente dal signore Montgomery Carmichael (Console Inglese a Livorno).’ (Back to text.)
45 Buonviso Buonvisi (1561–1603); Girolamo Buonvisi (1607–1677); Francesco Buonvisi (1626–1700). The family owned a portrait of Pope Innocent XI by Maratta, later in the collection of the Duke of Lucca, which is explained by the fact that Cardinal Gerolamo participated in the conclave that elected Innocent in 1676. Innocent in turn created Francesco, Gerolamo’s nephew, a cardinal in 1681. (Back to text.)
46 ASL , Archivio Giunigi 295 (Getty Provenance Index I‐4194). (Back to text.)
47 They are recorded as being in Room V in a manuscript on the Buonvisi pictures in the NG Library presented by G.C. Williamson, who published a note on it in the Connoisseur, VIII, Jan.–April 1904, p. 189. (Back to text.)
48 Sardini and Trenta 1822, VIII, pp. 175, 184, 189. (Back to text.)
49 Trenta 1820, p.101. (Back to text.)
50 ASL , Inventario del R., V, 1946, p. 100. See also Nannini 2005, p. 101. (Back to text.)
51 Tosi 1984, p. 319. (Back to text.)
52 Silva 2010, pp. 183–7. (Back to text.)
53 ‘Inventario’ compiled by Ridolfi in Feb. 1819, now in the ASL (Getty Provenance Index I‐4194). (Back to text.)
54 Nannini 2005, p. 35. On 14 Oct. 1823 Francesco Buonvisi pressed the Duchess of Lucca for a decision ( ASL , Intendenza della Lista civile poi della Real Casa Borbonica, 10, fol. 4, pp. 260–3, letter published in Nannini 2005, p. 185). The 1829 edition of Trenta’s guide, revised by Antonio Mazzarosa (1829, pp. 85, 87), lists them in the Palazzo Ducale at Lucca. In the correspondence between Buonvisi and ‘Sua Maestà’ the altarpiece and the lunette are valued by the painter Pietro Nocchi at 1050 and 550 zecchini respectively (letter of 7 Oct. 1820, ASL , Intendenza della Lista civile poi della Real Casa Borbonica, 10, fasc. 4, pp. 268–70, published by Nannini 2005, p. 181). In a letter addressed to the duchess on 1 Sept. 1822 the restorer and connoisseur (and pupil of Camuccini in Rome) Michele Ridolfi listed the altarpiece among seven pieces that were worth of a royal gallery ( ibid. , pp. 272–5, published by Nannini 2005, pp. 183–4). (Back to text.)
55 The Francias were nos 8 and 9. The other Buonvisi paintings were as follows: Barocci (14), Luini (18), Fra Bartolommeo (25), Bronzino (27 and 63), Paolini (29), Salimbeni (36), ‘Francaert’ (35), Cigoli (36, 38, 39), Maratta (59) and Correggio (60). (Back to text.)
56 Buchanan contacted the Trustees on 20 March 1841 (NG Archive, 5/43/3); the Trustees urged the Treasury to approve on 7 April 1841 (NG Archive, 6/1/209, p. 129) and wrote to Flight at 1 Adam Street, Adelphi on 16 June 1841 (NG Archive, 6/1/221–2, p. 134). Delivery took place on 17 June. (Back to text.)
57 NG 5/303/2 and 3, letters of 6 and 8 Jan. 1860 from Bridport (to which town we may guess that Flight had retired). (Back to text.)
58 Nannini 2005, p. 207. Marcucci’s copy of the Buonvisi Barocci (currently on display in Palazzo Mansi) was in the next room and a copy of Francia’s S. Frediano Immaculate Conception, albeit described as the ‘Assunzione di M. Vergine e vari santi’, was in Room 53. In Room 18 there was a copy of the ‘Madonna by the Frate [Fra Bartolommeo] in S. Romano’. For these see Nannini 2005, pp. 207, 208 [page 185]and 204–5 respectively. The last‐mentioned copy may have been one that we know Stefano Tofanelli made for ‘Principessa Elisa’, recorded in the list of his works (in the ASL , Carte di Tommaso Trenta, MS no. 4). (Back to text.)
59 Wornum 1870, p. 113. (Back to text.)
60 Inv. N.121. Negro and Roio 1998, no. 98, pp. 212–13, as autograph. (Back to text.)
61 We are very grateful to Raymond Parsons, Suzanne Shillingford and Charles Murray Wills for providing information about the church of the Holy Trinity and the painting. (Back to text.)
62 Phillips, 8 Dec. 1992, lot 203, sold for £550. (Back to text.)
63 Trenta 1822, pp. 74–5. This altar cannot be identified with the Dormition and Assumption of the Virgin by Vecchietta and Neroccio in the Museo Nazionale at Villa Guinigi, Lucca, as suggested in Museo di Villa Guinigi 1968, pp. 158–60. (Back to text.)
64 BSL , MS 3319, Giuseppe Civitali, ‘Storia di Lucca dall’origine al 1572’, fol. 282r, quoted by Tazartes 1983, p. 11. (Back to text.)
65 Ferretti in Filieri 2004, pp. 472–3. Among the extant works by Ambrogio (documented in Lucca from 1511; died 1529) and Nicolao (documented in Lucca in 1529) di Biagio Pucci is the intarsia representing Saint Luke and Two Views of Lucca with the Torre della Zecca (1523–32) in the Museo Nazionale di Villa Guiningi, Lucca. (Back to text.)
66 Mazzarosa 1829, pp. 85 and 87; Nannini 2005, pp. 202–3, for the 1834 inventory (Rooms 7 and 10). (Back to text.)
67 Blackburn 1878, p. 65 records this arrangement when the paintings were in Gallery XIV (currently room 32). NG 226 (Botticelli workshop) was then above the main panel and NG 623 was above the lunette. See also the A Study in the National Gallery by Charles Compton, sold at Christie’s on 5 March 1982 (lot 215). (Back to text.)
68 Eastlake 2011, I, p. 374 (MS notebooks 1857 [2], fol. 16v). (Back to text.)
69 Minutes of meetings of the Board of Trustees, 4 May, 4 Sept. and 8 Dec. (Back to text.)
70 Reiset 1887, p. 54. (Back to text.)
71 [Burton] 1881, p. 269, for the change of name. Ibid. , 1890, pp. 357–8, for Burton’s biographical account of Francia – fuller than Wornum’s but less enthusiastic. (Back to text.)
72 The painting was probably displayed in Room V (now 31), which was assigned to the Ferrarese and Bolognese between 1892 and 1901; by 1912 Room XXVII (now 11) was employed for the Bolognese. (Back to text.)
73 Holmes 1923, p. xxiv; Holmes 1936, p. 368. The arrangement is shown in a Country Life photograph of 8 May 1920 and then again in photographs dated Jan. 1923 and 20 Sept. 1928 (p. 178, fig. 7). (Back to text.)
74 Gardner 1911, p. 108. (Back to text.)
75 Holmes 1923, pp. 49–52. (Back to text.)
76 On the iconography of Saint Anne in general see Kirschbaum 1990, IX, cols 168–91 (esp. cols 185–90); and Charland 1921, Meyer Roux 1999 and Bucholz 2005. (Back to text.)
77 Now in the Uffizi, Florence. Joannides 1993, cat. 15. (Back to text.)
78 Padovani 1996, cat. 21, pp. 99–103. (Back to text.)
79 This altarpiece is illustrated in Delieuvin 2012, p. 25, fig. 9. (Back to text.)
80 Delieuvin in Delieuvin 2012, pp. 56–9, no. 11. (Back to text.)
81 Davies 1961, pp. 209–13; see also the panel by Mazzolino in the Uffizi, Florence. (Back to text.)
82 The subject was, however, known in Italy: see, for example, Perugino’s altarpiece painted for Perugia around 1502, now in the Musée des Beaux‐Arts, Marseille (Scarpellini 1984, no. 125, pp. 105–6 and p. 249, fig. 210) and Lorenzo da Pavia’s painting of 1513 (for which see Delieuvin 2012 , p. 43, note 8). (Back to text.)
