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Pope Julius II:
Catalogue entry

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Full title
Portrait of Pope Julius II
Inventory number
Carol Plazzotta and Tom Henry

Catalogue entry

, 2025

Extracted from:
Carol Plazzotta and Tom Henry, The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings: Volume IV, Raphael (London: The National Gallery, 2022).

© The National Gallery, London

Oil on wood (poplar, identified), 108.7 × 81 cm

Inscribed at bottom left, in white paint, the Borghese inventory number 118


The panel measures 108.7 × 81 cm; it has been trimmed very slightly on the right edge (as seen from the front),1 and has a pronounced convex warp. It is between and 2.8 and 3 cm thick and is made up of three vertical boards of poplar (Populus sp. identified by microscope examination); their widths measure 19 cm (left board), 43 cm (central board) and 19 cm (right board).2 It was braced by two horizontal battens, which were let into the rear at 28 cm from the top and at 27.4 cm from the bottom: these tapered from opposite sides of the panel and have now been removed (the nineteenth‐century batten visible in the upper channel in a photograph taken in 1977 (fig. 1) has also been removed). There are some open woodworm exit holes along the panel joins.

Fig. 1

Photograph of the reverse of NG27. © The National Gallery, London

A paper label on the reverse of the panel is inscribed in black ink: ‘Raffaello / 118’. This records the Borghese inventory number of 1693, and is old, presumably eighteenth-century (a worm exit channel passes through the paper).

Ground and priming

The panel has a traditional gesso preparation composed of gypsum (calcium sulphate dihydrate), probably bound with animal glue. This extends to the edges of the panel, as does the thin warm light-brownish priming composed of lead white, black and a small proportion of orange earth pigment.


No underdrawing could be seen from infrared examination and none is visible through the paint from examination of the surface. Raphael probably made an underdrawing in a material that does not show in infrared (for example, red chalk; see ‘Drawings’ below).

Materials and technique

The paint has an oil‐binding medium, with both heat‐bodied walnut oil and heat‐bodied linseed oil found to be present.3 The sitter’s red mozzetta and cap are underpainted with mixtures of vermilion, red earth and black in varying proportions according to the modelling, with final red glazes consisting of red lake, more thickly applied in the shadows.4 The white of the surplice is lead white, mixed with some azurite in the bluish‐grey shadows. The deep reds in the throne and the tassels are rich in red lake and red earth, mixed with some vermilion in the lighter areas. There is vermilion too in the more orange parts of the threads of the tassels and fringes, probably mixed with lead‐tin yellow, which is used pure for the golden‐yellow highlights. The brightest areas of the finials are also painted with lead‐tin yellow, while earth pigments are used for the dark areas; the redder touches – for example in what seems to be the reflection of the sitter’s red cap in the finial at the right – contain some vermilion. Lead‐tin yellow was also used for the highlights on the gold rings, with yellow earth for the duller parts. The green gem is painted with verdigris and the red ones with vermilion and red lake. The blue stone on the sitter’s left hand and the small touch of blue on the edge of what may be a diamond ring on his right hand are the only places where ultramarine seems to have been used rather than the cheaper blue azurite.

The dark green background is found in all the known copies of the composition and appears to have been Raphael’s invention. Nevertheless, the layer structure in this area is complicated and it seems that the artist altered an earlier background, replacing it with the green that we see now.5 Careful examination, first in 1969–70 but also more recently, has demonstrated that the idea of the green being a later modification can be rejected: there is no hint of dirt or varnish between the green and the layers of the different background below, and the craquelure runs evenly through all layers of the painting. In addition, while the sitter was painted first, and the green background brought up to the contours, small details such as golden‐yellow highlights on the tassels on the chair and the white hairs of the sitter’s left eyebrow were applied after this was done, as they extend over the green paint, softening the transitions.

The X‐radiograph (fig. 2) and macro‐XRF scanning (fig. 3), combined with paint samples prepared as cross sections, show that Raphael’s original design involved a background with three different motifs within lozenges arranged in alternating/repeating diagonal bands: two crossed keys of Saint Peter, papal mitres with lateral ribbons and probably the della Rovere symbol of an oak tree (the latter do not seem to have been painted, but it seems improbable that the series of lozenges in this part of the pattern were intended to have been left blank). The keys and mitres were painted in a golden yellow colour (a mixture of brightly coloured yellow ochre sometimes mixed with a very small amount of red lake and probably lead‐tin yellow). They are painted directly on the priming, as is the light blue background of the lozenges around them, which contains finely ground natural azurite and white. The light blue was painted across the whole lozenge for those that were probably intended to have the oak motif, and these appear empty in the iron XRF map, where the keys and mitres instead show very clearly (due to the earth content) (fig. 4). This is surprising, as it would be expected that the oaks would also have been yellow and suggests they were never completed, although there are signs in other technical images that at least a start was made on indicating their shapes. The iron XRF map seems to suggest there were also differences in the degree of finish in the key and mitre motifs, perhaps another sign that the first background was not completed before it was painted over; in some sets of keys there appears to be some modelling of light and shade, and in one key three bands are visible around its base, while in one of the mitres the details such as the three tiers and the small cross at its peak can be seen (fig. 4). The lozenges were set against a darker mid‐blue background containing azurite and lead white. The blue paint can be seen in a few places, either along the contours of the figure and chair where the green paint never completely covered the first background or where there are losses exposing the layers beneath (for example, near the Pope’s left eye, his left hand and the left acorn finial on the chair; figs 57). A diagrammatic reconstruction of this elaborate background is shown in fig. 8; it should be noted that it was not necessarily flat but may have been modelled to represent the fall of light across a drapery.

Fig. 2

X‐radiograph of NG27. © The National Gallery, London

Fig. 3

Overlaid X-ray fluorescence maps of NG27, showing the distribution of lead (from lead white) in white, iron (from earth pigments) in yellow and mercury (from vermilion) in red. © The National Gallery, London

Fig. 4

X-ray fluorescence map, showing the distribution of iron, of the upper part of NG27, just above the figure’s head. © The National Gallery, London

Fig. 5

Detail of NG27, showing the Pope’s left eye. © The National Gallery, London

Fig. 6

Detail of NG27, showing the Pope’s left hand. © The National Gallery, London

Fig. 7

Detail of NG27, showing the left acorn finial on the chair. © The National Gallery, London

Fig. 8

Diagrammatic reconstruction of the original background of NG27. © The National Gallery, London

Raphael abandoned the first idea for the background, probably when partially completed, and painted over it with up to three layers of green paint, the uppermost of which is a translucent verdigris glaze, while in the lower layers the verdigris is mixed with some lead white (although not in the brownish shadows), and perhaps some yellow earth at least at the right of the background.6 The shapes of the motifs in the first background are sometimes visible because of their strong paint texture, especially in the more thickly painted keys (see, for example, fig. 9), and as a result of wearing of the green glazes on top. The impression this gives of a pattern in the green curtain was not originally intended. The brownish shadow cast by the throne at the left is painted with mixtures of verdigris and red lake, as is the dark line running vertically from above the sitter’s head. The latter is probably the corner of the room, although it could simply be a drapery fold; either way, the intention has become more difficult to read than it would originally have been as a consequence of the wearing of the green glazes, especially at the right where the curtain is likely to have been darker and in shadow.7 The line indicating a ‘corner’ was followed in a number of early versions, while the keys and mitres are not.

Fig. 9

Detail of NG27, showing the overpainted keys. © The National Gallery, London

Elsewhere, there are only a few minor changes, seen from close surface examination and in some of the technical images. The far left contour of the chair curves in and out at the very bottom where the back upright meets the leg, but was originally straight, the contours of the sitter’s hands have been slightly modified (including making the right hand slightly less plump) and the white cloth in the sitter’s right hand partly overlies the red of the mozzetta. Nevertheless, the paint handling gives the impression of confident and speedy execution, with lively brushwork sometimes with a strong texture or wet‐in‐wet, and skilfully applied small impasto strokes for features such as the fur, the metalwork of the rings and the gold threads of the tassels and fringes on the chair. See ‘Dating’ below for the possibility of the picture being painted in an eight‐week window in the summer of 1511, which would support the conclusion of it having been painted quite fast.

Condition and conservation

The picture was cleaned and restored in 1970, when green overpaint covering the background was removed and the inscription in white paint ‘II8’ became more visible.8 This is a Borghese inventory number which, as discussed below, is identical with that recorded on this picture in an inventory of 1693 and in a label on the reverse.9 The presumption is that the overpaint on the background dated from before acquisition by the National Gallery, since there is no evidence of a full cleaning subsequent to its arrival. The records note that it was varnished ‘at times’ before 1853,10 surface cleaned and varnished in 1868, and some old varnish was removed in 1934 to deal with bloom in certain places, which were then revarnished.11

Overall, the paint film is in excellent condition. There are a number of scattered retouchings, especially in the reds and the chair, and in the surplice. The areas of flesh are in exceptionally good condition, with the only significant damage being a small vertical scratch on the sitter’s forehead. The final deep green glazes of the curtain in the background, however, have been damaged in past cleanings of the picture. On the right side these retain their original thickness and depth of colour only where they have pooled in the depressions in the paint. The tones must once have graduated evenly into the darkest greenish‐brown ‘corner’ of the room. The intended effect is now compromised by the lighter patches of green resulting from the thinning of the final green glazes. As discussed above, the keys and mitres that now partially show were probably not meant to be visible through the green upper layers. As will be seen under ‘Copies and versions’ below, none of the early copies show these elements (instead they have a plain green background, sometimes with a ‘corner’ behind the sitter), although they are visible in an early nineteenth‐century drawing and also an engraving from the same period (the former shows three sets of keys, one mitre and the ‘corner’; the latter two sets of keys and the ‘corner’).12

Sitter, function and style

An old, white‐bearded male sitter is shown at three‐quarter length and at an angle to the picture plane in an upright chair. He is set against a green background. The sitter can be identified as Pope Julius II della Rovere on the basis of comparison with a number of portraits of the Pope – indeed this picture, which has been identified as a portrait of Pope Julius for almost all of its history, served as a prototype for many (but not all) of those portraits. An independent portrait of Julius, bearded, is Pier Maria Serbaldi’s (about 1455–1522) medal of 1511.13 Giuliano della Rovere (1443–1513), who was born in Albisola, was created Cardinal of S. Pietro in Vincoli in 1471 by his uncle, Pope Sixtus IV della Rovere (1414–1484), and is seen as a young cardinal in Melozzo da Forlì’s (1438–1494) fresco Sixtus IV appoints Bartolomeo Platina Prefect of the Vatican Library of about 1477 (fig. 10). After a long, active and peripatetic career he was elected as Pope Julius II on his third attempt to win the papal throne in October 1503. His papacy was politically significant as well as being very important for the arts of Renaissance Rome. He was Raphael’s first papal patron, commissioning from him the decoration of the suite of rooms now referred to as the Vatican Stanze, along with other major commissions such as the Sistine Madonna (Gemäldegalerie, Dresden; about 1513–14). Raphael painted Julius on numerous occasions, including his appearance in the Disputa (probably, and painted about 1509), Pope Gregory IX receiving the Decretals (fig. 11), the Expulsion of Heliodorus (about 1512), the Mass at Bolsena (fig. 12) (all Vatican Stanze, Vatican City) and the Sistine Madonna. Julius died on the night of 20–21 February 1513.

Fig. 10

Melozzo da Forlì, Sixtus IV appoints Bartolomeo Platina Prefect of the Vatican Library, about 1477. Fresco removed and transferred to canvas, 370 × 315 cm. Vatican City, Musei Vaticani (inv. 40270). © Photo Scala, Florence

Fig. 11

Raphael, Pope Gregory IX receiving the Decretals, 1511. Fresco, dimensions not known. Vatican City, Vatican Palace, Stanza della Segnatura (on the Justice wall). © GOVERNATORATO SCV ‐ DIREZIONE MUSEI VATICANI

Fig. 12

Raphael, Mass at Bolsena, 1511/12. Fresco, dimensions not known. Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, Stanza di Eliodoro. © GOVERNATORATO SCV ‐ DIREZIONE MUSEI VATICANI

The correct description of details within the picture follows from identifying the sitter. Julius wears a red velvet camurro (or camauro = cap in Italian; sometimes called a zucchetto) trimmed with ermine, and a mozzetta (= cape; sometimes referred to as a capucino de velluto), also in red velvet and ermine, over a white rocchetto (rochet, alb or surplice).14 These are traditional items of clothing for a Renaissance Pope, and can be seen in Melozzo’s depiction of Pope Sixtus IV (fig. 12). At a later date they were described as ‘audience dress’ (‘abito di Udienza’), and this feeds into discussion of the pose, below.15 The white cloth in his right hand has been identified a mappa, which was a symbol of authority, and is also found in a drawn portrait of Julius in the Musée du Louvre, Paris (1510; inv. 3924); this drawing was an early idea – Julius is shown without a beard – for the Expulsion of Heliodorus.16 Alternatively (or additionally), this white cloth has been discussed as representing humility, moral rigour and purity of action.17

Papal symbols are also visible in the green background; as discussed above, these are from the initial design of alternating diagonal bands with three different motifs, now showing because of wearing of the overlying green paint of Raphael’s second idea. The first of these were the two crossed keys of Saint Peter, symbolising papal authority that had been entrusted to Saint Peter, the first Pope, by Jesus (as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew 16: 19). The second device was a papal mitre (not a tiara as sometimes described) with lateral ribbons, which was a part of the ceremonial dress of the Pope in ecclesiastical settings, such as when he presided at a Mass. The third device seems not to have been painted but was probably going to show Julius’s della Rovere family symbol of an oak tree (rovere = oak in Italian). This combination of devices, and the related decision of painting them in blue and yellow, can be found in the closely contemporary fresco of Pope Gregory IX receiving the Decretals on the Justice wall of the Stanza della Segnatura (fig. 11), in which Julius appears as Pope Gregory with the crossed keys, mitres and della Rovere oak trees (as well as other symbols) all appearing on the border of his cope.

