Catalogue entry
Girolamo da Treviso Treviso
1497/8 – Boulogne 1544
NG 218
Adoration of the Kings
, ,Extracted from:
Giorgia Mancini and Nicholas Penny, The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings, Volume III: Bologna and Ferrara (London: National Gallery Company and Yale University Press, 2018).

© The National Gallery, London
c. 1523–4
Oil on wood, 144.5 × 126.1 cm
The panel is made of four vertical boards, probably of poplar, which (from the left) are respectively 12, 36.5, 41.5 and 36.1 cm in width. There are dowels between the boards (one is exposed at the top edge, which has been cut). The panel is warped and damaged by woodworm. It probably retains its original thickness, although it was cradled in the nineteenth century (a process that almost always entailed thinning). In 2005 this cradle was removed and the battens in their dovetailed channels were thinned so that they are flush with the panel. A polyester canvas was also applied to the back of the panel.
Materials and technique
There is a gesso ground (calcium sulphate, confirmed by EDX analysis), but there is no further priming layer.1 Infrared reflectograms show a simple linear underdrawing, probably made with a cartoon, or cartoons. All of the straight lines in the architecture were ruled.
In samples taken from the sky and the foliage the medium has been identified as walnut oil; there is evidence that it was heat‐bodied, at least to some extent.2
The blue of the sky is composed of ultramarine with lead white, applied over azurite with lead white. The shades of green in the landscape were created with mixtures of verdigris, lead‐tin yellow, yellow earth and lead white.3 Lead‐tin yellow highlights were applied to bright orange, pink or light purple to produce a cangiante effect in the draperies. In the over‐garment of the prostrate king this effect is achieved by mixing orange‐red, blue and yellow, wet in wet.
The haloes of the Virgin Mary and Joseph were painted with small dots of lead‐tin yellow. The treatment of light on the ornamental borders of the garments, fringes, jewels and headdresses is comparable to similar effects in paintings by Dosso, such as the Adoration of the Kings (NG 3924) and the Lamentation (NG 4032), although Girolamo’s touch here is relatively meticulous. The red glaze on the robe of the man holding the reins of the rearing horse was blotted by the artist’s finger.
The paint is generally in good condition. There are some scattered losses, mainly in the sky and around the edges of the panel. These are associated with splits in the panel. Some of the darker paint is thin and worn.

Baldassarre Peruzzi, Adoration of the Magi, 1522–3. Pen, ink and brown wash on paper, 112.5 × 107 cm. London, The British Museum. © The Trustees of the British Museum

Detail of NG 218. © The National Gallery, London

Detail of NG 218. © The National Gallery, London
Conservation history
Flaking paint was treated in 1856, 1887, 1933, 1941 and 1960. In 2005 the painting was cleaned and restored and the panel was also treated as described above (under ‘Support’).
The painting is based on a drawing by Baldassare Peruzzi (fig. 1; acquired by the National Gallery in 1839 and transferred to the British Museum in 1994), made in Bologna in about 1522 for Count Battista Bentivoglio (see p. 307). Vasari, who probably saw it when he visited that city in 1539–40, described it thus: For the above‐mentioned Conte Giovan Battista [Peruzzi] made a drawing of a Nativity with the Kings in grisaille in which it is marvellous to behold the mounts, equipages and entourages of the three kings, executed with the most beautiful grace, as are also the exteriors of the temples and some buildings that surround the hut.4
He added that ‘this work was afterwards given by the Conte to be coloured by Girolamo Trevigi’ (that is, Girolamo da Treviso), who did so to perfection, ‘in spite of there being more than a hundred figures’.5
Fragments of an entablature and two sections of a fluted column shaft are scattered in the foreground, and an inverted Roman Doric capital serves as a seat for the Virgin Mary. These must be supposed to have all fallen from the ruined structure in the centre of the painting. This consists of piers from which an arch springs (unbroken only in its further section), and to which colossal fluted columns are attached, penetrating the entablature where it survives on the right.
Such ruined structures, often depicted in Renaissance paintings of the Adoration, doubtless symbolised the decay of the old pagan world. Paradoxically, the architecture was of a type that architects like Peruzzi wished to revive, and this structure has much in common with proposals (derived from Raphael) by Antonio da Sangallo (1484–1546) for the new basilica of St Peter then being built in Rome.6 The stable, mentioned in the Gospels, was generally included within such ruins, or improvised out of them. Peruzzi is unusual in omitting this and Vasari was misremembering when he referred to a hut. The original purpose of the ruin here is not clear, but a portion – it looks incomplete rather than broken – of a lower arch on the right suggests that this building was not part of a temple, as Vasari supposed, but a tripartite city gate or triumphal arch, and Peruzzi provides two other examples of this type of Roman architecture in the distance. On the left there is a single arch flanked by detached columns, with an attic crowned by statues (fig. 2). On the right is a city gate with a central arch with paired columns on either side, probably framing pedestrian entrances. Behind the city gate a round fortress rises in two stages (fig. 3).
The massive piers of the central ruin divide the composition into three parts, each with a path winding into the distance, along which the trains of the Three Kings separately progress. The train on the right advances from the city gate and that at the left may be presumed to progress from the distant arch. The central train seems to emerge from a cave below a cliff. On top of the cliff we see the Annunciation to the Shepherds and two shepherds with a dog walk down from this eminence along a winding and stepped track (fig. 4). The rocks, turf and trees here emulate the torsion of the [page 303][page 304] more active of the foreground figures. The star that guided the Kings is visible above the tree tops to left of centre; in the sky above, God the Father, reclining with his legs crossed, is supported by four angels and surrounded by others playing musical instruments and holding aloft bouquets of flowers. This group must have been inspired by Raphael’s Vision of Ezekiel (p. 467, fig. 12), then in the Hercolani collection in Bologna, but the pose of the Almighty also recalls (to an indecorous degree) the way that the drunken Silenus is assisted in ancient representations of the entourage of Dionysius.

Detail of NG 218. © The National Gallery, London

Detail of NG 218. © The National Gallery, London
The Virgin Mary holds the infant Christ, who eagerly blesses the eldest king prostrated before him and receives the gold that he proffers. The second king is only slightly behind, kneeling and clutching the crown that he has doffed in respect; the third king stands, lifting from an attendant the gift that he will present (fig. 5). A discussion of the names used for the kings at that date and the traditions associated with their representation can be found in the entry for a related composition by Girolamo da Carpi on pp. 281–2.
Joseph, in the shadows behind the Virgin Mary, is upstaged by the oversized ass, conspicuously braying; the equally large ox, alarmingly attentive to the infant; the dwarf, attired in green to match his parrot; and the sinuous hound that mimics the prostrate king. To either side there are horses and grooms united in movement, with the pages clustered precariously on the pedestals of the columns the better to view the scene of homage.
It has been observed that Peruzzi’s drawing, with its combination of antiquarian culture and theatrical spectacle, and its exotic animals, was bound to be greatly appreciated in Bologna, a city with a strong tradition of triumphal entries and lavish spectacles.7 However, for almost a century before Peruzzi made this drawing, the subject had been popular in Tuscany for demonstrations of artistic virtuosity involving a huge cast of animated characters in an elaborate setting. These were devised to display both knowledge of antique architecture and linear perspective – especially in Florence (see for instance NG 1033 by Botticelli).8 Indeed, there may be a recollection in the central group of Leonardo’s famous altarpiece of this subject left unfinished in Florence in 1482 and now in the Uffizi.
Exotic attire, blended with the fashionable clothes, was not unusual in paintings of this subject, nor was the presence of a dwarf or the birds and beasts of Africa – in this case the parrot and, in the central portion, riding upon a chest, a monkey. To the right of the composition there are, in addition, an elephant with a palanquin (Peruzzi would have seen Hanno, the elephant presented by the King of Portugal to Pope Leo X in 1514, whose commemorative portrait had been painted by Raphael’s workshop in 1516)9 and a giraffe (for which Peruzzi clearly had no reliable visual source).
