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Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano, 'Saint Mark (?)', about 1500

About the work


A bearded saint stands in a stone niche. He holds a book and a pen: he is one of the Four Evangelists, the authors of the Gospels – possibly Saint Mark. Although a saint, he has no halo or attribute; he looks more like a Roman philosopher. The quiet stone, the saint’s abstracted and unfocused gaze and the clear morning light make him seem removed from the cares of this world.

This is one of two panels featuring evangelists from a multi-panelled altarpiece. Another panel, showing Saint Sebastian, is also in the National Gallery’s collection. We are not sure when or where it was made, but it was probably painted in around 1500.

Key facts


Full title
Saint Mark (?)
Artist dates
about 1459/60 - about 1517/18
Part of the series
Two Panels from the S. Maria dei Crociferi Altarpiece
Date made
about 1500
Medium and support
oil on wood
103.2 × 40.6 cm
Acquisition credit
Mond Bequest, 1924; entered the Collection in 1938
Inventory number
Not on display
Main Collection
20th-century Replica Frame

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.


About the series: Two Panels from the S. Maria dei Crociferi Altarpiece


Two monumental saints – Mark and Sebastian – stand in niches topped with shell-like arches. They must originally have formed the outer wings of a multi-panelled altarpiece. We don't know where they originally came from, but in the seventeenth century two panels were recorded in the church of the Crociferi, Venice, where they flanked an image of the Annunciation by Cima (State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg). They do not seem to have belonged together, however: the Annunciation is taller, quite different in composition and painted on cloth rather than wood.

It is possible that they came from an altarpiece which was part sculpted and part painted, like the one Cima da Conegliano painted for the parish church of Olera, near Bergamo. Its painted panels show standing saints, and they flank a carved and coloured statue of Saint Bartholomew in a shell-shaped niche.

Works in the series

A bearded saint stands in a stone niche. He holds a book and a pen: he is one of the Four Evangelists, the authors of the Gospels – possibly Saint Mark. Although a saint, he has no halo or attribute; he looks more like a Roman philosopher. The quiet stone, the saint’s abstracted and unfocused gaz...
Not on display
A pale young man stands in a stone niche, almost naked and seemingly unaware of the arrows in his arm and leg. This is Saint Sebastian, a Roman soldier who secretly converted to Christianity. When his faith was discovered, he was shot with arrows but miraculously survived.Here, the saint seems mo...
Not on display