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  1. NG14/207/1; NG6341
    14 Dec 1962-8 Jun 1964
    Correspondence between Martin Davies and Boodle Hatfield & Co (solicitors) and the Williams Deacon Bank relating to Maud Mary Greenway's bequest of 'Joseph Greenway'. Letter to Kingsley Adams (Director of the National Portrait Gallery) from Martin ...
  2. NG14/208/1; NG6342
    20 Nov 1962-30 Dec 1963
    Correspondence with Philip Hendy and representative of Leonard Wolfson over the potential for a grant from the Wolfson foundation for the acquisition of 'Château Noir', grant not possible due to the demands of other projects but loan would be a ...
  3. NG14/209/1; NG6343
    1 Apr 1963-1 Aug 1963
    Correspondence with E. Beyeler (dealer) relating to which Monet the National Gallery will decide to acquire. It is agreed to show two pictures to the Trustees: Nympheas Huile sur toile (offered for £20,000) and Nirvana jaune Huile sur toile ...
  4. NG14/210/1; NG6344
    2 Jan 1963-7 Oct 1963
    Correspondence between Hendy and Abris Silberman (dealer) regarding the purchase. Arrangements for sending the Cranach over from New York for the Trustees to inspect, arrangements for insurance, question of whether the asking price of $100,000 may ...
  5. NG14/211/1; NG6345
    15 Jan-3 Dec 1963
    Correspondence between Levey and R. Thesiger (dealer, Colnaghi) discussing acquisition, including a letter from Thesiger confirming the purchase of the picture, dated 19 Apr 1963.

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