The chair in which the Pope is seated also alludes to his family name by the inclusion of two burnished gold acorns atop the stiles of the chair (fig. 13), which is otherwise upholstered in red velvet,18 with gold tassels below the finials and at the join of the manchette. It is a type of chair known as a sedia camerale, which had been used in the Vatican for decades: it is, for instance, included as Sixtus IV’s seat in Melozzo’s fresco.

Fig. 13

Detail of NG27. © The National Gallery, London

One of the factors that helps to identify the picture as a portrait of Julius is his long white beard. He is shown with a clean‐shaven upper lip (the lower lip is also shaved), but was otherwise the first Pope since Urban V (d. 1370) to be depicted with a beard. Its novelty attracted a significant volume of comment, including in a later manual by Giovanni Pierio Valeriano (Pro Sacerdotum Barbis) that specifically adduced the example of the portrayal of Julius II which could be seen in the church of Santa Maria del Popolo (henceforward S.M. del Popolo) – that is, the present painting – in its discussion of beards.19 Generally, Popes of the Western Church had not worn a beard and had advocated shaving to the priesthood, although Saint Peter, with whom Julius identified closely, recalling also his original title as a Cardinal of S. Pietro in Vincoli (= Saint Peter in chains), was always shown bearded.20 Julius had been represented clean‐shaven in numerous earlier portraits and medals,21 and grew this beard between August and December 1510 as a vow to remain unshaven until the French had been expelled from Italy – he left Rome for Bologna on 17 August to secure this end. This period (autumn 1510) coincided with his recovery from a near‐fatal illness which had been brought on by the loss of Bologna to the French, and contemporaries compared the bearded Pope to ‘a bear’ or ‘a hermit’.22 Julius only returned to Rome in late June 1511, and his beard was immediately commented upon.23 He appeared, bearded, in the guise of Pope Gregory IX receiving the Decretals in the Stanza della Segnatura (fig. 14), where he is depicted in full ceremonial robes. This portrait attracted attention in August 1511 from Isabella d’Este’s ambassador to Rome.24 (It should be noted that in the fresco he has a moustache and full beard, and that the beard is shorter than in the National Gallery portrait. The other bearded portraits of Julius, in the Expulsion of Heliodorus and the Mass at Bolsena, show a shaved upper and lower lip.25) In late August 1511 Julius was again seriously ill, his funeral was prepared and the last rites were even administered to him, but he confounded those who were convinced he would die and survived.26 In March 1512 political events had seemingly taken a turn for the better and he shaved, so the full beard only formed part of his image for a 15‐month period from December 1510 until March 1512.27

Fig. 14

Detail of NG27. © The National Gallery, London

Julius is also shown with very striking rings (fig. 15) and was known to have been an avid collector of precious gemstones, spending tens of thousands of ducats on a new papal tiara (now lost), made by Cristoforo Foppa (known as Caradosso; 1445–about 1527) in 1510 (fig. 16).28 He even asked to be buried with majestic rings on his fingers, to the distress of Paris de Grassis (about 1470–1528), the papal master of ceremonies whose job it was to defend papal tradition and decorum.29 This extravagant display – he apparently spent more during his papacy on jewels than on anything other than the rebuilding of St Peter’s – was all part of Julius’s projection of maiestas papalis (papal majesty) and has been described as a tangible demonstration of papal solvency (which was otherwise frequently questioned, and for good reasons). If one looks ahead to the Sack of Rome in 1527 by, among others, Lutherans, one could argue that this extravagance backfired in numerous ways, including the fact that Julius’s body was exhumed from his tomb in St Peter’s and the rings stolen from his long‐dead fingers during the early days of the Sack.30

Fig. 15

Detail of NG27. © The National Gallery, London

Fig. 16

Francesco Bartoli, Pontificial Tiara made for Julius II by Caradosso, 1690–1730. Watercolour and bodycolour, heightened with white and gold, 41.5 × 25.4 cm. London, British Museum, Department of Prints and Drawings (inv. 1893,0411.10.5). © The Trustees of the British Museum

The gold rings on his right hand are mounted with a rectangular emerald cut to a point on his index finger, a large rectangular‐cut diamond on his third finger and a ruby (or more likely a spinel) on his little finger; the rings on his left hand feature a large rectangular‐cut ruby or spinel (index finger), a sapphire (third finger) and a diamond (little finger). The large rectangular ruby/spinel and the rectangular diamond in particular can be compared with similar stones on Caradosso’s tiara, and the ring on his left index finger appears to be identical to that shown on his left hand in the Mass at Bolsena (fig. 12), which was painted in late 1511 or perhaps in 1512.31 It has been observed that the colours of the rings on his more prominent right hand reflect the overall colour scheme of the picture and recall the traditional colours of the theological virtues: faith (white), hope (green) and charity (red).32

Several attempts have been made to identify where Julius is meant to be in this portrait. A number of scholars have assumed that he is shown in the Vatican Palace, perhaps in the Pope’s anticamera or in one of the Vatican Stanze.33 The present writer developed this argument with reference to the windows that are apparently reflected in the burnished finials of Julius’s chair, comparing these with the extant fifteenth‐century windows of the Vatican Stanze (which are mullioned and trabeated into four lights) and indicating a possible location in the guardaroba in the Torre Borgia.34 The wider reflection of the room was also discussed by Jürg Meyer zur Capellen who proposed that it showed the yellow wall hangings of the anticamera, which he presumed were as per the original background of NG27, which was in fact mainly blue, with yellow motifs.35 An alternative proposal located the setting in S.M. del Popolo, but the windows in this church are quite different.36

It is important to acknowledge the novelty of the portrait and the choices that have been made in how to represent Julius as Pope. He famously told Michelangelo not to depict him with a book but with a sword, which better symbolised his reputation as the warrior Pope. On other occasions he chose to be portrayed in full ceremonial dress, but here he is shown in slightly more informal attire, alone and seated in an intimate space. This ruminative Pope is how those close to him would have encountered Julius (for the seated Pope receiving standing visitors, see fig. 11), especially in the later years of his pontificate.37 Julius’s tired expression may be explained by his poor state of health, and (beyond his rings) his only ‘prop’ is the white cloth or mappa in his right hand.38 For someone who so carefully crafted his image (most obviously in papal medals where the obverse is the portrait and the reverse is the message),39 the recent suggestion that he was promoting a more pacific depiction is attractive.40 Julius was noted for his terribilità – which defies translation but was an irascible trait commented on by his contemporaries and even by Giorgio Vasari (1511–1574), who was not the first to note how lifelike (and therefore powerful) the representation is – but towards the end of his pontificate Julius was promoted as the bringer of peace and the defender of the liberty of the Church, including in the only bearded medal, by Serbaldi.

The decision to show the Pope three‐quarter‐length and from an angle may have originated from a Northern portrait. The inspiration has been linked to the Uomini Famosi by Justus of Ghent (active about 1460–80) in the studiolo of the Palazzo Ducale in Urbino (partly in situ, partly Musée du Louvre, Paris, about 1470–80), as well as to a lost portrait of Pope Eugenius IV Condulmer (1383–1447) by Jean Fouquet (d. 1481) which was then kept in the sacristy of S.M. Maggiore in Rome, which may itself have been presented to the church by the Pope. Raphael’s portrait subsequently became a widely used formula for portraits, and especially ruler portraits (sometimes referred to as ‘state portraits’), in subsequent centuries. Titian and Diego Velázquez are just two of the artists to have been influenced by the Julius portrait.


The picture was held to be by Raphael for most of its early history, but Friedrich Wilhelm Basilius von Ramdohr dismissed it as a school work in the late eighteenth century,41 and soon thereafter it was sold from the Borghese collection. It was acquired by John Julius Angerstein and subsequently by the National Gallery in 1824 as by Raphael, and celebrated as such by William Young Ottley, William Hazlitt, John Landseer and others, but it was then demoted.42 The respected scholar of Raphael Johann David Passavant described it as a copy in 1839 (adding a misleading provenance to the Palazzo Falconieri in Rome, which might also have put some authorities off course to a secure identification),43 repeating this verdict in 1860 and 1872.44 Gustav Friedrich Waagen referred to the picture in his Treasures of Art in Great Britain (1854) as ‘an excellent old repetition’,45 and a similar verdict was passed by Joseph Archer Crowe and Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle in their two‐volume book on Raphael of 1882–5.46 A rare defence of the attribution in the mid‐nineteenth century was made by Samuel Palmer in a letter of 1 January 1871 to Leonard Rowe Valpy.47

For most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the National Gallery picture was thought to be a copy of the picture in the Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (fig. 17), and was catalogued by Cecil Gould in 1962 as ‘After Raphael’ and by an unidentified sixteenth‐century artist.48 The version in the Uffizi was usually accepted as by Raphael, although some authors were not persuaded that any of the extant versions could be identified as the original.49 Only after Gould’s publication of the National Gallery picture after cleaning was the over‐promotion of the Uffizi version reined in.50 It was defended as a second original by Antonio Natali,51 while in 1984 it was described as ‘Raffaello e Bottega’ in the exhibition Raffaello a Firenze,52 and it has recently been displayed with an attribution to Giulio Romano.53 The priority of the Florence version as Raphael tout court was also promoted by James Beck in 1996, but this has not found support.54

Fig. 17

Anonymous sixteenth‐century copy after Raphael, Portrait of Pope Julius II. Oil on wood, 107 × 80 cm. Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi (inv. 1890.1450). © Photo Scala, Florence

Prompted by an enquiry from Konrad Oberhuber, Gould had initiated an X‐ray investigation, a new examination and a restoration (1970), which demonstrated that the background of the picture showed papal emblems which had been partially overpainted,55 that the previously misread inventory number could be connected with the 1693 Borghese inventory, and – in combination with the picture’s known provenance – that the picture could be identified as the portrait of Pope Julius II that was shown at S.M. del Popolo in 1513.

Since Gould’s and Oberhuber’s ensuing publications the doubting voices have been largely silenced, but Beck dismissed the picture as a workshop copy, and suggested that it might be by Gian Francesco Penni (1496–1528).56

The attribution of the National Gallery painting is necessarily related to the conclusions drawn regarding other versions. The principal ones among these are listed below under ‘Copies and versions’, but the issue also needs to be discussed at this point. The versions that require serious attention are on wood and show a corner behind the sitter’s head. None of the other candidates feature any of the decorations in the green background akin to those from the first idea for the background visible through the overlying layers of green paint in the National Gallery picture. It probably follows that the crossed keys and papal mitres were not originally as visible as they are today (see also ‘Materials and technique’), and indeed the green paint has suffered from wearing, which may have happened by the time of two early nineteenth‐century copies where they do appear: a drawing by Henry Bone of 1811 (fig. 18) and a slightly later engraving (the former has three sets of keys, one mitre and the ‘corner’; the latter two sets of keys and the ‘corner’).57 Very few of the versions show this corner behind the sitter’s head. Those that do, include the cartoon in the Galleria Corsini (fig. 19) and versions of the portrait in the Corsini collection in Rome (inv. n. 134) and in the Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (inv. 1412 n. 4533), and the canvas in the Galleria Borghese (inv. 413).58 In some later derivations from this picture the green curtain is pulled back to reveal a window on the right.59

Fig. 18

Henry Bone, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), 1811. Pencil on paper, squared in ink for transfer. London, National Portrait Gallery (inv. NPG D17424). © National Portrait Gallery, London

Fig. 19

Unknown artist, cartoon made after Raphael’s Portrait of Pope Julius II, sixteenth century (?). Black chalk with white heightening, 109 × 82 cm. Florence, Galleria Corsini (inv. n. 148) © Fratelli Alinari, 1998

In 2010 the Städel Museum in Frankfurt acquired a version on the basis of advice from Meyer zur Capellen, who attributed some areas of the painting (especially the face) to Raphael and the rest to his workshop.60 Jochen Sander expanded upon this to attribute large parts of the painting to Raphael.61 This has been strongly resisted by Dietrich Seybold, Arnold Nesselrath and Michael Rohlmann among many others,62 and the picture appears to be a later copy of only marginal interest: it has a plain green background with no corner.


The widest parameters for a possible date span between 24 June 1511, when Julius returned to Rome from his military campaign in northern Italy wearing the beard he had grown since he had left Rome, to 13 March 1512 (by which date Julius had removed his beard) or 8 September 1513, when the picture was first recorded on display.63 Some scholars have argued that the beard became the Pope’s attribute and so have rejected a dating based on the beard, even suggesting that the portrait might be posthumous.64 The most developed of these arguments was made by Alessandro Ballarin, who dates the picture to 1512–13 and links it stylistically to the Madonna di Foligno (about 1512; Vatican Museums) and the Mass at Bolsena (fig. 12).65 Beck’s date of about 1516, based on the painting being a later workshop version, can be dismissed.66

There are arguments for dating the picture to a short period between late June and mid‐August 1511, on the grounds that the portrait in London was apparently the model for the frescoed portrait of Julius as Pope Gregory IX receiving the Decretals in the Stanza della Segnatura (fig. 11), which was completed by 16 August 1511 when Isabella d’Este’s ambassador described it as ‘His Holiness from the life with the beard’.67 It should be admitted, however, that this leaves very little time (less than two months) for a sitting and for the execution of the picture when Raphael was also committed to the completion of the Stanza della Segnatura.68

One further argument should be brought into the discussion: the Pope’s dress. The papal master of ceremonies, Paris de Grassis, went out of his way to describe the Pope’s seasonal wardrobe and claimed that Julius II never varied from the prescription. This established that red velvet trimmed with ermine (or red linen – referred to as raw red silk – also trimmed with ermine) was worn from the Feast of All Saints until Pentecost (that is, 31 October until 50 days after Easter, so usually mid‐ to late May), but that in high summer the dress code changed colour and in particular excluded the ermine trim.69 If we take this at face value it would mean that Julius would have to be represented in the period October to March and hence that the portrait was painted by Raphael in the winter of 1511–12. The ermine lining is found in all the related portraits of Julius in fresco; it is also found in the Portrait of Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de’Medici and Luigi de’Rossi (Gallerie degli Uffizi, Florence, inv. 1912, n. 40), which was apparently painted in the summer of 1518.