83 Bonito 1980 and 1982. (Back to text.)
84 See also a Spanish example in Delieuvin 2012, p. 42, note 7. (Back to text.)
85 An earlier representation of Saint Anne in an altarpiece made for Lucca is that by Ranieri di Leonardo (active 1502–21), made for the church of the Crocefisso dei Bianchi in 1507 and now in the Vescovado (see Ferretti in Filieri 2004, pp. 180–1). (Back to text.)
86 ‘Era tanto sparsa la fama e l’opere di questo artifice per la Lombardia, che fu mandato di Toscana ancora per alcuna cosa di suo; come fu da Lucca, dove andò una tavola, dentrovi una Sant’Anna e la Nostra Donna, con molte altre figure: la quale opera è posta nella chiesa di San Fridiano, ed è tenuta da Lucchesi cosa molto degna.’ Vasari 1966–87 edn, III, 1971, p. 558. (Back to text.)
87 Tazartes 1983, p. 6. On the cultural exchanges between Bologna and Lucca see Tazartes 2007, pp. 186–8. (Back to text.)
88 See Tazartes 1982, p. 33. (Back to text.)
90 On Cenami see Tazartes and Luzzati 1981. (Back to text.)
91 Lucco (1985, p. 152) noticed that the style of the fresco by Aspertini below the organ in S. Frediano looks more archaic than the frescoes in the oratory of S. Cecilia, Bologna, painted in 1505–6. See also Ferretti in Filieri 2004, pp. 180, 550; Emiliani and Scaglietti Kelescian 2008, p. 243 (entry by Scaglietti Kelescian). (Back to text.)
92 ASL , Archivio Notarile, Testamenti, Benedetto Franciotti, 15, fols 520v–523v, unpublished. (Back to text.)
93 ASL , Archivio Notarile, Testamenti, Benedetto Franciotti, 16, fols 119r–121r, unpublished. (Back to text.)
94 ASL , Archivio Notarile, Testamenti, Benedetto Franciotti, 16, fols 212r–213r, unpublished. (Back to text.)
95 ASL , Archivio Notarile, Testamenti, Benedetto Franciotti, 16, fols 309r–313r, unpublished. (Back to text.)
96 ASL , Archivio Notarile, Testamenti, Benedetto Franciotti, 16, fols 344r–345v; partially published by Tazartes 1982, p. 48 (with some mistakes, from BGL MS 3381, Libro di contratti antichi della nobile famiglia de Bonvisi di Lucca, fols 279r–280v); transcription verified and corrected by Giorgia Mancini. (Back to text.)
97 ASL , Archivio Buonvisi, Parte I, no. 36, fols 16v–17r (16–21); a later copy of the same document is in the same collection, Parte I, no. 43, fols 20–4. Part of this document, but without the ending part concerning the artists, was printed from the notary’s draft by M. Ridolfi, Scritti d’Arte e d’Antichità, 1879, p. 355, published in Davies 1961, p. 202. (Back to text.)
98 NG Archive, 5/41/1. (Back to text.)
99 NG Archive, 5/41/2. (Back to text.)
Appendix of Collectors’ Biographies
The Buonvisi collection
The Buonvisi established themselves in the second half of the fifteenth century as one of the leading families in Lucca. They continued to prosper and were active in trade (especially the export of silk) and banking all over Europe, with offices in many cities, including London. There were three cardinals in the family: Buonviso Buonvisi (1561–1603), Girolamo (1607–1677) and his nephew Francesco (1626–1700).
The family owned many properties, which were filled with paintings in the seventeenth century,1 but our first record of the collection seems to be one made in 1653, when it consisted of a mere 29 paintings.2 In the second half of the eighteenth century this was kept in Palazzo Buonvisi d’Inverno, their severe fifteenth‐century ‘winter palace’ in via Fillungo, not far from S. Frediano. The names of artists are not recorded but there was a ‘Quadro grande di noli me tangere’, which is likely to correspond with the much‐admired late work by Federico Barocci (1528–1612) [page 461] made, according to Bellori, for ‘li signori Buonvisi’ in 1609.3 In any case, this great work by Barocci was one of 115 paintings in the palace gallery listed in 1768 as the property of Francesco Buonvisi.4 By 1776 the collection had grown to more than two hundred,5 and it seems to have been at that date that a manuscript record was made of how the collection was distributed through seven rooms of the piano nobile of the palace.6 Only 13 paintings are listed in the hall or sala (six of these were overdoors by Neroni), but diagrams show how the paintings were densely hung in the suite of six adjacent rooms – the salotto, or sitting room, and the five adjacent camere.

Manuscript notebook with diagrams of the display in the final camera of the gallery. Every name either replaces a (deleted) predecessor or is pasted on top of another. London, National Gallery Archive. © The National Gallery, London

Detail of the wall where Francia’s altarpiece was displayed, from a manuscript notebook with diagrams of the display in the final camera of the gallery. Every name either replaces a (deleted) predecessor or is pasted on top of another. London, National Gallery Archive. © The National Gallery, London
Unsurprisingly, the collection was rich in works by Lucchese artists: Pietro Paolini (1603–1681), Giovanni Marracci (1637–1704) and Pietro Testa (‘il lucchesino’ [1611–1650], who had been a protégé of Cardinal Girolamo7). Most of the paintings were by Italians or by artists who had crossed the Alps to work in Italy (Paul Bril, 1554–1626; Peter Paul Rubens, 1577–1640; Johann Carl Loth, 1632–1698; Nicholas Poussin, 1594–1665). There were no fewer than six works believed to be by ‘Pussino’ (Poussin), three by ‘Gasparo Pussino’ (Gaspard Dughet, 1615–1675) and one purportedly by both of them. The attributions were made by someone with real knowledge – at least if an avowal of ignorance be allowed to indicate such: some are prefixed as ‘creduto’ (‘believed to be’) or ‘scuola del’ (‘school of’) or ‘copia del’ (‘copy of’) or ‘forse’ (‘perhaps’) and a great many as ‘incerto’ (‘uncertain’) – eight in one room and seven in another.
What gives this rather scruffy document (figs 7, 8) special interest is that it shows the changes made to the hang as the collection continued to grow – changes perhaps recorded by the owner, Conte Francesco Gerolamo Buonvisi, himself. The descriptions are corrected, sometimes by a rectangle of paper pasted on top. Thus we can see that when the Francia Altarpiece (NG 179, 180) arrived, painted by Francesco Francia for the family chapel in S. Frediano, Lucca, it displaced the altarpiece by Barocci; this, in turn, displaced one by Ventura Salimbeni (1568–1613) on the opposite wall. This, incidentally, reveals that the Francia was not the first painting to be moved into this collection from a church: the Salimbeni had come from the church of S. Carlo in Lucca and the Barocci, according to Bellori, had been intended for a church, although we do not know whether it ever hung in one.
The Francia and the Barocci were placed in the last of the camere where it would seem that the most highly valued works were to be found: these included small paintings believed to be by Leonardo, Correggio and Raphael. It should be noted that Conte Francesco Gerolamo, who so greatly increased this collection, was also a patron of modern art and greatly embellished the chapel from which the Francia was removed – also modifying it to commemorate the family’s three cardinals (p. 176, figs 5 and 6).
After the death of Conte Francesco in 1800, the Palazzo d’Inverno was sold and the collection combined with the paintings over the road in the Buonvisi baroque summer palace (later the Istituto Tecnico Francesco Carrara and today still devoted to educational activities).8 In 1818 Michele Ridolfi (1795–1854) recorded, in an account of all the notable works of art in the city made for Maria Luisa, Duchess of Lucca (1782–1824), that the ‘quadreria di Casa Bonvisi’ (‘picture gallery of Casa Bonvisi’) consisted of 216 pictures and he listed, as the ‘più classici’ among them, the Barocci, the Francia, the Leonardo, also the Raphael and the Correggio (both of which, however, he described as ‘maniera di’, ‘style of’), and three by Guercino, one by Annibale Carracci, a Parmigianino, an Albani, a Cignani and the ‘figura di donna bellissima’ in the ‘maniera di Raffaelle’.9 He noted that there were other paintings of merit and it is not certain what exactly he meant by ‘classici’ but probably pictures especially worthy of a public gallery such as he hoped that the duchess would establish; these were also paintings that he believed should not be allowed to be exported from the duchy. A full account of the collection formed by the duchess and her son is given in a separate appendix (The ‘Lucca Collection’, pp. 473–8).
