Catalogue entry
Jacques‐Louis David 1748–1825
NG 6495
Jacobus Blauw
,Extracted from:
Humphrey Wine, The Eighteenth Century French Paintings (London: National Gallery Company and Yale University Press, 2018).
Humphrey Wine and Virginia Napoleone, Former Owners of the Eighteenth‐Century French Paintings in the National Gallery:
Appendix to ‘The National Gallery Catalogues: The Eighteenth‐Century French Paintings’ (London: National Gallery Company, 2018).

© The National Gallery, London
Oil on canvas, 91.8 × 72.9 cm
Signed bottom left: L DAVID. 4
Inscribed on the letter held by the sitter: J. Blauw ministre / Plenipotentiaire aux Etats / generaux des provinces / unies1
With the sitter until his death in 1829; bequeathed to his only daughter, Cornelia‐Marguerite‐Jeanne de Blancheville (née Blauw) (1787–1847), and thereafter by descent in the family to Cornélie‐Pulcherie‐Augustine Clavière (1833–1891), Blauw’s last direct descendant, wife of the painter and collector Jean‐Jules Chevrier (1816–1883), whose daughter, Cornélie‐Joséphine‐Louise Chevrier (1855–1930), married Honoré Luce (1847–1932); recorded in 1913 with M. Luce‐Chevrier;2 ‘given’ by Henriette Luce‐Chevrier (Mme Georges Gruère) in 1968 to the Musée des Beaux‐Arts de Dijon, the ‘gift’ being rescinded following her title being challenged by members of the Chevrier family; sold in 1970 to the Wildenstein Gallery (the sale being unsuccessfully challenged by other members of the family); with Wildenstein & Cie, Paris, in 1978, when first offered to the Gallery for $1,200,000;3 acquired in 1984 (following a protracted negotiation for a French export licence) for $3,200,000, paid at the direction of Guy Wildenstein to Dr Adrian Hinderling, Zurich.4
Paris 1913 (34);5 Toulouse and Montauban 1955 (60), as belonging to ‘un ami du Musée de Dijon’; Dijon 1958 (24), as belonging to Mme Gruère, Beaune; London 1986–7 (26); London 1987b (19); Paris and Versailles 1989–90 (143).
Related Works6
Whereabouts unknown, pencil on paper, Sotheby Parke Bernet, London, 7 May 1980, lot 279(ii), as ‘Comte Calix, Portrait of a seated gentleman. Provenance Bruno Meissner, Zurich’. Compte‐Calix’s dates were 1813–1880. The sitter’s expression here is slightly different from that in NG 6495 and the drawing is probably after Tardieu’s print (see below). Possibly the same drawing as that sold at Frederik Muller & Cie, Amsterdam, 11–14 June 1912, lot 387, the description of which is recorded in note 7 below.
- (1) Facing in the same direction as NG 6495, Alexandre [page 144]Tardieu, engraving, inscribed lower left: ‘L. David Pinx.t’, dated lower right: ‘Alex.dre Tardieu Sculp.t 1796’ and further inscribed below: ‘J.BLAUW. / Ministre Plénipotentiaire des Provinces‐Unies / Auprès de la Rép. Française’.7
- (2) In the same direction as NG 6495 but showing the head and shoulders only, Reinier Vinkeles, engraving, 1798, inscribed lower left: ‘L. David, pinx.’ and lower right: ‘Rein.r Vinkeles, sculp. 1798’. The date of this print has been read as 1793, which is impossible.8
- (3) In reverse, head and shoulders only, lithograph by Ducarme after a drawing by Legrand.9
- (4) Jules David, about 1880.10
Technical Notes
The condition is good. There is a T‐shaped tear some 10 cm in length at the sitter’s proper right elbow and a smaller damage in the arm above. There are other smaller losses at the edges, in the hands and in the tablecloth. There are visible retouchings in the hands.
The canvas is a fine plain weave, lined shortly before 1978 over two old fine lining canvases. The back of the stretcher bears two labels, one for an exhibition David et ses élèves at the Palais des Beaux‐Arts, Paris, April to June 1913, bearing the owner’s name, ‘M. Luce‐Chevrier, rue Thiers, Beaune’, and the other, an older, small circular label inscribed ‘1816’. Pentimenti are visible to the contour of the proper left arm and hand and to the chair, which was slightly higher, and there are minor alterations to the cravat. Inspection indicates also that the portrait was painted first, then the background, and finally the wisps of white hair and quill pen.
Infrared reflectography (fig. 1) confirms the changes mentioned above and reveals alterations to the bottom of the back of the jacket, the proper right shoulder, and that part of the letter to the right of the sitter’s proper left index finger and the inkwell was made wider over the paint of the table top to take account of the refraction of the inkwell glass. Infrared reflectography also reveals underdrawing, most easily seen in the sitter’s face, for the proper left eye, the nose, mouth and cheek, as well as areas where a dark underpaint has been used to create the bluish tones in the flesh by exploiting the optical effect of light over dark, sometimes known as the turbid medium effect; this has become more pronounced with time. The blue of the coat has been identified by analysis as Prussian blue.11
There are two labels on the back of the frame, neither dated. One relates to the transport of the picture by André Chenue & fils to the Gallery, presumably following the painting’s acquisition. The other, older label is of Arthur Lénars & Cie, 10, rue Leibnitz, Paris XVIIIe and is inscribed ‘j a o – L4’.
The carved Louis XVI frame has a lamb’s tongue sight edge, plain frieze, repeat acanthus to the hollow and ribbon‐twist back edge.
The Sitter’s Early Life
Jacobus Blauw was baptised in the Dutch Reform church of St Janskerk, Gouda, on 28 March 1759.12 He was the only son among the five children of Pieter Blauw, who had become the minister at St Janskerk in 1755,13 and of Johanna Veerin.14 In 1775 Jacobus enrolled at the University of Leyden to study law. His doctoral thesis, ‘Selecta quaedam juris civilis contoversi capita’, was accepted the following year.15 In 1777 his father died,16 but Blauw had already set sail from Rotterdam for Batavia (present day Jakarta) on 8 December 1776 on De Jonge Lieve, a Dutch East India Company ship. He arrived at his destination on 18 June 1777.17 There he became a lawyer in 1778 and in 1779 was appointed as a barrister at the Court of Justice of Batavia. The same year Blauw married Hendrica Cornelia Van der Polder,18 the daughter of Jan Van der Polder, a merchant involved in the opium trade. The couple later had one child, Cornelia, born in 1787. On their return jouney to Holland in 1781 their ship was intercepted by the English.19 Obliged to disembark at Cadiz, the couple reached their destination overland.20
Blauw returned to Gouda in 1784 and two years later became a member of the city’s council, a colonel of the local militia and a deputy for the city to the Estates of Holland. He belonged to the francophile Patriotic Party, which, in opposition to the stadtholder Willem V and the Orangists, sought to abolish State and Church privileges and to establish the ‘sovereignty of the people’. Uprisings led to the Patriots taking control of most of Holland by April 1787, and it is likely that as colonel of the Gouda militia Blauw was involved in the arrest nearby of the stadtholder’s wife, Wilhelmina of Prussia, in July. A few months later Prussian intervention restored Willem V and many of the Patriots fled, including Blauw, who, dismissed from his civic and military posts, travelled to Amsterdam and then to Brussels.21 He was back in Holland by January 1789, when he re‐enrolled at Leyden University and there continued to sign the attendance list for the following years up to and including 1795.22
Blauw, Diplomat and Politician
The events of the French Revolution saw Blauw emerge onto the international stage. In February 1793 France declared war on Great Britain and Holland simultaneously, and after French successes the following year, Dutch Patriot factions, which had always looked to France for support, secretly prepared for an uprising with a view to overthrowing Willem V. It was at the end of 1794 that Blauw, by now a member of the National Revolutionary Committee of Holland, travelled with his Patriot colleague Van Dam to Brabant. They went on to Paris, arriving, presumably by the year end,23 to frustrate the negotiations of Willem V’s representatives there.24 In January 1795 the withdrawal of British troops from Holland led to Willem V and his family’s emigration to England. Amsterdam fell to French troops, who were welcomed as liberators by much of the population, and a bloodless change of government took place in Holland within weeks.
