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Jan van de Cappelle, 'A Small Vessel in Light Airs, and Another Ashore', probably 1650-60

About the work


In this scene of day-to-day life on the muddy shores of the North Sea, Jan van de Cappelle has depicted a virtually windless day. We see a smalschip (a traditional transport vessel), its helmsman doing his best to catch what wind he can by setting the sails out on both sides. But they hang almost limp and the boat makes only the faintest of wakes in the glassy water. A rowing boat carrying two passengers seems to be about to intercept it – perhaps they are being taken out to a bigger vessel anchored in deeper water.

Meanwhile the crewman on the beached boat (a kaag) seems to be pouring something into a basket held up by his colleague. It looks as though they have been fishing for shellfish and are landing their catch. It’s an image of calm and plenty, but there’s also a reminder of the destructive power of the sea: the timbers of a wreck protrude from the mud.

Key facts


Full title
A Small Vessel in Light Airs, and Another Ashore
Artist dates
1626 - 1679
Date made
probably 1650-60
Medium and support
oil on canvas
34.8 × 48.1 cm
Inscription summary
Acquisition credit
Bought, 1871
Inventory number
Not on display
Main Collection
Previous owners

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.
