Pontormo, 'Joseph sold to Potiphar', about 1515
About the work
This picture formed part of the decoration of the bedroom of Pierfrancesco Borgherini in the Borgherini palace in Florence, and was commissioned to celebrate his marriage in 1515. The story is taken from the Old Testament (Genesis 39: 1). Joseph had been his father’s favourite son and was given a coat of many colours by him. His jealous half-brothers sold Joseph to a caravan of Ishmaelite merchants taking perfumes and spices to Egypt. The brothers smeared goat’s blood on Joseph’s coat and told their father that Joseph was dead.
This scene shows Joseph (the central young boy in yellow) standing before his new master, Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh’s guard, to whom he has just been sold. The Ishmaelites are grappling for their payment on the left. One of them bends over, his back to the viewer and his head between his legs, to pick up a coin from the ground.
Key facts
- Full title
- Joseph sold to Potiphar
- Artist
- Pontormo
- Artist dates
- 1494 - 1556/7
- Part of the series
- Scenes from the Story of Joseph
- Date made
- about 1515
- Medium and support
- oil on wood
- Dimensions
- 61 × 51.6 cm
- Acquisition credit
- Bought with the aid of the Art Fund (Eugene Cremetti Fund), 1979
- Inventory number
- NG6451
- Location
- Not on display
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 20th-century Replica Frame
Additional information
Text extracted from the National Gallery’s Annual Report, ‘The National Gallery Report: January 1978 – December 1979’.
Exhibition history
2014Pontormo & Rosso Fiorentino: Diverging paths of mannerismPalazzo Strozzi8 March 2014 - 20 July 2014
1584R. Borghini, Il riposo di Raffaello Borghini, Florence 1584
1835A. von Reumont, Andrea del Sarto, Leipzig 1835
1838G. Rosini, Introduzione alla storia della pittura italiana, 9 vols, Pisa 1838
1854G.F. Waagen, Treasures of Art in Great Britain: Being and Account of the Chief Collections of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Illuminated Mss. […], vol. 2, trans. E. Eastlake, London 1854
1878G. Vasari, Le vite de'più eccellenti pittori, scultori ed architettori: Con nuove annotazioni e commenti di Gaetano Milanesi, ed. G. Milanesi, 8 vols, Florence 1878
1883J.P. Richter, Italian Art in the National Gallery, London 1883
1901A. Venturi, Storia dell'arte italiana, 11 vols, Milan 1901
1903J.A. Crowe and G.B. Cavalcaselle, A History of Painting in Italy, Umbria, Florence and Siena, from the Second to the Sixteenth Century, ed. R.L. Douglas, 2nd edn, 6 vols, London 1903
1911F. Goldschmidt, Pontormo, Rosso und Bronzino, Leipzig 1911
1916F.M. Clapp, Jacopo Carucci Da Pontormo: His Life and Work, New Haven 1916
1921C. Gamba, Il Pontormo, Florence 1921
1923P. Schubring, Cassoni: Truhen und Truhenbilder der italienischen Fruhrenaissance: Ein Beitrag zur Profanmalerei im Quattrocento, Leipzig 1923
1926A. McComb, 'Bacchiacca', Art Bulletin, VIII, 1926
1933I. Fraenckel, 'Jugendwerke Pontormos', in Festschrift für Walter Friedländer, Florence 1933, pp. 146-79
1935I. Fraenckel, Andrea del Sarto: Gemälde und Zeichnungen, Strasbourg 1935
1943E. Toesca, Il Pontormo, Rome 1943
1943W. Stechow, 'Jacob Blessing the Sons of Joseph', Gazette des beaux-arts, VII/32, 1943
1944L. Becherucci, Manieristi toscani, Bergamo 1944
1947G. Nicco Fasola, Pontormo o del Cinquecento, Florence 1947
1953R. Wischnitzer, 'Jacopo Pontormo's Joseph Scenes', Gazette des beaux-arts, 1953, pp. 145-66
1956C. Gamba, Contributo alla conoscenza del Pontormo, Florence 1956
1956D. Sutton, 'Paintings at Firle Place', The Connoisseur, 1956, pp. 78-84
1956L. Berti et al., Mostra del Pontormo e del primo manierismo fiorentino (exh. cat. Palazzo Strozzi, 24 March -15 July 1956), Florence 1956
1956G.N. Fasola, Alcune Revisioni sul Pontormo, Quaderni Pontormeschi 4, Florence 1956
1958S. McKillop, The Decorative Scheme for the Borgherini Bridal Chamber, Unpublished Paper, Cambridge MA 1958
1958L. Marucci, 'Contributo al Baccaccia', Bollettino d'arte, 1958
1959P. Della Pergola, Galleria Borghese: I dipinti, Rome 1959
1961S.J. Freedberg, Painting of the High Renaissance in Rome and Florence, Cambridge MA 1961
1963S.J. Freedberg, Andrea del Sarto: Catalogue Raisonné, Cambridge MA 1963
1964L. Berti, Pontormo, Florence 1964
1965R. Monti, Andrea del Sarto, Milan 1965
1965J. Shearman, Andrea del Sarto, Oxford 1965
1965F. Abbate, 'L'attività giovanile del Bacchiacca', Paragone, XVI/189, 1965, pp. 26-49
1965I. Zupnick, 'Pontormo's Early Style', Art Bulletin, 1965, pp. 348-9
1966K.W. Forster, Pontormo: Monographie mit kritischen Katalog, Munich 1966
1966L. Nikolenko, Francesco Ubertini Called Il Bacchiacca, Munich 1966