In the foreground of the painting, on the right, near the three attendants removing precious vessels from a travelling chest, there is a man holding a brace of hounds on a leash, a figure that was not included in Peruzzi’s drawing and the only one in the entire composition that is looking at the viewer [page 305](fig. 6). It is tempting to consider this as a portrait, perhaps of Girolamo da Treviso himself.10 The author of the catalogue of the Delahante sale in 1828 found other portraits in the painting, notably Michelangelo ‘in the centre’ and Sebastiano del Piombo ‘on the right’, also the ‘Artist … with his dogs by his side, and next him Pope Leo X’.11 The catalogue of Buchanan’s sale of February 1830 repeats these ideas, omitting any mention of Sebastiano but adding the proposal that ‘Raphael, Titian, Giorgione, Vasari, Paul Veronese, &c’ were also present – which made it ‘equally interesting to the connoisseur or the antiquarian’.12
Peruzzi was known to have been a follower of Raphael, even though less closely associated with him than Giulio Romano or Gianfrancesco Penni (1490–1528). Apart from the character of the architecture and the group in the clouds – an unusual addition to this subject, directly inspired by the Vision of Ezekiel (as mentioned above) – there are debts to the frescoes in the Stanza di Eliodoro in the Vatican Palace, most obviously the figures crowded around the columns in the Expulsion of Heliodorus, but also the rearing horse in the Repulse of Attila. As Waagen noted, the starting‐point for the principal group was the design for a tapestry for this subject in the Scuola Nuova series made in Raphael’s workshop (p. 282, fig. 4).13 More generally, we are reminded of the indigestible richness of the figurative decoration in the Sala di Costantino, completed soon after Raphael’s death, in which the essential central action and dramatic coherence are compromised by the size and agitation of the marginal chorus.14
Attribution, style and dating
In Bologna, by the late seventeenth century the painting had been described as the work of Peruzzi himself and this remained the case during the first half of the nineteenth century in both France and England.15 In 1854 Gustav Waagen expressed doubts about this attribution, not only because the painting was ‘far inferior in feeling’ to Peruzzi’s drawing (which had been in the National Gallery since 1839), but also because it differed ‘totally from the acknowledged colouring of the master’. He also rejected the possibility that this was the version painted by Girolamo da Treviso that had been mentioned by Vasari, and proposed instead that it was the work of ‘some Ferrarese master, with much affinity to Mazzolino da Ferrara, only harder and gaudier, and of an exaggerated red in the flesh‐tones’.16 This opinion was accepted by Cavalcaselle, who considered the painting ‘too timidly handled to be even by Girolamo da Treviso’ and thought that it was possibly by a Ferrarese artist with a style similar to that of Rinaldo Mantovano (active 1527–39).17
It was only in 1936 that the painting was included in Berenson’s lists under Girolamo da Treviso.18 Cecil Gould in his catalogue of 1975 provided arguments in support of this attribution, correctly observing that the palette was similar to that of NG 623, a signed work by Girolamo.19 It is indeed strikingly close (most obviously so in the blue and pink of the Virgin) and in the distance on the left – one of the few areas where the painter is not following Peruzzi closely – where the blend of architecture, rocks and somewhat spongy vegetation is of exactly the character that we find in NG 623 and elsewhere in Girolamo’s work. This attribution to Girolamo has been accepted in subsequent literature.20
Giovanni Sassu has argued persuasively that such a work would have been commissioned after Peruzzi himself had left Bologna.21 This must have been soon after 30 April 1523, when he received the final payment from the Fabbriceria of S. Petronio. Girolamo was in Bologna later in that year, when he was commissioned to paint the S. Biagio altarpiece, and is likely to have been engaged on that until the spring of 1524. The reliefs Girolamo made for S. Petronio between March 1524 and August 1525 (p. 296, fig. 1) reflect the influence of Peruzzi’s drawing, strengthening Sassu’s proposal that NG 218 dates from the same period.22
Girolamo da Treviso’s translation of Peruzzi’s model
The figures in the painting are approximately the same size as those in Peruzzi’s drawing but since the drawing is not pricked, indented or squared it is likely that Girolamo copied the original as an outline drawing, perhaps using a net (as [page 306] was later the practice in the preparation of reproductive engravings). This drawing would have served as the cartoon for the painting. The larger size of the painting is due to the greater space above the group of God the Father, and between the latter and the arch. Girolamo introduced some changes, such as the leafier vegetation and the almost stormy density of the clouds. He also added some figures on both sides (these are not included in Agostino Carracci’s engraving of 1579)(fig. 7).23 Other small variations include the more youthful appearance of Joseph, the floppy hat of the man to the left of the Virgin Mary, the more ornate short trousers and footwear of the Moor, and the position of the fiddle held by the angel below the foot of God the Father.

Detail of NG 218. © The National Gallery, London
Previous owners
The painting by Girolamo da Treviso was seen by Giorgio Vasari, together with Peruzzi’s drawing of the Adoration on which it is based, in the possession of Count Battista Bentivoglio and both works probably remained in the family collection until the end of the eighteenth century. The posthumous inventory made in 1656 of Count Costanzo Bentivoglio (grandson of Costanzo, a nephew of Battista Bentivoglio, first owner of Peruzzi’s drawing) records a painting of the Adoration in the ‘sala grande’ of the family palace.24 The value of 10,000 lire assigned to this work is very high when compared with the valuations of other pictures in the same inventory, and shows that the Adoration was regarded as a family treasure. This item, described as a picture on panel, was most likely Girolamo’s painted version of Peruzzi’s celebrated drawing. The same ‘quadro di pittura’ is mentioned as a work by ‘Baldassarre da Siena’ (Peruzzi) in the division of property agreed between Costanzo’s heirs, Filippo Maria and Ludovico, together with a Virgin and Child with Saints by ‘Raffaelle d’Urbino’ (a copy by Innocenzo da Imola of the Madonna del Divino Amore, untraced). It was agreed in 1696 that these two paintings, valued at 8,000 and 6,000 lire, should be assigned to Ludovico and Filippo Maria respectively.25 The painting would thus have been separated from Peruzzi’s drawing, which had passed to the branch of the family then living in Florence. Marcello Oretti, recording the paintings displayed in the Holy Sacrament processions in Bologna in 1769, included Peruzzi’s Adoration (which must have been Girolamo’s painting), temporarily removed from ‘an altar in the Palazzo Bentivoglio in via della Mascarella’.26 If this was correct, then we must imagine that painting was kept in a small oratory – a very rare case of a cabinet painting turned into a devotional work (the reverse was of course common). A year later Oretti recorded the same picture in the Palazzo Bentivoglio as the property of Count Francesco.27
A picture identifiable with NG 218 appears in the catalogue of the Lapeyrière sale that took place in Paris on 19 April 1825. The description and the dimensions of lot 41, the Adoration of the Kings by Baldassare Peruzzi, said to have been in the house of Count Costantino Bentivoglio, match those of the picture catalogued here. In the preface to the catalogue this painting is listed among those that had become available as a result of the French Revolution. It is very likely that the painting was purchased at this sale by the London‐based French dealer Alexis Delahante. In any case it was offered in his London sale (Harry Phillips) on 20 May 1826 (lot 131).28 It was bought in at the high price of 320 guineas (£336). The picture was again consigned by Delahante in the sale held in the same auction house on 9 July 1828 (lot 122), where it was sold for 245 guineas. The name of the buyer is unknown, but the painting next featured in the private contract sale organised by the Scottish dealer William Buchanan in February 1830 (no. 20).29 The dimensions given in the catalogue (4 ft 2 in × 3 ft 8 in/127 × 112 cm) are somewhat smaller than those of the National Gallery painting. The catalogue states that the picture had been in the ‘Royal Collection of Naples, and was carried thence to France, during the period of the Revolution’.