The duchess also obtained the opinion of Pietro Nocchi (1783–1854), whose valuations were recorded on 7 October 1820. He thought that the two Francia paintings together were worth 1,500 zecchini but if divided then the main panel would be worth 1,050 and the lunette 550 zecchini. The Barocci he also valued at 1,500 zecchini. [page 462]These were the most valuable paintings: he thought the whole collection worth 6,000 zecchini.10 The duchess obtained a separate opinion on the condition of the Francia, from which she understood that the condition of the lunette was good but that old restorations on the main panel had fallen off; but it was still exceedingly beautiful and worth 3,000 scudi (the Barocci was then valued at 600 scudi).11 Yet another opinion was given, probably by the painter Luigi Nardi, who declared the Barocci and the Francia to be ‘originali e molto belli’ (‘original and very beautiful’), found it hard to judge the Leonardo and the Correggio, which were under glass, and was sure that the Raphael was at best a workshop piece.12 He admitted that some paintings were displayed far too high to admit of careful assessment but he found the Guercinos previously mentioned by Ridolfi as ‘deboli e dubbiosi’ (‘weak and doubtful’). On 1 September 1822 Ridolfi revisited and after a ‘lungo e scrupoloso esame’ (‘long and painstaking examination’) declared seven works to be worthy of a royal collection: the Leonardo, the Correggio, the two panels by Francia (he praised the lunette especially), the ‘superb’ Barocci, the Poussin and the Testa. He noted that the last two of these were matching in size and that they depicted Mercury and Argus and Venus with Nymphs respectively.13
These were the paintings finally purchased for the Duchess of Lucca in the winter of the following year or early in 1824.14 Her son, Carlo Ludovico, Duke of Lucca and Parma (1799–1883), bought other paintings from the Buonvisi – by Bronzino, Francaert, Cigoli, Veronese and Salimbeni 15 – so that when his collection was offered for sale in London in 1840 a dozen from this source were included. An account of this sale is given in the appendix on the ‘Lucca Collection’, but we do not know where most of these works are now to be found.16 Much more research would also be required to trace the other Buonvisi paintings, some of which may well still be in Italy in the possession of the descendants of the family members who sold to the Duchess of Lucca and her son.
1. Notably the villa at Monte San Quirico, the villa at Ragni and the residence in Lucca of Antonio Buonvisi (1484–1559, of the branch of the family known as the Buonvisi al Giardino), the contents of which are recorded in an inventory dated 23 November 1614 (transcribed as Inventory 2860 in the Provenance Index of the Getty Research Institute). (Back to text.)
2. The inventory was made in 1653 by Andrea Sorbi for the notary Jacopo Montoni of property inherited by Francesco Buonvisi from Vincenzo Buonvisi (1500–1573). ASL , Archivio Notarile, reg. 2415, fols 1646–1657 (transcribed as Inventory 2863 in the Provenance Index of the Getty Research Institute). (Back to text.)
3. Bellori 1976 edn, p. 184. The painting is now at Bywel Hall in the collection of Lord Allendale. Nannini 2005, pp. 167–8. (Back to text.)
4. Small notebook listing the contents of collections in the city, ASF , Archivio Guinigi 295 (transcribed as Inventory 2864 in the Provenance Index of the Getty Research Institute). (Back to text.)
5. ‘Nota dei Quadri dell’Appartamento di Casa Buonvisi’, BSL , MS 3299 (Inventory 518 in the Provenance Index of the Getty Research Institute). (Back to text.)
6. NG Library, A.iv.5.24. Presented by Dr G.C. Williamson, author of many popular books on art, including one on Francia. He had acquired the manuscript in September 1903 from a bookseller in Lucca. See his letters to Poynter on 12 Nov. 1903 and 29 Jan. 1904. (Back to text.)
7. Cropper 1984, pp. 12 and (for the great allegorical print dedicated to Girolamo) 45–54. It is in fact curious that if Testa did enjoy the Cardinal’s protection his work was not better represented in the collection. (Back to text.)
8. Mansi 2006, pp. 268, 363–70. (Back to text.)
9. Ridolfi MS. For more on this document see p. 474. (Back to text.)
10. Nannini 2005, p. 181. (Back to text.)
11. Ibid. , p. 182. (Back to text.)
12. Ibid. , p. 183. From this report it emerges that the Raphael was a version of the Madonna di Loreto, the original of which is now believed to be the painting in the Musée Condé, Chantilly. (Back to text.)
13. Nannini 2005, pp. 183–4. (Back to text.)
14. Ibid. , pp. 32, 194–5. (Back to text.)
15. Ibid. , pp. 35–6. (Back to text.)
16. The Testa, once in the Buonvisi collection, and indeed apparently commissioned by Cardinal Girolamo, is now in Palazzo Mansi in Lucca (Nannini 2005, pp. 157–8). (Back to text.)
The ‘Lucca Collection’
Maria Luisa di Borbone (the Infanta Maria Luisa Josefina Antonieta Vicenta) was born on 6 July 1782, the daughter of Charles IV of Spain. She was married at the age of 13 to her first cousin Louis, Prince of Piacenza, heir to the duchy of Parma. He became King of Etruria (a kingdom created out of the grandduchy of Tuscany) in 1803 in exchange for renouncing Parma, but died in the same year. Maria Luisa became regent for her son but was forced by Napoleon to abandon Florence in December 1807. She then returned to her family in Spain, arriving there at the very moment when Napoleon was taking over that kingdom. Her opposition to Napoleon eventually led to her being separated from her son and imprisoned in a Roman convent.1
After the fall of Napoleon in 1814 Maria Luisa was compensated, not as she hoped with the duchy of Parma, but with the smaller duchy of Lucca, formerly ruled by Napoleon’s sister Elisa Baciocchi. Retaining the honours and title of Queen, Maria Luisa took up the rule of Lucca in December 1817 and thenceforth visited the city every summer. This appendix provides an account of the collection of paintings she formed in the last years of her life and its amplification and eventual dispersal by her son Carlo Ludovico Ferdinando (1799–1883), who was Duke of Lucca from her death in Rome on 13 March 1824 until October 1847, when he was forced to abdicate in favour of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. After quitting Lucca, Carlo Ludovico retired to his estates in Saxony, only to learn that he had inherited the duchy of Parma and Piacenza on the death of the Empress Marie Louise, in accordance with agreements made at the Congress of Vienna. He briefly and reluctantly ruled Parma as Carlo II and then abdicated in 1849 in favour of his son. Thereafter he adopted the title of Count of Villafranca and lived mostly in France, dying in Nice in April 1883.2
The ‘Lucca Collection’ was the shorthand description of this collection used by the Trustees of the National Gallery, who purchased from it the great altarpiece by Francia (NG 179 and 180, p. 177). They seriously considered buying several other paintings from the collection, including one by Honthorst that eventually reached the National Gallery by another route (NG 3679). One of the paintings by Garofalo in the present catalogue (NG 642, p. 260) was also probably from this collection.