On balance, although a precise dating in the summer of 1511 is tempting, it is probably better to keep open the possibility of a dating in the autumn/winter of 1511. At that point the coincidence of the gift of a portrait as an ex‐voto to the church of S. Marcello al Corso (in December 1511, discussed further under ‘Historical comment’ below) is striking, and it might be relevant that in the frescoed portrait as Pope Gregory IX receiving the Decretals (fig. 11) the beard is shorter than in the National Gallery picture, and he is shown with a moustache and bearded lower lip (as is also the case in the bearded portrait on Serbaldi’s medal of about 1511 and the various contemporary caricatures published by Rospocher).70 Raphael’s other bearded portraits of Julius, in the Expulsion of Heliodorus and the Mass at Bolsena, show a longer, bushier beard with a shaved upper and lower lip, as in the National Gallery painting.71 If it could be proved that Julius wore a different beard at different times this slightly later date might find additional support.

Historical comment

Discussion thus far has aimed to clarify specific aspects of the picture’s appearance, its attribution or date, but some further context adds to our understanding of the portrait and its commission. The painting was first recorded in September 1513 as having been given to the church of S.M. del Popolo by Julius, presumably before his death earlier that year.72 Bram Kempers has proposed that Julius probably gave the picture to the church in 1511, possibly as early as September and perhaps as a result of a vow for a return to health after his near‐fatal illness that August. In December 1511 Julius gave another portrait of himself to the church of S. Marcello ‘because of a vow made to an image of Our Lady’.73 He can be shown to have promoted various feast days associated with the Virgin, and he instituted a tradition of important and regular papal Masses in the church of S.M. del Popolo (for example, the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin on 2 February each year). He also established the feast of the Virgin’s holy name (12 September) for the town of Cuenco in 1513. Julius launched his first Bologna campaign in S.M. del Popolo on 26 August 1508, and stayed at the convent quite frequently, attending the funerals of various cardinals and della Rovere supporters who were buried there during his pontificate. He is known to have attended S.M. del Popolo on 7/8 September 1511 for the celebration of the Birth of the Virgin Mary (and it was on this feast day that Raphael’s portrait was first recorded as being displayed, in 1513). This was very soon after his recovery from illness, and if an early date is accepted for the painting then he may have presented his portrait (and another picture?) at this time, effectively instituting the occasion which recurred in September 1513 (and was subsequently commented upon, albeit with reference to the more generic ‘on feast days’, in the anonymous Codex Magliabechiano, and by Vasari and others).74 Huge numbers visited Julius’s body as it lay in state in St Peter’s in February 1513,75 and he was hailed by the people (at least in Rome) as the saviour of Italy. This popular admiration explains why people rushed to the showing of the picture in 1513, a little over six months after Julius’s death.

The high altar of S.M. del Popolo housed a miraculous icon of the Virgin and Child, as well as relics related to the Virgin Mary and to Saint Sixtus that had been presented to the church by Pope Paschal II (about 1050/55–1118). The church had long‐standing della Rovere ties and has been aptly described as a ‘Julian temple, sanctuary, showcase, and theatre’.76 Its prominent position as the first church that a visitor encountered inside the Aurelian walls on arrival from the north along the Via Flaminia gave S.M. del Popolo an important propagandist potential. The church had been rebuilt in 1472–80 with support from Julius’s uncle, Pope Sixtus IV, and a number of della Rovere chapels line the walls. Julius intervened to see a prominent chapel pass to his closest confidant and financial backer, Agostino Chigi (1466–1520), which was given a new dedication to the Madonna di Loreto, saints Augustine and Sigismond,77 and eventually an altarpiece depicting the Birth of the Virgin Mary. The Pope also installed family tombs in the choir of the church, which was effectively converted into a della Rovere mausoleum (following the inspiration of the Sforza at S. Maria delle Grazie in Milan) in a rich piece of combined patronage in which Donato Bramante (1444–1514), Pintoricchio (about 1454–1513) and Guillaume de Marcillat (about 1470–1529) worked to produce an exceptionally modern ensemble in the years 1508–10.

This chapel behind the high altar was dedicated to the Madonna and had been blessed by Pope Julius in March 1507. Scenes from her life (including the Birth of the Virgin Mary) feature prominently in Marcillat’s stained‐glass window on the left of the choir (she is also prominent in the Nativity scenes on the right). We know that Raphael’s picture was hung on a pilaster in the church, and if this was, as we might reasonably suspect, on the left‐hand side of the choir (fig. 20), or possibly on a column on the left of the nave, then it would have been seen in relationship with the miracle‐working icon on the high altar and the Julian choir beyond. The papal throne was also a permanent fixture in the left crossing of the church and so it had become expected to see the Pope to the left of the high altar. The culmination of ecclesiastical/political stagecraft in Julius’s relationship with the church came in early October 1511 when S.M. del Popolo was chosen as the location for the negotiations that resulted in an alliance of the Papal States, Spain, Venice and (later) England and the Holy Roman Empire – the so‐called Holy League – against the French and their allies in northern Italy.

Fig. 20

View towards the high altar of the church of Santa Maria del Popolo. © HSUEH‐YI CHEN / Alamy Stock Photo / Image ID: JR38FH (RF)

There have been divergent views regarding the relationship of the portrait of Julius with Raphael’s painting of the Holy Family, now known as the Madonna di Loreto and in the Musée Condé, Chantilly (fig. 21). Although the two paintings are on panels of poplar of slightly different sizes (the Madonna di Loreto is 120 × 90 cm) and were probably painted at slightly different dates (with the Madonna di Loreto being one to two years earlier), they were both in S.M. del Popolo from 1544 and were both displayed in the church on feast days;78 they subsequently shared a provenance through the Sfondrati and Borghese collections until about 1794–5. This might have developed as a coincidence of collocation, but it is also possible that the pairing and display was intended by Julius.79 In the context of his repeated choice to mark major Marian moments at S.M. del Popolo, the idea that Julius might have presented both his portrait and a Holy Family to the church is not overly fanciful.

Fig. 21

Raphael, Madonna del Velo or Madonna di Loreto, 1511–12. Oil on poplar, 120 × 90 cm. Chantilly, Musée Condé (inv. 40). Photo © RMN‐Grand Palais (domaine de Chantilly) / Harry Bréjat

One further aspect of the relationship with the picture in Chantilly (fig. 21) has a bearing on the Julius portrait. The composition is now known as the Madonna di Loreto, only after a version (or more likely a copy) of this original by Raphael (which can be traced visually to S.M. del Popolo from 1553 and earlier in documentary records)80 was presented to the basilica at Loreto in 1712.81 There it became famous and acquired its modern name: the Madonna di Loreto. This is interesting in itself, but unrelated to Pope Julius II, and nothing proves that this iconography of the Virgin lifting a veil from a sleeping child was associated with Loreto in the sixteenth century. Nevertheless, Julius had a significant devotion to the shrine of the Virgin Mary at Loreto, where the house in which she had been born in the Holy Land was held to have been miraculously transported – a belief that was recognised by Julius in a papal bull of 1507 (titled In sublimia). This shrine was the most important centre of Marian devotion in Europe. Papal interest can be traced to 1375, and was further promoted throughout the fifteenth century, along with a programme of strategic rebuilding. Julius visited the shrine whenever he could, and may have been behind Agostino Chigi’s dedication of his chapel in S.M. del Popolo being changed to the Madonna di Loreto (as well as to the name saints of Agostino and his brother). When Julius overcame a life‐threatening illness in August 1511, he credited his recovery to the succour that the Madonna di Loreto had given him, and earlier that summer he had presented the shrine with the cannonball that had nearly killed him during the siege of Mirandola in January 1511 (this still hangs from a chain inside the Santa Casa). It is not impossible that the decision to make a gift of a version of the composition to Loreto in the eighteenth century was related to Julius’s known devotion to the shrine and his apparent connection to this image.


Two drawings have been discussed in connection with Raphael’s Portrait of Pope Julius II, and although they could both be examined under ‘Copies and versions (Drawn copies)’ below, there are reasons to consider them separately. The Head of Pope Julius II at Chatsworth (fig. 22) was drawn in red chalk on oiled paper, and measures 36 × 25.3 cm. Some scholars have seen it as an autograph study by Raphael, and to have been preparatory for the painting, but Carol Plazzotta has presented strong arguments for viewing the drawing instead as a derivation from Raphael’s portrait.82 It corresponds exactly in scale, detail and lighting with the National Gallery head and appears to have been traced from the painting. The paper is exceptionally thin and has been brushed with oil to make it transparent. The outlines were then traced with the addition of some areas of shading, and this explains the drawing’s somewhat flat appearance. As such it was probably made by a member of Raphael’s workshop, although one cannot completely exclude the possibility that Raphael traced his own picture.

Fig. 22

Photograph after drawing by workshop of Raphael, Head of Pope Julius II, about 1511–12. Red chalk on oiled paper, 36 × 25.3 cm. Chatsworth, The Duke of Devonshire and the Chatsworth Settlement Trustees (inv. 50). Royal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2024

The facial features of Pope Julius were apparently used for the cartoon which was made in preparation for the fresco of Pope Gregory IX receiving the Decretals in the Stanza della Segnatura (fig. 11). The heads in the London portrait and the fresco match each other line for line, and one depends on the other. It has been suggested that Raphael made the easel portrait first, studying his model from life, and that this was then adapted to the more hierarchic (and arguably more awkward) representation in the fresco. But the differences in the beard are significant and it is possible that the fresco was executed first on the basis of a now‐lost cartoon, and that the original model for this head was then further adapted in preparation for the portrait now in London, and that the Chatsworth drawing was produced by Raphael’s workshop at this time or subsequently for further replication.

The second drawing is a full‐size cartoon now in the Galleria Corsini, Florence (fig. 19). This is drawn in black chalk with white heightening, and has been pricked for transfer. Like the drawing in Chatsworth, it has sometimes been described as Raphael’s original cartoon, but the way in which it records all the tonal values of the painting identify it as a copy, and most scholars now accept that it was made after Raphael’s portrait and used in the production of later versions. The cartoon was first recorded in Pesaro in 1623–4, and arrived in Florence among the possessions of Vittoria della Rovere (1622–1694), who apparently gifted it to Bartolomeo Corsini (1683–1752) after 1683.83 Sir Charles Eastlake (1793–1865) saw this cartoon in September 1862 and considered it as potentially ‘eligible’ for acquisition by the National Gallery.84

Former owners

As discussed under ‘Sitter, function and style’ above, the picture was first referred to by Vettore Lippomano, who wrote from Rome to his brother Girolamo Lippomano (1460–1527) who duly informed the Venetian Senate. His report was summarised by Marino Sanuto (1466–1536) on 12 September 1513, and recorded that a portrait of Pope Julius II was on display in the church of S.M. del Popolo in Rome (on the altar, which presumably implies the high altar) for eight days, resulting in a rush to go and see the picture as though it were a papal jubilee.85 The work was said to have been given to the church by the Pope, who died in February 1513 (and arguments have been put forward for the painting’s donation to the church in 1511, and alternatively for its presentation after the Pope’s death). It was subsequently recorded in the church in 1529/31,86 and writing between 1544 and 1546 the anonymous author of the Codex Magliabechiano, who was listing the major works of art in Rome, also noted that a portrait of Julius II was hung on special occasions on a pilaster in the church in some relationship with a painting of the Madonna and Child with Saint Joseph, which was hung on a nearby pilaster.87 This latter picture is usually identified as the Madonna del Velo or Madonna di Loreto (fig. 21), and the author of the Codex Magliabechiano was the first commentator to attach Raphael’s name to both paintings.88

A significant number of these commentators referred to the resemblance to Julius (Lippomano), or to the quality of the head or the draperies (Anon. Magliabechiano), and these themes were developed by Vasari, who described the picture with care in his biography of Raphael in the Lives of the Artists, published in two editions in 1550 and 1568.89 Vasari repeated the observation that the picture was displayed on feast days and with the Holy Family apparently now in Chantilly (fig. 21). He also noted how the picture was ‘so true and so lifelike, that the portrait caused all who saw it to tremble, as if it had been the living man himself’.90

In between these two editions of the Lives, Ludovico Dolce’s (1508/10–1568) L’Aretino of 1557 referred to a portrait of Julius as an example of Raphael’s skill as a portrait painter,91 and it was also described by an anonymous commentator on the buildings of Rome in about 1564 (again bracketed with the ‘quadro di Nostra Donna’ and with both works being attributed to Raphael).92 The picture was mentioned by Pablo de Céspedes (about 1538–1608) before 1577,93 and the two paintings by Raphael were recorded in the church of S.M. del Popolo by Raffaello Borghini (1537–1588) in his Il Riposo of 1584.94 They were subsequently listed by Gian Paolo Lomazzo (1538–1592), whose visit to Rome can be dated between 1559 and 1565, although his Idea del Tempio della Pittura was only published in 1590.95 Karel Van Mander (1548–1606) had visited Rome from 1573 to 1577, but the pictures were in fact in the Sfondrati collection by the date at which his comment on them was published in 1604.96 Copies of the two paintings by Raphael were recorded in the sacristy of the church in about 1656, and it seems likely that the originals were kept in this location when not on display in the sixteenth century.97