It seems that the picture was not sold, since it appeared in a minor sale organised by George Stanley on 20 November 1830. Even if lot 13 is simply described as ‘Peruzzi, Adoration of the Kings’, its identification with the Buchanan picture is confirmed by the presence, in the same sale, of a portrait of the Duke of Mantua attributed to Raphael, which had also featured in Buchanan’s sale in February. No buyer or price is recorded in this auction and we have found no further mention of the picture before 1841, when it was published in the catalogue of the collection of Edmund Higginson (1802–1871), with a provenance mentioning Lapeyrière and ‘Gray’.30
On 6 June 1846 the Adoration of the Kings featured in Higginson’s sale (lot 227), where it was bought in for 510 guineas (£535 10s.). It was presented to the National Gallery by the owner in 1849, presumably partly because the National Gallery had acquired Peruzzi’s drawing a decade earlier, at a period when it seemed possible that the Gallery would become a repository for old master drawings.
Painted for Battista Bentivoglio; recorded in 1560 in the residence of the late Andalò Bentivoglio, son of Battista;31 with the Bentivoglio family by descent and last recorded in Palazzo Bentivoglio in 1770. Reputedly in the royal collection in Naples; certainly in Paris, where included in the Lapeyrière sale 1825; next offered for sale in London by Alexis Delahante in 1826 and 1828 and by William Buchanan by 1830. In the collection of Edmund Higginson by 1841; bought in at his sale in 1846. Presented by Higginson to the National Gallery in 1849.
The painting is exhibited in a so‐called Watts frame – a type of cassetta frame with bold outer ornament of composition, usually (as in this case) of egg and dart, and smaller inner ornament (in this case a twisted ribbon, also of composition), with a frieze consisting of oak oil gilded without gesso preparation so that the figure of the wood is visible. Frames of this type became popular in London in the 1880s and seem to have been employed at the fashionable Grosvenor Gallery [page 307]exhibitions, but they remained popular for many decades. In the National Gallery they were favoured especially for the English paintings.32
Appendix 1
The Patron: Battista Bentivoglio
Battista Bentivoglio belonged to a collateral branch (noted for its loyalty to the papacy) of the Bentivoglio, who were the ruling family of Bologna during the fifteenth century. His father, Andalò, was elected to the Council of Elders (the Anziani, the highest magistrates of the city’s ruling council) six times between 1481 and 1506, and in 1484 he served as podestà of Lucca. He was dead by 1516. Vasari called Battista ‘Giovambattista’, confusing him with a brother.33
Battista was born on 13 July 1483. He was elected to the Anziani in 1526. Battista was an educated and cultivated man and, like other members of his family, a close friend of the humanist Gianantonio Flaminio (1464–1536). From Vasari’s life of Peruzzi we learn that the artist made several drawings for the facade of S. Petronio while staying with Battista.34 The work of Raphael seems to have had a strong appeal for him. He commissioned a copy of Raphael’s Madonna del Divino Amore from Innocenzo da Imola, whom he had summoned to work in Bologna.35 It was probably Battista who recommended Innocenzo to the Olivetan friars of S. Michele in Bosco when they wished decorate their new sacristy and commission a new painting for the high altar. This is suggested by the fact that he served as the artist’s guarantor when the contract was drawn up in 1517.36 According to this document, the preparatory drawing for the altarpiece of the Virgin and Child in Glory with Saints (now in the Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna) was in Battista’s possession. The central figure of Saint Michael the Archangel derives from the cartoon of the same subject made by Raphael, which had been in the collection of Alfonso I d’Este, Duke of Ferrara, since 1518. This provides further evidence of Battista’s predilection for the inventions of Raphael and another example of him valuing a finished drawing.
Battista enjoyed a similar relationship with Girolamo da Treviso. In November 1523 he acted as the artist’s guarantor in the contract for his S. Biagio altarpiece, a document that was signed in his own house (‘in domo habitationis predicti Comitis Baptiste’).37
It is difficult to know whether Battista had an art collection, but he was certainly an art lover. A few years after the death of Battista’s only son and heir, Andalò, Pietro Lamo recorded in his Graticola di Bologna (published in 1560) ‘due carte di chiaro scuro di mano di Raffaele d’Urbino rare’ (presumably these were finished drawings rather than prints), together with the Adoration of the Kings by Girolamo da Treviso and what may have been Peruzzi’s drawing itself.38
Appendix 2
Peruzzi’s Adoration of the Kings
The signature ‘BAL. SENEN. F’ – that is, ‘Baldassarre Senensis [Baldassare Peruzzi of Siena] fecit [made this]’ – suggests that Peruzzi regarded his drawing as a work of art in its own right rather than a preparatory study.39 It belongs to the category of highly finished drawings that were made for display and were valued by collectors, a category that may have owed some of its appeal to the circulation of engravings, many of which were also uncoloured. Peruzzi may also have had in mind the possible execution of his invention in another medium, perhaps as a print or as a painting, but, if the latter, then we would expect it to have been the model for a painting of larger size. More than fifty years after its creation, the drawing was engraved by Agostino Carracci (fig. 7).40

Agostino Carracci, Adoration of the Kings, 1579. Engraving, 112.5 × 104.5 cm. Third state (printed on seven plates). London, The British Museum. © The Trustees of the British Museum
It should also be borne in mind that Peruzzi’s chief employment during this period was the design of the facade of S. Petronio.41 This would also have involved the production of finished architectural drawings containing numerous figures – albeit sculptural figures attached to a building rather than living ones flowing round and climbing upon one.
An inscription in Carracci’s engraving of Peruzzi’s Adoration of the Kings, made in 1579, records that the drawing then belonged to Conte Costanzo Bentivoglio. It is therefore likely to have been kept in the Bentivoglio palace, situated between via Moline and via Mascarella (now the via Belle Arti) in Bologna.42 In the mid‐seventeenth century the [page 308] drawing was with the heirs of Count Prospero Bentivoglio, as reported by Filippo Baldinucci (1624–1696) in his Notizie dei Professori di Disegno.43 It remained in the Bentivoglio family, but in Florence rather than Bologna, until 1759, when it was sold from there to Richard Dalton (about 1715–1791), possibly for the Prince of Wales.44 In 1839 Lord Vernon (1800–1873) gave it to the National Gallery. In 1994 it was transferred to the Department of Prints and Drawings of the British Museum.

Attributed to Bartolomeo Cesi, Adoration of the Kings, about 1540. Fresco and terracotta. Bologna, Church of S. Procolo. © Equipe Fotostudio di Marco Degli Esposti, Bologna
Appendix 3
The local fame of Peruzzi’s Adoration of the Kings
Peruzzi’s Adoration had a deep impact on painters as well as sculptors active in Bologna in the 1520s and 1530s.45 An early example of its influence is found in the fresco of the Adoration of the Kings painted by Biagio Pupini in the church of the Annunziata in Bologna, usually dated to 1523–4, many parts of which are directly derived from the Adoration by Peruzzi.46 A more personal use of Peruzzi’s model is seen in some of the paintings made by Girolamo da Carpi when he was in Bologna (see the entry for NG 640, pp. 278–85).