Before she formed her collection of paintings, Maria Luisa adapted and embellished Lucca’s Palazzo della Signoria, converting it into a royal residence.3 Lorenzo Nottolini (1787–1851) created a magnificent carriageway and a new staircase (that now bears his name) leading to her apartment and that of her son on the piano nobile. Much of the decoration remains today: frescoes of Greek mythology and allegories by most of the leading painters available in Tuscany, or obtainable from Rome, many of whom had earlier worked in Palazzo Pitti when the duchess was Queen of Etruria.4 The elegant furnishings have been scattered, but the magnificent beds made for the duchess and for her son may be seen in Palazzo Pitti and some other furniture may be found in the Villa Medici at Petraia.5
‘It is hardly credible how a palace intended for a republic could assume in so brief a period the appearance of one of the most elegant and magnificent royal residences in Italy.’6 The remarkable speed with which all this was accomplished for the duchess was probably motivated by the desire to celebrate her son’s coming of age and his marriage in 1820 to Maria Teresa di Savoia. At that date there were few easel paintings of note to be seen in the palace,7 but a collection was already being formed for the duchess out of that created twenty years earlier by Napoleon’s brother, Lucien Bonaparte.8
Although he had long been estranged from Napoleon, Lucien rallied to the emperor during his brief return to power. After Waterloo he was imprisoned by the allied powers for several months but allowed to return to Rome where he had formerly resided. His financial position was desperate and it was clear that he would have to sell those parts of his collection that had not already been sent to London for that purpose. The antique marble Minerva he had bought from Prince Giustiniani in 1804 was sold to the Pope for the Vatican Museum in 1817. In March 1820 he was selling the greatest of the paintings he had acquired from Giustiniani: three attributed to the Carracci (to which we will return), Poussin’s Massacre of the Innocents (now in the Musée Condé, Chantilly) and Honthorst’s Christ before the High Priest, together with an important Domenichino that he had obtained from Eugène Beauharnais (the Madonna of Loreto with three Saints, now in North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh). These had been purchased for the duchess by the end of the month.9
She next acquired three more highly valuable works from Lucien’s collection, pictures he had bought from his brother‐in‐law Prince Borghese in 1803 and which we know he was trying to sell on 26 April 1821 for 13,000 scudi.10 These were Raphael’s Madonna dei Candelabri (now in Baltimore, discussed below), Michelangelo’s ‘Dying Christ’ (Christ on the Cross with Mary and John, painted perhaps by Venusti after a celebrated drawing by Michelangelo)11 and the half‐length Saint Cecilia by Guido Reni (discussed below). She seems to have paid 12,000 scudi for them.12
It is unlikely that paintings from the Guistiniani and Borghese collections could
be exported from Rome without difficulty (even though the three Borghese pictures
had briefly hung in Lucien’s Parisian residence, the Hôtel de Brienne). A licence
could, however, be obtained from the Pope for a queen who was partly resident in Rome
and ruler of an Italian state. At her death in March 1824 Maria Luisa’s paintings
hung in three rooms in her Roman residence, Palazzo Ercolani: the dining room, a reception
room and a smaller room adjacent to the latter, hung with yellow silk that was adorned
only by the Raphael. She also owned modern paintings by Vincenzo Camuccini, Gaspare
Landi and
Stefano Tofanelli
.13 Since the name of Bonaparte was odious to her family and the title of Queen very
dear to them, it is not altogether surprising that visitors to the palace in Lucca
(to which, after her death, the old master paintings were transferred) would be informed
that they had been acquired by the Queen of Etruria from Prince Giustiniani and Prince
Borghese without any reference to intermediate ownership.14 When first assembled in Rome, though, this group of Lucien’s most treasured paintings
must have seemed like trophies, comparable to the Canovas from Malmaison in the possession
of the Tsar or Murat’s Correggios in Londonderry House.15
Some major works of art were also obtained for Maria Luisa in Lucca. It is clear from a letter to her of 7 October 1820 that she would have liked to acquire the great altarpiece by Fra Bartolommeo then in the church of S. Romano but its ownership was disputed and the church (which had the better claim) had no wish to sell.16 She was also interested, as described elsewhere in this catalogue (pp. 176–7, 461–2), in what might be obtained from the Palazzo Buonvisi. On 14 October 1823 the [page 474]Buonvisi heirs expressed exasperation at the protracted negotiations, but seven paintings and the library had been sold to Maria Luisa by the time she died the following March.17
The local purchases were greatly encouraged by Michele Ridolfi (Michele Angelo Ridolfi da Gragnano di Lucca, 1795–1854), a pupil of Stefano Tofanelli and then of Vincenzo Camuccini in Rome, who returned to his native city in 1818.18 In the early months of 1819 he compiled a complete and comprehensive inventory of the ‘monumenti piu rimarcabili di pittura scultura e medaglie’ in the duchy of Lucca ‘by order of her Majesty the Duchess’, describing himself as ‘her painter in ordinary’ (‘suo pittore pensionato’).19 Ridolfi, together with Pietro Nocchi, the other leading painter in Lucca, not only reported to Maria Luisa on the merit, the value and the condition of paintings she might acquire. As members of the Commissione Conservatrice di Belle Arti they were responsible for controlling the export of works of art – thereby in effect stopping anyone else from buying them.20 Ridolfi’s great ambition was to see an art collection established in Lucca and he petitioned Carlo Ludovico to continue with his mother’s commendable ambition in this regard. It is indeed likely that Maria Luisa had intended to consolidate her paintings in a gallery in the palace in Lucca but she probably considered this more as a matter of dynastic prestige than public amenity.
However gratifying to her it had been to arrange a splendid marriage for Carlo Ludovico and to create a spectacular setting for the event and a suitable palace for him and his descendants, she probably understood before she died that her son was homosexual and also of a restless and feckless inclination. He was to be frequently away from Lucca and seldom properly attentive to the responsibilities of government. But however poor his performance as a husband and a ruler, Carlo Ludovico did not neglect the palace and embraced the idea of forming a great picture gallery there. It is in fact likely that he already had a real taste for old paintings: some had been bequeathed to him by his grandfather, Charles IV of Spain, who died in Rome in 1819.21 His mother’s paintings were sent to Lucca from Rome and combined with those from Palazzo Buonvisi. By 1829 they occupied two rooms at the end of the queen’s apartment.22 All the most celebrated paintings in the collection were then in place. But the collection grew steadily (more paintings being acquired from the Buonvisi collection and, as will be seen, from many other local sources) and an inventory of 1834 reveals that 21 paintings were then exhibited in the Sala degli Stafferi and 40 more in two rooms nearby.23 The duke also continued to be an active patron of living artists.24 That he was a keen hunter of old masters is strongly suggested by the fact that a Saint Jerome in the collection, believed to be by Ribera, was said to be ‘found by His Royal Highness the Duke in a peasant’s cottage among the mountains of Lucca’.25 Other works were presented to the duke by Prince Esterhazy, presumably because it was known that such gifts would be especially well appreciated.26
The duke’s relations with the Commissione Conservatrice di Belle Arti may shed some light on his attitude to the collection and on his eventual decision to sell it. The Commissione was in fact a revival of an institution established under Elisa Baciocchi in 1807. Its task, as defined on 17 May 1819, was to ‘conservare e incoraggiare’ local art and artistry. In addition to the listing of monuments and notable works of art, it was responsible for conducting or at least monitoring conservation – and its remit even extended to judging competitions for straw hats.27 Michele Ridolfi wanted to extract masterpieces from the churches for a public gallery and replace them with copies. Making the latter would provide excellent training for artists, and he also pointed out that it would obviate the ‘scandal’ of Protestant art lovers visiting sacred places as if they were picture galleries.28 But Maria Luisa would not have been inclined, and Carlo Ludovico could not afford, to challenge ecclesiastical independence to this degree or even to exercise proper control over the way paintings in churches were cared for. Carlo Ludovico did not provide adequate funds for restoration campaigns and would not support the Commissione in acquiring for the state, or even preventing the export of, paintings that were not of ‘autori certi o classici’.29 Even in the case of a ‘Perugino’ from the Carmine, the duke recommended that if it were to be purchased then this should be with money raised by the sale of historic items (‘non classici’) in the Commisione’s possession, and only by means of such sales was it possible for the Commissione to undertake essential repairs to the city’s ancient churches.30 All of this suggests not only a greater regard by Carlo Ludovico for art than for archaeology but also a limited interest in what we could call ‘heritage’. He seems to have rejected the idea that his own collection could be regarded in this way, even when the Marchese Antonio Mazzarosa implored him ‘on behalf of all Lucca and the entire Duchy’ not to sell something that was not only precious to Lucca but a ‘cosa di nazione’.31
The decision to sell was made soon after the death, on 5 March 1840, of the duke’s most senior and responsible counsellor, Ascanio Mansi, and at a time when he was under very great financial pressure. Alessandra Nannini, to whose account of Carlo Ludovico’s collecting this study is greatly indebted, has observed that the duke’s religious views, then undergoing something of a crisis, may also have been a factor in his decision.