The two paintings remained in the church until they were appropriated ‘per forza, non senza dispiacere universale di tutta Roma’ (‘by force and not without the universal displeasure of all Rome’) in 1591 by Cardinal Sfondrati (also Sfondrato). Paolo Camillo Sfondrati (1560–1618) was the Cremonese nephew of Pope Gregory XIV Sfondrati (1535–1591), who appointed him as Cardinal of Santa Cecilia (the cardinalate that the Pope had also held) in 1591. The newly appointed Cardinal Sfondrati apparently acquired these paintings in the same year and in exchange for 100 scudi, which he gave as a charitable donation to the church of S.M. del Popolo.98 Although this detail depends on a much later note, the key information is found in earlier records as well.99 In 1595 Cardinal Sfondrati started to entertain offers for the sale of the portrait (which was misidentified as a portrait of Pope Leo X) and the Madonna, both of which were listed as available for purchase by a correspondent of Emperor Rudolf II (1552–1612).100 A few years later Duke Francesco Maria II of Urbino (1549–1631) was also interested in acquiring the picture from the cardinal. This approach was recorded in Cardinal Sfondrati’s correspondence with the duke’s minister in Rome between 1600 and 1606, but his interest might have dated back to September 1596.101 In 1600 this agent wrote to the duke saying that Cardinal Sfondrati was selling his possessions, and that his pictures, which were valued at about 10,000 scudi, included ‘the portrait of Pope Julius made by Raphael, which [Cardinal Sfondrati] took from the church of the Popolo’.102 The duke replied on 8 March 1600 that he did not wish to buy Cardinal Sfondrati’s pictures en masse, but only some choice selections.103 This apparently enraged Cardinal Sfondrati, who called off the negotiations. The duke then reiterated that if the cardinal changed his mind then he would still like to buy some specific pictures.104 Six years later, Cardinal Sfondrati tried to reanimate the sale, but again offering the pictures en bloc. In February 1606 he wrote to the duke’s minister in Venice, the Abate Giulio Brunetti, stating that he had ‘many Raphaels’ and was willing to sell these for 6,000 scudi, for the benefit of his titular church, but the sale was never completed.105

Rome, Palazzo Borghese, Cardinal Scipione Borghese

While the proposed sales to Rudolf II or to the Duke of Urbino were never realised, Cardinal Sfondrati finally found a buyer for a block of 71 paintings in 1608: Cardinal Scipione Borghese. Scipione (1577–1633) was appointed cardinal by Pope Paul V Borghese (1552–1621) in 1605. As seen in what follows (and in other entries: see NG168 and NG213), Scipione was an avid collector of works by Raphael. He wielded enormous influence as effective head of the papal government and amassed a huge fortune. The core of the collection is still housed in the Galleria Borghese (or Villa Borghese), which he built between 1613 and 1633.

The relevant documentation for Scipione’s acquisition of the picture is mostly in the Archivio Borghese at the Archivio Apostolico Vaticano (formerly known as the Archivio Segreto), but Paola Della Pergola also referred to copies from these made by Giovanni Piancastelli (1845–1926), first director of the Galleria Borghese, in the archives of the museum, which can no longer be traced. Piancastelli recorded the purchase under the date of 20 July 1608 and said that the sum of 4,000 scudi had been paid,106 and he mentioned a quittance of 20 August.107 There is also an earlier note of the sale of 28 June, which states that the 4,000 scudi did not in fact change hands: instead, Borghese wrote off a debt owed to him by Sfondrati for the Bishopric of Cremona, which he had been nominated to in September 1607.108 As well as the Julius II, Scipione Borghese acquired the Madonna del Velo (fig. 21).

The Portrait of Julius II is first documented in an inventory of Scipione’s collection that was probably drawn up between 1621 and 1633.109 Scipione was then living in the newly built Ripetta wing of the Palazzo Borghese al Campo Marzio.110 After his death the collection was inherited first by his nephew Prince Marcantonio II (1601–1658), and then by his grandson Giovanni Battista (1639–1717), who married Eleonora Boncompagni (1642–1695). During the lifetime of Prince Marcantonio II the picture was seen by the royalist painter Richard Symonds (1616–1660), who took detailed notes on his visit to Rome in 1650–1.111 He was guided around the collection by a doorman, Sante Scopatore (in seventeenth‐century usage he was a ‘sweeper’), who may have contributed identifications of the more important pictures. The Julius was shown on the ground floor in ‘Another square low roome large and faire’ and this location, close to the Gallery of Mirrors, was mentioned by numerous other visitors to the Palazzo;112 the portrait was also recorded here in the inventory of 1693. Although the portrait of a seated Pope was not identified as Julius II in this inventory, the number ‘118’ was noted and the picture was apparently skied (it was described as being just under the cornice).113 As stated above (a, b), the picture is inscribed in white paint in the bottom left corner: ‘II8’ (with this information being repeated on an old label on the reverse of the painting: ‘Raffaello / 118’). The 1693 inventory is the most complete record of the collection and frequently refers to numbers that are still legible on dispersed works from the Borghese collection.114 Forty‐four pictures were attributed to Raphael, and the next picture to be listed was the Madonna del Velo now at Chantilly (fig. 21), again with a Borghese inventory number that is still visible today (133).115

The gallery at the Palazzo Borghese remained one of the city’s most popular destinations for visitors to the city for more than two centuries. Von Ramdohr recorded the picture in a room beside the Gallery of Mirrors, but attributed it to ‘Raphael’s school’.116 It was noted in the same location in successive Italian editions of Mariano Vasi’s (1744–1820) guide to Rome, published in 1791117 and 1794,118 but in the French edition of 1797 this room is described in similar detail but without reference to the Julius.119 It therefore seems that the portrait had been sold before the latter edition was published, which coincides with Napoleon’s (1769–1821) occupation of Italy (1796–7) and the foundation of the Cisalpine Republic, which resulted in anxious aristocrats selling pictures to European dealers who then organised to export these works, often illegally, out of, in this case, the Papal States.

Raphael’s Portrait of Julius II was apparently acquired by Alexander Day (1751–1841) and Pietro Camuccini (1760–1833), who were in partnership from 1794 to 1801.120 Day was based in Rome from 1774 to 1815. Camuccini was a pupil of the painter Domenico Corvi (1721–1803), and first made his name as a restorer. Information about the Camuccini/Day partnership can be established from Camuccini’s archive and in particular from an account book which has recently been studied by Pier Ludovico Puddu. In October 1799 the partners listed pictures that they owned, and in this list the Julius II is listed as 50 per cent owned by the partnership and 50 per cent owned by the banker Giovanni Torlonia (1755–1829).121

Raphael’s picture was next recorded in the collection of the financier John Julius Angerstein (1735–1823). It does not seem to have been displayed in the exhibition of Day and Camuccini’s pictures at No. 20, Lower Brook Street in February 1801 ,122 but had entered Angerstein’s collection by November 1802 when it was referred to in a letter from William Buchanan (1777–1864) to James Irvine (1759–1831).123 It was also sketched by Henry Bone (1755–1834) in Angerstein’s collection in July 1811 (fig. 18) and was then among the 38 paintings that the British government bought from Angerstein’s executors for £60,000 to form the nucleus of the new National Gallery collection, which opened to the public in 1824 where it was given the inventory number NG27. It can be seen hanging (high on the wall) when at Angerstein’s house at 100 Pall Mall in 1824 in a watercolour by Frederick Mackenzie (about 1788–1854) that is now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London (fig. 23).

Fig. 23

Frederick Mackenzie, The National Gallery when at Mr J.J. Angerstein’s House, Pall Mall, 1824–34. Watercolour, 46.4 × 62.2 cm. London, Victoria and Albert Museum (inv. 40‐1887). © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

The Angerstein catalogue of 1823 recorded the picture as ‘Raphael. Pope Julius II. From the Falconieri Palace. […]’, while a Descriptive Catalogue of 1825 introduced another red herring with reference to a provenance from the ‘Lancillotti Palace’.124 These misleading provenances were often repeated in catalogues from 1838 until 1962.125 This was despite the correct provenance from the Palazzo Borghese being given by Ottley in 1826, and in some National Gallery catalogues until 1840.126


First recorded by Vettore Lippomano in a letter subsequently summarised by Marino Sanuto (1466-1536) on 12 September 1513 in the church of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome as having been donated to the church by the sitter. Subsequently recorded at the church, where displayed on a pilaster on special occasions, until 1591 when acquired by Cardinal Paolo Camillo Sfondrati (1560–1618). Sold as part of a group of 71 paintings in 1608 to Cardinal Scipione Borghese (1577–1633), and passed by descent with the Cardinal’s collection to his nephew Prince Marcantonio II (1601–1658) and then by descent at the Palazzo Borghese until 1799. Purchased by the British art dealer Alexander Day (1751–1841) in partnership with Pietro Camuccini (1760–1833) and the banker Giovanni Torlonia (1755–1829). In the collection of John Julius Angerstein (1735–1823) by November 1802 and included among the 38 paintings bought by the British government from Angerstein’s executors for £60,000 to form the nucleus of the National Gallery collection.

The only early references to the frame of the picture are not very specific, but indicate a gilt carved wood frame in 1693.127

When the painting was acquired with the Angerstein collection in 1824 it came in a frame that can be seen in Frederick Mackenzie’s watercolour (fig. 23), which records the picture when at 100 Pall Mall. Raphael’s Portrait of Julius II hangs in the second room in the upper row next to Portrait of a Lady with the Attributes of Saint Agatha (NG24) by Sebastiano del Piombo (about 1485–1547).

A report of 1934 records the reframing of the painting.128 It was set in a seventeenth‐century Italian reverse profile frame (F27).129 The current frame was put on the picture in 2018/19.130

Copies and versions

A list of copies and versions follows below. None of the early copies show any decorative elements in the green background, which is instead always plain and often flat. Some of the copies/versions that are closest to NG27 do show a ‘corner’ behind the sitter in the green background, and it follows that these depend more closely on the London portrait. These include the cartoon in the Galleria Corsini (fig. 19) and versions of the portrait in Rome (Corsini) and the Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (inv. 1412 n. 4533). See further discussion under ‘Attribution’, above.

Painted copies
  • 1. Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi, inv. 1890.1450, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II, oil on wood, 107 × 80 cm.131
  • 2. Florence, Palazzo Pitti, Florence, inv. 1912 n. 79, Titian (active about 1506; d. 1576), Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), oil on canvas, 99 × 82 cm.132
  • 3. Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi, inv. 1412 n. 4533, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II.133
  • 4. Rome, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica (Palazzo Corsini; ex‐Torlonia collection), inv. 848, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), oil on canvas, 111 × 91.3 cm.134
  • 5. Rome, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica (Palazzo Corsini), inv. 134, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), oil on wood, 112.5 × 88 cm.135
  • 6. Paris, M. Bèrcioux sale, 29 March 1905 (same as Dorotheum, Vienna, 6 June 2007, lot 4; now Städel Museum, Frankfurt), Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), oil on wood, 103 × 79 cm.
  • 7. Rome, Villa Borghese, inv. 413, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), oil on canvas, 101 × 83 cm.136
  • 8. Vienna, Dorotheum, 6 June 2007, lot 4 (same as M. Bèrcioux sale, Paris, 29 March 1905; now Städel Museum, Frankfurt), Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), oil on wood, 103 × 79 cm.
  • 9. Turin, Galleria Sabauda, inv. 145, Workshop of Raphael, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), oil on wood, 108 × 79 cm.137
  • 10. Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preussischer Kulturbesitz, inv. 232 (from the Giustiniani Collection), Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), oil on canvas, 93 × 80 cm.
  • 11. Leigh Court, Miles collection, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael) (praised by Passavant 1860, II, p. 95).138
  • 12. Sale, 1800, ex‐Orléans Collection, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), oil on canvas, inscribed ‘JVLIVS’. Engraved by Morel (Couché 1786, no. IX).
  • 13. Paris, sale, 1826, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), version sold by the Duc de Moncada to Marchese Altamira. This is said to be the version that is now in Frankfurt.
  • 14. Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), Collection G. Cornwall Legh, MP, exhibited Manchester, 1857, no. 131 in definitive catalogue, no. 151 in provisional catalogue.139
  • 15. Norfolk, Holkham Hall, Earl of Leicester, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), oil on canvas, 105.4 × 80.6 cm.
  • 16. Vatican City, Vatican Museums, inv. MV.40736.0.0, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), oil on canvas, 110 × 85 cm, Musei Vaticani Archivio Fotografico, neg. no. XXXV.17.64.140
  • 17. Lucca, Palace, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), sold in London with the other paintings from the collection.
  • 18. Urbania, Collection Marco Rossi, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael).
  • 19. Alton Towers, Collection Earl of Shrewsbury, Anonymous, The Head of Pope Julius II (after Raphael).
  • 20. County Tyrone (Ireland), Collection Captain Peter Montgomery, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), Courtauld Institute of Art, neg. no. B 70 / 1968.
  • 21. Sale, Sotheby’s, Colonnade, 19 November 1996, lot 139, S. Mazzolini, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), nineteenth century, oil on canvas, 103 × 84.2 cm.
  • 22. Sale, Bonhams, Chelsea, 4 February 1998, lot 284, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), nineteenth century, 111.8 × 86.3 cm.
  • 23. Sale, Bonhams, Chelsea, 18 March 1998, lot 5, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), nineteenth century, oil on canvas, 111.8 × 86.3 cm.
  • 24. Frankfurt, Städel Museum, inv. 2337 (same as M. Bèrcioux Sale, Paris, 29 March 1905 and Dorotheum, Vienna, 6 June 2007, lot 4), Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), oil on wood, 103 × 79 cm.
  • 25. Rome, Galleria Colonna, inv. 134, Anonymous, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), oil on canvas, dimensions unknown.
  • 26. B. Millini, ‘Saggio della Roma descritta da Benedetto Millino. Piazza e chiesa del Popolo, about 1656, Bibl. Vaticana, Cod. Chigi, O.VIII.141’, fol. 49, recorded a copy in the sacristy of S.M. del Popolo.141
  • 27. Wadsworth, CT, Wadsworth Athenaeum, a version can also be seen in the apparently imaginary view, painted by Giovanni Paolo Panini (1691–1765), of The Collection of Cardinal Silvio Valenti Gonzaga, 1749, oil on canvas, 198 × 268 cm.
Drawn copies
  • 1. Frankfurt, Städelsches Kunstinstitut, inv. 4311, Attributed to Federico Zuccari (1539–1609), Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael).
  • 2. London, National Portrait Gallery, inv. NPG D17424, Henry Bone (1755–1834), Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), 1811, pencil on paper, squared in ink for transfer.


