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Martin H. Colnaghi

1821 - 1908

This person is the subject of ongoing research. We have started by researching their relationship to the enslavement of people.

Biographical notes

Art dealer and connoisseur.

Summary of activity

Worked for the art dealing firm P&D Colnaghi. Martin Henry Colnaghi travelled in Europe to value, authenticate and buy artworks later to be sold in Britain and internationally. Colnaghi gave £80,000 to the National Gallery in the Martin Colnaghi Bequest.

Slavery connections

No known connections with slavery.

Abolition connections

No known connections with abolition.

National Gallery painting connections

Previous owner: NG purchased from Colnaghi in 1887: NG1242 (now at Tate, N01242); in 1895: NG1459.

Donor: presented in 1896: NG1481; in 1908: NG2286.

Donor: bequeathed in 1908: NG2281, NG2282, NG2283, NG2284 (now at Tate, N02284).