The Adoration of the Kings by Girolamo Marchesi da Cotignola (Cassa di Risparmio, Cesena), painted probably around 1525, is perhaps the most extravagant interpretation of Peruzzi’s composition.47 The intarsia panels with the Miracle of Saint Dominic and the Martyrdom of Saint Catherine executed by Fra Damiano Zambelli (about 1480–1549) for the choir of S. Domenico were similarly inspired by Peruzzi’s model.48 Indeed, Marchesi might have provided the cartoons for some of these panels (others were designed by Sebastiano Serlio [1475–1554], who was in Bologna between 1520 and 1528).49
The theatrical architecture of Peruzzi’s Adoration inspired sculptors such as Alfonso Lombardi (about 1497–1537), whose marble bas‐relief with the Adoration of the Kings, made in 1532–3 for the Arca of Saint Dominic in S. Domenico, Bologna, is a ‘compressed copy’ of the central lower part of Peruzzi’s composition.50 Lombardi’s debt to Peruzzi’s model is also evident in the lunette of the Ghisilardi monument in the same church – in this case inspired by the group in the clouds.51
An especially interesting example of the influence of Peruzzi’s drawing is the little‐known Adoration of the Kings in the church of S. Procolo in Bologna, which combines painting with low and high relief in terracotta (fig. 8).52 Traditionally attributed to Bartolomeo Cesi (1556–1629), it is more reminiscent of works by the sculptor and medallist Giovanni Zacchi (born 1515), who was active mainly in Bologna during the middle decades of the sixteenth century.53 Malvasia writes, in his biography of Cesi, that the artist took to painting as well as modelling and that an Adoration of the Kings made of terracotta was so lively that others considered it by Alfonso da Ferrara (Alfonso Lombardi), which he then decorated with a ‘beautiful, although weakly painted, background’ derived from Peruzzi.54 Some facial types and the arrangement of the composition on both sides are reminiscent of those made by Girolamo da Treviso.55
As has already been mentioned, Agostino Carracci made an engraving of Peruzzi’s composition, dated 1579, with only minor variations.56 It shows the whole design more clearly than in the original, which is now much abraded.57 The reform of art instigated by the Carracci family in Bologna and Rome entailed rejection of much that is now designated as mannerist, but it did not preclude admiration for Peruzzi’s tour de force. In 1603 Francesco Cavazzoni (1559–1612) noted that the Adoration was ‘cosa molto studiata e lodata da tutti gli valenti artefici’ (‘much studied and praised by all talented artists’).58 The fame of this work continued into the eighteenth century, although its influence was by then much less obvious.
Appendix 4
Other copies of Peruzzi’s Adoration of the Kings
Since Peruzzi’s Adoration was in private hands from the time of its creation, a relatively small number of copies are [page 309] likely to have been made directly from it. Only one other painted copy is recorded as having been made in the sixteenth century, probably in connection with Agostino Carracci’s engraving of 1579, to which it corresponded closely.59 In the mid‐nineteenth century this painting on canvas (149 × 107 cm) belonged to the Bolognese historian Michelangelo Gualandi.60 It has been attributed to Bartolomeo Cesi, or to Cesi in collaboration with Agostino Carracci, although it is dated 1576, several years before the engraving. Marcello Oretti, listing the works of art in the Hercolani collection, mentions a ‘wonderful drawing’ of the Adoration of the Kings by Agostino Carracci himself, presumably preparatory for the engraving.61 This drawing is mentioned by Oretti in another passage of the same manuscript and also in a list of pictures displayed in Bologna during the Holy Sacrament processions in 1759.62

Detail of NG 218. © The National Gallery, London
A picture formerly in the Northwick collection is referred to in editions of the National Gallery catalogue from 1915 as a ‘repetition’ of NG 218.63 Cavalcaselle records two others: a ‘feeble, red‐toned’ version in the Ellesmere collection (for most part formed earlier in the nineteenth century) and another one ‘still more modern … feeble and very varnishy production’ in Dudley House, noted as coming from the Fesch collection and possibly by Prospero Fontana, as stated by Waagen.64 Cavalcaselle also listed a picture ‘the colour of a reddish tone (wood)’ in the Escorial (in a place called ‘Aposento de Felipe II’), ‘very much in spirit of Peruzzi … like a theatrical scene, with the coliseum, pillars, temples and a marble Caesar on a pedestal in the distance’.65 In the Amstelkring Museum, Amsterdam, there is a painted version of Peruzzi’s drawing (116 × 105.5 cm) made by an unknown Netherlandish artist, possibly in the second quarter of the sixteenth century.66 The painter introduced some changes, especially to the landscape and to the physiognomies.67
Paintings in this catalogue that were sent from the National Gallery on long‐term loan or included in touring exhibitions within the UK
Girolamo da Treviso NG 218:
Cannon Hall Museum, Barnsley, 27 May–4 November 1958;
Long‐term loan to Manchester Art Gallery, 13 April 1970–29 May 1975
2 Analysis undertaken in 2006 using gas chromatography – mass spectrometry ( GC–MS ). (Back to text.)
3 Analysis by SEM–EDX of a sample from the grassy bank in the middle distance on the right indicated that yellow lake on a calcium carbonate substrate might also be present, as in NG 623. (Back to text.)
4 ‘Fece al conte Giovambatista sopradetto un disegno d’una Natività con i Magi di chiaro scuro, nella quale è cosa maravigliosa vedere i cavalli, i carriaggi, le corti dei tre Re, condotti con bellissima grazia, sì come anco sono le muraglie de’ tempii et alcuni casamenti intorno alla capanna.’ Vasari 1966–87 edn, IV, p. 321. (Back to text.)
5 ‘cosa che molto bene condusse a perfezione, ancora che vi fussero più di cento figure’. Ibid. , p. 450. (Back to text.)
6 Tessari 1995, p. 62. (Back to text.)
7 Fortunati in Faietti 2002, p. 19. Enrico Gallingani (1999, p. 57) has suggested that the right‐hand side of the Adoration may have been inspired by the extravagant procession of the Portuguese ambassador, Tristão da Cunha (1460–about 1540), which took place in Rome in 1514. He was received by Leo X in Castel Sant’Angelo. The procession featured exotic wildlife, as well as many people dressed in Indian style. We are extremely grateful to Enrico Gallingani for allowing me to consult his thorough and excellent study of Peruzzi’s Adoration and its impact on Bolognese art. All the information taken from this study is acknowledged in the footnotes. (Back to text.)
8 Indeed, the organisation of the scene as well as the frieze‐like arrangement of the figures in the foreground has been seen as reminiscent of Francesco di Giorgio Martini (1439–1502). See Frommel 1987, p. 27. (Back to text.)
9 Jones and Penny 1983, p. 179. (Back to text.)
10 Gould (1975, p. 117) suggests that this figure looks ‘like a self‐portrait, whether of Peruzzi or Girolamo da Treviso’. (Back to text.)
11 Delahante sale, Phillips, 20 May 1826, lot 131, and 9 July 1828, lot 112. (Back to text.)
12 Private treaty sale held at ‘Le Petit Louvre’, 209 Regent Street, no. 20. Getty Provenance Index, Br.–3424. (Back to text.)
13 Waagen (1854, I, p. 326): ‘in the numerous figures and whole style of conception I quite believe that the influence of that drawing may be traced which Raphael executed, probably in 1519, for the tapestry of the Adoration of the Kings, now in the Vatican’. See also Crowe and Cavalcaselle 1914, VI, pp. 25–6. (Back to text.)
14 For the motifs derived from Raphael and the Vatican stanze see Antal 1948, p. 85, note 23. (Back to text.)
15 See ‘Provenance’. (Back to text.)
16 Waagen 1854, I, p. 326. (Back to text.)
17 Crowe and Cavalcaselle 1914, VI, p. 25, note 3. (Back to text.)
18 Berenson 1936, p. 223 (as Girolamo di Tommaso da Treviso). (Back to text.)
19 Gould 1975, p. 116. (Back to text.)
20 Speziali in Fortunati Pietrantonio 1986, I, p. 148; Mazza 1991, p. 54, Ervas 2014, pp. 85–6. (Back to text.)
21 Sassu 2000, pp. 74, 76. (Back to text.)
22 On Girolamo’s authorship of these reliefs see ibid. , p. 77. (Back to text.)
23 Agostino, however, added figures of his own in the clouds, top left and right. (Back to text.)
24 This inventory was discovered by Enrico Gallingani. ‘f. 3v. Nella sala grande che riceve il lume dalla facciata del Palazzo corami pelle n.o 560 rosse e oro … quadri di pitture quattro entrovi le quattro stagioni dell’anno L. 320 – un Christo di legno antico in un’ancona l. 5 – un quadro di pittura in legno, entrovi il Presepio di N. S. di valore di L. 10.000 – un quadro di pittura grande entrovi un mercato / 4r. l. 240’, ASBo , Archivio Notarile, Vincenzo Sabattini 1653–7 filza 4a, no. 106, Inventario dell’eredità del conte Costanzo Bentivoglio, 17 June 1656, unnumbered folios. (Back to text.)