The duke was a man with considerable intellectual curiosity and a special interest in theology and ecclesiology, to pursue which he learnt Hebrew and Syrian and assembled a magnificent library.32 Ridolfi’s painting of the first council of the Church – an unusual subject that the duke must surely have selected – hung in the throne room of the palace.33 The duke came to be attracted by both the Greek Church and the Church of England and in the will he made in August 1835 he declared his desire to be buried secretly in England with the rites of the ‘Chiesa Anglicana Episcopale’.34 His love for a young Englishman, William Crook, who died in a duel in September 1841, may have reinforced these ideas, which led to some awkward private interviews with the Pope in March 1840.35
Carlo Ludovico’s religious inclinations certainly had consequences for his collecting and patronage of art. He constructed a chapel in his villa at Marlia, with an iconostasis adorned with numerous gold‐ground paintings assembled for him by Ridolfi,36 and in 1841 he permitted – despite the local bishop’s fury – a neo‐gothic chapel by Giuseppe Pardini and a cemetery for the use of Anglicans to be consecrated in Bagni di Lucca.37 It is, however, unconvincing that an attachment to Anglicanism would have led to a distaste for religious imagery.38 Indeed, it may have encouraged the interest in ‘primitive’ paintings of the kind he kept at Marlia, given the enthusiasm for the gothic among High Anglicans at that date.
The English were able to influence the duke in other ways. From about 1833 Thomas Ward, a former English jockey, [page 475]was a close adviser.39 Another adviser, Henry Cottrell (1811?–1871), was a friend of Henry Edward Fox, 4th Lord Holland, the British Minister to Tuscany, and of William Blundell Spence, who was rapidly becoming a leading dealer in Florence. It was Holland who recommended to the duke the Venetian Carlo Galvani, who was acting as an agent for the 2nd Duke of Sutherland and eager to buy for his client the two altarpieces by Guido Reni that the Church of S. Maria Corteorlandini in Lucca was prepared to sell. These paintings Carlo Ludovico purchased for himself in April, exchanging one for an altarpiece by Antonio Carracci from S. Giovannetto belonging to the Commissione.40 Galvani may have been disappointed but he stayed on in Lucca and, as will be shown, must have been contacted there by the veteran London dealer William Buchanan. He or some other English agents or dealers, ostensibly representing the Duke of Northumberland and the Trustees of the National Gallery, made offers to buy the collection en bloc.41 There is no reference to any such approach in the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees and no official associated with the National Gallery at that date was alert to opportunities abroad. The Trustees and the Duke of Northumberland may only have been mentioned as possible buyers.
Galvani is said to have advised the duke that the paintings should instead be taken by him to London for sale. He leased the premises of the Society of Painters in Water Colours in Pall Mall East (just to the west of what is now the National Gallery’s Sainsbury Wing) and exhibited 94 of the Duke of Lucca’s paintings there in July 1840 for sale by private treaty. There is no reason to suppose that the duke kept back any old masters but his modern Italian pictures – including those by Landi and Camuccini that he had inherited and those he had commissioned from local artists, including Pietro Nocchi and Michele Ridolfi, remained in Lucca, evidently not deemed likely to interest the British.42 What the duke did keep back and eventually removed to Parma were his ‘primitives’.43
A notice in the catalogue of the private treaty sale indicated that nos 3, 4, 5 and 6 – four famous paintings from the Giustiniani collection (acquired, as has already been mentioned, by the duke’s mother from Lucien Bonaparte) – had already been bought and would only be displayed until the end of July. These were the Honthorst (‘Gerardo della Notte’) of Christ before the High Priest that William Buchanan eventually sold to the 2nd Duke of Sutherland for his gallery in Stafford House (now NG 3679), and the three paintings by the Carracci, also from the Giustiniani collection, which Buchanan eventually sold to Robert Holford for Dorchester House in Park Lane.44 We know from Buchanan’s correspondence that he had in fact purchased these four paintings in advance of their export, which makes it likely that the whole plan for a London sale for the remainder had been devised by Galvani in concert with him. It was Buchanan’s intention to sell these four paintings at a handsome profit to the Trustees during the course of the exhibition.
Buchanan shared with his rival Samuel Woodburn (who was tormenting the Trustees at that date with offers of the old master drawings that had belonged to Sir Thomas Lawrence) an incurable tendency to disguise self‐interest as philanthropy and even patriotism and an inveterate aversion to a straightforward business deal. He kept changing the nature of his offer; made approaches through a bewildering variety of channels; and invoked (or invented) rival buyers. At their meeting on 21 July 1840 the Trustees were informed that a certain George Tomline had acquired the three paintings by the Carracci from Buchanan but might agree to cede them to the national collection. Buchanan no doubt expected a response to this but instead the Duke of Sutherland wrote on behalf of the Trustees directly to Tomline, who replied declaring that the paintings belonged to Buchanan and he merely expected first refusal.45 From the start it must therefore have been clear that Buchanan was not to be trusted.
The Trustees ascertained, no doubt from the Duke of Sutherland, that Buchanan had paid £8,000 for these four paintings. He now asked £11,000 for them, or 9,000 guineas for the three paintings by the Carracci. He admitted that Tomline had been offered them at a lower price but this was because he (Buchanan) reserved the right to exhibit the paintings ‘at the principal manufacturing towns in the kingdom’. Now he was prepared to go down to £9,000 for all four, provided he had until April the following year in which to manage these regional exhibitions. The Trustees met on 3 August and offered £7,000 for the three paintings, provided they were delivered immediately. This, they claimed, was their final offer.46 Buchanan declined. All of this was entangled with negotiations to acquire the Francia altarpiece (described on p. 177), which was finally purchased the following spring (1841).
The practice of touring a painting or small group of paintings to regional cities was well established as a way to make money out of contemporary paintings with topical, exciting or touching subjects, but it was a bold and, it seems, unprecedented step to send a group of old masters on such a tour. The exhibitions of the four paintings undertaken in 1841 and early 1842 in England, Scotland and Ireland were, according to Buchanan, a great popular success. No doubt the fact that each painting illustrated an episode in the Gospels with dramatic clarity had given Buchanan the idea. And on 5 March 1842 he returned to the Trustees, emphasising the appeal of such religious subjects and the ‘very strong and general desire’ among those who had admired them that they should be bought for the nation. He had ‘recently’ sold the Honthorst to the Duke of Sutherland for £1,200. ‘Previous to sending them abroad’, he would be prepared to sell two of the remaining three (by the Carracci) for £6,000 or one for 3,000 guineas.47 The Trustees renewed their offer for the three – but one had by now been sold to Tomline.48 Four years later Buchanan offered the two remaining paintings again, now for 4,500 guineas, but to no avail.49 He must have sold them to Holford soon afterwards.
When Lucien Bonaparte had bought these four paintings from Prince Giustiniani, three of them were attributed to Annibale Carracci. Connoisseurs seem quickly to have realised that there were stylistic differences that made these attributions unlikely and the ingenious idea was proposed that they were by the three Carracci: Annibale, Agostino and Ludovico.50 This may have made the group more rather than less valuable. The Annibale of Christ and the Canaanite Woman is untraced today and the other two paintings, now in the Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, of Christ healing the Blind (fig. 18) and Christ restoring the Son of the Widow of Naim were recognised by Salerno in 1960 as by the Genoese Domenico Fiasella, ‘Il Sarzana’ (1589–1669).51 Fiasella is not now a great name but these were remarkable paintings made by him as a brilliant young artist in Rome, influenced by both Guido Reni and [page 476] Caravaggio, and working for one of the greatest patrons of the time, Vincenzo Giustiniani. Buchanan was not wrong to prize them so highly.