The following engravings are mentioned by Passavant 1860, II, p. 94 (mostly based on the Uffizi version):

  • 1. By Ernest Morace (1766–1806), etching and engraving, about 1789–1806, for La Galerie de Florence.
  • 2. By Jean Baptiste Wicar (1762–1834).
  • 3. By Alexis Chataignier (1772–1817), for La Galerie Filhol.
  • 4. By Amilcare Daverio (1806–1874), etching and engraving, about 1837–42.
  • 5. By J. Delfini, engraving, before 1856.
  • 6. By Paolo Toschi (1788–1854), engraving.
  • 7. By Landon.
  • 8. Couché 1786, no. IX (by Antoine Alexandre Morel (1765–1829), etching and engraving, after 1800, after a copy of Raphael’s painting sold in 1800).
  • 9. Engraving of the National Gallery picture.142


Sèvres, Musée National de Ceramique, Marie‐Victoire Jaquotot (1772–1855), After Raphael’s Portrait of Pope Julius II.



The author is grateful to the following for their assistance in the preparation of this entry: Maria Alambritis, Rachel Billinge, Jill Dunkerton, Kostas Gravanis, Nicholas Penny, Carol Plazzotta, Massimo Rospocher, Marika Spring. (Back to text.)

1. The technical sections build on the accounts published in Plesters 1990, pp. 26–8, Dunkerton and Roy 2004 and National Gallery 2007–10, as well as unpublished reports in London, National Gallery Conservation Department, conservation dossier for NG 27; London, National Gallery Scientific Department, scientific files for NG 27. This is augmented by observations from examination on 21–22 March 2001 (Carol Plazzotta, Tom Henry, Jill Dunkerton, Rachel Billinge). Rachel Billinge carried out stereomicroscopy and infrared reflectography at that time, a few further samples were taken for pigments and layer structure by Ashok Roy and Rachel Grout, and samples for paint binder analyses were taken by Catherine Higgitt and Raymond White. New infrared images were recorded by Rachel Billinge in 2008. Macro X‐ray fluorescence scanning was carried out in January 2020 by Catherine Higgitt and Marika Spring, when the existing samples were also re‐examined. (Back to text.)

2. Plesters 1990, followed by Beck 1996, p. 70, stated that the picture was painted on a single board, but this is wrong. Only Young 1823, no. 16, p. 32 (English edition) mistakes the support as canvas. (Back to text.)

3. See the summary in National Gallery 2007–10: ‘Portrait of Pope Julius II, Raphael (1483–1520), NG27’, Materials & Techniques, Paint Binding Medium: R. Morrison and D. Peggie, ‘Paint Binding Medium Report for NG27’, 2009, based on analyses by Catherine Higgitt and Raymond White in 2001. (Back to text.)

4. Small silicaceous particles were found in the red lake‐containing paint by SEM‐EDX analysis, but they are not glass, so it seems NG27 differs from the other National Gallery paintings by Raphael in that colourless powdered glass does not appear to have been used as an additive. See Spring 2012. (Back to text.)

5. Dunkerton and Roy 2004, pp. 757–9. See also Beck’s description of this modification as ‘a vast pentiment’, Beck 1996, p. 72. (Back to text.)

6. Dunkerton and Roy 2004, pp. 757–9. See also Gould 1970a. (Back to text.)

7. Sander 2013, p. 84, argues that the pattern was meant to show through and was never intended to be a first version. (Back to text.)

8. Gould 1962, pp. 159–60, referred to this inventory number without further comment. He misread it as ‘110’ not ‘118’. Although evidently not overpainted, it is not easy to see in a photograph that records the picture’s condition in 1928. (Back to text.)

9. Vatican City, Archivio Apostolico Vaticano, Archivio Borghese, busta 7504: ‘Inventario di tutti li mobili che sono nell’appartamento Terreno che gode il Sig.r Principe de Rossano’, 7 April 1693: [Stanza VIII.] Stanza dell’Audienza della S.ra Principessa verso il Giardino […]. Sotto al cornicione accanto a detto un quadro di 4 palmi in tavola del ritratto di un Papa a sedere del no 118. Cornice intagliata dorata di Raffaelle d’Urbino’. ([Room VIII.] Audience Chamber of the Lady Princess, overlooking the garden […]. [Della Pergola’s no. 448] Under the cornice next to the above‐mentioned [picture] a painting measuring 4 “palms” on a panel of a portrait of a Pope seated, no. 118 with a carved and gilded frame, by Raphael of Urbino’.). See also Della Pergola 1964–5, pp. 202–17, esp. pp. 202, 203. (Back to text.)

11. Ibid. , p. 438, 14 December 1868. (Back to text.)

12. See fig. 18: Henry Bone, Portrait of Pope Julius II (after Raphael), 1811. Pencil on paper, squared in ink for transfer, National Portrait Gallery, London (inv. NPG D17424); Young 1823, p. 30 verso. (Back to text.)

13. Hill 1930, p. 225, nos 866–7. (Back to text.)

14. See Bölling 2013, pp. 48–9: ‘bireto et capucino de velluto, id est serico villoso rubeo de pelliculis armellinorum suffulto’ (‘a skull cap and small hood of velvet, that is to say, of raw red silk which is lined with fur trim of ermine’). (Back to text.)

15. Bonanni 1720, p. 367; for a good discussion of Julius’s dress, see Bölling 2013, pp. 39–49. (Back to text.)

16. See Cordellier and Py 1992, p. 167, cat. 59. (Back to text.)

17. Gazzola 2007, pp. 147–87. (Back to text.)

18. It was identified as velvet in the anonymous Codex Magliabechiano (about 1545; Biblioteca Nazionale, Florence); see Shearman 2003, II, pp. 944–6: ‘papa Julio con la barba a sedere in una sedia di velluto, che la testa e drappi e tutto è marauigliosa.’ (‘Pope Julius, bearded, seated in a chair covered with velvet, the head, the drapery and the whole are marvellous.’) (Back to text.)

19. The first edition of this book was published in 1529, but the 1531 edition (Valeriano 1531, p. 38) is cited by Shearman 2003, I, pp. 846–7. See note 86 below. (Back to text.)

20. Rossoni 2022, pp. 18–20. (Back to text.)

21. Weiss 1965; Zucker 1977, pp. 524–33. (Back to text.)

22. For his bearlike appearance (‘pare uno orso’) and resemblance to a hermit, see Zucker 1977, p. 526. (Back to text.)

23. On his return to Rome Julius spent his first night at S.M. del Popolo and his bearded demeanour was described by Fausto Maddalena Evangelista Capodiferro in a note of 24 June 1511; see La Malfa 2020, pp. 166–7 (English edition) and pp. 189–90 (Italian edition). (Back to text.)

24. Shearman 2003, I, p. 148: ‘Sua Santità dal natural con la barba’ (‘His Holiness from the life with the beard’). (Back to text.)

25. For good details of these portraits (on facing pages), see Paolucci, Agosti and Ginzburg 2017, pls 203–5. As discussed below, there may have been two phases to Julius’s beard: full, but shorter, and partially shaven but longer. Wivel 2013 discusses shaving around the lips and how this was linked to avoiding the unseemliness of wine seeping into the beard at Mass. (Back to text.)

26. Zucker 1977, p. 529, note 38; Kempers 2004. (Back to text.)

27. Various ambassadors commented on the newly shaven Pope; see Zucker 1977, p. 530: the most direct linkage with improving fortunes was the report that Marino Sanuto made on 10 April 1512. Rossoni 2022, p. 18, questions the political interpretation on the basis that things did not really improve until a few months later, but the increased adherence to the Holy League did seem to promise better days. There are very few images of Julius with a beard that are independent from the National Gallery picture and associated versions and copies, but some do exist. These demonstrate the role that his beard played in contemporary characterisation (even caricatures) of the Pope; see Rospocher 2022, pp. 26–37, figs 1–3; see also Hill 1930, pp. 225, no. 866–7. (Back to text.)

28. In 1521 this tiara was valued at 62,430 ducats. Julius and his jewels are discussed by Allen 1998, pp. 285–92; Jones and Penny 1983, pp. 158–9. (Back to text.)

30. For this episode, see Ait 2005, pp. 109–24, p. 110. In this instance the exhumation from a deep trench was the pillage of Spanish soldiers ‘despite the fact that in the past they had been on friendly terms with him’. The episode was also commented upon by Pietro Corsi (active 1530); see Gouvens 1998, p. 91. (Back to text.)

31. For a good colour detail, see Paolucci, Agosti and Ginzburg 2017, pl. 94. (Back to text.)

32. Denise Allen unpublished lecture, ‘Julius II’s Jewels’, National Gallery, London, 17 November 2004; see also Partridge and Starn 1980, p. 61. (Back to text.)

33. Plazzotta in Chapman, Henry and Plazzotta 2004, pp. 272–5, cat. 99; Shearman 1971, pp. 372–3 (with related arguments about Julian wall hangings in this room, the positioning of a sedia camerale here, and the documented reception of visitors here by both Julius II and Pope Leo X); Quednau 1981, p. 552. (Back to text.)

35. Meyer zur Capellen 2008, p. 107, note 38. (Back to text.)

37. Shearman 1992, pp. 127–8. (Back to text.)

40. Rospocher 2022, pp. 26–37. (Back to text.)

41. Von Ramdohr 1787, I, p. 302: ‘Beim Zurückgehen durch den Spiegelsaal trifft man auf der linken Seite noch drei Zimmer mit Gemählden an. In dem Ersten. [...] Julius der Zweite aus Raphaels Schule.’ (‘Returning through the hall of mirrors one finds on the left‐hand side another three rooms with paintings. In the first. […] Julius the second of Raphael’s school.’). (Back to text.)

42. See, for example, Ottley 1835, pp. 5–6. (Back to text.)

43. Passavant 1839–58, II (1839), p. 119: ‘Copien nach dem Gemälde. […] In der National Gallery zu London. H. 3ʹ6ʺ br. 2ʹ8ʺ. Sie kommt aus den Sammlungen Falconieri und Angerstein.’ (‘Copies after the painting. […] In the National Gallery of London. H. 3ʹ6ʺ W. 2ʹ8ʺ. It [the copy] comes from the Falconieri and Angerstein collections.’). For the painting’s provenance, see ‘Former owners’ below. (Back to text.)

44. Passavant 1860, II, pp. 94–5, no. 75: ‘Portrait du pape Jules II. [Florence, Palazzo Pitti] […] Copies de cette peinture. […] g.) Dans la National Gallery, à Londres. H. 3ʹ,6ʺ; l. 2ʹ,8ʺ Cette copie provient des collections Falconieri et Angerstein.’ (‘Portrait of Pope Julius II. [Florence, Palazzo Pitti] […] Copies of this painting […] g.) At the National Gallery in London. H. 3ʹ,6ʺ; W. 2ʹ,8ʺ This copy belonged to the Falconieri and Angerstein collections.’); Passavant 1872, p. 227, no. 75: ‘Portrait of Pope Julius II. [Florence, Palazzo Pitti] […] It has not been engraved by any of the great masters, but the copies are numerous, and we have one in our own National Gallery (height 42 inches, width 32 inches)’. (Back to text.)

45. Waagen 1854, I, p. 324. (Back to text.)

46. Crowe and Cavalcaselle 1882–5, II (1885), p. 107, note. For further bibliography, see Oberhuber 1971, p. 127, note 19. (Back to text.)

47. Palmer 1892, pp. 310–11. (Back to text.)

48. In a letter to Jak Pfau, Oskar Fischel mentioned that he thought the London picture might be original, but he did not pursue this thought in his own later publications; see Oberhuber 1971, p. 124. See also Gould 1962; see further the summary in Dussler 1971, pp. 29–30. (Back to text.)

49. See, for example, Passavant 1860, II, p. 95; Crowe and Cavalcaselle 1882–5, II (1885), pp. 102–9; Gronau 1923, pp. 234–5; Burchard 1925, pp. 121ff.; Francini Ciaranfi 1956, p. 74. (Back to text.)