25 ‘Che i sopraddetti duoi quadri di pittura antichi della casa dei suddetti Signori dividenti, uno di mano di Baldassarre da Siena, e l’altro di Raffaelle d’Urbino debbano restare rispetto al primo presso il detto Signor Conte Lodovico, quale è stato ed è dalle parti concordemente, precedendo ancora il consiglio dei periti, valutato lire 8000 e rispetto all’altro presso il detto Signor Marchese Filippo Maria quale è stato valutato lire seimilla a benefizio dei chiamati del fideicommisso al quale sono soggetti detti quadri, e che perciò debbono l’uno e l’altro restar communi et indivisi tra esse parti … e andando detti quadri di pittura o alcuno di essi a male per mala cura, colpa o negligenza delle dette parti, o di alcune di esse, siano tenuti … pagare il prezzo, e valore di quelle nella somma, e somme per le quali sono state valutate come sopra.’ ASBo , Archivio Notarile, Scipione Uccelli, luglio–dicembre 1696 filza 41, 20 July 1696, divisione tra D. Marchione Filippo Maria Bentivoglio e Ludovico Bentivoglio, fol. 26r, partially published by Morselli 1997, p. 145. (Back to text.)
26 BCABo , Oretti MS B. 105, p. 89. Although Oretti refers to the picture with the Presepio as by Peruzzi (‘il quadro col Preseppio di Baldassarre Peruzzi da Siena’), it is most likely that he was referring to the painted version by Girolamo that he records in the following year. The drawing had already been sold by this date. (Back to text.)
27 BCABo , Oretti MS B. 104, I, p. 94. Francesco Bentovoglio was a member of the Florentine branch of the family, by that time already returned to Bologna (Back to text.)
28 On Alexis Delahante (1767–1837), a miniaturist and copyist who had fled from France in 1795 and established himself in London as a very successful dealer, see Whitley 1928, pp. 131, 198, 213, 215, and Penny 2008, pp. xix and 350. (Back to text.)
29 See note 12 above. The catalogue, known in two copies, is undated, but the introduction is dated 14 Feb. 1830. As reported by Gould (1959, p. 47), an annotation on a copy of the 1851 NG Catalogue (NG Library) states that the painting had belonged to Buchanan. The annotation reads ‘was Mr Buchanan’s’. (Back to text.)
30 Artaria 1841, pp. 220–4. (Back to text.)
31 ‘E qui appresso è la casa, che era della buona memoria del Conte Andalò Bentivoglio, ove è un quadro grande, in cui sono dipinti li tre Magi di figure piccole per mano di Girolamo da Treviso, e la invenzione fu di Baldassarre da Siena calcata da un disegno di chiaro scuro di mano propria di Baldassarre, nel quale v’è una gran quantità di figure, ed è opera bellissima.’ Lamo 1996, p. 96. (Back to text.)
32 The effect was deplored as monotonous by Robert Benson, the collector and trustee in the Note on Frames that he supplied for the Curzon report in 1913 (p. 49). (Back to text.)
33 Enrico Gallingani (1999) and Giovanni Sassu (in Pigozzi 1999, pp. 99–100) were the first to point out Vasari’s misleading account of Bentivoglio’s name. Battista is commonly an abbreviation of Giovambattista and it must have been unusual to have siblings with both names. On Andalò’s children see Gallingani 1999, p. 8, note 43. (Back to text.)
34 ‘In casa del conte Giovambatista Bentivogli, fece per la detta fabrica più disegni, che furono tanto belli, che non si possono abastanza lodare le belle investigazioni da quest’uomo trovate per non rovinare il vecchio che era murato, e con bella proporzione congiugnerlo col nuovo.’ (‘In the house of Count Giovambattista Bentivogli, in the same city, he made several drawings for the aforesaid structure, which were so beautiful, that it is not possible to praise enough the wonderful expedients sought out by this man in order not to destroy the old masonry, but to join it in beautiful proportion with the new.’) Vasari 1966–87 edn, IV, p. 321. (Back to text.)
35 ‘avvenne che il conte Giovan Battista Bentivogli, passando da Imola, gli persuase che volesse andare a stare a Bologna per il che in quella condotto, contrafeceli un quadro di Raffaello da Urbino, già fatto al signor Lionello da Carpi’ (‘it happened that Count Giovan Battista Bentivoglio, passing through Imola, persuaded him to go to Bologna after which he had him copy a picture by Raphael of Urbino that had been made for Lionello lord of Carpi’), Vasari 1966–87 edn, IV, pp. 501–2. The copy by Innocenzo da Imola has never been identified; see Leoni 2009, p. 31. (Back to text.)
36 ‘disotto nel mezzo un San Michele, e da una banda S. Benedetto, e dall’altra S. Pietro, secondo il disegno che è appresso il Conte Battista Bentivoglio … ed il Padre Priore è obbligato a dargli per prezzo di detta opera ducati ottanta d’oro, ed essendo l’opera bella, e laudabile, sia in arbitrio del Padre priore, e del Conte Battista Bentivoglio a dargli altri ducati venti, che sono cento in tutto.… Ed il Conte Battista promette per il detto Maestro Innocenzo in ogni cosa che il detto mancasse’, first published by Gualandi 1840, I, p. 60. (Back to text.)
37 The contract was published by Supino 1927, p. 14. (Back to text.)
38 Lamo 1996, p. 96. Gallingani (1999, p. 19) rightly points out that, although Lamo mentions Peruzzi’s drawing, it is not clear whether it was in the house of the late Count [page 311]Andalò. In 1603 Francesco Cavazzoni saw it in the house of Count Battista, son of Costanzo Bentivoglio. It is likely that both the drawing by Peruzzi and the painting by Girolamo da Treviso had passed on to Andalò’s cousin, Costanzo (1520–1582). In 1530 Marcantonio Michiel described two drawings by Raphael in the collection of Gabriele Vendramin as ‘due carte … de chiaro e scuro de inchiostro’. Shearman 2003, I, p. 851. (Back to text.)
39 Frommel 1968, cat. 76, p. 112. For Peruzzi’s Adoration see the entry by Turner 1999, I, no. 359, p. 227. (Back to text.)
40 De Grazia Bohlin 1979, pp. 88–90. (Back to text.)
41 The payments for this commission date from July 1522 to April 1523. See Tuttle 1994. (Back to text.)
42 This building, begun in 1551 to the designs of the architects Antonio and Giovanni Morandi, was one of the first Bolognese palaces to be built in Roman style. Construction lasted for a few decades and other architects were involved, such as Domenico Tibaldi (1541–1583), who designed the courtyard. In 1582 the palace was divided between Count Ercole Bentivoglio and Count Alessandro Bentivoglio, from the ramo senatorio, and Count Costanzo, son of Andrea. At that time the building had still not been completed. See Gallingani 1999, pp. 115–16. (Back to text.)
43 Baldinucci 1846, II, pp. 144–5. Prospero Bentivoglio (1583–1650) was Costanzo’s cousin. He lived in the family palace (in the 1656 inventory a ‘sala del già Conte Prospero’ is mentioned), although after marrying Luisa di Agostino Nero he moved to Florence. If the information provided by Baldinucci is correct, it is possible that the drawing was kept in Florence until it was sold. Indeed, Richard Dalton was in Florence when he wrote to Lord Bute on 17 Nov. 1758, informing him that the Bentivoglio family were selling the Peruzzi drawing described by Vasari. See Gould 1975, p. 197, and Gallingani 1999, p. 24. (Back to text.)
44 Richard Dalton was librarian to George III. Gualandi 1853, p. 3, quoting the incorrect information given by Carlo Bianconi to the abbot Zani that the drawing had been lost in a shipwreck. This false account probably derives from Oretti’s manuscript notes. (Back to text.)