Domenico Fiasella, Christ healing the Blind, 1615. Oil on canvas, 278 × 182 cm. Sarasota, Collection of The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, The State Art Museum of Florida, Florida State University. © Collection of The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, the State Art Museum of Florida, Florida State University
It is likely that Galvani found the response to his exhibition disappointing because, despite his announced intention of continuing through August 1840, 50 works from the exhibition were put up at auction by Christie’s on 25 July.52 It is noteworthy that some of the best works were kept back – among them Raphael’s Madonna dei Candelabri – and these were offered at Phillips on 5 June 1841.53
Although there is no indication in the title of the 1841 auction catalogue of any source for the 54 lots other than the Duke of Lucca, the sale included a dozen or so paintings – for the most part works of high quality – that came from other sources, as is clear from provenances given in the catalogue itself. Some of these, such Jan Steen’s Effects of Intemperance (almost certainly the painting now in the National Gallery, NG 6442), were very unlike those in the duke’s collection.54 But a portrait then believed to be by Titian and to be of Pietro Bembo had, like so many of the duke’s paintings, belonged to Lucien Bonaparte,55 and a version of Venusti’s The Holy Family (Il Silenzio) – perhaps the one now in the National Gallery (NG 1227) – had once been a companion of the duke’s Venusti in Palazzo Borghese.56 Buchanan must have had a part in constructing this sale. Certainly we know that some of these pictures were ones he owned for some time – for example, the Creation and Fall by Albertinelli now in the Courtauld Institute Gallery, which he had offered as a Raphael to the Trustees of the National Gallery and to the curator of the King of Bavaria in 1827.57
The attributions of some of the paintings changed between their display in Lucca and their appearance in the London salerooms. By 1840 the first step towards a clearer understanding of Leonardo’s painting had been taken by the recognition of the artistic personality of Bernardino Luini, to whom a painting in the Buonvisi collection, which had been celebrated as a Leonardo, was now given.58 But the changes were not always in the right direction. The Saint Cecilia with a Violin, a masterpiece by the young Guido Reni of about 1603 now in the Norton Simon Museum (fig. 19), had been admired as a Guido in Lucca and before that in both the Lucien Bonaparte and Borghese collections. It was, however, offered for sale in London as a Domenichino,59 no doubt because this phase of Guido’s stylistic development was not understood. The painting must have seemed uncharacteristically enamelled in finish and was reminiscent of a famous painting of Saint Cecilia by Domenichino in the Louvre.
For art historians today one of the most appealing items in the sale must be Orazio Gentileschi’s Rest on the Flight into Egypt, now in Birmingham City Museums and Art Gallery, which had been presented to the duke by Marchese Cesare Boccella after 1834. Galvani offered it as a work by Simone Cantarini, an attribution that Boccella accepted. Few works were then attributed to either Orazio or Artemisia Gentileschi, and the great Lucchese collector of the early eighteenth century Stefano Conti had bought the painting as a Guercino.60
The most interesting question concerns the status of Raphael’s Madonna dei Candelabri, which has seemed to all scholars for over a century now to be impossible as a painting by Raphael. In the years when it belonged to Lucien Bonaparte it was especially venerated by Ingres, whose great altarpiece of the Vow of Louis XIII, sent from Rome to the Paris Salon of 1822, owes so much to it.61 Perhaps some doubts had begun to circulate, however, because the Trustees of the National Gallery expressed no special interest in it and Buchanan’s priorities also lay elsewhere. It fetched the highest price of 1,500 guineas at the 1841 sale,62 but this was much less than Galvani had hoped, considerably less than the Russian Emperor had paid for the Alba Madonna or the Crown Prince of Bavaria for the Madonna della Tenda some twenty years earlier – and it was nothing like the £9,000 that the Trustees paid for the ‘Garvagh Madonna’ (NG 744) in 1865.63
There were a few items in these sales that would have surprised those art lovers whose taste had been formed fifty years earlier: a number of ‘Old German [page 477] paintings’64 and a Fra Angelico that have not been traced, and also one remarkable painting said to be by ‘Hemmeling’ (as Memling was then known in Britain). This is the Virgin Mary with the Infant Christ at her Breast, which is still known in Germany as the ‘Madonna of Lucca’. It was probably recognised as a work by Jan van Eyck by Christian Nieuwenhuys, who sold it to King William II of the Netherlands. Today it is the Städel Institute in Frankfurt.65

Guido Reni, Saint Cecilia with a Violin, 1606. Oil on canvas, 95.9 × 74.9 cm. Pasadena, The Norton Simon Foundation. © The Norton Simon Foundation, Pasadena, California
There had been close ties between Lucca and the Low Countries in the fifteenth century – the Arnolfini were from Lucca, for example – and ‘one may well ask’ whether the Van Eyck had come to Lucca with ‘one of those Lucchese merchants of Bruges who, like so many of her fellow citizens trading in that town, had returned home to die’.66 The Van Eyck certainly now stands out as the painting in the duke’s collection that the citizens of Lucca should have regretted most. But at the time of the sale Francia’s altarpiece would surely have been especially lamented, since it had for so long been in one of the city’s churches. Other paintings in the collection came from Lucca’s churches67 or from the palaces of the local nobility: in addition to those once in Palazzo Buonvisi, paintings came from the villas and palaces of the Baroni, Boccella, Cittadella, Ghivizzani, Massei and Orsucci. One can understand why a Lucchese art lover in 1909 should have declared that the ‘governo dei Borboni’ was a disastrous ‘periodo di spogliazione’.68
After the duke’s abdication in 1847, Lucca was annexed to Tuscany. Grand Duke Leopoldo II was then approached by the same Michele Ridolfi who had so fervently hoped that the Bourbon rulers would establish a great gallery of pictures in Lucca, and was persuaded to donate a group of old masters to the city. This was the germ of the city’s public collection, established in 1868 and opened in 1875 with Ridolfi’s son as its curator69 – a collection long displayed, like its predecessor, in the Palazzo Ducale but now divided between Palazzo Mansi and Villa Guinigi.
1. See Maria Luisa di
, 70, 2008 (entry by Elvira Cifani), also for the kingdom of Etruria, Davies 2011, chap. 10, esp. pp. 508–30. (Back to text.)
2. For Carlo Ludovico see ‘Carlo II di Borbone’ in DBI , 20, 1977, pp. 251–8 (entry by M.L. Trebiliani) and for the duchy of Lucca in this period see Sardi 1912 and Ferretti 1979. (Back to text.)
3. The Palazzo had been erected to designs by Ammannati in the late 1570s and had been extended and adapted by Francesco Pini in 1728. Until recently called the Palazzo della Prefettura, it has now been renamed as Palazzo Ducale, although in the time of Maria Luisa and her son it was called Palazzo Reale on account of Maria Luisa’s status as former Queen of Etruria. Access to the piano nobile is not now easy. (Back to text.)
4. Including Luigi Catani, Giuseppe Colignon, Domenico del Frate, Gaspare Martellini and (from Rome) Luigi Ademollo – all listed by Trenta 1820. (Back to text.)
5. Chiarugi 1994, I, pp. 35–6, 138–54. (Back to text.)
6. Trenta 1820, p. 47. (Back to text.)
7. Those that were described by Trenta in 1820 are likely to have been assembled there by Elisa Baciocchi. See Nannini 2005, pp. 54–5. (Back to text.)
8. For Lucien’s collecting see Edelein‐Badie 1997. (Back to text.)
9. The letter from Blacas to Baron Pasquier noting that Lucien ‘vient de vendre’ these six pictures does not name the purchaser. But see Nannini 2005, p. 31, note 42. For the Domenichino see Edelein‐Badie 1997, p. 178, no. 66. It was later sold for 230 guineas as lot 50 at the Duke of Lucca’s sale at Phillips, 5 June 1841. For the Poussin, see ibid. , pp. 242–3, no. 185. It was no. 10 in the private preaty sale in 1840. (Back to text.)
10. Edelein‐Badie 1997, p. 370. (Back to text.)
11. Ibid. , pp. 224–5, no. 152. Other versions are known, one of which, belonging to Campion Hall in Oxford, is of exceptional quality. The Borghese–Lucca version has not been traced. (Back to text.)
12. They were in any case valued at that amount (Nannini 2005, p. 194). (Back to text.)
13. Nannini 2005, pp. 196–7 and pp. 193–4 for the modern paintings and the valuations of all of her pictures. (Back to text.)
14. Mazzarosa 1829, pp. 84–8. (Back to text.)
15. Penny 2013. (Back to text.)
16. Nannini 2005, p. 181. (Back to text.)
17. The codex is in the Biblioteca Palatina in Parma. It is mentioned in Mazzarosa 1829, p. 89. For the letter of 14 October 1823 see Nannini 2005, p. 185. (Back to text.)
18. He may first have established himself as a portrait painter and portraits of Carlo Ludovico and his betrothed are in the Archivio di Stato in [page 478]Lucca. He remained active as a painter and his work is well represented in the Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Mansi in Lucca. The apse decoration of the church of S. Alessandro painted in encaustic in 1840 is a late work of note. (Back to text.)