However, Blauw and Van Dam (who was to be replaced no later than 12 germinal, an III [1 April 1795] by Caspar [page 145][page 146][page 147] Meijer, the Dutch consul in Bordeaux, also portrayed by David, fig. 2)25 were not initially recognised by the Committee for Public Safety in Paris, nor were they allowed to address the Convention. Indeed, they were briefly arrested by the Committee of General Security.26 Blauw soon became aware that they were dealing with a government whose army controlled Holland and whose fraternal feelings towards the Dutch (of whatever shade of opinion) were less evident than its desire to exploit Dutch financial and geographical assets. France refused to recognise the independence of the recently proclaimed Batavian Republic, or to accredit Blauw and Van Dam (or subsequently Meijer) with ambassadorial status unless it made financial and territorial concessions to France.27 In the event, Blauw and Meijer’s dogged negotiating stance on behalf of the Batavian Republic was effectively ignored when the French sent representatives to The Hague to deal direct with the new republic’s States‐General. To the chagrin of Blauw, who considered that better terms could have been obtained had the Dutch been firmer,28 the rapidly signed Treaty of The Hague of 16 May 1795 conceded most of the demands that the two ambassadors had resisted.29 When the new treaty was announced at the French National Convention on 21 May the ambassadorial status of Blauw and Meijer was de facto acknowledged.30 However, their status was only formally recognised as ‘Ministres plénipotentiaires de la République des Provinces‐Unies, près la République française’ on 22 June 1795, when, after arriving ‘to the sound of reiterated applause’, one of them addressed the Convention and presented it with a Batavian flag. To further applause and cries of ‘Vivent les deux Républiques’, Blauw and Meijer received the Convention President’s fraternal kiss (fig. 3).31

Infrared reflectogram of NG 6495. © The National Gallery, London
During his ambassadorship Blauw did not cease to defend Dutch interests, particularly in relation to the autonomy of [page 148] Dutch ports, while at the same time remaining true to the ideals of the Revolution.32 His outspokenness, together with his perceived Jacobin leanings,33 led to his being replaced as ambassador in June 1796 at the instigation of the French.34 He was given a new posting as ambassador for the Batavian Republic in Italy, and spent the period October 1796 to September 1797 variously in Turin, Venice and Genoa.35 On his return to The Hague in November 1797 he took up his seat for Gouda at the National Assembly. When briefly President of the National Assembly in December, which it was said he was unable to control,36 his attempts at mediation between the Unitarian party, with whom he sympathised, and the more conservative Federalists failed. In December 1797 he signed the ‘Manifesto of the 43’, which expressed sentiments close to the radical French constitution of 1793, but only with reluctance because he thought that the more the Batavian Republic ‘attempted to “ape” the French Revolution, the nearer it approached to its ruin and lost sight of its real object: its title to an independent nation’.37 Blauw was therefore opposed to the coup d’état of January 1798 which adopted a unitary, democratic constitution because he thought that the Unitarians should have adopted more conventional means.38 Once more in Paris as a member of the Committee for Foreign Affairs, in March 1798 he was appointed ambassador to the court at Vienna to represent Dutch interests at the forthcoming Rastatt Conference, but was blocked at the frontier by the French government, alarmed by his radical leanings.39 Blauw was replaced in June when a counter‐coup in Amsterdam ousted the Dutch radicals.

Jacques‐Louis David, Portrait of Caspar Meijer, 1795. Oil on canvas, 116 × 90 cm. Paris, Musée du Louvre. PARIS Musée du Louvre © RMN‐Grand Palais (musée du Louvre) / Tony Querrec

Jean‐Baptiste‐Marie Poisson, Alliance et Union éternelle entre les Républiques Française et Batave, 1795. Engraving, 10.5 × 20 cm. Los Angeles, Getty Research Institute. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA J. Paul Getty Museum © The Getty Research Institute
Blauw, Citizen of France
This marked the end of Blauw’s political and diplomatic career. Threatened with arrest if he did not leave France,40 after failing in his appeal Blauw returned to Holland in October 1798, before being allowed to return to France in March 1799.41 There he lived in a mansion at Voulx (Seine‐et‐Marne), which had been bought the previous year in the name of his mistress, the divorcée Angéline Fontana. By now himself divorced from Hendrica Cornelia Van der Polder,42 he married the 23‐year‐old Angéline on 17 June 1799, and acquired French nationality.43 Shortly thereafter, however, Blauw found himself in financial difficulties; he sold his Dutch house in 1799 and the chateau at Voulx the following year.44 Worse was to come. At some point he entrusted his fortune to the father of his future son‐in‐law, Guillot de Blancheville, who was controller of posts in Paris and whom Blauw’s daughter Cornelia was to marry in 1810. Later that year Guillot’s father went bankrupt and committed suicide, and Blauw wrote that he had lost nearly everything.45 Now bereft of income, he wrote to Napoleon, whom he had twice met in Italy, seeking office.46 He was successful, and in 1811 was appointed ‘Receveur des droits réunis’ at Dordrecht, where he remained until December 1813, when French troops retreated from Holland before the Allied advance. Blauw reached Paris early in 1814, having had to walk the final 100 km from Soissons, since there was no available transport. By now he was worse off than when he took up the Dordrecht post.47 Thereafter he lived in Paris, first at 14 rue Taitbout and then at 69 (now 67) rue Sainte‐Anne. From 1819 until his death on 12 October 1829, Blauw was correspondent for the important Dutch newspaper De Oprechte Haarlemsche Courant.48 He was survived by his wife Angéline. She had herself been ill and cared for by his daughter Cornelia, who had come from Macon to be by his side. In one of the last of his many letters to her, Blauw wrote: ‘Je pense que la France ne sera vraiment tranquille et heureuse [que] quand la fiole du bon sens tombera de la lune dans les têtes françaises et qu’on adoptera le système d’opinions dans les affaires civiles, et surtout religieuses’ (‘I think that France will not be truly peaceful and content until a little bottle of good sense drops from the sky onto French heads and one accepts that there are different points of view in civil and above all religious matters’).49
Assessments of Blauw’s character varied greatly. In the days before the Dutch radicals’ coup of 1798 he was described by another Dutch politician as ‘a consummate villain; a greater deceiver of the people have we none’,50 and he was said to have been partial to accepting bribes.51 On the other hand, the French representative at The Hague had written to Paris in 1794 that ‘I will not repeat the praise that I have given as much for his talents as for his unsullied and enlightened love of liberty’.52 Perhaps such extreme views were a reflection of the times in which they were expressed, but if Blauw’s tactics wavered, his fundamental views were consistent. He remained as Anglophobe and anti‐Orangist as he was Francophile and pro‐Patriot.53 He was also a patriot with a small ‘p’, who keenly, and sometimes impatiently, sought meaningful independence for Holland. He divorced his first wife, but long afterwards tried to help her get an inheritance due to her.54 To judge from his correspondence with his daughter, Cornelia, he was a devoted if somewhat didactic father, who sought to impart as well as to live by moral lessons.55 As portrayed by David, Blauw was a man of virtue and moral courage.