52. Gregori et al. 1984, pp. 144–50. (Back to text.)

53. It was shown with this attribution at Anghiari (Museo della Battaglia e di Anghiari) in 2022 in an exhibition with no catalogue: The Warrior Pope Giuliano Della Rovere and Anghiari’s Soldiers of Fortune. (Back to text.)

55. Interestingly, Ottley, Hazlitt and Landseer all refer to the papal keys, which are also seen in an early nineteenth‐century drawing by Henry Bone (fig. 18), but a pre‐restoration photograph of 1928 shows all but one of these as having been overpainted. (Back to text.)

56. Beck 1996, pp. 69, 91. (Back to text.)

57. Young 1823, p. 30 verso. (Back to text.)

58. A version in the Galleria Sabauda, Turin, may show a corner, but from photographs the backdrop appears instead to be a looped curtain against a flat wall. The version in the Galleria Borghese also has a corner, but appears to be painted on canvas not wood (as erroneously stated in Barberini 1984, pp. 54–5). (Back to text.)

59. For example, a seventeenth‐century copy on canvas in Faenza, see CEI 2025. (Back to text.)

60. Meyer zur Capellen 2013, pp. 51–61, esp. p. 58. (Back to text.)

61. Sander 2013, pp. 79–102, esp. 89–92. (Back to text.)

62. See Seybold n.d.. See also Rohlmann 2012, p. 13; Hiller von Gaertringen 2022, pp. 570–1; Vahland 2013, p. 12. (Back to text.)

63. The dates in 1511 and 1513 are referenced in notes 23 (above) and 72 (below); for 13 March 1512, see Zucker 1977, p. 530. (Back to text.)

64. See Ettlinger and Ettlinger 1987, p. 133; Beck 1996, p. 76; Quednau 1981, pp. 552–3; Ballarin 2017, p. 44. (Back to text.)

65. Ballarin 2017 pp. 44–5. (Back to text.)

66. Beck 1996, p. 91. (Back to text.)

67. Shearman 2003, I, p. 148, Stazio Gadio to Isabella d’Este, 16 August 1511. It should be noted that Ballarin 2017, p. 41, links this description to the Stanza di Eliodoro not to the Stanza della Segnatura. (Back to text.)

68. Nesselrath 2020, p. 14, argues for this dating and for the speed of Raphael’s work as a portrait painter. (Back to text.)

69. Bölling 2013, pp. 39–51, esp. pp. 48–9, with an extensive section (and translation) from Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 5634 II A, Paris de Grassis, De quottidiano habitu Papae intra totum annum (‘Of the daily dress of the Pope across the whole year’), fols 11r–12r. The description of the winter dress reads as a: ‘bireto et capucino de velluto, id est serico villoso rubeo de pelliculis armellinorum suffulto’ (‘a skullcap and small hood of velvet, that is to say of raw silk, which is lined with a fur trim of ermine’). Julius II was singled out as a stickler for following this dress code and its seasonality. (Back to text.)

70. Rospocher 2015, figs III and IV. For Serbaldi’s medal, see Hill 1930, p. 225, no. 866. (Back to text.)

71. For good details of these portraits (on facing pages), see Paolucci, Agosti, Ginzburg 2017, pls 203–5. (Back to text.)

72. Marin Sanudo (1466–1536), Diarii, Venice, Biblioteca Marciana, MS Ital. VII. 245 (9232), fol. 36v: ‘Di Roma, di Ser Vetor Lipomano, vidì letere di 12 [...]. Scrive come il papa Julio si fè retrar e lo dete in Santa Maria in Populo, qual lo someja molto natural, e fu posto su l’altar, e starà cussi 8 zorni; tutta Roma core a vederlo, par uno jubileo, tanta zente vi va.’ (‘I saw a letter of the 12th written from Rome by Sir Vetor Lipomano [...]. He writes how Pope Julius has had a portrait of himself made, which resembles him very much, and has given it to the church of S.M. del Popolo, where it has been placed on the altar and will remain thus for eight days. All Rome flocks to see it, it seems a Jubilee, so many people go there.’). See also Sanudo 1879–1903, XVII (1886), col. 60; Shearman 2003, I, pp. 171–2. (Back to text.)

73. Sanudo 1879–1903, XIII, col. 350, fol. 192; Zucker 1977, pp. 524–33, esp. p. 528, note 34. (Back to text.)

74. Kempers points out that it makes better sense for this tradition of display to have been initiated by Julius than by his successor, Pope Leo X (Kempers 2004). Julius also seems to have honoured this feast at S.M. del Popolo from much earlier in his career, going straight to the church on 9 September 1474 on his return from his Umbrian Legation. He also stayed at the convent on other occasions when he returned to Rome, for example on 24 June 1511; see La Malfa 2020, pp. 166–7 (English edition) and pp. 189–90 (Italian edition). This date disagrees with the information as recorded by Paris de Grassis, that is, overnighting on Thursday 26 June 1511 (see Grassi 1886, pp. 291–2); or, a few years earlier, on 28 March 1507 (see Frommel 2000, p. 32, notes 79–80). (Back to text.)

75. See the report of Paris de Grassis, quoted by Rospocher 2015, p. 169. (Back to text.)

77. Cugnoni 1880, p. 441; see also Shearman 1961, p. 129. (Back to text.)

78. Anonimo Magliabechiano, Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, MS Magl. XVII, 17 (formerly Gaddi 564), fol. 100v: ‘In detta chiesa ui sono 2 quadri, dipintj di mano di Raffaello da Urbino, che s’appichono per le solemnita a certj pilastri: Che in uno v’è una meza Madonna con uno putto adiacere et un poco di Giuseppo, che è uno quadro, tanto bene fatto quanto cosa di suo mano, et nell’altro v’è la testa di papa Julio con la barba a sedere in una sedia di velluto, che la testa e drappi e tutto è marauigliosa.’ (‘In the aforementioned church [S.M. del Popolo] there are two pictures painted by the hand of Raphael of Urbino, which are hung from certain pillars on solemn occasions. In one there is a half‐length Madonna, with a child beside, and a little of Joseph, it is a picture done as well as any by his hand; and in the other is the head of Pope Julius, bearded, seated in a chair covered with velvet, the head, the drapery and the whole are marvellous.’) See also Frey 1892, p. 128; Shearman 2003, II, pp. 944–6. (Back to text.)

79. Biferali 2021, pp. 27–48, argues that both pictures were commissioned and presented by Julius, and that they are both works of 1511. (Back to text.)

80. The composition was recorded in an engraving by Michele Lucchese of that year. A 1572 version of this print specifies that the picture was in S.M. del Popolo; see British Museum n.d.e; Shearman 2003, II, p. 1227 (with reference to other early copies, and to its passage through the collection of Cardinal Sfondrati as Raphael’s original). (Back to text.)

81. Biferali 2021, pp. 27–48. (Back to text.)

82. See Fischel 1948, I, p. 93; Joannides 1983, p. 78, no. 23; Martinelli 1987, pp. 523–9; Kempers 1998, pp. 15–29; Plazzotta in Chapman, Henry and Plazzotta 2004, pp. 272–5, cat. 99, with further bibliography. (Back to text.)

83. See Assirelli in Ciardi Duprè dal Poggetto and dal Poggetto 1983, p. 270, cat. 77. (Back to text.)

84. NGA , NG22/7: Sir Charles Eastlake, Diary, about 20 September 1862, vol. 30, fol. 19: ‘Corsini palace [Florence] … The cartoon for the portrait of Julius II – is also eligible’. (Back to text.)

85. Marin Sanudo (1466–1536), Diarii, Venice, Biblioteca Marciana, MS Ital. VII. 245 (9232), fol. 36v: ‘Di Roma, di Ser Vetor Lipomano, vidì letere di 12 […]. Scrive come il papa Julio si fè retrar e lo dete in Santa Maria in Populo, qual lo someja molto natural, e fu posto su l’altar, e starà cussi 8 zorni; tutta Roma core a vederlo, par uno jubileo, tanta zente vi va.’ (‘I saw a letter of the 12th written from Rome by Sir Vetor Lipomano […]. He writes how Pope Julius has had a portrait of himself made, which resembles him very much, and given it to the church of Santa Maria del Popolo, where it has been placed on the altar and will remain thus for eight days. All Rome flocks to see it, it seems a jubilee, so many people go there.’) See also Sanudo 1879–1903, XVII (1886), col. 60; Shearman 2003, I, pp. 171–2. (Back to text.)

86. It was described by Giovanni Pierio Valeriano in his Pro sacerdotum barbis. The first edition of this book was published in 1529, but the 1531 edition (Valeriano 1531, p. 38) is cited by Shearman 2003, I, pp. 846–7: ‘Quae nisi plurimum faceret ad religionem, ad mores bonos, ad gravitatem, ad severitatem, nunquam eam non abradendam esse Concilia decrevissent, nunquam Sacerdotii Principes passi essent facies suas ita Barbatas, tabulis, auro, argento conspici. Barbata Iulii tabula in aede populari dicata est. Barbata Clementis facies nummis aureis, argenteisque quotidie cuditur.’ (‘That what he made, if not the greatest amount, towards religion, good customs, dignity and severity, the Councils had decreed that it [his face] would not be shaved at any time, at no time, for the princes of the priesthood endured having their faces bearded, [in] paintings, silver and gold. The bearded painting of Julius has been shown in the temple of the people. The bearded face of Clement is daily stamped onto gold and silver coins.’) Translation by Kathleen Walker‐Meikle, 2009; see National Gallery 2007–10. (Back to text.)

87. See note 78 above. (Back to text.)

88. The Madonna di Loreto is unlikely to have been part of the same gift. It is not mentioned in 1513 and could have entered the church any time before it was first recorded there in 1544. (Back to text.)

89. Vasari 1966–87, IV (1976), pp. 174–5 [1550; 1568]; see also Shearman 2003, II, pp. 980, 1145–6: ‘Ma per tornare a Rafaello, crebbero le virtù sue di maniera ch’e’ seguitò per commissione del Papa la camera seconda verso la sala grande; et egli, che nome grandissimo aveva acquistato, ritrasse in questo tempo papa Giulio in un quadro a olio, tanto vivo e verace che faceva temere il ritratto a vederlo come se proprio egli fosse il vivo; la quale opera è oggi in Santa Maria del Popolo, con un quadro di Nostra Donna bellissimo, fatto medesimamente in questo tempo, dentrovi la Natività di Iesu Cristo, dove è la Vergine che con un velo cuopre il Figliuolo, il quale è di tanta bellezza che nella aria della testa e per tutte le membra dimostra essere vero figliuolo di Dio: e non manco di quello è bella la testa et il volto di essa Madonna, conoscendosi in lei, oltra la somma bellezza, allegrezza e pietà; èvvi un Giuseppo che, appoggiando ambe le mani ad una mazza, pensoso in contemplare il Re e la Regina del cielo, sta con una ammirazione da vecchio santissimo: et amendue questi quadri si mostrano le feste solenni.’ (‘But to return to Raphael; his powers grew in such a manner, that he was commissioned by the Pope to go on to paint a second room, that near the Great Hall. And at this time, when he had gained a very great name, he also made a portrait of Pope Julius in a picture in oils, so true and so lifelike, that the portrait caused all who saw it to tremble, as if it had been the living man himself. This work is now in Santa Maria del Popolo, together with a very beautiful picture of Our Lady, painted at the same time by the same master, and containing the Nativity of Jesus Christ, wherein is the Virgin laying a veil over her Son, whose beauty is such, both in the air of the head and in all the members, as to show that He is the true Son of God. And no less beautiful than the Child is the Madonna, in whom, besides her supreme loveliness, there may be seen piety and gladness. There is also a Joseph, who, leaning with both his hands on a staff, and lost in thoughtful contemplation of the King and Queen of Heaven, gazes with the adoration of a most saintly old man. Both these pictures are exhibited on days of solemn festival.’) Translation in Vasari 1912–14, IV (1913), pp. 222–3. (Back to text.)

90. Vasari 1912–14, IV (1913), p. 222. (Back to text.)

91. Dolce 1557. Cited in Shearman 2003, II, p. 1068. (Back to text.)

92. Anon., Discorso sopra la corte di Roma, about 1564, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS Ital. 1179, fol. 329 (Saint Germain 1466): [Santa Maria del Popolo] Un quadro di Nostra Donna / Un quadro di Papa Giulio II } Rafaello’ ([of Santa Maria del Popolo] A painting of Our Lady / A painting of Pope Julius II } Raphael’). See also Shearman 2003, II, pp. 1110–12. (Back to text.)

93. Shearman 2003, II, p. 1258. (Back to text.)

94. Borghini 1584, pp. 388–9; Shearman 2003, II, p. 1325. (Back to text.)

95. Lomazzo 1590, p. 132: ‘Di Raffaello è in Roma […] il ritratto di papa Giulio Secondo in Santa Marie del Popolo […].’ (‘By Raphael in Rome is […] the portrait of Pope Julius II in Santa Maria del Popolo […].’) See also Shearman 2003, II, p. 1369. For the date of Lomazzo’s visit, see Gregori et al. 1984, p. 147. He also refers to Raphael’s portraits of Julius II and Leo X in his Sogni e Ragionamenti of about 1563 (Shearman 2003, II, p. 1099, but in context this description probably relates to their appearances in the Stanza di Eliodoro). (Back to text.)

