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Girolamo Romanino, 'Saint Filippo Benizzi', about 1524

About the work


This painting is part of Romanino’s high altarpiece for S. Alessandro in Brescia. It depicts Saint Filippo Benizzi and is situated to the right of an image of the Nativity, above a panel of Saint Jerome.

Saint Filippo Benizzi (1233–1285) was born in Florence. He became fifth general of the Order of the Servants of Mary (the Servite Order) and its chief propagator and organiser. The Servites were devoted to preaching the Gospel and encouraging devotion to the Virgin Mary. Saint Filippo Benizzi was beatified by Pope Leo X in 1516 and made a saint by Pope Clement X in 1671.

The church for which this altarpiece was made belonged to the Servite Order. Saint Filippo Benizzi is shown wearing the black scapular, tunic and cowl of the Servite Order and holding a lily, which is echoed in the crosier held by Saint Gaudioso, who appears opposite him.

Key facts


Full title
Saint Filippo Benizzi
Artist dates
about 1484 - about 1560
Date made
about 1524
Medium and support
oil on wood
74.2 × 64.9 cm
Acquisition credit
Bought, 1857
Inventory number
Not on display
Main Collection
19th-century Italian Frame

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.


About the group: High Altarpiece, S. Alessandro, Brescia


Romanino made this painting for the high altar of Sant' Alessandro in Brescia. It may have been commissioned by the Confraternity of Corpus Christi – a lay brotherhood which venerated the body of Christ – who were responsible for the high altar.

The central panel shows the Nativity, with Mary and Joseph kneeling before the infant Christ. On either side, panels depict Saint Alexander (lower left) and Saint Jerome (lower right). Above them are Saint Gaudioso (upper left) and Saint Filippo Benizzi (upper right.)

The painting originally had a crowning panel of the dead Saviour supported by the Virgin and Saint John. It also had large canvas shutters to protect it – The Annunciation was painted on the outside of the shutters, and on the inside was The Adoration of the Magi. The elaborate frame of the altarpiece, made by the woodcarver Stefano Lamberti, which would have formed a fundamental part of it, is now missing.

Works in the group

This is the central panel of Romanino’s high altarpiece for S. Alessandro in Brescia. The high altar was the responsibility of the Confraternity of Corpus Christi – a lay brotherhood which venerated the body of Christ – so this depiction of Christ was of central importance. It would have been pla...
Not on display
This painting is part of Romanino’s high altarpiece for S. Alessandro in Brescia. It is situated beside the main panel of the Nativity.Saint Alexander was patron saint of Brescia and the church was dedicated to him. His position on the holy family’s right-hand side puts him in the place of honour...
Not on display
This painting is part of Romanino’s high altarpiece for S. Alessandro in Brescia. It is situated to the right of the main panel of the Nativity and shows the theologian, priest and historian, Saint Jerome (347–420), who lived in Constantinople and Rome.Saint Jerome holds a crucifix and beats his...
Not on display
This painting is part of Romanino’s high altarpiece for S. Alessandro in Brescia. It depicts Saint Gaudioso and is situated to the left of an image of the Nativity, above a panel of Saint Alexander.Saint Gaudioso was included in the altarpiece as he was a fifth-century bishop of Brescia. He died...
Not on display
This painting is part of Romanino’s high altarpiece for S. Alessandro in Brescia. It depicts Saint Filippo Benizzi and is situated to the right of an image of the Nativity, above a panel of Saint Jerome.Saint Filippo Benizzi (1233–1285) was born in Florence. He became fifth general of the Order o...
Not on display