David’s Portrait of Blauw
David’s portrait can be dated with some precision. It is inscribed with Blauw’s position as Ministre plénipotentiaire, a position in which he was not formally recognised in France until 22 June 1795. That recognition was presumably the catalyst for his portrait as well as that of his fellow ambassador Meijer, but neither is likely to have been begun before David had been released from prison during the first week of August or during his subsequent stay outside Paris, which lasted until at least 14 August. Since NG 6495 is dated ‘[year] 4 [of the Republic]’, it could not have been finished before 23 September 1795. Indeed it probably had not been started then, since David was in the course of completing the portrait of Pierre Sériziat.56 Given the precariousness of the times and Blauw’s own delicate position vis‐à‐vis the French government, not to mention that of David, Blauw may not have wished to risk offending the authorities by giving David a commission before the artist’s reintegration into French society had been formally endorsed. This occurred on his nomination to the Institut national des Sciences et des Arts on 3 brumaire, an IV (25 October 1795) and on his being [page 149]amnestied the following day.57 A letter from Blauw to David of 8 frimaire, an IV (29 November 1795) strongly suggests that the portrait was finished by this date, so the artist may have completed the portrait in a little over a month.58 This is conceivable, because firstly David had few if any other paid commissions at this time,59 and secondly, as his former wife (whom David would later remarry) wrote to him at this time about other paintings, he could finish a work quickly when he had a mind to do so.60
Blauw’s letter to David is worth quoting in full: My wishes are finally satisfied, my dear David. You have brought me to life on canvas; in a sense you have immortalised me through your sublime brush and you have made dear to me for ever a mission, which, without that flower which you have thrown down thanks to your indulgent friendship, would have recalled only the prickly thorns with which to date it has been strewn.Do not believe, dear friend, that only the wish to have my portrait has determined me to commission you to do it. No: I have thought of you more than of myself; I wanted to own one of your masterpieces, and I wanted even more to have in this portrait an everlasting monument to my close bond with the first painter of Europe. Your talents, your reputation, your civic mindedness, your misfortunes, the great services which you have rendered to the French Revolution through the civic fêtes organised by your flair, how many headings there are to my admiration! How many reasons [there are] to wish to know you! My portrait has served me as a pretext and I prize it much more thanks to the friendship which got you to do it, than the talents which you have used.Raoul will bring you with this letter a small mark of my recognition; it is scarcely proportionate to the merit of the work; but it is less recompense than a keepsake which I have devoted to you and of which it will always be a pleasure and a duty to give you proof.Goodbye, fraternal feelings, esteem and friendshipBLAUW61 Beyond the rhetoric it is clear that Blauw saw himself as sharing with the artist both friendship and setbacks at the hands of France’s post‐Thermidorian government, as well as political sympathies.62 Indeed, David’s continuing flirtation with extreme elements63 has its counterpart in Blauw’s continuing Jacobin leanings.
The attitude and action of the sitter in NG 6495 recalls to some degree David’s portrait of his uncle, Jacques‐François Desmaisons (Buffalo, Albright‐Knox Art Gallery, inv. 44‐1), made in 1782. David gives Blauw the same direct regard towards the viewer as he did Desmaisons, as opposed to the more pensive look of the gynaecologist Alphonse Leroy, shown like Blauw with pen in hand and with his writing arm resting on a table (Montpellier, Musée Fabre, inv. 829‐1‐1). The more striking resemblance of pose, attitude and action is, however, with earlier portraits by David’s contemporaries, namely Labille‐Guiard’s Portrait of a Woman of about 1787 (Quimper, Musée des Beaux‐Arts), albeit that her posture is more upright than Blauw’s;64 two portraits by Antoine Vestier, of Joseph Depestre, comte de Seneffe of 1787 (Paris, private collection) and Joseph‐Pierre‐Xavier Foullon, baron de Doué of 1791(France, collection famille d’Estampes).65 But the closest resemblance is with François‐André Vincent’s Portrait of the Goldsmith Léon Bernard of 1793 (fig. 4), in which the pose of the sitter is identical to Blauw’s.66 Recently Blauw’s serious air has been compared to that of Jules‐François Paré in a portrait by Laneuville dated ‘l’an 3e’ (22 September 1794–22 September 1795) (fig. 5) and exhibited at the 1795 Salon, which opened on 26 September that year.67 Given the likely chronology of NG 6495 (see above), it seems probable that David saw the portrait of Paré before starting on his portrait of Blauw. In NG 6495 the sitter has, however, been brought further forward than Paré into the picture space. The turn of Blauw’s head directly towards the viewer and his domination, so to speak, of the still‐life objects on the table also combine to give him a more emphatic presence.

François‐André Vincent, Portrait of the Goldsmith Léon Bernard, 1793. Oil on canvas, 95 × 78 cm. Algiers, Musée national des Beaux‐Arts. ALGIERS Musée national des Beaux‐Arts © Musée national des Beaux‐Arts, Algiers / Bridgeman Images
In painting Blauw and Meijer, David has correctly shown which of the two Batavian ambassadors might be the more ready to compromise. Meijer is shown costumed in red, white and blue, presumably in reference to the colours of the [page 150] Batavian national flag.68 Blauw’s intense gaze, his unwigged head, his simple chair, and the firmness with which he grips the pen with one hand while partly concealing his snuffbox with the other, contrast with Caspar Meijer’s relaxed expression and grip, his laid‐back pose, the curl of his coiffure and coat collar, his more elaborate neckerchief, and the carved mahogany armchair with its armrests decorated with balls of ivory.69

Jean‐Louis Titon de La Neuville, called Laneuville, Citizen Paré, Former Minister, President of the Tribunal of the 4th Arrondissement, 1795. Oil on canvas, 130 × 97 cm. Paris, Musée Carnavalet. PARIS Musée Carnavalet © Josse / Photo Scala, Florence

Anne‐Louis Girodet, Portrait of Jean‐François de Bourgeon, 1800. Oil on canvas, 92 × 72 cm. Saint‐Omer, Musée de l’hôtel Sandelin. SAINT‐OMER Musée de l’hôtel Sandelin © Musée de l’hôtel Sandelin / Bridgeman Images
The strong blue of Blauw’s coat is possibly a play on the sitter’s surname. The only hints of red are the glimpse of the fabric covering of the chair and the pink of his chequered handkerchief. A similar handkerchief appears in David’s portrait of Emmanuel‐Joseph Sieyès of 1817 (Cambridge MA, Harvard University Art Museum) – an irony, presumably unintended, since Sieyès had been one of the French representatives who had gone over the heads of Blauw and Meijer to impose tough terms on the Dutch in May 1795. The handkerchief in NG 6495 confirms that the box on which Blauw rests his left hand is a snuffbox, possibly made of ebony, or more probably tortoiseshell,70 and gold (or gilded metal). The top of the box has a circular decorative insert, but it is impossible to make out any detail. Richard Edgcumbe has suggested that since ambassadors traditionally received snuffboxes as gifts from their host nation, the French Republic might have continued this custom, in which case David possibly portrayed Blauw with his gift.71 It has been noted that like NG 6495, of which Tardieu’s print (see Related Works) in the same direction as the painting was exhibited at the 1796 Salon, Girodet’s portrait of Jean‐François de Bourgeon of 1800 also shows his sitter apparently interrupted during a quiet moment (fig. 6).72 The distinction, however, is that de Bourgeon, unlike Blauw and Paré, appears to be interrupted from leisured reading rather than from working.73
General References
Chaussard 1806, p. 159; Annuaire nécrologique 1826, no. 29 in a list of portraits; Th[omé] 1826, p. 166; Coupin 1827, p. 55; Blanc 1862–3, vol. 2, p. 15, ‘J. Louis David’ (where incorrectly dated 1800); Chaussard 1863–4; David 1867, no. 36(?) (as ‘M.Cléan, Hollandais’);74 David 1880, pp. 324–5, 641–2; Cantinelli 1930, p. 109, no. 94; Holma 1940 (no. 100, but there confused with David’s portrait of Caspar Meijer); [Geiger] 1968, no. 195, p. 50, and pl. XXXIX; Wildenstein 1973, nos 1223, 1810 and (?)1938; Wilson 1984; Nanteuil 1985, no. 27; Sahut and Michel 1988, p. 95; W. Roberts 1989, p. 109–11; Monneret 1998, p. 129; McPherson 2007, p. 224.