45 On the fortuna of Peruzzi’s Adoration in Bologna see Gallingani 1999, pp. 82–106, and Fortunati in Faietti 2002, pp. 18–23, with further literature. (Back to text.)
46 Reproduced by Fioravanti Baraldi in Fortunati Pietrantonio 1986, I, p. 195. Different elaborations of this theme by Pupini, also including elements inspired by Peruzzi’s Adoration, can be seen in two drawings at Chatsworth (invs 138 and 44). See Jaffé 1994, nos 613 and 614, pp. 186–7. (Back to text.)
47 For this picture see the detailed entry by Mazza 1991, pp. 50–6. The drawing by Peruzzi also inspired the Adoration of the Kings by an anonymous artist (perhaps Ferrarese) that featured in the sale at Christie’s, London, on 28 Oct. 1966 (lot 35, as Niccolò dell’Abate). (Back to text.)
48 Reproduced in Alce 2002, pp. 159, 181. (Back to text.)
49 Agosti 2001, p. 368. It may be that Serlio, being a pupil of Peruzzi, had connections with Battista Bentivoglio and introduced him to his Romagnole friend Girolamo. See Fortunati in Faietti 2002, pp. 20–1 for the relationship between Girolamo Marchesi and Serlio. (Back to text.)
50 Antal 1948, p. 85, note 26, and Acidini Luchinat 1987, pp. 95–6. (Back to text.)
51 On Alfonso Lombardi’s intervention in the Ghisilardi chapel see ibid. , pp. 90–8 and Bettini 2003. (Back to text.)
52 The reliefs are covered by a heavy nineteenth‐century polychromy. This work is catalogued by Gallingani 1999, pp. 103–6. The Adoration of the Kings in S. Procolo was given to Bartolomeo Cesi by Bartolomeo Grassini in 1583. The painter built the tomb there for himself and his family and adorned the altar with this hybrid work of art. See Degli Esposti 1983, pp. 40–2. (Back to text.)
53 Sassu 2016, pp. 283–4. (Back to text.)
54 ‘così spiritosa, che da altri fu detta e tenuta di Alfonso da Ferrara, ornandola di nobil base, ma di debole allor pittura, tolt’anche dal Presepe di Baldassarre da Siena.’ Malvasia 1678 (1841 edn), I, p. 247. (Back to text.)
55 As noted by Giovanni Sassu (2016, pp. 283–4), this work echoes examples of Bolognese painting and sculpture of the mid‐1520s. For instance, the face of the young boy emerging from the background on the right recalls those of the children clinging to the column in the Presentation in the Temple in S. Salvatore, one of Girolamo’s last Bolognese works, possibly left unfinished. (Back to text.)
56 De Grazia Bohlin 1979, pp. 88–90. (Back to text.)
57 Malvasia (1678, I, p. 267) praised Agostino for having surpassed many engravers of his time, and also of the previous generation, especially with the engraving of Peruzzi’s Presepe, which was considered equal to Marcantonio Raimondi’s Massacre of the Innocents and the ‘Stregozzo’ (‘Agostino andavasi così avanzando nel atglio, che pubblicamente dicevasi aver passato ogn’altro, non solo del suo tempo, ma eziandio uguagliarsi a que’ dell’andato secolo, massime nella gran carta del famoso Presepe di Baldassarre da Siena da lui intrapresa all’età di ventun’anni, che correa voce, dover stare al pari delle più insigni, anche degl’Innocenti, anche dello stesso Stregozzo di Marcantonio’). (Back to text.)
58 ‘In casa del conte Battista Bentivoglio … vi è un disegno grande tre piedi per quatro con la invenzione di tre Maggi, opera fatta da Baldisera da Siena, cosa molto studiata e lodata da tutti gli valenti artefici’. Cavazzoni (1603) 1999, p. 57. On the influence of Peruzzi’s Adoration on Vasari (Supper of Saint Gregory the Great [Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna]) and on Bolognese artists active in the second half of the sixteenth century see Gallingani 1999, pp. 96–102. (Back to text.)
59 For the engraving see note 56 above. (Back to text.)
60 Gualandi 1853. In 1773 this picture was seen by Marcello Oretti in Palazzo Rizzardi: ‘Un quadro grande che rappresenta la Visita dei Maggi ricavata da quella che dipinse Girolamo da Treviso al signor conte Giovambattista Bentivoglio sul disegno di Baldassarre Peruzzi Sanese … è opera scielta dipinta da Bartolomeo Cesi, con sua cornice dorata – lire 4000’ ( BCABo , Oretti MS B 113, fol. 21v). It appears in an inventory of the Marescalchi paintings compiled in 1817, with an attribution to Prospero Fontana. See Gualandi 1853, p. 3. (Back to text.)
61 ‘Havevano questi cavaglieri un maraviglioso dissegno che poi venderono a soggetto riguardevole Inglese, ma la mala sorte volle che la Nave che lo portava abbruciò con le Persone, e merci, e quel disegno di mano del famoso Agostino Carracci, il quale lo intagliò poi in una grandissima forma di più rami, e questo rappresentava la Visita de’ Maggi, copia del seguente originale cioè Baldassarre perucci senese…’, BCABo , Oretti MS B 104, II, p. 173. (Back to text.)
62 ‘havevano il disegno altro fatto dal detto Carracci quale vendevano ad un Signore oltramontano’, ibid. , I, p. 94. ‘[By the parish church of S. Maria della Mascarella] il famoso disegno del Preseppio di Baldassare da Siena fatto da Agostino Carracci’, property of the Bentivoglio, BCABo , Oretti MS B 105, p. 12. This drawing by Agostino may be the ‘pricked cartoon drawing with pen’ with the Adoration of the Kings listed under no. 738 as by Peruzzi in the 1877–8 catalogue of the Grosvenor Gallery, London (p. 89). (Back to text.)
63 It is described as an Adoration of the Kings with ‘a rocky landscape, in the foreground of which the Virgin is seated, with the Infant Jesus and Joseph, receiving the offerings of the Kings, who are surrounded by numerous attendants’ by Baldassarre Peruzzi, Northwick sale catalogue, Phillips, London, 26 July 1859, lot 141. (Back to text.)
64 Crowe and Cavalcaselle 1864–6, III, p. 398, note 3; Waagen 1854, II, p. 236. The painting was sold at the Dudley sale, 25 June 1892 (no. 74). While in Rome in the 1840s the Earl of Dudley (when he was still Lord Ward) made many acquisitions from the heirs of Cardinal Fesch. (Back to text.)
65 Crowe and Cavalcaselle 1903–14, V, p. 25. (Back to text.)
66 Boschloo and van der Sman 1993, pp. 70–1, no. 59; Wright (1980, p. 361) dates the picture to about 1560. Enrico Gallingani (1999, p. 80) suggests the name of Jan Cornelisz Vermeyen. The two angels holding the instruments of the Passion in the Trinity attributed to Cornelisz Vermeyen in the Prado have been considered in relation to the Bentivoglio drawing. See Dacos 2004, p. 136. (Back to text.)
67 Photographs in the Fototeca Zeri, Bologna, document the existence of at least three other versions of Peruzzi’s Adoration. That on the Rome art market before 1995 follows closely the drawing for the position of the God the Father’s group but includes a large Gloria all around. Also interesting is the tondo on copper (53 cm in diameter) that was in a private collection in Verona in 1986. Here Peruzzi’s composition is expanded horizontally and a large Gloria occupies the sky. (Back to text.)