96. Van Mander 1604, fol. 118v. Cited in Shearman 2003, II, pp. 1400–1. (Back to text.)

97. See Millini 2009, II, p. 820: ‘La sagrestia […] Dintorno ne’ muri son appesi molti quadri, e copie, et originali: tra gli altri una Madonna col Bambino giacente risvegliato, copia d’una di Raffaelle; similmente copia di Raffaelle un ritratto di Giulio II i cui quadri originali furon tolti da questa Chiesa dal Card.le P. Emilio Sfondrato, di S. Cecilia, nel pontificato di Gregorio XIV suo zio.’ (‘In the Sacristy […] All around on the walls numerous paintings, both copies and originals, are hung: amongst others are a Virgin and Child with the prone child waking, copy after a painting by Raphael; also, copy after Raphael, a portrait of Julius II the originals of these were taken from this church by Cardinal P. Emilio Sfondrato, Cardinal of S. Cecilia, during the pontificate of his uncle, Pope Gregory XIV.’) Referred to by Frommel 2000, p. 32, note 68. (Back to text.)

98. The acquisition is not directly documented, but in a footnote to the 1807–11 edition of Vasari, VIII (1810), p. 57, its editor (‘F.G.D.’) recorded that he had seen a copy of the 1568 edition of Vasari’s Vite, then owned by a ‘Sig. G. Bossi’, which had manuscipt annotations by Alessandro Tassoni (1565–1635) that referred to the acquisition as follows: ‘l’uno e l’altro delli detti quadri [the Julius II and the Madonna del Velo] l’anno 1591, al tempo di Gregorio XIV il Cardinale Sfondrato suo nipote, come per forza, non senza dispiacere universale di tutta Roma, li ha presi con fare a quel monastero elemosina di 100. Scudi.’ (‘Both of the aforementioned pictures (that is, the Pope Julius and the Nativity of Christ) in the year 1591, in the time of Gregory XIV, Cardinal Sfondrati, his nephew, by force and not without the universal displeasure of all Rome, took them and gave that monastery 100 scudi of alms.’) See Gould 1970a, p. 1. (Back to text.)

99. See note 97 above. (Back to text.)

100. The information was provided by the Emperor’s Vice Chancellor, Coradusz (see Shearman 2003, II, pp. 1398, 1399–1401): ‘Allerdurchleuchtigister, Groſzmächtigister Römischer Kayser. Allergenedigister Herr, E. Kay. u. Mt. schicke Ich hiemit allergehorsamist dise Verzaichnuſz mit A. aller deren gemähl, so beym Herren Cardinalen Sfondrato, Frawen Grafin de santa fiore, und Lelio Cinquini verhanden und für anshenlich Kunststück gehalten werden. [...] Nel Palazzo del Cardinal Sfondrato. Una Madonna di Raffaele d’Urbino, che era prima in strada [sic] del popolo. Un ritratto meza figura, di Papa Leone [sic]; di Raffaele.’ (‘Your Highness, the most powerful Roman Emperor. Most gracious Master, to Your Emperor and Majesty I send herewith most obediently this list with all those paintings available at Cardinal Sfondrati, Madame Countess of Santa Fiore, and Lelio Cinquini, and regarded as considerable artworks. […] in the Palace of Cardinal Sfondrati. A Madonna by Raphael of Urbino, which was formerly in the street of del Popolo. A half‐length figure of Pope Leo by Raphael.’) Coradusz, Vienna, Geheimes Hausarchiv (Haus‐, Hof‐ und Staatsarchiv), Archivbestand Staatenabteilungen, Rom, Diplomatische Korrespondenz, vol. 47, fols 363–366v. See also Keiblinger 1847, pp. 131–2; Urlichs 1870, pp. 49–50. Beck 1996, p. 75, challenges the association with S.M. del Popolo and the identification as Julius, but the pairing of these works for more than 150 years does argue for Gould’s original identification. (Back to text.)

101. These documents were published by Gronau 1936, pp. 50–1, 252–4. See also Shearman 2003, II, pp. 1414–15, 1440–2; Gould 1970a, pp. 1–3. (Back to text.)

102. Giacomo Sorbolongo to Duke Francesco Maria II della Rovere’s agent in Rome, 4 March 1600, Florence, Archivio di Stato, Carte di Urbino, Classe I, Div. G: Filza 148, fols 891v–892r: ‘1600. 4 III. Roma. Giacomo Sorbolongo al Duca Francesco Maria. Il Card.e Sfondrato si è da un pezzo in qua infervorato tanto nell’opere della carità, che si dispensa quasi tutto il suo, et di già ha dato via tutti gl’apparrati di casa, che erano numerosi e ricchi, non si essendo risservato altro, che le Pitture, delle quali parimente dissegna far’ essito, apprezzandole circa dieci mila scudi, che sono parecchi quadri fra grandi et piccoli et delli Maestri più famosi; onde mi ha fatto tentare, se V. Altezza sarebbe per comprarle, che me la sono passata senza farci pastura, ma ho ben voluto toccarne questo poco a lei hora, perche mi raccordo, ch’ella una volta ragionando mostrò, che si sarebbe in qualche modo // pigliata il ritratto di Papa Giulio fatto da Raffaello, che levò dalla Chiesa qui del Popolo, sebene e quello intendo, la sua mira è di farne tutto un partito; et quando la fosse per gustarne, vedrei mandar nota distinta della qualità d’essi, et insieme del prezzo ne pretende.’ (‘4 March 1600. Rome. Giacomo Sorbolongo to Duke Francesco Maria. Cardinal Sfondrati has for a while now developed such a passion for charitable works that he is getting rid of nearly all his possessions, and has already given away all the ornaments of his house, which were numerous and rich, having kept for himself only the paintings, of which he equally plans to rid himself, valuing them at around l0,000 scudi, as there are many paintings both large and small and by the most famous masters; hence he bid me see whether Your Highness would buy them, which at the time I did not dwell upon, but I wanted to touch a little upon it to you now, because I remember that once thinking, you indicated that somehow you would take the portrait of Pope Julius made by Raphael, which [Cardinal Sfondrati] took from the church of the Popolo here, although I understand that his aim is to make one lot of them; and when you like, I could see to it that a clear note is sent on their quality and also of the price he asks.’) (Back to text.)

103. Duke Francesco Maria II della Rovere to Giacomo Sorbolongo, 8 March 1600 (draft)., Florence, Archivio di Stato, Carte di Urbino, Classe I, Div. G: Filza 298, fol. 122v, 8 March 1600. (Back to text.)

104. Duke Francesco Maria II della Rovere to Giacomo Sorbolongo, 18 March 1600, Florence, Archivio di Stato, Carte di Urbino, Classe I, Div. G: Filza 148, fol. 919, 18 March 1600; Filza 298, fol. 173 (Shearman 2003, II, pp. 1440–2, as fol. 178r; 22 March 1600). (Back to text.)

105. Pesaro, Biblioteca Oliveriana 375, t. XV, fol. 244: Cardinal Sfondrati, letter to Abate Giulio Brunetti, 4[?] February 1606: ‘1606. 4. II. Roma. Il Cardinale di S.ta Cecilia all’Abate G. Brunetti. Mi scordai l’altro giorno di dare risposta a V. S. intorno al particolare de miei quadri ch’ella mi toccò nella sua, et però hora le dico, che hauendogli io donato tutte alla mia chiesa di S.ta Cecilia un pezzo fà, non è più in poter mio il disporne, che quando lo potessi fare, haurei particularissimo gusto, che ‘l S.r Duca gli accettasse in dono: Fra i quadri ch’io ho, come ben sà V. S., uene sono molti di Rafaele, e tutti gli altri di mani eccellentissime sono in numero di cinquantacinque et mi contento dargli per seimila scudi, se ‘l S.r Duca, che hà denari assai, gli uuole, io glieli darò et cosi S. A. hauerà i quadri et farà questo bene alla mia chiesa, in beneficio della quale s’han da spendere i denari, che è quanto mi occorre soggiungere a V. S.’ (‘4 February 1606. Rome. The Cardinal of Saint Cecilia to Abbé G. Brunetti. I forgot the other day to reply to Your Lordship about the detail of my paintings which you touched upon in your letter to me, but now I tell you that having donated all of them to my church of Santa Cecilia a while ago, it is no longer within my power to dispose of them, which, when I was able to do so, I would have been particularly delighted in the Lordship the Duke accepting them as a gift. Among the paintings which I have, as your Lordship well knows, there are many Raphaels, and all the others by most excellent hands number 55 and I am happy to give them away for 6,000 scudi, if the Lordship the Duke, who has a lot of money, wants them, I shall give them to him and so his Highness will have the pictures and will do this good for my church, in whose benefit money must be spent, which is as much as I need to add to Your Lordship.’) Beck 1996, pp. 75–6, rejects the evidence for subsequent sale to Scipione Borghese, arguing that the version now in the Uffizi could have been acquired by the della Rovere directly from Cardinal Sfondrati at the time of these exchanges. It should be admitted that Vasari 1663, III, p. 79, states that the Julius was still in the collection of Cardinal Sfondrati, but this must be an error. (Back to text.)

106. Piancastelli copy 1: [20 luglio 1608] Acquisto di Quadri fatto dal Cardinale Borghese per scudi 4,000, Quali Quadri furono venduti dal Card. Sfondrato.’ ([20 July 1608] Purchase of paintings made by Cardinal Borghese for 4,000 scudi, paintings which were sold by the Cardinal Sfondrati.’) (Back to text.)

107. Piancastelli copy 2: ‘Instr.o pubblico della quietanza de X m/4 fatta dal Card. Sfondrato a favor del Card. Borghese per li quadri Vendutigli rogato dal Belgio noto [in another document the name of the notary is given as Betti; see Della Pergola 1955–9, II (1959), p. 215] A. Chi. 20 Agosto 1608’. (‘Public instrument of the receipt of 10 M/4 made by the Cardinal Sfondrati in favour of the Cardinal Borghese for the paintings sold to him drawn up by the Belgian notary [in another document the name of the notary is given as Betti, see Della Pergola 1955–9, II (1959), p. 215] to whom 20 August 1608’.) See also Vatican City, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Archivio Borghese, Libro dei Mandati, vol. 7925, p. 64 (fol. 63v), no. 354: quittance regarding payment for paintings, dated 20 August 1608: [in margin: Pitture] Item. Ch’è Diomede Ricci m[aest]ro di casa dell’Illu[strissi]mo S[ignore] Card[ina]le Borghese Quattromila di m[oneta] scudi il prezzo di diversi Quadri di Pittura comprì dall’Illu[strissi]mo S[ignore] Card[ina]le S[anta] Cecilia per mezzo dell’Illu[strissi]mo S[ignore] Card[ina]le Paravicino per pagarli al S[ignor] Pavolo Benio proc[urato]re dell’emerito S[ignore] Card[ina]le S[an]ta Cecilia, e devenire debito all’Illu[strissi]mo S[ignor] Card[ina]le Borghese. Di Casa li 20 Agosto 1608 – 4,000. Pagata Gio:[vanni] Batti[sta] Borghese.’ (‘Paintings that Diomede Ricci master of the house of the Illustrious Signor Cardinal Borghese. Four thousand scudi the price of several paintings bought from the Illustrious Signor Cardinale Santa Cecilia through the mediation of the Most Illustrious Signor Cardinal Paravicino to pay Signor Pavolo Benio procurator of the emeritus Signor Cardinal of Santa Cecilia, and be owed to the Illustrious Signor Cardinal Borghese. 20 August 1608 – 4,000. Giovanni Battista Borghese.’) Transcription and translation by Anne‐Marie Eze, 2009; see National Gallery 2007–10. See also Vatican City, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Archivio Borghese, Riscontro di Banco, Busta 23, Titoli Diversi, vol. 12, fol. 60v: record of payment to Diomede Ricci for purchase of paintings, 20 August 1608: ‘E adi 20 detto [mese] 4,000 moneta pagati al Diomede Ricci dovè per il prezzo, di più quadri di Pittura comprì dall’Illu[strissi]mo Card[ina]le di Santa Cecilia per mezzo dell’Illu[strissi]mo Sig.[no]re Card.[ina]le Paravicino, e pagati al Sig.[no]re Paulo Beni, de quali è fatto quietanza per gli atti del Betti Not[ai]o A. C. – 4,000’ (‘On the day of the 20 of the aforementioned month [August] 4,000 coins were paid to Signor Diomede Ricci for the price of additional paintings bought by the Most Illustrious Signor Cardinal of Santa Cecilia through the mediation of the Most Illustrious Signor Cardinal Paravicino, and paid to Signor Paulo Beni, from whom the receipt was made by the acts of the notary Betti A.C. – 4,000’). Transcription and translation by Anne‐Marie Eze, 2009; see National Gallery 2007–10. (Back to text.)

108. Piancastelli copy 3: [28 June 1608] Il Card. Borghese ha comprato nuovamente dal Card. di Santa Cecilia [Paolo Sfondrati] per 4 mila scudi 71 pezzi di quadri di pitture bellissime fatti da pitori principali di questa città, de’ quali non ha sborsato denari, scomputandosi la pensione, che detto Santa Cecilia deve al Card. Borghese sopra il Vescovato di Cremona.’ ([28 June 1608] Cardinal Borghese has recently bought from the Cardinal of Santa Cecilia [Paolo Sfondrati] for 4,000 scudi 71 works of pictures of beautiful paintings made by principal painters of this city, for which he has not paid any money, deducting his pension, which the aforesaid [Cardinal of] Santa Cecilia owes Cardinal Borghese for the Bishopric of Cremona.’) (Back to text.)

109. Corradini 1998, pp. 449–56, p. 452 (Vatican City, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Archivio Borghese, busta 470 (miscellanea): inventory of the collection of Scipione Borghese, between 1621 and 1633, fols 9, 11: ‘Ottavo Stantiino che riesce su la scala grande – Un ritratto d’un papa, alto 4¾ largo 3¾.’ (‘Eighth little room which opens onto the large staircase – A portrait of a pope, 4¾ high, 3¾ wide.’) For the inventory’s date, see Minozzi 2006, p. 104. (Back to text.)