[page [151]]
© The National Gallery, London
1 Earlier readings of the inscription are incorrect. Whereas all the letters of the sitter’s name are in script larger than that of most of the rest of the inscription, only the ‘J’ and the ‘B’ were formed as capital letters. In addition, no accents are discernible on any of the words inscribed. (Back to text.)
2 See note 5. (Back to text.)
3 NG Archive, Board Minutes, 5 October 1978 (minute 83), and a report to the Board dated May 1980 by Professor Sir John Hale, the then Chairman. (Back to text.)
4 The later history of the painting while in the possession of the descendants of the sitter was as unfortunate as its precise ownership was unclear (on which see Schnapper 1989, p. 318). Henriette Gruère, then aged 94, purported to give NG 6495 to the Musée des Beaux‐Arts de Dijon in 1968, subject to a life interest, and its catalogue the same year recorded the donation: Geiger 1968, p. 50 (Alexandre and Perrin‐Chevrier 1985, p. 526). Her entitlement to make such a disposition was disputed by other members of the family who wished to sell it, and the painting was withdrawn from exhibition at the museum at Dijon in June 1970 and then sold. Stopped at export in 1971, NG 6495 was then deposited at the Louvre under a sequestration order before an export permit was given in 1984 to allow the National Gallery to buy the picture from Wildenstein, which (according to a report in Le Monde of 12 December 1982 cited in Alexandre and Perrin‐Chevrier 1985, p. 524) had become owner of the picture in 1974, on the grounds that it was by a major artist not then represented in any British public collection. For the price paid by the Gallery for NG 6495, see NG Archive S103. The NG Archive provides no explanation as to why the price for the picture increased so much between 1978, when it was first offered, and 1984, when it was bought. Dollar inflation between those years was some 64.4 per cent, which, if applied to the original price of $1,200,000, would have resulted in a figure of a little less than $2,000,000 ( Sterling inflation was some 78 per cent over the period (, and French franc inflation some 105 per cent (www.france‐, so on any view inflation alone does not account for the price increase. The history of the National Gallery’s acquisition of NG 6495 and the delicate and sometimes ill‐tempered negotiations for an export licence requires a separate account after further research.
According to Alastair Laing, Dr Adrian Hinderling was a Swiss lawyer who looked after the Wildenstein family’s Delta Trust, to which works of art belonging to the family had been transferred. (Back to text.)
5 There recorded as belonging to M. Luce‐Chevrier. (Back to text.)
6 A letter of 29 November 1984 in the NG 6495 dossier from a descendant, L. Woussen, claims that David made a (now lost) pendant portrait of Blauw’s wife, but she may not have been in Paris at the time; the two were legally separated the year after the portrait was painted. (Back to text.)
7 The Hague, RKD (Collectie Iconografisch Bureau), inv. 172597. Tardieu’s engraving was exhibited at the 1796 Salon (part of no. 849). A drawn copy related to this engraving was sold in the sale of ‘F. A. v. S.’, Müller, Amsterdam, 11–14 June 1912 (not 1914 as stated in Paris 1989–90), lot 387. It was there described as ‘Jacques‐Louis David (d’après) / Jacobus Blaauw [sic], ministre plénipotentaire des Provinces‐Unies auprès de la République française, 1795. A mi‐corps de trois quarts à droite, écrivant. / Mine de plomb et pierre noire. Haut. 21.9, large. 18 cent. / Connu par la gravure d’Alex. Tardieu, 1746 [sic].’ (Back to text.)
8 The date has been wrongly recorded as 1793 on the website of the Rijksmuseum. For this print, see also Loosjes 1786–1811, vol. 20, p. 424. (Back to text.)
9 No. 164 of the series Galerie Universelle published by Blaisot, Paris 1823–8. (Back to text.)
10 David 1882, 7th fascicule, itself published with the date 1880. (Back to text.)
11 Kirby and Saunders 2004, p. 97. (Back to text.)
12 I am grateful to J.W.E. Klein of the Streekarchief Midden‐Holland, Gouda, for this information, which, he informs me, is to be found in the Register of Baptisms of Sint Janskerk for the period 1756–1770, p. 102. The information that Blauw was born on 28 March 1756, as stated in Wilson 1984 and subsequent National Gallery publications, all derived from an undated note on the dossier of about 1984 from the Stichting Iconographisch Bureau in The Hague, is incorrect. Equally incorrect is the date 28 March 1752 given by Dr Brintet, a descendant, in an unpublished account of Blauw’s life completed in 1937, ‘Un Diplomate Hollandais en France sous la Convention et le Directoire – Documents inédits. Jacobus Blauw 1752–1829’. A copy of Brintet’s account, which contains some definite inaccuracies but also useful information, is in the NG 6495 dossier. (Back to text.)
13 I am grateful to H. van Dolder and M. Tompot of Sint Janskerk for this information. (Back to text.)
14 Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1985, p. 335 (where Blauw’s date of birth is given as 20 March 1759). (Back to text.)
15 In October 1776: communication dated 8 August 2005 from Tsjikke Vlasma, Special Collections Reading Room, Leyden University. (Back to text.)
16 Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1985, p. 337. (Back to text.)
17 See ‘Reisjournaal van Paulus Gevers naar Batavia en Bantam, 1776–1777’, Netherlands Historical Data Archive. (Back to text.)
18 Letter of 6 March 1987 from Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie, The Hague. (Back to text.)
19 Great Britain had declared war on the United Provinces on 20 December 1780. (Back to text.)
20 Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1985, p. 338. (Back to text.)
21 Nieuw Nederlanndsch Biographisch Woordenboek 1930, pp. 114–15; Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1985, pp. 341–2. (Back to text.)
22 Tsjikke Vlasma tells me that the records shed no light on Blauw’s activities during those years, and his name was not listed among the lecturers, but she points out that lawyers based in Leyden were registered at the University and that registered students enjoyed certain fiscal advantages. (Back to text.)
23 Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1985, p. 346. According to Blauw’s own account, he and Van Dam left Bois‐le‐Duc (now’s Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands) for Paris on 2 nivôse, an III (22 December 1794): Jacobus Blauw, Exposé historique de la conduite de la nation Batave dans la guerre actuelle declaré par la République Française au Stadhouder et à ses adherents le 1er février 1793, n.p., n.d., but signed in the text by Blauw and Van Dam, Paris, 15 nivôse, l’an 3 (4 January 1795). (Back to text.)
24 See the account by Blauw and Van Dam, who co‐authored Geschiedkundig verhaal van de pogingen der omwentelingsgezinden (Historical treatise of the attempts of the revolutionaries), Amsterdam 1795. Blauw also wrote a Memorie van Instructie, which is to be found in Jorissen 1875. (Back to text.)
25 The portrait of Meijer is some 25 per cent larger in both directions than that of Blauw, and for that reason alone it cannot have been conceived as a pendant. (Back to text.)
26 Schama 1977, pp. 196–7. (Back to text.)
27 Ibid. , p. 196. Concern that the French would not respect Dutch independence had already been expressed by Blauw in January 1795: Jacobus Blauw, Exposé historique…, cited in note 23, p. 34. (Back to text.)