- ASBo
- Archivio di Stato, Bologna
- Biblioteca Comunale dell’Archiginnasio, Bologna
Technical abbreviations
- Energy dispersive X‐ray microanalysis
- Scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive X‐ray
List of archive references cited
- Bologna, Biblioteca Comunale dell’Archiginnasio, MS B.104: Marcello Oretti, Le Pitture che si ammirano nelli Palaggi, e case de’ Nobili della città di Bologna …
- Bologna, Biblioteca Comunale dell’Archiginnasio, MS B.105: Marcello Oretti, pitture esposte negli apparati per le processioni
List of references cited
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- Acidini Luchinat, Cristina, ‘Nota preliminare al restauro della Cappella Ghisilardi a Bologna’, in Baldassarre Peruzzi: pittura, scena e architettura nel Cinquecento, eds Marcello Fagiolo and Maria Luisa Madonna, Rome 1987, 79–102
- Agosti 2001
- Agosti, Giovanni, ed., Disegni del Rinascimento in Valpadana (exh. cat. Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi, Florence), Florence 2001
- Alce 2002
- Alce, Venturino, Il coro intarsiato di San Domenico in Bologna, Bologna 2002
- Antal 1948
- Antal, Frederick, ‘Observations on Girolamo da Carpi’, The Art Bulletin, 1948, XXX, 2, 81–103
- Artaria 1841
- Artaria, Henry, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Gallery of Edmund Higginson Esq. of Saltmarsh Castle, London 1841
- Baldinucci 1846
- Baldinucci, Filippo, Notizie dei professori di disegno da Cimabue in qua, ed. Ferdinando Ranalli, 5 vols, Florence 1846
- Berenson 1936
- Berenson, Bernard, Pitture italiane del Rinascimento, Milan 1936
- Bettini 2003
- Bettini, Sergio, Baldassarre Peruzzi e la cappella Ghisilardi: origine, occultamento e recupero di un’opera nella Basilica di San Domenico a Bologna, Reggio Emilia 2003
- Boschloo and van der Sman 1993
- Boschloo, Anton W.A. and Gert Jan J. van der Sman, eds, Italian Paintings from the Sixteenth Century in Dutch Public Collections, Florence 1993
- Cavazzoni 1999
- Cavazzoni, Francesco, Scritti d’arte, 1603 (Pigozzi, Marinella, ed., Bologna 1999)
- Crowe and Cavalcaselle 1864–6
- Crowe, Joseph A. and Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle, A History of Painting in Italy from the Second to the Fourteenth Century, 3 vols, London 1864–6
- Crowe and Cavalcaselle 1903–14
- Crowe, Joseph A. and Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle, A History of Painting in North Italy: Venice, Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Ferrara, Milan, Friuli, Brescia; from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth century, 2 vols, London 1871 (2nd edn, Borenius, Tancred, ed., 6 vols, London 1903–14)
- Curzon report
- Committee of Trustees of the National Gallery, Report of the Committee of Trustees of the National Gallery, Appointed by the Trustees to Enquire into the Retention of Important Pictures in this Country, and Other Matters Connected with the National Art Collections, London 1915
- Dacos 2004
- Dacos, Nicole, Roma quanta fuit ou l’invention du paysage de ruines, Paris and Brussels 2004
- De Grazia Bohlin 1979
- De Grazia Bohlin, Diane, Prints and Related Drawings by the Carracci Family, Washington, National Gallery of Art, 1979
- Degli Esposti 1983
- Degli Esposti, Carlo, San Procolo: Il santo. La chiesa. La parrocchia, Bologna 1983
- Dunkerton and Spring 1998
- Dunkerton, Jill and Marika Spring, ‘The development of painting on coloured surfaces in sixteenth‐century Italy’, in Painting Techniques: History, Materials and Studio Practice, Contributions to the IIC Dublin Congress, eds A. Roy and P. Smith, London 1998, 120–30
- Ervas 2014
- Ervas, Paolo, Girolamo da Treviso, Saonara, Padua 2014
- Faietti 2002
- Faietti, Marzia, ed., Il Cinquecento a Bologna: disegni dal Louvre e dipinti a confronto (exh. cat. Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna), Milan 2002
- Fortunati Pietrantonio 1986
- Fortunati Pietrantonio, Vera, ed., Pittura bolognese del ’500, 2 vols, Bologna 1986
- Frommel 1968
- Frommel, Christoph Luitpold, Baldassarre Peruzzi als Maler und Zeichner, Vienna 1968
- Frommel 1987
- Frommel, Christoph Luitpold, ‘Nota preliminare al restauro della Cappella Ghisilardi a Bologna’, in Baldassarre Peruzzi pittore e architetto, eds Marcello Fagiolo and Maria Luisa Madonna, Rome 1987, 21–46
- Gallingani 1999
- Gallingani, Enrico, ‘La fortuna del cartone di Baldassarre Peruzzi nella vicenda artistica bolognese tra Cinquecento e Seicento’ (BA thesis), Bologna, University of Bologna, 1999
- Getty Research Institute n.d.
- Getty Research Institute, Getty Provenance Index®,, accessed 25 October 2021, Los Angeles n.d.
- Gould 1959
- Gould, Cecil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth‐Century Venetian School, London 1959
- Gould 1975
- Gould, Cecil, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth‐Century Italian Schools, London 1975 (repr., 1987)
- Gualandi 1840–5
- Gualandi, Michelangelo, Memorie originali italiane risguardanti le belle arti, 3 vols, Bologna 1840–5
- Gualandi 1853
- Gualandi, Michelangelo, L’adorazione dei magi, pittura del XVI secolo / L’adoration des mages, peinture du XVIème siècle, Bologna 1853
- Jaffé 1994
- Jaffé, Michael, The Devonshire Collection of Italian Drawings: Roman and Neapolitan Schools, London 1994
- Jones and Penny 1983
- Jones, Roger and Nicholas Penny, Raphael, New Haven and London 1983
- Lamo 1996
- Lamo, Pietro, Graticola di Bologna, Bologna 1844 (Pigozzi, Marinella, ed., Bologna 1996)
- Leoni 2009
- Leoni, Daniele, Raffaello e la Madonna del Divino Amore: la nobile origine e l’evoluzione di un’immagine sacra in Emilia Romagna nel Cinquecento, Cesena 2009
- Malvasia 1678
- Malvasia, Carlo Cesare, Felsina pittrice: vite de’ pittori bolognesi del conte Carlo Cesare Malvasia. Con aggiunte, correzioni e note inedite del medesimo autore, di Giampietro Zanotti, e di altri scrittori viventi, ed. G. Zanotti, 1678 (Bologna 1841, vol. 1)
- Mazza 1991
- Mazza, Angelo, La collezione dei dipinti antichi della Cassa di Risparmio di Cesena, Bologna 1991
- Morselli 1997
- Morselli, Raffaella, Repertorio per lo studio del collezionismo bolognese del Seicento, Bologna 1997
- Penny 2008
- Penny, Nicholas, National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings, Volume II, Venice 1540–1600, London 2008
- Sassu 2000
- Sassu, Giovanni, ‘Qualche nota su Girolamo da Treviso il giovane’, in Annuario della Scuola di Specializzazione in Storia dell’Arte dell’Università di Bologna, 2000, I, 50–79
- Sassu 2016
- Sassu, Giovanni, ‘Bologna 1525: qualche riflessione su Alfonso Lombardi e sul raffaellismo emiliano’, in Architetture e manufatti del cotto. Approfondimenti di storia e cultura materiale (Atti del Convegno, Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara, 14–15 Nov. 2005), Milan 2016, 277–90
- Shearman 2003
- Shearman, John, Raphael in Early Modern Sources, 1483–1602, 2 vols, New Haven and London 2003
- Supino 1927
- Supino, Igino Benvenuto, Per un quadro bolognese nella Galleria di Dresda, Bologna 1927
- Tessari 1995
- Tessari, Cristiano, Baldassarre Peruzzi: il progetto dell’antico, Milan 1995
- Turner 1999
- Turner, Nicholas, with Rhoda Eitel‐Porter, Italian Drawings in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum: Roman Baroque Drawings, c.1620 to c.1700, 2 vols, London 1999
- Tuttle 1994
- Tuttle, Richard J., ‘Baldassarre Peruzzi e il suo progetto di completamento della basilica petroniana’, in Una basilica per una città: sei secoli in San Petronio, eds Mario Fanti and Deanna Lenzi, Bologna 1994, 243–50
- Vasari 1966–87
- Vasari, Giorgio, Le vite de’ più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architettori nelle redazioni del 1550 e 1568, eds Rosanna Bettarini and Paola Barocchi, 6 vols in 9, Florence 1966–87
- Waagen 1854–7
- Waagen, Gustav Friedrich, Treasures of Art in Great Britain: Being an Account of the Chief Collections of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Illuminated Mss., &c. &c., ed. and trans. Lady E. Eastlake, 3 vols, London 1854 (Galleries and Cabinets of Art in Great Britain, London 1857, supplement (vol. 4))
- Whitley 1928
- Whitley, William T., Artists and their Friends in England, 1700–1799, 2 vols, London and Boston 1928
- Wright 1980
- Wright, Christopher, Paintings in Dutch Museums: An Index of Oil Paintings in Public Collections in the Netherlands by Artists born before 1870, Amsterdam 1980
List of exhibitions cited
- Barnsley 1958
- Barnsley, Cannon Hall Museum, 27 May–4 November 1958
- Manchester 1970–75
- Manchester, Manchester Art Gallery, long‐term loan, 13 April 1970–29 May 1975
A note on authorship
I first began to draft entries on the Ferrarese paintings catalogued here in about 1995. Shortly thereafter Carol Plazzotta, then a new recruit to the curatorial department who was working under my guidance, carried out some research in Italy. By the turn of the century I had decided to concentrate on other areas – Bergamo, Brescia and Cremona and, later, Venice – in the first two National Gallery catalogues of the sixteenth‐century Italian paintings, which were published in 2004 and 2008. I returned to the artists of Ferrara, with the resolution of including Bologna in the same volume, not long before I was appointed Director of the National Gallery in 2008. But as Director I hardly ever found more than an hour on any weekday for pursuing work on the catalogue and, although I found that it was possible to achieve a surprising amount in the evenings and at weekends, I soon realised that I would need a collaborator who would be qualified to work in Italian archives, and to review recent publications – someone also with a keen eye, a lively curiosity – and the ability to read my handwritten notes. Giorgia Mancini was chosen for this task, and her contribution has been substantial, especially, but by no means only, on account of the archival discoveries she made which have transformed our understanding of several of the major paintings catalogued here.