19. BSL , MS Ridolfi (Getty Research Institute, I‐4194). (Back to text.)
20. Campetti and Trkulja 1968, pp. 53–4. (Back to text.)
21. See the entries in the duke’s private treaty sale of 1840 for nos 21, 23 and 61 (by Mazzolino, Guercino and Rosa). Carlo Ludovico had been attached to his grandfather’s household in the years when his mother and sister were imprisoned in a convent. (Back to text.)
22. Mazzarosa 1829. (Back to text.)
23. Nannini 2005, p. 60 and pp. 201–8. (Back to text.)
24. For example, he commissioned Carlo Ridolfi’s Primo Concilio degli Apostoli of 1838 and Pietro Nocchi’s Agilulfo re di Longobardi of 1845, both now in Palazzo Mansi. (Back to text.)
25. Private treaty sale, 1840, no. 38. (Back to text.)
26. Ibid. , no. 26 (a Jan Breughel the Elder Preaching of the Baptist from Prince Esterhazy). (Back to text.)
27. Ciardi 1981, pp. 19–25. (Back to text.)
28. Ibid. , p. 39; Ridolfi 1879, p. 296; Nannini 2005, p. 48. (Back to text.)
29. Ciardi 1981, pp. 26 and 33–4. (Back to text.)
30. Ibid. , pp. 37–8 for Perugino; p. 43 for restoration of S. Martino and S. Cristoforo. See also Nannini 2005, pp. 49–50 for the Perugino. (Back to text.)
31. Nannini 2005, p. 83; Mazzarosa 1886, p. 295. (Back to text.)
32. Nannini 2005, pp. 57–8. (Back to text.)
33. Ibid. , p. 207 for the inventory of 1834. The painting is today in Palazzo Mansi. (Back to text.)
34. Ibid. , pp. 68–9 and note 39. (Back to text.)
35. Ibid. , pp. 46–7 for Crook and pp. 74–5 for papal interviews. (Back to text.)
36. Ibid. , p. 66. More on the iconostasis at Marlia is given by Filieri 1998, p. 272, with references to BSL Fondo Ridolfi, MS 3665, fols 12–16 and MS 3666. (Back to text.)
37. Ibid. , p. 67. (Back to text.)
38. Ibid. , p. 69. (Back to text.)
39. Ibid. , p. 47. (Back to text.)
40. Ibid. , pp. 51–2, 77–9, 129–33, 142–3. Guido’s Crucifixion remained in Lucca and is now in the Museo Nazionale di Villa Guinigi. The other altarpiece was given by the duke to Cottrell. (Back to text.)
41. According to Carlo Massei (1878, p. 283, note 2), ‘alcuni inglesi venuti qua per conto della Galleria Nazionale di Londra, ed altri per conto del Duca di Northumberland’ offered 300,000 scudi for the whole collection, but Galvani advised the Duke of Lucca that he could obtain a higher sum if he sold the paintings in London. BL 9167.ccc.11. See also Nannini 2005, pp. 81–8. (Back to text.)
42. Mazzarosa 1829, p. 88. Some of these paintings remain in Lucca both in the Palazzo Ducale and Palazzo Mansi. Testa’s Triumph of Galatea now in Palazzo Mansi (Nannini 2005, pp. 157–8) was not sent to London but it does not seem likely that this was because the Duke of Lucca wished to retain it. It may rather have been accidentally omitted. (Back to text.)
43. See essay by Filieri and entry by her in Filieri 1998, pp. 38–9 and 272. (Back to text.)
44. For Holford see Penny 2004, pp. 367–70. The Honthorst is catalogued by Maclaren and Brown 1991, I, p. 192. (Back to text.)
45. NG Archive, 1/1, pp. 161–5. Tomline’s reply, dated 22 July, is NG 5/41/3. (Back to text.)
46. NG Archive, 1/1, pp. 165–6 and pp. 168–9 and NG 5/41/4 (Buchanan to the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 30 July); also NG 5/41/5 and 6. (Back to text.)
47. NG Archive, 5/48/5. (Back to text.)
48. NG Archive, 6/1/147 and 6/1/147. (Back to text.)
49. NG
, 6/1/244. (Back to text.)
50. Edelein‐Badie 1997, pp. 187–8, nos 85 and 86. (Back to text.)
51. Salerno 1960, pp. 27 and 102, nos 161 and 162. Tomory 1976, pp. 51–2, nos 44 and 45. (Back to text.)
52. Lugt 1938–87, no. 15,896. (Back to text.)
53. Lugt 1938–87, no. 16,237. The Raphael had been the first item in the private treaty sale catalogue and was the final lot in the 1841 sale. (Back to text.)
54. Lot 31 sold for 290 guineas (this is not included in Maclaren and Brown 1991 (I, p. 432)). Other lots that cannot have come from Lucca were 6, 7, 8, 23, 27, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35. (Back to text.)
55. Edelein‐Badie 1997, p. 148, no. 12. Wethey 1971, pp. 154, X‐9. Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. (Back to text.)
56. Lot 45. For NG 1227, see Gould 1975, p. 155. (Back to text.)
57. Lot 31 sold for 290 guineas (this is not included in Maclaren and Brown 1991 or in the 1841 sale). For earlier attempted sales see Penny 2004, pp. 296–7. The painting came to the Courtauld Institute Gallery with the Gambier Parry collection (CIG 6). (Back to text.)
58. Private treaty sale, no. 18 ‘Luino’. (Back to text.)
59. Lot 41 in the 1841 sale. (Back to text.)
60. Nannini 2005, pp. 123–5. (Back to text.)
61. The Vow was painted for the cathedral in Montauban, where it still hangs. In addition to the many studies that he himself made of the Raphael, Ingres owned a copy of the painting which he kept in his study (and it hangs in the reconstruction of his study in the Musée Ingres, Montauban). See also Caracciolo 2010, pp. 198–9. (Back to text.)
62. Lot 54, bought by Munro of Novar. (Back to text.)
63. For these sales see Penny 2004, pp. 296, 299, 301. (Back to text.)
64. 25 July 1840, nos 38 and 90. (Back to text.)
65. Private treaty sale 1840, no. 29. Städel Institute, inv. 944. (Back to text.)
66. Weiss 1956, p. 8. (Back to text.)
67. For the Salimbeni and Barocci see pp. 460–1. A ‘Perugino’ altarpiece came from S. Girolamo, removed, it seems, under the rule of Elisa Bacciocchi probably in 1808 (no. 2 in the private treaty sale). Antonio Carracci’s Virgin and Child came from S. Giovannetto, an oratory in via Fillungo, near a Buonvisi palace. (Back to text.)
68. [Campetti] 1909, pp. 12–13. (Back to text.)