28 Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1985, p. 350 and Geyl 1971, p. 198. The French were anxious to conclude an alliance quickly, one reason being that they feared that growing public unrest in Holland risked an upsurge in Jacobin sentiment – see Schama 1977, p. 204. (Back to text.)
29 For an outline of the terms of the treaty, which among other things imposed an indemnity of 100 million florins on the Dutch as well as the cost of upkeep of 25,000 French troops on Dutch soil during the war with England, see Schama 1977, p. 207. (Back to text.)
30 Gazette Nationale, ou le Moniteur Universel, of 6 prairial, an III (25 May 1795), reporting the Convention’s sitting of 2 prairial, an III (21 May 1795). (Back to text.)
31 Gazette Nationale, ou Le Moniteur Universel, 7 messidor, an III (25 June 1795), reporting the Convention’s sitting three days earlier, the decision of which was contained in Loi par laquelle les citoyens Blauw et Meyer sont reconnus et proclamés ministres plénipotentiares de la République des Provinces‐Unies, près de la République française. Du 4 messidor, l’an troisième... Paris, an III [1795]. The statement in Poisson’s engraving of the event that it occurred on 6 messidor (24 June) is wrong – no such event is reported in the Gazette Nationale in relation to that day’s sitting of the Convention. The anti‐English sentiments of the Dutch patriot party, liberally shared by the French at this period, were given full flight in the ambassadorial speech: ‘L’Anglais, dominateur et arrogant, insulte encore à nos malheurs, et médite de nous réasservir. Que notre alliance soit notre force et sa mort! Ah! Qui plus que nous a des vaisseaux, des trésors, des hommes à lui redemander! N’a‐t‐il pas, au mépris de la foi publique, retenu nos riches cargaisons livrées par le Stathouder!…’. In his reply the President of the Convention distinguished between the people of England and the few ministers who were prosecuting the war with France in their own interests. (Back to text.)
32 Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1985, p. 351. Both Blauw and Meijer congratulated the Convention on the suppression (by Napoleon Bonaparte) of the royalist uprising in Paris of 13 vendémiaire, an IV (5 October 1795): [page 153]‘L’Angleterre était dans Paris; vous l’avez submergée dans le sang des agitateurs et des factieux’: Gazette Nationale, ou Le Moniteur Universel, 14 October 1795, reporting the Convention’s sitting of 10 October 1795. (Back to text.)
33 See Duruy 1895–6, vol. 2, pp. 178 and 192. The Dutch radicals were well to the left of the French government after the fall of Robespierre: Palmer 1954, p. 23. (Back to text.)
34 Colenbrander 1905–6, vol. 2, p. 277. (Back to text.)
35 Alexandre and Perrin‐Chevrier 1985, pp. 515–16. However, according to Schama 1977, p. 294, Blauw went to Milan, Florence and Bologna. (Back to text.)
36 Colenbrander 1905–6, vol. 2, p. 147. (Back to text.)
37 Robert Barclay to Lord Grenville, 20 December 1797, cited in Colenbrander 1905–6, vol. 2, pp. 404–5. (Back to text.)
38 Schama 1977, p. 310. (Back to text.)
39 Alexandre and Perrin‐Chevrier 1985, p. 520. (Back to text.)
40 Brintet (see note 12), p. 8. (Back to text.)
41 Ibid. , pp. 9–10 and Alexandre and Perrin‐Chevrier 1985, p. 524. (Back to text.)
42 On 29 November 1798. (Back to text.)
43 Alexandre and Perrin‐Chevrier 1985, pp. 524–5. (Back to text.)
44 Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1986, p. 321. (Back to text.)
45 Ibid. , p. 325. (Back to text.)
46 Brintet (see note 12),
12. (Back to text.)
47 Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1986, pp. 332–4. (Back to text.)
48 I am grateful to Jan Willem Klein of the Streekarchief Midden‐Holland for this information. Mr Klein tells me that there are over 1,700 letters from Blauw to the newspaper conserved at the Museum Enschede, Haarlem. (Back to text.)
49 Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1986, pp. 335–7. (Back to text.)
50 Schama 1977, p. 295. A negative view of Blauw’s character was also taken by the nineteenth‐century Dutch historian Thomas Jorissen, see Jorissen 1875, p. xvi. (Back to text.)
51 Sillem 1875, p. 256. (Back to text.)
52 ‘… je ne répéterai point les éloges que j’ai donnés tant à ses talens qu’à son amour pur et éclairé pour la liberté.’ Cited in Colenbrander 1905–6, vol. 1, p. 365. (Back to text.)
53 See Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1986, p. 314. (Back to text.)
54 Ibid. , p. 336. (Back to text.)
55 Brintet (see note 12), pp. 13–17. (Back to text.)
56 Schnapper 1989, pp. 312 and 592. Although it is unlikely that NG 6495 was made while David was in prison, portraits made by artists while in prison were possible: Suvée painted portraits of several of his fellow prisoners in 1794, and in the same year David started his own self portrait, now in the Louvre. (Back to text.)
57 For the dates of David’s release from prison and amnesty, see ibid. , pp. 222–3. (Back to text.)
58 Michael Wilson (1984) suggested that David worked on the portrait during October and November. (Back to text.)
59 Schnapper 1993, p. 916. (Back to text.)
60 David 1880, pp. 294–5. One may note also in this connection that David completed La mort de Marat within three months of its being commissioned, and seems to have completed the first version of the full‐length Bonaparte crossing the Alps at Grand‐Saint‐Bernard in four months: see Bordes 2005, pp. 33–4. (Back to text.)
61 My translation. The letter in the library of the Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux‐Arts, Paris, Ms. 318, no. 2, is cited in David 1880, pp. 324–5: ‘Paris, 8 frimaire, l’an IV de la République française / Mes voeux sont enfin satisfaits, mon cher David, vous m’avez fait revivre sur la toile; vous m’avez en quelque sorte immortalisé par votre sublime pinceau et vous me rendez chère à jamais une mission qui, sans cette fleur que vous y avez jetée par votre complaisante amitié, ne m’aurait rappelé que les piquantes épines dont elle a été jusqu’ici parsemée. / Ne croyez pas, cher ami, que le désir seul d’avoir mon portrait m’ait déterminé à vous engager à le faire. Non: je vous ai plus considéré que moi‐même; j’ai voulu posséder un de vos chefs‐d’oeuvre et j’ai voulu plus encore avoir dans ce portrait un monument éternal de mon étroite liaison avec le premier peintre de l’Europe. Vos talents, votre réputation, votre civisme, vos malheurs, les grands services que vous avez rendus à la Révolution française par les fêtes civiques que votre génie a dirigées, que de titres à mon admiration! Que de motifs pour désirer de vous connaître! Mon portrait m’a servi de prétexte et je le prise bien plus par l’amitié qui vous l’a fait entreprendre, que par les talents que vous y avez déployés. / Raoul vous remettra avec cette lettre une légère marque de ma reconnaissance; elle est bien peu proportionnée au mérite de l’ouvrage; mais c’est moins une récompense qu’un souvenir que je vous ai voué, et dont je me ferai toujours un devoir et un plaisir de vous donner des preuves. / Salut, fraternité, estime et amitié. / BLAUW’. (Back to text.)
62 According to Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1986, p. 323, artist and sitter had a common acquaintance in Pierre‐Jean‐Baptiste Chaussard. Chaussard was the author of Mémoires historiques et politiques sur la révolution de la Belgique et du Pays de Liège en 1793, Paris 1793, and of writings on David’s art. He briefly mentioned ‘avec éloge’ the portraits of Blauw and Meijer in ‘Notice Historique et inédite sur M. Louis David’ in his Le Pausanias français (Chaussard 1806, p. 159). (Back to text.)