In the majority of cases Giorgia was responsible for the preliminary draft of a catalogue entry, artist’s biography or appendix on a collector, and my contribution has consisted in revising and sometimes reordering her work, sometimes contracting and at other times extending the information, interpretations and arguments she advanced. Those sections written by me both before and after her involvement have all benefited from her critical attention. She alone is responsible for those appendices in the catalogue entries which provide transcriptions of Italian or Latin texts. The only parts of the catalogue of which I am the sole author are the Introduction, most of the entries for Garofalo and the Appendices devoted to the Buonvisi, Lucca and Midleton collections.
As Gabriele Finaldi has emphasised in his Foreword, a work of this kind is collaborative in a broader sense, and very large contributions have been made by Marika Spring, head of the Scientific Department, and Rachel Billinge in the Conservation Department. They undertook the examinations and supplied the text for the technical preliminaries of each entry, and patiently and meticulously reviewed and improved the revisions we sometimes made.
Nicholas Penny
[page 10]
Garofalo, The Holy Family with Saints Elizabeth, Zacharias, John the Baptist (and Francis?) (NG 170), detail (© The National Gallery, London)

Map of North Italy showing places mentioned in the text. Artwork: Martin Lubokowski at ML Designs

Artwork: Martin Lubokowski at ML Designs

Artwork: Martin Lubokowski at ML Designs
The Scope and Presentation of the Catalogue
The majority of the National Gallery’s collection catalogues are devoted to the art of one century and one region. Several artists who were active in the fifteenth century as well as in the sixteenth – notably Costa and Francia – are nevertheless included here. It was tempting to make an exception and to catalogue all the Ferrarese painters of both centuries together, thus including Tura and Cossa, whose work did indeed influence the early paintings of Costa and Francia. However, it would be misleading to break the pattern established for the other catalogues of the collection. Moreover, it was essential to combine entries for artists active in Ferrara with entries for those active in Bologna, given the way that artists moved between these cities. We have added entries on artists working in the Romagna and this makes a book of convenient size. Any future catalogue of the works by Raphael and his followers in the National Gallery will form an instructive parallel to this one.
We could, of course, have legitimately included Correggio and Parmigianino – artists who are extremely well represented in the National Gallery – but their paintings would, together with that by Nicolo dell’Abate, make another, somewhat smaller, volume. No division will ever be perfect and a case could be made for including Boccaccino here – but an even stronger case was made for including him in the catalogue of paintings from Bergamo, Brescia and Cremona (published in 2004).
As with the earlier two volumes of sixteenth‐century Italian paintings, the entries are divided into more sections than has previously been the case in the National Gallery’s catalogues. This acknowledges the fact that catalogues are more often consulted than read – and often only consulted for a single, relatively narrow, purpose. It also has the advantage of preparing the text for future incorporation, in one form or another, in the Gallery’s website. A measure of repetition is an unavoidable consequence of this policy, especially in the way that information in the discursive account of previous owners is often reiterated in the succinctly tabulated section on provenance.
Each entry includes some account of the painting’s current frame and, when possible, previous frames are recorded, although fewer have been illustrated than was the case in the previous two catalogues. Priority has been given here to illustrating frames chosen or designed for the paintings by collectors, or by the Gallery itself, in the nineteenth century. Such frames are still neglected, even by experts in this field. We make no apology for attempting to satisfy the curiosity of relatively few scholars – it is indeed our hope that we are of assistance to many minorities in the scholarly world.
It seemed more valuable to collect the exhibition history of these paintings together (p. 517) rather than to list it separately in each entry. The first of two lists records loans made by the Gallery to regional or other national museums either as long‐term loans or as touring exhibitions (both of which were organised after the First World War by the Arts Council). It may be of interest to record the opportunity to see Mazzolino in Bradford in the 1930s but the more obvious value of this list is as a register of those works that were regarded as of secondary significance. (It has always been obvious that both Garofalo and Mazzolino are more than adequately represented in Trafalgar Square.) The second list is of loans made internationally. In these cases catalogues of the exhibitions have contributed to the literature on the paintings and as such are usually acknowledged in the catalogue entries.
A list of changed attributions is also provided (p. 516). It reveals, as usual, that doubt has sometimes been removed and sometimes added, but several changes are we believe decisive – we assign NG 3102 to the young Garofalo; NG 73 to Panizzati; NG 3103 and 3104 to Pisano. And perhaps most importantly, after years of hesitation, we have dismissed the idea that Maineri may have been partly responsible for the Strozzi Altarpiece (NG 1119), as was proposed by one of the greatest connoisseurs this country has ever known.
The techniques of analysis abbreviated by our colleagues in the Scientific and Conservation departments are listed on p. 489 near the abbreviations we have employed for archives. Many references are made to the National Gallery’s own archives which may be consulted in the Gallery’s Research Centre where the dossiers on the paintings are also kept. Conservation dossiers are, however, housed in the Conservation Department.
About this version
Version 2, generated from files GM_NP_2016__16.xml dated 02/03/2025 and database__16.xml dated 02/03/2025 using stylesheet 16_teiToHtml_externalDb.xsl dated 03/01/2025. Structural mark-up applied to skeleton document in full; document updated to use external database of archival and bibliographic references; entries for NG81, NG82, NG179-NG180, NG218, NG669, NG1234, NG1362, NG2083, NG2486, NG3892 and NG4032 prepared for publication, proofread and corrected.
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- Mancini, Giorgia and Nicholas Penny. “NG 218, Adoration of the Kings”. 2016, online version 2, March 2, 2025.
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- Mancini, Giorgia and Penny, Nicholas (2016) NG 218, Adoration of the Kings. Online version 2, London: National Gallery, 2025. Available at: (Accessed: 31 March 2025).
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- Mancini, Giorgia and Nicholas Penny, NG 218, Adoration of the Kings (National Gallery, 2016; online version 2, 2025) <> [accessed: 31 March 2025]