111. London, British Library, Egerton 1635: Richard Symonds, notebook compiled during visit to Rome, 1649–1651 fol. 13: ‘Quadro of Pope Julio by Raph: most rare’. For the date of Symonds’ visit, and a modern transcription, see Brookes 2007, pp. 1–183, esp. pp. 6–8, 23–8. (Back to text.)

113. Vatican City, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Archivio Borghese, busta 7504: ‘Inventario di tutti li mobili che sono nell’appartamento Terreno che gode il Sig.r Principe de Rossano’ (‘Inventory of all the contents that are in the ground‐floor apartment that is used by the Lord Prince of Rossano’), 7 April 1693: [Stanza VIII.] Stanza dell’Audienza della S.ra Principessa verso il Giardino […]. Sotto al cornicione accanto a detto un quadro di 4 palmi in tavola del ritratto di un Papa a sedere del no 118. Cornice intagliata dorata di Raffaelle d’Urbino’. ([Room VIII.] Audience Chamber of the Lady Princess, overlooking the garden […]. [Della Pergola’s no. 448] Under the cornice next to the above‐mentioned [picture] a painting measuring 4 “palms” on a panel of a portrait of a Pope seated, no. 118 with a carved and gilded frame, by Raphael of Urbino’.) See also Della Pergola 1964–5, pp. 202–17, esp. pp. 202, 203. (Back to text.)

115. Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Archivio Borghese, busta 7504: ‘Sotto a detto un quadro di cinque palmi in tavola con la Madonna che copre il Bambino con un Velo e S. Gioseppe del N.o 133 di Raffaelle d’Urbino con cornice intagliata e liscia’ (‘Below this is a picture of five palms on wood with the Madonna who covers the Baby with a veil and Saint Joseph, number 133 by Raphael of Urbino with a smooth carved frame’). See also Della Pergola 1964–5, pp. 202–17, esp. pp. 202, 203. (Back to text.)

116. Von Ramdohr 1787, I, p. 302 (see note 41 above). (Back to text.)

117. Vasi 1791, II, p. 380: ‘un ritratto di Giulio II, del medesimo [Raffaello] (‘a portrait of Julius II, byt the same [Raphael]). (Back to text.)

118. Vasi 1794, I, p. 394: ‘Ritornando nella galleria degli specchi, s’entra per questa in un altro braccio del medesimo appartamento, la prima stanza del quale viene chiamata dell’Ermafrodito, per esservi la nota statua del medesimo giacente sopra un materasso. In essa stanza si vede anche un bassorilievo antico, rappresentante la Nascita di Venere; e molti quadri, fra i quali si distinguono, una piccola copia della Trasfigurazione, dipinta da Giulio Romano; un Cristo preso dagli Ebrei, del cav.d’Arpino; un bel quadro di Giulio Romano, con sopra un quadretto di Raffaello, rappresentante Venere, e Vulcano; un ritratto di Giulio II, del medesimo; con sopra e sotto due quadri del medesimo Giulio Romano; una Nunziata di Paolo Veronese, sopra a cui due ritratti di Tiziano; il celebre quadro del medesimo Tiziano, chiamato l’Amor Sacro, e Profano’ (‘Returning to the Hall of Mirrors, one enters from it another wing of the same apartment, of which the first room is called Hermaphrodite, because there is the renowned statue of the same [figure] lying on a mattress. In that room can also be seen an antique bas‐relief representing the Birth of Venus; and many paintings, among which distinguish themselves, a small copy of the Transfiguration, painted by Giulio Romano; a Christ arrested by the Jews, by the Cavaliere d’Arpino; a beautiful painting by Giulio Romano, with above a small painting by Raphael representing Venus and Vulcan; a portrait of Julius II, by the same; with above and below two paintings by the same Giulio Romano; an Annunciation, by Paolo Veronese, above which there are two portraits by Titian; the celebrated painting by the same master, called Sacred and Profane Love’). (Back to text.)

119. Vasi 1797, p. 310: ‘Retournant dans la galerie des miroirs, on entre d’ici dans un autre bras du même appartement dont la premiere chambre s’appelle de l’Hermaphrodite, de sa statue connue, couchée sur un matelas; on y voit aussi un beau bas‐rélief antique, représentant la naissance de Vénus; et beaucoup d’autres tableaux, d’entre lesquels on distingue une petite copie de la Transfiguration, peinte par Jules Romain; un Jésus pris par les Juifs, du chev. d’Arpin; un beau tableau de Jules Romain, et au dessus, un petit tableau de Raphaél, représentant Vénus et Vulcain; un portrait de Jules Romain, par le même auteur, ayant au dessus et au dessous deux tableaux qu’il a aussi faits; une Annonciation, de Paul Véronèse, sur laquelle il y a deux portraits de Titien; le célèbre tableau du même maître, appellé l’Amour Sacré et Profane’ (‘Returning to the Hall of Mirrors, one enters from here another wing of the same apartment, of which the first room is called Hermaphrodite, because of its known statue, lying on a mattress; one can also see there a beautiful antique bas‐relief, representing the Birth of Venus; and many other paintings, among which distinguish themselves, a small copy of the Transfiguration, painted by Giulio Romano; a Jesus arrested by the Jews, by Cavaliere d’Arpino; a beautiful painting by Giulio Romano, and above a small painting by Raphael, representing Venus and Vulcan; a portrait of Julius II, by the same author, and above and below two paintings which he has also done; an Annunciation, by Paolo Veronese, above which there are two portraits by Titian; the celebrated painting by the same master, called Sacred and Profane Love’). (Back to text.)

120. See Puddu 2020b. (Back to text.)

121. ‘N. quindici Quadri spettanti a Torlonia, ma che d’alcuni dobbiamo reintegrare la metà del costo a Torlonia, cioè p[er] quelli di Borghese, e Colonna, essendo il patto, e che Mr. Day deve vendere, e la metà del guadagno è il nostro. Quattro di Colonna. Venere e Adone, il Ganimede, due Salvator Rosa. Sei di Borghese. S. Caterina, Giulio Secondo, Machiavello e Borgia, Guercino, due Tiziani…’. (‘Fifteen paintings belonging to Torlonia, but for some we need to reimburse half the price to Torlonia, namely for paintings from the Borghese and the Colonna, according to the agreement, and that Mr Day has to sell and half the profit is ours. Four from the Colonna. Venus and Adonis, Ganymede and two Salvator Rosas. Six of the Borghese. Saint Catherine, Julius II, Machiavelli and Borgia, Guercino and two Titians …’.) Rome, Archivio Eredi Camuccini di Roma, fasc. 36, in Libretto dei conti tra Pietro Camuccini e Alexander Day dal 1794 al 1801, p. 53; Puddu 2020b, p. 144 and fig. 42d on p. 133. It is also clear that the Madonna di Loreto now in Chantilly (fig. 21, discussed elsewhere in this entry for its prior connection with the Julius) was also acquired from the Borghese. The Madonna di Loreto was recorded by the partners when they listed pictures that they owned in 1799, appearing as number [146] La Madonna di Loreto di [i.e. acquired from the Borghese] (Rome, Archivio Eredi Camuccini di Roma, fasc. 36, in Libretto dei conti tra Pietro Camuccini e Alexander Day dal 1794 al 1801, p. 57). The picture at Chantilly (which Puddu 2020a has shown to have been acquired by Domenico Venuti for the King of Naples in 1802 and was subsequently acquired from the collection of the Prince of Salerno) was thought to be a copy until identified by Gould 1979, pp. 6–13. (Back to text.)

122. Buchanan 1824, II, p. 3. (Back to text.)

123. Buchanan’s letter (19 November 1802) was published by Brigstocke 1982, pp. 49–53, esp. p. 51, and described how ‘Angerstein’s Collection has one Raffaelle which is a portrait … [he then lists the collection, including no.] 12 Pope Julius 2nd Raffaelle’. The picture is also referenced in a letter of 8 June 1804 (Brigstocke 1982, pp. 271–7, esp. p. 276), but the price paid was not recorded; and it was compared to an ex‐Colonna Portrait of Innocent X by a follower of Velázquez, ‘which would make a charming companion to Angerstein’s Pope Julius 2nd by Raffaelle but in my opinion is a much finer picture than Angerstein’s’ (Brigstocke 1982, pp. 326–7). (Back to text.)

124. Anon. 1825, p. 5; see also Gould 1970a, p. 7; Gould 1975, p. 210, note 9. (Back to text.)

125. Young 1823, pp. 31–2, no. 16; see also Anon. 1838, p. 11; Anon. 1840, p. 11; Anon. 1843, p. 10; Anon. 1845, pp. 9–10; Wornum 1856, pp. 141–2; Anon. 1913, p. 575. This provenance was repeated by Gould 1962, pp. 159–60. (Back to text.)

126. Ottley 1826, pp. 1–4; Anon. 1830, p. 4; Anon. 1834, p. 12; Ottley 1832, pp. 7–8; Ottley 1835, pp. 5–6; Anon. 1838 and Anon. 1840 (unpaginated, no. 62). (Back to text.)

127. Borghese inventory of 1693 (Vatican City, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Archivio Borghese, busta 7504): [Stanza VIII.] Stanza dell’Audienza della S.ra Principessa verso il Giardino [...]. Sotto al cornicione accanto a detto un quadro di 4 palmi in tavola del ritratto di un Papa a sedere del no 118. Cornice intagliata dorata di Raffaelle d’Urbino’. ([Room VIII.] Audience Chamber of the Lady Princess, overlooking the Garden […]. [Della Pergola’s no. 448] Under the cornice next to the above‐mentioned [picture] a painting measuring 4 “palms” on a panel of a portrait of a Pope seated, no. 118 with a carved and gilded frame, by Raphael of Urbino’.) See also Della Pergola 1964–5, pp. 202–17, esp. pp. 202, 203. (Back to text.)

128. NGA , NG1/11: Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 13 January 1931–12 December 1939, 17 April 1934; London, National Gallery, Framing Department, Frame dossier for F27. (Back to text.)

129. National Gallery 2007–10: ‘Portrait of Pope Julius II, Raphael (1483–1520), NG27’, Framing, Mara Hofmann, ‘Framing Summary of the Portrait of Pope Julius II (NG27)’, 2009. (Back to text.)

130. Unpublished reframing report, in London, National Gallery, Framing Department, Frame dossier for NG27. (Back to text.)

131. See Gregori et al. 1984, pp. 144–50; Shearman 2003, II, pp. 1296 and 1433 for the identification of this picture in Urbino inventories of 1582 and 1599. (Back to text.)

132. Chiarini and Padovani, 2003, II, no. 747, p. 454. (Back to text.)

133. This was described in the Palazzo Pitti mentioned by Passavant 1860, II, p. 94. Gregori et al. 1984, pp. 148, figs 59 and 150, note 22, where recorded as ‘depositi della Soprintendenza’. (Back to text.)

138. Young 1822, no. 59 (engraved by John Young). (Back to text.)

139. See Bürger 1857, p. 59. (Back to text.)

141. See note 97 above. (Back to text.)

142. See Young 1823, p. 30 verso. (Back to text.)


London, National Gallery Archive

List of archive references cited

  • Florence, Archivio di Stato, Carte di Urbino, Classe I, Div. G: Filza 148, fols 891v–892r: Giacomo Sorbolongo, letter to Duke Francesco Maria II della Rovere’s agent in Rome, 4 March 1600
  • Florence, Archivio di Stato, Carte di Urbino, Classe I, Div. G: Filza 148, fol. 919: Duke Francesco Maria II della Rovere, letter to Giacomo Sorbolongo, 18 March 1600
  • Florence, Archivio di Stato, Carte di Urbino, Classe I, Div. G: Filza 298, fol. 122v: Duke Francesco Maria II della Rovere, letter to Giacomo Sorbolongo, 8 March 1600
  • Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, MS Magl. XVII, 17 (formerly Gaddi 564): Notizie sopra l’arte degli antichi e quella de’ fiorentini da Cimabue a Michelangelo Buonarroti, scritte da anonimo fiorentino
  • London, British Library, MS Egerton 1635: Richard Symonds, notebook compiled during visit to Rome, 1649–1651
  • Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS Ital. 1179: Discorso sopra la corte di Roma, about 1564
  • Pesaro, Biblioteca Oliveriana, 375, t. XV, fol. 244: Cardinal Sfondrati, letter to Abate Giulio Brunetti, 4[?] February 1606
  • Rome, Archivio Eredi Camuccini di Roma, fasc. 36: Libretto dei conti tra Pietro Camuccini e Alexander Day dal 1794 al 1801
  • Vatican City, Archivio Apostolico Vaticano, Fondo Borghese, busta 7504: Inventario di tutti li mobili che sono nell’appartamento Terreno che gode il Sig.r Principe de Rossano, 7 April 1693
  • Vatican City, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Archivio Borghese, busta 470 (miscellanea): inventory of the collection of Scipione Borghese, between 1621 and 1633
  • Vatican City, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Archivio Borghese, Libro dei Mandati, vol. 7925
  • Vatican City, Archivio Segreto Vaticano, Archivio Borghese, Riscontro di Banco, Busta 23, Titoli Diversi, vol. 12
  • Venice, Biblioteca Marciana, MS It. VII, 245 (9232): Marin Sanudo, Diario
  • Vienna, Geheimes Hausarchiv (Haus‐, Hof‐ und Staatsarchiv), Archivbestand Staatenabteilungen, Rom, Diplomatische Korrespondenz, vol. 47

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