63 See Bordes 2005, p. 5. David also subscribed to Babeuf’s radical journal, Le Tribun du people, during the Directory: ibid. , p. 72. (Back to text.)
64 For the Labille‐Guiard portrait, see Passez 1973, no. 94. (Back to text.)
65 Passez 1989, nos 80 and 88 respectively. (Back to text.)
66 For this portrait see Cuzin and Mayer‐Michalon 2013, no. 512 P. (Back to text.)
67 Schnapper 1989, p. 312. (Back to text.)
68 The Batavian national flag was similar to the former Dutch national flag but with the addition of the figure of Liberty defended by a lion in a white canton in a corner of the red (top) horizontal stripe. Although Meijer’s red waistcoat might now suggest more leftist leanings than the blue coat and brown waistcoat of Blauw, in fact the red of the Dutch/Batavian flags had originally been orange, the heraldic colour of the princes of Orange. (Back to text.)
69 See Schnapper 1989, no. 144. The portraits of both Blauw and Meijer have been likened to Girodet’s Portrait du Citoyen Bourgeon of 1800 (Saint‐Omer, Musée de l’hôtel Sandelin) as having the effect of intrusions in moments of tranquillity, so participating in the conventions of eighteenth‐century portraiture: K. Galitz in Bellenger 2005, p. 402. The inscription on NG 6495 shows clearly that Blauw is to be understood to be undertaking official business, unlike Bourgeon who, as Halliday observed, is shown reading from Cicero’s De Amiticia: Halliday 1999, p. 104. For another portrait by a French artist of a Dutchman during the Revolution, the latter’s temporarily prominent role and his unfortunate end, see the catalogue entry on Boilly’s Portrait of Jan Antonie d’Averhoult (Utrecht, Centraal Museum) in Rosenberg 1992, no. 4. (Back to text.)
70 As Richard Edgcumbe has kindly pointed out, more surviving boxes of the period were made of tortoiseshell than of ebony, and such boxes, if made without a hinge, were after about 1770 usually called bonbonnières. It is not possible to see whether or not the box in David’s portrait of Blauw is hinged. Nathalie Lemoine‐Bouchard has written that the box is a snuffbox, ‘probablement en composition noire à base de poudre d’écaille et richement montée en or’ (Lemoine‐Bouchard 2014, p. 4). I am grateful to Neil Jeffares for drawing my attention to this article. The handkerchiefs used by snuff takers were usually coloured because white ones soon would have looked unpleasantly stained. Contrary to the assertion in Schnapper 1989, no. 143, the snuffbox in NG 6495 is different from that in the portrait of Sièyes. Snuffboxes were not as such a luxury item, since a third of the Paris lower classes owned one in 1785: Fairchilds 1993, p. 230. (Back to text.)
71 Communication of 10 September 2005. For mention of specific examples of this practice, see Avery 1924. (Back to text.)
72 K. Galitz in Bellenger 2005. The portraits of Blauw and Meyer have also been compared to Pierre Chasselat’s black chalk Portrait of Ange Bernard Imbert‐Delonnes (black chalk heightened with white, 62.5 × 47.8 cm, dated ‘L’an 8’ [1799/1800], London, Wellcome Library, inv. n. 729420i), especially between the overall composition of the drawing and the portrait of Meyer: Fecker and Schupbach 2012. (Back to text.)
73 See note 69. There appears to have been a vogue in the mid‐1790s for the ‘man interrupted at work’ portrait, to judge also from Joseph‐Benoît Suvée’s Portrait of Nicolas‐Joseph Bourguet de Travanet, which was painted in 1794 and exhibited at the 1796 Salon. It has been recently acquired by the Groeningemuseum, Bruges. (Back to text.)
74 Here apparently recorded by David in a list of paintings made by him around 1822 as ‘M. Cléan, Hollandais’. The reference to Blauw as M. Cléan in David 1867 (see General References) presumably derives from that list. The entry immediately precedes that recording ‘Le portrait de M. Meyer, Hollandais’. In another list of about 1817 (Wildenstein 1973, no. 1810) the reference to Meyer’s portrait was immediately preceded by that of ‘M. Blot, hollandais’. (Back to text.)
- The Netherlands Institute for Art History (Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie), The Hague. Artists database, Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie, The Hague (online), 2000– (
Technical abbreviations
- Macro‐XRF
- Macro X‐ray fluorescence
- X‐ray powder diffraction
List of archive references cited
- London, National Gallery, Archive: Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie, The Hague, letter, 6 March 1987
- London, National Gallery, Archive, curatorial dossier for NG6495
- London, National Gallery, Archive, curatorial dossier for NG6495: L. Woussen, letter, 29 November 1984
- London, National Gallery, Archive: Professor Sir John Hale, report to the Board, May 1980
- London, National Gallery, Archive, NG1/16: Minutes of the Board of Trustees, vol. XVI, 9 January 1975–3 December 1981
- London, National Gallery, Archive, S103
- The Hague, The Netherlands Institute for Art History, Collectie Iconografisch Bureau, inv. 172597
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- Avery 1924
- Avery, C. Louise, ‘XVIIIth‐century vanities’, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, May 1924, 19, 5, 124–7
- Baker and Henry 2001
- Baker, Christopher and Tom Henry, The National Gallery Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
- Bellenger 2005
- Bellenger, Sylvain, Girodet 1767–1824 (exh. cat. Musée du Louvre, Paris; Art Institute of Chicago; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Musée des Beaux‐Arts, Montreal), New Haven and London 2005
- Blanc 1862–3
- Blanc, Charles, Histoire des Peintres des toutes les écoles. École française, 3 vols, Paris 1862–3
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- Blauw, Jacobus and W. van Irhoven Van Dam, Geschiedkundig verhaal van de pogingen der omwentelingsgezinden (Historical treatise of the attempts of the revolutionaries), Amsterdam 1795
- Bordes 2005
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- Chaussard 1806
- Chaussard, Pierre‐Jean‐Baptiste, Le Pausanias français; état des arts du dessin en France, l’ouverture du XIXe siècle: Salon de 1806 … publié par un observateur impartial, Paris 1806
- Chaussard 1863–1864
- Chaussard, Pierre‐Jean‐Baptiste, ‘Notice Historique sur Louis David, peintre’, Revue Universelle des Arts, October 1863–March 1864, 18, 121
- Colenbrander 1905–6
- Colenbrander, H.T., Gedenkstukken der Algemeene Geschiedenis van Nederland, an 1795 tot 1840, 2 vols, The Hague 1905–6
- Coupin 1827
- Coupin, Pierre Alexandre, Essai sur J.L. David, peintre d’histoire, Paris 1827
- Cuzin 2013
- Cuzin, Jean‐Pierre, assisted by Isabelle Mayer‐Michalon, François‐André Vincent 1746–1816 entre Fragonard et David, Paris 2013
- David 1867
- David, Jacques‐Louis‐Jules, Notice sur le Marat, suivie de la liste de ses tableaux…, Paris 1867
- David 1880
- David, Jacques‐Louis‐Jules, Le Peintre Louis David 1748–1825. Souvenirs & Documents inédits, Paris 1880
