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  1. NG14/128/1; NG5763
    6 Jan-23 Jun 1947
    Correspondence with Horace Buttery re possible acquisition of a Poussin landscape he was selling on behalf of the owner, Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn and arrangements for it to be cleaned by Vallance before inspection by the Board. Also includes a ...
  2. NG14/129
    Bequeathed by Miss J.L.R. Blaker, 1947
  3. NG14/129/1; NG5769
    29 Nov 1938-18 Apr 1950
    Correspondence with Jenny Blaker re her offer to sell a 'Portrait of Carinthia and Tyrol' by Quentin Massys, previously in the possession of her brother, Hugh Blaker to the Gallery, 1938; correspondence with Murray Urquhart, executor and trustee to ...
  4. NG14/130
    Bequeathed by Miss Anna S.H. Simonson, 1947
  5. NG14/130/1; NG5786
    18 May 1932-3 Jul 1961
    Notes on the inspection of a picture said to be by Michael Pacher in the possession of Mr George A. Simonson, 18 May 1932; correspondence with Miss A. Simonson re inspecting the pictures previously in her brother's possession with a view to making a ...
  6. NG14/131
    Presented by Frederick John Nettlefold, 1947
  7. NG14/131/1; NG5787
    17 Sep 1947-4 Aug 1948
    Correspondence with Adrian Bury and Mr F.J. Nettlefold re the latter's offer to present four pictures to the National Gallery ('Cottage Girl with Dog and Pitcher' by Gainsborough; 'Morning: Higglers Preparing for Market' by Morland; 'The Sandpits' ...
  8. NG14/132
    Presented by Lady Mary Browne through the Art Fund, 1947
  9. NG14/132/1; NG5788
    2 Apr 1947-19 Jul 1954
    Correspondence with Humphrey Paul of Messrs Trower, Still and Keeling, solicitors and Sir Alec and W.A. Martin of Christies re Lady Mary Browne's gift of a portrait of Lady Altamont by Romney to the Gallery through the Natioanl Art Collections Fund, ...
  10. NG14/133
    Bequeathed by Miss Evelyn Brooke, 1947

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