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  1. NG14/69/1; NG4744
    5 Jun-19 Nov 1934
    Correspondence between Kenneth Clark [Director] and the Sangiorgi Gallery, Rome re purchase of 'Christ Mocked' by Hieronymous Bosch and with Dr Max Friedländer and Harold Isherwood Kay re the picture's merits, cleaning and publication. The ...
  2. NG14/70
    Purchased from Mr Mackay, 1934, with contributions from the National Art Collections Fund, Benjamin Guinness and Lord Bearsted
  3. NG14/70/1; NG4757
    20 Mar 1934-26 Aug 1936
    Correspondence between Clark [Director], Sir Evan Charteris, Lord Duveen and Benjamin Guinness re the acquisition of the Sassetta panels and in particular the latter's inital offer to purchase the panels from Mr Mackay to bequeath to the NG, the ...
  4. NG14/71
    Presented by Mrs M.V. MacGeorge, 1934
  5. NG14/71/1; NG4776
    7-14 Nov 1934
    Correspondence with Mrs M.V. MacGeorge re her gift of a Hoppner portrait, including a copy of her letter to Mr Clark of 7 Nov 1934 re provenance of the work [original letter at NG3/4776/3]
  6. NG14/72
    Purchased from P.M. Turner, 1935
  7. NG14/72/1; NG4810
    12 Jul-18 Dec 1935
    This file comprises correspondence between Kenneth Clark [Director] and P.M. Turner re acquisition of Constable's 'Hadleigh Castle'.
  8. NG14/73
    Purchased from the 8th Duke of Buccleuch with contributions from the National Art Collections Fund
  9. NG14/73/1; NG4815
    2 Jul 1935-30 Jul 1938
    This file comprises correspondence between the Right Honourable Earl of Dalkeith [later the 8th Duke of Buccleuch] re purchase of Rubens' 'Watering Place' in 1936 and Rembrandt's 'Portrait of Saskia as Flora' in 1938, and correspondence between ...
  10. NG14/74
    Bequeathed by Mrs Louisa Mary Garrett, 1936

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