- David 1882
- David, Jacques‐Louis‐Jules, Le Peintre Louis David 1748–1825. Suite d’Eaux‐Fortes d’après ses Oeuvres, Paris 1882
- Davies 1946
- Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: The French School, London 1946 (revised 2nd edn, London 1957)
- Davies 1957
- Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: The French School, 2nd edn, revised, London 1957
- Duruy 1895–6
- Duruy, Georges, ed., Memoirs of Barras Member of the Directorate, 4 vols, London 1895–6
- Fairchilds 1993
- Fairchilds, Cissie, ‘The production and marketing of populuxe goods in eighteenth‐century Paris’, in Consumption and the World of Goods, eds John Brewer and Roy Porter, London 1993, 228–48
- Fecker and Schupbach 2012
- Fecker, Marc and William Schupbach, ‘A recently discovered portrait of the surgeon Ange Bernard Imbert‐Delonnes (1747–1818) by Pierre Chasselat’, Burlington Mazagine, April 2012, 154, 236–40
- Galerie Universelle 1823–8
- Galerie Universelle, Paris, Blaisot, 1823–8
- Galitz 2005
- Galitz, K., in Girodet 1767–1824, Sylvain Bellenger (exh. cat. Musée du Louvre, Paris; Art Institute of Chicago; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Musée des Beaux‐Arts, Montreal), New Haven and London 2005, 402
- Gazette Nationale 1795a
- Gazette Nationale, ou le Moniteur Universel, 6 prairial, an III (25 May 1795)
- Gazette Nationale 1795b
- Gazette Nationale, ou Le Moniteur Universel, 7 messidor, an III (25 June 1795)
- Gazette Nationale 1795c
- Gazette Nationale, ou Le Moniteur Universel, 14 October 1795
- Geiger 1968
- Geiger, Monique, Musée des Beaux‐Arts de Dijon. Catalogue des Peintures Françaises, Dijon 1968
- Geyl 1971
- Geyl, Pieter, La Révolution Batave (1783–1798), Paris 1971
- Halliday 1999
- Halliday, Tony, Facing the Public. Portraiture in the Aftermath of the French Revolution, Manchester and New York 1999
- Holma 1940
- Holma, K., David, son evolution et son style, Paris 1940
- Jorissen 1875
- Jorissen, T.T.H., De Patriotten te Amsterdam in 1794, Amsterdam 1875
- Kirby and Saunders 2004
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- Le Monde 1982
- Le Monde, 12 December 1982
- Lemoine‐Bouchard 2014
- Lemoine‐Bouchard, Nathalie, ‘A propos de deux tableaux de Louis David avec tabatières à miniature, les portraits de Blauw en 1795 et de Sieyès en 1817’, La Lettre de la Miniature, November 2014, 26, 3–6
- Loi par laquelle les citoyens Blauw et Meyer sont reconnus 1795
- Loi par laquelle les citoyens Blauw et Meyer sont reconnus et proclamés ministres plénipotentiares de la République des Provinces‐Unies, près de la République française. Du 4 messidor, l’an troisième…, Paris an III [1795]
- Loosjes 1786–1811
- Loosjes, Petrus, Ten verolge van Wagenaar’s Historie, 48 vols, Amsterdam 1786–1811
- McPherson 2007
- McPherson, Heather, ‘Endgame and afterimage: David’s Portrait of Alexandre Lenoir’, in David after David: Essays on the Later Work, ed. Mark Ledbury, Williamstown MA 2007, 219–31
- Monneret 1998
- Monneret, Sophie, David et le néoclassicisme, Paris 1998
- Nanteuil 1985
- Nanteuil, Luc de, Jacques‐Louis David, New York 1985
- National Gallery Report
- National Gallery, The National Gallery Report: Trafalgar Square, London [various dates]
- Nieuw Nederlandsch Biographisch Woordenboek 1930
- Nieuw Nederlanndsch Biographisch Woordenboek, Leiden 1930, 8
- ODNB 2004
- ODNB (Oxford Dictionary of National Biography),, online edn, Oxford 2004–
- Palmer 1954
- Palmer, R.R., ‘Much in little: the Dutch Revolution of 1795’, The Journal of Modern History, March 1954, 26, 1, 15–35
- Passez 1973
- Passez, Anne‐Marie, Adélaide Labille‐Guiard 1749–1803. Biographie et Catalogue raisonné de son Oeuvre, Paris 1973
- Passez 1989
- Passez, Anne‐Marie, Antoine Vestier 1740–1824, Paris 1989
- Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1985
- Perrin‐Chevrier, Marie‐Rose and Jean Alexandre, ‘Un gentilhomme paisible, le Batave: Jacobus Blauw (1759–1829)’, Annales Historiques de la Révolution française, 1985, 261, 335–52
- Perrin‐Chevrier and Alexandre 1986
- Perrin‐Chevrier, Marie‐Rose and Jean Alexandre, ‘A travers son courrier, Blauw, homme politique néerlandais, témoin de son temps’, Annales historiques de la Révolution française, 1986, 265, 311–37
- Roberts 1989
- Roberts, Warren, Jacques‐Louis David Revolutionary Artist, Chapel Hill NC and London 1989
- Rosenberg, Jansen and Giltaij 1992
- Rosenberg, Pierre, Guido Jansen and Jeroen Giltaij, Chefs‐d’œuvre de la peinture française des musées néerlandais, XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles (exh. cat. Musée des Beaux‐Arts de Dijon; Institut Néerlandais, Paris; Museum Boymans‐van Beuningen, Rotterdam), Rotterdam 1992
- Sahut and Michel 1988
- Sahut, Marie‐Catherine and Régis Michel, David l’art et le politique, Paris 1988
- Schama 1977
- Schama, Simon, Patriots and Liberators. Revolution in the Netherlands 1780–1813, London 1977
- Schnapper 1993
- Schnapper, Antoine, ‘David et l’argent’, in David contre David. Actes du colloque organisé au musée du Louvre par le service culturel du 6 au 10 décembre 1989, Paris 1993, 2, 909–26
- Schnapper, Sérullaz and Agius‐d’Yvoire 1989
- Schnapper, Antoine, Arlette Sérullaz and Elisabeth Agius‐d’Yvoire, Jacques‐Louis David 1748–1825 (exh. cat. Musée du Louvre, Paris; Musée national du château, Versailles), Paris 1989
- Sillem 1875
- Sillem, A., ‘Mr. Jacob Blauw en zijne memorie van Instructie’, De Gids, 1875, 39, 239–75
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- Who was Who,, London 1920–2014 (online edn, 2014)
- Wildenstein 1973
- Wildenstein, Daniel and Georges Wildenstein, Documents complémentaires au catalogue de l’oeuvre de Louis David, Paris 1973
- Wilson 1984
- Wilson, Michael, ‘A new acquisition for the National Gallery: David’s portrait of Jacobus Blauw’, Burlington Magazine, 1984, 126, 980, 694–8
List of exhibitions cited
- Dijon 1958
- Dijon, Musée de Dijon, Les plus belles œuvres des collections de la Côte d’Or, 1958
- London 1987, National Gallery
- London, National Gallery, David: Portrait of Jacobus Blauw, 1987
- Paris 1913
- Paris, Palais des Beaux‐Arts, David et ses élèves, 1913
- Paris and Versailles 1989–90
- Paris, Musée du Louvre; Versailles, Musée national du château, Jacques‐Louis David 1748–1825, 1989–90 (exh. cat.: Schnapper 1989)
- Toulouse and Montauban 1955
- Toulouse, Musée des Augustins; Montauban, Musée Ingres, Ingres et ses maîtres, de Roques à David, etc, 1955
The Organisation of the Catalogue
This is a catalogue of the eighteenth‐century French paintings in the National Gallery. Following the example of Martin Davies’s 1957 catalogue of the Gallery’s French paintings, the catalogue includes works by or after some artists who were not French: Jean‐Etienne Liotard, who was Swiss, Alexander Roslin, who was Swedish, and Philippe Mercier, born in Berlin of French extraction but working mainly in England.