69. Campetti and Trkulja 1968, pp. 54–5. (Back to text.)
- Archivio Arcivescovile, Lucca
- Archivio di Stato, Faenza
- Archivio di Stato, Lucca
- Biblioteca Statale, Lucca
Technical abbreviations
- ATR–FTIR imaging
- Attenuated total reflectance–Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopic imaging
List of archive references cited
- London, National Gallery, Archive, 5/41/1: Carlo Galvani, letter in response to an enquiry from the National Gallery, 21 July 1840
- London, National Gallery, Archive, 5/43/3: William Buchanan, 20 March 1841
- London, National Gallery, Archive, 6/1/209: National Gallery Trustees, correspondence with Treasury, 7 April 1841
- London, National Gallery, Archive, 6/1/221–2: National Gallery Trustees, letter to E.G. Flight at 1 Adam Street, Adelphi, 16 June 1841
- London, National Gallery, archive, 6/1/147
- London, National Gallery, Archive, NG1/1: Minutes of the Board of Trustees, vol. I, 7 February 1828–2 December 1847
- London, National Gallery, Library: G.C. Williamson, manuscript on the Buonvisi pictures
- Lucca, Archivio di Stato, Archivio Notarile, Testamenti, Benedetto Franciotti, 16: will of Benedetto Buonvisi, 17 September 1497
- Lucca, Archivio di Stato, Carte di Tommaso Trenta, MS no. 4
- Lucca, Archivio di Stato, Intendenza della Lista civile poi della Real Casa Borbonica, 10: Francesco Buonvisi, letter to ‘Sua Maestà’, 7 October 1820
- Lucca, Archivio di Stato, Intendenza della Lista civile poi della Real Casa Borbonica, Documenti Diversi, 10: Michele Ridolfi, letter to Duke Carlo Ludovico di Borbone, 1 September 1822
- Lucca, Archivio di Stato, Legato Ceru, MS 94
- Lucca, Archivio di Stato: Michele Ridolfi, Inventario, February 1819
- Lucca, Biblioteca Statale, Fondo Ridolfi, MS 3665
- Lucca, Biblioteca Statale, Fondo Ridolfi, MS 3666
- Lucca, Biblioteca Statale, MS 3299: Lucca: pittrice nelle sue chiese, 1778
- Lucca, Biblioteca Statale, MS Ridolfi: Michele Ridolfi, inventory of all the notable works of art in Lucca, compiled for Maria Luisa, Duchess of Lucca, 1818
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A note on authorship
I first began to draft entries on the Ferrarese paintings catalogued here in about 1995. Shortly thereafter Carol Plazzotta, then a new recruit to the curatorial department who was working under my guidance, carried out some research in Italy. By the turn of the century I had decided to concentrate on other areas – Bergamo, Brescia and Cremona and, later, Venice – in the first two National Gallery catalogues of the sixteenth‐century Italian paintings, which were published in 2004 and 2008. I returned to the artists of Ferrara, with the resolution of including Bologna in the same volume, not long before I was appointed Director of the National Gallery in 2008. But as Director I hardly ever found more than an hour on any weekday for pursuing work on the catalogue and, although I found that it was possible to achieve a surprising amount in the evenings and at weekends, I soon realised that I would need a collaborator who would be qualified to work in Italian archives, and to review recent publications – someone also with a keen eye, a lively curiosity – and the ability to read my handwritten notes. Giorgia Mancini was chosen for this task, and her contribution has been substantial, especially, but by no means only, on account of the archival discoveries she made which have transformed our understanding of several of the major paintings catalogued here.
In the majority of cases Giorgia was responsible for the preliminary draft of a catalogue entry, artist’s biography or appendix on a collector, and my contribution has consisted in revising and sometimes reordering her work, sometimes contracting and at other times extending the information, interpretations and arguments she advanced. Those sections written by me both before and after her involvement have all benefited from her critical attention. She alone is responsible for those appendices in the catalogue entries which provide transcriptions of Italian or Latin texts. The only parts of the catalogue of which I am the sole author are the Introduction, most of the entries for Garofalo and the Appendices devoted to the Buonvisi, Lucca and Midleton collections.
As Gabriele Finaldi has emphasised in his Foreword, a work of this kind is collaborative in a broader sense, and very large contributions have been made by Marika Spring, head of the Scientific Department, and Rachel Billinge in the Conservation Department. They undertook the examinations and supplied the text for the technical preliminaries of each entry, and patiently and meticulously reviewed and improved the revisions we sometimes made.
Nicholas Penny
[page 10]
Garofalo, The Holy Family with Saints Elizabeth, Zacharias, John the Baptist (and Francis?) (NG 170), detail (© The National Gallery, London)

Map of North Italy showing places mentioned in the text. Artwork: Martin Lubokowski at ML Designs

Artwork: Martin Lubokowski at ML Designs

Artwork: Martin Lubokowski at ML Designs
The Scope and Presentation of the Catalogue
The majority of the National Gallery’s collection catalogues are devoted to the art of one century and one region. Several artists who were active in the fifteenth century as well as in the sixteenth – notably Costa and Francia – are nevertheless included here. It was tempting to make an exception and to catalogue all the Ferrarese painters of both centuries together, thus including Tura and Cossa, whose work did indeed influence the early paintings of Costa and Francia. However, it would be misleading to break the pattern established for the other catalogues of the collection. Moreover, it was essential to combine entries for artists active in Ferrara with entries for those active in Bologna, given the way that artists moved between these cities. We have added entries on artists working in the Romagna and this makes a book of convenient size. Any future catalogue of the works by Raphael and his followers in the National Gallery will form an instructive parallel to this one.
We could, of course, have legitimately included Correggio and Parmigianino – artists who are extremely well represented in the National Gallery – but their paintings would, together with that by Nicolo dell’Abate, make another, somewhat smaller, volume. No division will ever be perfect and a case could be made for including Boccaccino here – but an even stronger case was made for including him in the catalogue of paintings from Bergamo, Brescia and Cremona (published in 2004).
As with the earlier two volumes of sixteenth‐century Italian paintings, the entries are divided into more sections than has previously been the case in the National Gallery’s catalogues. This acknowledges the fact that catalogues are more often consulted than read – and often only consulted for a single, relatively narrow, purpose. It also has the advantage of preparing the text for future incorporation, in one form or another, in the Gallery’s website. A measure of repetition is an unavoidable consequence of this policy, especially in the way that information in the discursive account of previous owners is often reiterated in the succinctly tabulated section on provenance.
Each entry includes some account of the painting’s current frame and, when possible, previous frames are recorded, although fewer have been illustrated than was the case in the previous two catalogues. Priority has been given here to illustrating frames chosen or designed for the paintings by collectors, or by the Gallery itself, in the nineteenth century. Such frames are still neglected, even by experts in this field. We make no apology for attempting to satisfy the curiosity of relatively few scholars – it is indeed our hope that we are of assistance to many minorities in the scholarly world.
It seemed more valuable to collect the exhibition history of these paintings together (p. 517) rather than to list it separately in each entry. The first of two lists records loans made by the Gallery to regional or other national museums either as long‐term loans or as touring exhibitions (both of which were organised after the First World War by the Arts Council). It may be of interest to record the opportunity to see Mazzolino in Bradford in the 1930s but the more obvious value of this list is as a register of those works that were regarded as of secondary significance. (It has always been obvious that both Garofalo and Mazzolino are more than adequately represented in Trafalgar Square.) The second list is of loans made internationally. In these cases catalogues of the exhibitions have contributed to the literature on the paintings and as such are usually acknowledged in the catalogue entries.
A list of changed attributions is also provided (p. 516). It reveals, as usual, that doubt has sometimes been removed and sometimes added, but several changes are we believe decisive – we assign NG 3102 to the young Garofalo; NG 73 to Panizzati; NG 3103 and 3104 to Pisano. And perhaps most importantly, after years of hesitation, we have dismissed the idea that Maineri may have been partly responsible for the Strozzi Altarpiece (NG 1119), as was proposed by one of the greatest connoisseurs this country has ever known.
The techniques of analysis abbreviated by our colleagues in the Scientific and Conservation departments are listed on p. 489 near the abbreviations we have employed for archives. Many references are made to the National Gallery’s own archives which may be consulted in the Gallery’s Research Centre where the dossiers on the paintings are also kept. Conservation dossiers are, however, housed in the Conservation Department.
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Version 2, generated from files GM_NP_2016__16.xml dated 02/03/2025 and database__16.xml dated 02/03/2025 using stylesheet 16_teiToHtml_externalDb.xsl dated 03/01/2025. Structural mark-up applied to skeleton document in full; document updated to use external database of archival and bibliographic references; entries for NG81, NG82, NG179-NG180, NG218, NG669, NG1234, NG1362, NG2083, NG2486, NG3892 and NG4032 prepared for publication, proofread and corrected.
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- Chicago style
- Mancini, Giorgia and Nicholas Penny. “NG 179, 180, The Buonvisi Altarpiece: Saint Anne with the Virgin and Four Saints (main panel) and the Pietà (lunette)”. 2016, online version 2, March 2, 2025.
- Harvard style
- Mancini, Giorgia and Penny, Nicholas (2016) NG 179, 180, The Buonvisi Altarpiece: Saint Anne with the Virgin and Four Saints (main panel) and the Pietà (lunette). Online version 2, London: National Gallery, 2025. Available at: (Accessed: 27 March 2025).
- MHRA style
- Mancini, Giorgia and Nicholas Penny, NG 179, 180, The Buonvisi Altarpiece: Saint Anne with the Virgin and Four Saints (main panel) and the Pietà (lunette) (National Gallery, 2016; online version 2, 2025) <> [accessed: 27 March 2025]