Francisco de Goya, 'A Picnic', 1785-90
About the work
Goya adds a satirical twist to this supposedly innocent scene. It seems that a romantic outing has gone terribly wrong. The remains of a picnic lie on the tablecloth: pieces of bread, two almost-empty plates and bottles of wine. To the right, a man appears to be unwell, probably from drinking too much.
In the centre, a man holding a full glass of wine tries to flirt with the woman sat near him. She – presumably the sick man’s picnic companion – looks out at us, seemingly rejecting his advances. Another man leans on his hand, fast asleep. Behind him, three men are deep in conversation, as if plotting to take advantage of the situation – two look out at us, amused.
This sketch is one of a series of designs by Goya for tapestries intended to decorate the bedrooms of King Charles III of Spain’s daughters at the palace of El Pardo, outside Madrid.
Key facts
- Full title
- A Picnic
- Artist
- Francisco de Goya
- Artist dates
- 1746 - 1828
- Date made
- 1785-90
- Medium and support
- oil on canvas
- Dimensions
- 41.3 × 25.8 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1896
- Inventory number
- NG1471
- Location
- Room 37
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 18th-century French Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the ‘Provenance’ section of the catalogue entry in Neil MacLaren, revised by Allan Braham, ‘National Gallery Catalogues: The Spanish School’, London 1988; for further information, see the full catalogue entry.
Exhibition history
2021Francisco de GoyaFondation Beyeler10 October 2021 - 23 January 2022
1867C. Yriarte, Goya: Sa biographie, les fresques, les toiles, les tapisseries, les eaux-fortes et le catalogue de l'oeuvre, Paris 1867
1887Conde de la Viñaza, Goya: Su tiempo, su vida, sus obras, Madrid 1887
1917A. de Beruete y Moret, Goya, Madrid 1917
1946V. de Sambricio, Tapices de Goya, Madrid 1946
1952Maclaren, Neil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Spanish School, London 1952
1970N. MacLaren and A. Braham, The Spanish School, 2nd edn, London 1970
1971P. Gassier and J. Wilson-Bareau, Goya: His Life and Work, with a Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, Drawings and Engravings, London 1971
1971J. Gudiol, Goya, 1746-1828: Biography, Analytical Study and Catalogue of His Paintings, trans. K. Lyons, Barcelona 1971
1981J. Camón Aznar, Francisco de Goya, Zaragoza 1981
1981D. Sutton, 'Editorial: Solo Goya', Apollo, CXIV/236, 1981, pp. 212-9
1981A. Braham, El Greco to Goya: The Taste for Spanish Paintings in Britain and Ireland (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 16 September - 9 November 1981), London 1981
1983M. Helston, Spanish and Later Italian Paintings, London 1983
1987J.M. Arnáiz, Francisco de Goya: Cartones y tapices, Madrid 1987
1987National Gallery, 'Pictures Cleaned and Restored in the Conservation Department of the National Gallery, January 1986 - December 1986', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, XI, 1987
1988Maclaren, Neil, revised by Allan Braham, National Gallery Catalogues: The Spanish School, 2nd edn (revised), London 1988
1989J. Tomlinson, Francisco Goya: The Tapestry Cartoons and Early Career at the Court of Madrid, Cambridge 1989
1990R. Buendía, Goya, New York 1990
1993J. Wilson-Bareau et al., Goya: El capricho y la invención: Cuadros de gabinete, bocetos y miniaturas (exh. cat. Museo del Prado, 19 November 1993 - 15 February 1994), Madrid 1993
1994J. Wilson-Bareau et al., Goya: Truth and Fantasy: The Small Paintings (exh. cat. Royal Academy of Arts, 17 March - 12 June 1994; Art Insitute of Chicago, 16 July - 16 October 1994), Madrid 1994
1996S. Helliesen et al., Francisco Goya: Maleri, Tegning, Grafikk (exh. cat. Nasjonalgalleriet, 10 February - 14 April 1996), Oslo 1996
1998A. Brejon de Lavergnée et al., Goya: Un regard libre (exh. cat. Palais des Beaux-Arts, Lille, 12 December 1998 - 14 March 1999; Philadelphia Museum of Art, 17 April 1999 - 11 July 1999), Paris 1998
2000V.V. Knudsen, Goya's Realism (exh. cat. Statens Museum for Kunst, 11 February - 7 May 2000), Copenhagen 2000
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2001J. Tomlinson et al., Goya: La imagen de la mujer (exh. cat. Museo Nacional del Prado, 30 October 2001 - 9 February 2002; National Gallery of Art, Washington, 10 March - 2 June 2002), Madrid 2001
2002J. Tomlinson et al., Goya: Images of Women (exh. cat. Museo Nacional del Prado, 30 October 2001 - 9 February 2002; National Gallery of Art, Washington, 10 March - 2 June 2002), Washington 2002
2005M.B. Mena Marqués et al., Goya: Prophet der moderne (exh. cat. Alte Nationalgalerie, 13 July - 3 October 2005; Kunsthistorisches Museum, 18 October 2005 - 8 January 2006), Cologne 2005
2009D. Carr, El Greco to Goya: Spanish Painting, London 2009
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.