Works are catalogued by alphabetical order of artist, and multiple works by an artist are arranged in order of date or suggested date. Works considered to be autograph come first, followed by works in which I believe the studio played a part, those which are studio productions, and later copies. Artists’ biographies are summary only.
The preliminary essay and all entries and artist biographies are by Humphrey Wine unless initialled by one of the authors listed on p. 4.
Each entry is arranged as follows:
Title: The traditional title of each painting has been adopted except where misleading to do so.
Date: The date, or the suggested date, is given immediately below the title. The reason for any suggested date is explained in the body of the catalogue entry.
Media and measurementS: Height precedes width, and measurements (in centimetres) are of the painted surface to the nearest millimetre ignoring insignificant variations. Additional information on media and measurements, where appropriate, is provided in the Technical Notes.
Inscriptions: Where the work is inscribed, the inscription is given immediately after the note of media and measurements. Information is derived from observation, whether by the naked eye or with the help of a microscope, by the cataloguer and a member of the Conservation Department. The use of square brackets indicates letters or numerals that are not visible, but reasonably presumed once to have been so.
Provenance: Information on former owners is provided under Provenance and the related endnotes.
A number of significant owners, including Sir Bernard Eckstein; Ernest William Beckett,
2nd Baron Grimthorpe; John Arthur and Mary Venetia James; Yolande Lyne Stephens; Sir
John Pringle; Mrs Mozelle Sassoon; James Stuart of Dunearn; John Webb; and Consuelo
and Emilie Yznaga, are discussed further in an appendix to this volume on the National
Gallery website, ‘Former Owners of the Eighteenth‐Century French Paintings’ (see‐gallery‐catalogues/former‐owners‐of‐the‐eighteenth‐century‐french‐paintings
Exhibitions: Long‐term loans to other collections have been included under this heading, but they do not appear in the List of Exhibitions at the end of the catalogue. Exhibitions in that list appear in date order.
Related Works: Dimensions are given where known, and works are in oil on canvas unless otherwise
indicated. They have not been verified by
first hand
inspection. Dimensions of drawings or prints, other than in captions to illustrations,
are not given unless they are exceptional. Dimensions are given in centimetres, but
other units of measurement used in, say, an auction catalogue have been retained.
The metric equivalent of an Ancien Régime pouce is 2.7 cm and (after 1825) that of
an inch is 2.54 cm. In the case of prints, where measurements are given, it has not
always been possible to determine whether they are of the plate or the image.
Technical Notes: All works in the catalogue were examined in the Conservation Studio by Paul Ackroyd and Ashok Roy of the Conservation and Scientific Departments respectively, generally together with the author of the catalogue entry. The records of these observations were used to compile the catalogue’s Technical Notes. In support of these studies, paint samples for examination and analysis were taken by Ashok Roy from approximately 60 per cent of the paintings in order to establish the nature and constitution of ground layers, the identity of certain pigments, to investigate possible colour changes in paint layers and to answer curatorial enquiries relating to layer structure (as determined by paint cross‐sections). A few more works had already been sampled, mainly in conjunction with past conservation treatments, and the observations from these past studies were reviewed and incorporated. These studies were carried out by Ashok Roy, Marika Spring, Joyce Plesters and Aviva Burnstock. Paint samples and cross‐sections were examined by optical microscopy, and instrumental analysis of pigments was based largely on scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X‐ray analysis. Early in the cataloguing programme, some work with X‐ray diffraction analysis ( XRD ) was carried out for further characterisation of certain pigments. Some of these results had already been published separately; these papers are cited in the catalogue text. Similarly, any published analyses of the paint binder are cited, or if not published then reference is made to the reports in the Scientific Department files. The majority of the [page 36]analyses of the organic component of paint samples from works in this catalogue were carried out by Raymond White.
At a later stage in the cataloguing programme Rachel Billinge carried out infrared reflectography on 30 of the 72 works using an OSIRIS digital infrared scanning camera with an indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) array sensor (8 had already been examined by infrared imaging, usually in connection with a conservation treatment). At the same time she reviewed the entries, adding observations from technical imaging (both X‐radiography and infrared reflectography) and incorporating some additional details about materials and techniques from stereomicroscopy (photomicrographs were made of 12 works). Where X‐radiographs have been made, the individual plates were scanned and composite X‐ray images assembled. Some, but not all, were further processed to remove the stretcher bars from the digital image. Some further paint samples from a few works for which there were still outstanding questions at this stage in the cataloguing programme were examined and analysed. These analyses were carried out by Marika Spring, with contributions on individual paintings from Joanna Russell, Gabriella Macaro, Marta Melchiorre di Crescenzo, Helen Howard and David Peggie.
Macro‐X‐ray fluorescence scanning was carried out by Marika Spring and Rachel Billinge on one work, Perronneau’s pastel, A Girl with a Kitten (NG 3588), to provide fuller understanding of its means of creation than had been available from earlier analyses of the materials. The pastel was scanned during the summer of 2015 thanks to the loan of a Bruker M6 Jetstream macro‐X‐ray fluorescence scanner by Delft University of Technology through collaboration with Dr Joris Dik, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Chair, Materials in Art and Archeology, Department of Materials Science and Dr Annelies van Loon, now Paintings Research Scientist at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. This mobile system, the first commercially available macro‐XRF scanner, was developed by Bruker Nano GmbH in close collaboration with Antwerp University and Delft University of Technology (see Alfeld 2013, pp. 760–7). This examination included transmitted infrared reflectography and some further directed sampling to aid interpretation of the new results.
Frames: Information is given only in the case of a frame which is, or which is likely to be, original to the painting.
Text: With the exception of the Lagrenée, which was not formally acquired until July 2016, the entries take account of information and opinions of which the cataloguers were aware as at 30 June 2016.
Lifespan dates, where known, are given in the Provenance section and in the Index.
General References: These do not provide a list of every published reference. The annual catalogues published by the Gallery before the First World War mainly repeat the information in the first Gallery catalogue in which the painting in question was published. Consequently, only the first catalogue and later catalogues containing additional or revised information have been referenced. In all relevant cases references have been given to Martin Davies’s 1946 and 1957 catalogues. In the case of works acquired after 1957, reference is made to the interim catalogue entry published in the relevant National Gallery Report. No reference to entries in the Gallery’s Complete Illustrated Catalogue (London 2001) has been given since they contained no previously unpublished information. Other references are to catalogues raisonnés and other significant publications concerning the painting in question.
Bibliography: This includes all references cited in the endnotes to catalogue entries other than references to archival sources, which are given in full in the endnotes. Cited articles from newspapers, magazines, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and Who Was Who have usually been accessed via their respective online portals.
List of Exhibitions: This is a list of exhibitions in which the paintings have appeared. The list is in date order. The author of the accompanying exhibition catalogue or catalogue entry is given where known. Exhibition catalogues are included in the Bibliography, by author.
About this version
Version 3, generated from files HW_2018__16.xml dated 06/03/2025 and database__16.xml dated 09/03/2025 using stylesheet 16_teiToHtml_externalDb.xsl dated 03/01/2025. Entries for NG1090, NG2897, NG4078, NG5583, NG6422, NG6435, NG6445, NG6495, NG6592, NG6598 and NG6600-NG6601 marked for publication.
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- Wine, Humphrey. “NG 6495, Jacobus Blauw”. 2018, online version 3, March 9, 2025.
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- Wine, Humphrey (2018) NG 6495, Jacobus Blauw. Online version 3, London: National Gallery, 2025. Available at: (Accessed: 30 March 2025).
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- Wine, Humphrey, NG 6495, Jacobus Blauw (National Gallery, 2018; online version 3, 2025) <> [accessed: 30 March 2025]