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  1. NG14/143/1; NG5962
    27 Aug 1936-21 May 1951
    Letters to and from K. Clark and Sir R. Shafto Adair, 1936, re the Masolino panels in the latter's possession; correspondence and papers, 1949-1951, re the Gallery's growing interest in the pictures which had passed into the possession of Major ...
  2. NG14/144
    Purchased from the Lefevre Gallery, 1951
  3. NG14/144/1; NG5982
    13 Feb 1951
    Letter from A.J. MacNeill Reid to Hendy confirming the Gallery's purchase of 'La Source' by Renoir to the Gallery for £10,500 and inclosing invoice
  4. NG14/145
    Bequeathed by Percy Moore Turner, 1951
  5. NG14/145/1; NG5984
    2 Mar 1927-31 Oct 1952
    Correspondence re P.M. Turner's intended and actual bequest to the Gallery. Includes correspondence with Turner re his intention to bequeath Cotman's 'Silver Birches', 1927; notes by Kenneth Clark, 9 Feb 1934, re removal of codicil to Turner's will ...
  6. NG14/146
    Bequeathed by Mrs Henrietta Charlotte Tarleton, 1951
  7. NG14/146/1; NG5985
    19 Feb 1951-31 Mar 1959
    Correspondence with Messrs Dawson & Co, acting on behalf of Lloyd's Bank Ltd, executors to the will of Mrs H.C. Tarleton re the Gallery's acceptance of her bequest of a portrait of General Sir Banastre Tarleton by Sir Joshua Reynolds provided it ...
  8. NG14/147
    Bequeathed by Sir James and Lady Caw, 1951. Delivered over to the Tate, 1952
  9. NG14/147/1; NG6044
    18 Apr 1951-13 Feb 1952
    Correspondence with Messrs Lindsay, Duncan & Black, solicitors to the executors of the will of the late Sir James Caw re his bequest of 'Tir Nan Og' by McTaggart and with John Rothenstein and Norman Reid of the Tate Gallery re accepting the picture ...
  10. NG14/148
    Presented anonymously in memory of the late Miss Diana White, 1952

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