1967E. Maurer, 'Pontormo und Michelangelo', in Stil und Überlieferung in der Kunst des Abendlandes: Akten des 21. Internationalen Kongresses für Kunstgeschichte in Bonn 1964, Berlin 1967
1970J. Cox-Rearick, 'The Drawings of Pontormo: Addenda', Master Drawings, II, 1970, pp. 363-78
1974C. von Holst, Francesco Granacci, Munich 1974
1974S.R. McKillop, Franciabigio, Berkeley 1974
1975C. Gould, Delaroche and Gautier: Gautier's Views on the 'Execution of Lady Jane Grey' and on other Compositions by Delaroche, London 1975
1978A. Pinelli, Museo perché, museo come (exh. cat. Civici Musei di Storia ed Arte, 1978; Palazzo delle Esposizioni, 23 October - 31 October 1978), Treviso 1978
1979A. Braham, 'The Bed of Pierfrancesco Borgherini', The Burlington Magazine, CXXI/921, 1979, pp. 754-65
1980National Gallery, The National Gallery Report: January 1978 - December 1979, London 1980
1980J. Mills and R. White, 'Analyses of Paint Media', National Gallery Technical Bulletin, IV, 1980, pp. 65-7
1981J. Cox-Rearick, The Drawings of Pontormo: A Catalogue Raisonné with Notes on the Paintings, 2nd edn, New York 1981
1982D. Sutton, 'Aspects of British Collecting, II.VIII: From Rome to Naples', Apollo, CXVI/250, 1982, pp. 358-420
1982G. Smith, 'Cosimo I and the Joseph Tapestries for the Palazzo Vecchio', Renaissance and Reformation, VI/3, 1982, pp. 183-96
1986A. Cecchi and M. Chiarini, Andrea del Sarto, 1486-1530: Dipinti e Disegni a Firenze, (exh. cat. Palazzo Pitti, 8 November 1986 - 1 March 1987), Florence 1986
1986D. Cordelier, Hommage à Andrea del Sarto (exh. cat. Musée du Louvre, 23 October 1986 - 26 January 1987), Paris 1986
1987Gould, Cecil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Schools, London 1987
1987M.G. de La Coste-Messelière, 'Pour la république florentine et pour le roi de France: Giovanbattista della Palla, des "orti oricellari" aux cachots de Pise', in Il se rendit en Italie, études offertes à André Chastel, Paris 1987, pp. 195-208
1989A. Cecchi and A. Natali, Andrea del Sarto: Catalogo completo dei dipinti, Florence 1989
1991S.S. Nigro (ed.), Pontormo: Zeichnungen, Munich 1991
1992J.-C. Lebensztejn, Le journal de Jacopo da Pontormo, Paris 1992
1992N. Pons, 'La "camera Borgherini" e l'arredo del palazzo Rosselli Del Turco', in G. Trotta (ed.), Gli Antichi Chiassi Tra Ponte Vecchio E Santa Trinita, Florence 1992, pp. 179-83
1993L. Berti, Pontormo e il suo tempo, Florence 1993
1993S.S. Nigro, Pontormo. Fresken und Gemälde, Munich 1993
1994A.B. Barriault, Spalliera Paintings of Renaissance Tuscany: Fables of Poets for Patrician Homes, Univerisity Park PA 1994
1994P. Costamagna, Pontormo, Milan 1994
1994A.F. Tempesti, Pontormo, Florence 1994
1994R.C. Proto Pisani, 'Le Opere: I Santi di Pontormo', in Il Pontormo a Empoli, Florence 1994
1995Palais des beaux-arts, Lille, Lille, chefs-d'oeuvre d'ue grand musée européen (exh. cat. Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais, 31 March - 3 July 1995), Paris 1995
1997C. Fulton, 'Present at the Inception: Donatello and the Origins of Sixteenth-Century Mannerism', Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, II, 1997, pp. 166-99
1997A. Cecchi et al., L'officina della maniera: Varietà e ferezza nell'arte fiorentina del Cinquecento fra le due repubbliche 1494-1530 (exh. cat. Uffizi, 28 September 1996 - 6 January 1997), Florence 1997
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
2001V. Ficklin, 'Mannerist Staircases: A Twist in the Tale', Athanor, XIX, 2001, pp. 27-33
2002C. Plazzotta and R. Billinge, 'The Underdrawing of Pontormo's "Joseph with Jacob in Egypt"', The Burlington Magazine, CXLIV/1196, 2002, pp. 660-70
2002D. Bomford et al., Underdrawings in Renaissance Paintings (exh. cat. The National Gallery, 30 October 2002 - 16 February 2003), London 2002
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.
About the series: Scenes from the Story of Joseph

These six pictures by Pontormo and Bacchiacca were part of a larger series of panel paintings commissioned to celebrate the marriage of Pierfrancesco Borgherini to Margherita Accaiuoli in 1515. The series decorated the couple’s bedroom in the Borgherini palace in Florence. Francesco Granacci and Andrea del Sarto also contributed to the decorative scheme, which would have been one of the most sumptuous of the time. The paintings, telling the story of Joseph from the Old Testament (Genesis 39), would have been set into the wall panelling and furniture.
Pontormo’s interest in the emerging new style known as Mannerism – a reaction against the harmony, proportion and naturalism of High Renaissance art – is evident in his bright colours, disconcertingly unnatural approach to space, elongated figures and spiralling compositions. Bacchiacca’s scenes are expressive and dramatic but stylistically more conventional.