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  1. NG14/114/1; NG5577
    12-30 Jan 1945
    Correspondence with Thomas Lowinsky re his proposed gift, in memory of his son, and arrangements for the picture to be sent to the Gallery for inspection. Includes an undated note in Lowinsky's hand re credit line for picture label.
  2. NG14/115
    Purchased from the Cook Collection, 1945
  3. NG14/115/1; NG5581
    15 Jan-12 Feb 1945
    Correspondence between Kenneth Clark and S.C. Kaines Smith, Keeper of the Cook Collection and R.P. Slade of Messrs Lovell, White and King, solicitors to the Cook Trustees re arranging to meet to discuss pictures in the Cook Collection in which the ...
  4. NG14/116
    Bequeathed by O.S. Ashcroft, 1945
  5. NG14/116/1; NG5582
    20 Feb 1945-4 May 1954
    Correspondence with F.L. Ashcroft re his brother's bequest to the NG of a portrait of Mrs Williams by Hoppner and his sister-in-law's [Ashcroft's widow] relinquishment of her life interest in the picture, 1945; correspondence with Messrs Tamplin, ...
  6. NG14/117
    Bequeathed by Lady Wharton, 1945
  7. NG14/117/1; NG5591
    16 Aug 1944-15 Jun 1954
    Correspondence with the Trustee Dept, Coutts & Co re the bequest of the late Lady Wharton of a portrait of Lady Hamilton by Romney and the picture's inspection and acceptance by the Trustees, 1945, and re the separation of the Tate and NG and Lord ...
  8. NG14/118
    Presented by Sir Edward Marsh, 1945
  9. NG14/118/1; NG5596
    8 May 1945-11 Nov 1970
    3 letters from Marsh to Clark, 8-14 May 1945 re his decision to give rather than bequeath 'Summit of Cader Idris' by Wilson to the Gallery and his request that the label should state that the picture was given on VE day; 3 letters from Marsh to ...
  10. NG14/119
    1945, 1954
    Bequeathed by the Honourable Clare E. Stuart Wortley, 1945

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