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Niccolò Pisano, 'The Dance of Miriam', probably 1500-3

About the work


In this rare survival – a Renaissance painting done on linen canvas – the Israelites, having escaped slavery in Egypt, are led through the wilderness by Moses and Aaron. The fleeing families, encumbered by bundles, dogs and even a monkey, make their way down a winding road. In the centre, a group of young women dance in a circle. According to the Book of Exodus (15: 20–21), Miriam, Moses‘ sister, took a timbrel and, together with other Israelite women, danced to celebrate their freedom.

This is one of a group of eight similar paintings executed by various artists, two of which are in the National Gallery’s collection. They were probably made for a small chapel or oratory in Ferrara, possibly the newly built chapel of Duke Alfonso I d’Este in the Via Coperta. Alternatively, they might have decorated the home of a member of Ferrara’s Jewish community.

Key facts


Full title
The Dance of Miriam
Artist dates
1470 - about 1536
Part of the series
Two Scenes from the Story of Moses
Date made
probably 1500-3
Medium and support
glue tempera on canvas
119.3 × 78.7 cm
Acquisition credit
Layard Bequest, 1916
Inventory number
Not on display
Main Collection
Previous owners

About this record

If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.


About the series: Two Scenes from the Story of Moses


These two Old Testament scenes are painted not on panel, as are most surviving Italian Renaissance paintings, but on linen. They are part of a series of eight paintings on linen canvasses by various artists, which survive in various collections.

Although now rare, paintings on linen were widespread in the Renaissance. They could serve as hangings, curtains, altar frontals and banners, as well as framed works of art; they were much cheaper than tapestries, faster to execute than frescoes and easier to transport than panel paintings.

These pictures probably came from a small chapel or oratory in Ferrara. Alternatively, they might have been from the home of a member of Ferrara’s Jewish community.

Works in the series

According to the Book of Exodus, the Israelites, having escaped slavery in Egypt, feared famine as they wandered the desert. They complained to Moses, so God sent down a heavenly food, manna, which fell from the sky each morning but melted in the sun. Here, they gather the manna up into pots, jar...
Not on display
In this rare survival – a Renaissance painting done on linen canvas – the Israelites, having escaped slavery in Egypt, are led through the wilderness by Moses and Aaron. The fleeing families, encumbered by bundles, dogs and even a monkey, make their way down a winding road. In the centre, a group...
Not on display