Catalogue entry
Jean‐Baptiste Perronneau 1715/16–1783
NG 6435
Jacques Cazotte
,Extracted from:
Humphrey Wine, The Eighteenth Century French Paintings (London: National Gallery Company and Yale University Press, 2018).
Humphrey Wine and Virginia Napoleone, Former Owners of the Eighteenth‐Century French Paintings in the National Gallery:
Appendix to ‘The National Gallery Catalogues: The Eighteenth‐Century French Paintings’ (London: National Gallery Company, 2018).

© The National Gallery, London
Oil on canvas, 91.6 × 72.9 cm
Signed top right: Perronneau
Probably inherited by the sitter’s son, Jacques‐Scévole Cazotte; possibly among the four family portraits noted at 44 rue du Cherche‐Midi, Paris, in the posthumous inventory of Ursule‐Thérèse Amiel, wife of Jacques‐Scévole Cazotte, dated 14 May 1847;1 by descent probably to Jacques‐Charles‐Alexandre de Cazotte of the French Diplomatic Service and first Director of the International Office of Public Hygiene, Paris;2 said to have been acquired in Paris before 1918 by Meyer Elias Sassoon3 but more probably bought in June 1927 (as a ‘Portrait d’homme en rouge’) by Wildenstein & Cie, Paris, perhaps from Jacques‐Charles‐Alexandre de Cazotte’s sister, Blanche Desportes de la Fosse,4 and sold by that firm in 19285 to Mozelle Sassoon (see the Appendix to the present volume on the NG website), the widow of Meyer Elias Sassoon; by inheritance to her daughter, Mrs Violet Leah Fitzgerald of Davis Street, London W1;6 her posthumous sale, Christie’s, London, 2 July 1976, lot 46 where bought by the National Gallery for £88,000, including premium.7
London 1932 (207; Commemorative Catalogue 1933, no. 223); Manchester 1932 (99);8 6 Hamilton Place, London, 12–14 March 1935 (short‐term loan in aid of the Royal Northern Hospital; no catalogue) ;9 Paris 1937 (204);10 London 1954–5 (2); Edinburgh 1963 (62); London 1968 (553).
Related Works11
- (2) An anonymous copy of the Châlons painting is in Château de la Marquetterie, Pierry 13
- (3) An oval variant version of NG 6435, probably not by Perronneau, in which the sitter wears a blue jacket embellished with gold braid, is in the collection of a descendant of the sitter in Paris. It is neither signed nor dated.14
- (4) A copy of NG 6435 is in the collection of another descendant of the sitter in Paris.
- (5) An anonymous engraving in reverse after NG 6435, or [page 371][page 372] the Châlons painting, but in an oval, is in BN , Estampes.15
- (6) The frontispiece of Contes de J. Cazotte published by Quantin, Paris 1880, is an engraving in reverse by Adolphe Lalauze based on NG 6435, or on a copy after it.
Technical Notes
Generally in good condition, but there is some wear in the background and in the shadowed area of the neck and cheek; some retouched damage along the edges, especially at the top right corner, where the X‐radiograph shows that a small triangular piece of canvas has been replaced, and through the signature, which has probably been reinforced; very small, scattered losses in the background, in the wig and neck, and to the left of the face; and a diagonal loss some 5 cm long in the proper left sleeve. NG 6435 was cleaned and restored in 1976, soon after its acquisition. Some restorations then made in the background have since blanched, and it is possible that there has also been some blanching of the original paint at the left. The support is a fine, plain‐weave canvas. Its tacking edges have been removed but the canvas is cusped all round, showing that the painted image has not been cut down, although tacking holes along the left and bottom edges suggest that it was once on a smaller stretcher. The lining appears to be early‐ to mid‐nineteenth century, like the stretcher.
The stretcher has numerous labels and marks on the back:
- (1) a small label with a blue printed border and in manuscript thereon: ‘685 d’
- (2) a manuscript label: ‘Jacques Cazotte / littérateur français / 1720 – 1792’
- (3) an oval label on which is printed in red: ‘Chenue Emballeur, 5, rue de la Terrasse, PARIS’ and written in black ink: ‘Wildenstein / J.Chenue’16
- (4) a label probably of the 1950s, in manuscript: ‘Mme. Meyer Sassoon / Perronneau Cazotte’, printed: ‘Chefs d’Oeuvre de l’Art Francais’, and again in manuscript: ‘91’
- (5) a printed and typed label: ‘OHMS…National Gallery of Scotland 1963 / “Allan Ramsay, his Masters and Rivals” Jacques Cazotte by Jean‐Baptiste Perronneau / The Property of Mrs. Meyer Sassoon, / Pope’s Manor / Binfield / Bracknell / Berks / No. 62’
- (6) in chalk: ‘Bracknell’
- (7) in stencil: ‘239 XT’
- (8) a printed label: ‘O.M. DEPT / No.0536 / Date photographed’
- (9) in chalk twice: ‘Lot 46’.
There is a double ground of pale orange‐brown below and slightly greenish brown on top. Examination under a microscope showed that the upper ground layer shines through the roughly similar colour of background, so tending to intensify the colour of the latter. Both the upper ground and the background are similar in constitution, consisting of a varied mixture of lead white, yellow ochre, black pigment and a little green (perhaps green earth). There is a green pigment mixed in with the white in the shadows of the lace cuffs and the neckband. The sitter’s deep pink coat contains mainly vermilion with white, with red lake pigment in the shadows of the folds.17 Pentimenti to the outline of the sitter’s proper right shoulder and to the bow at the back of the neck are visible. Examination by infrared reflectography (fig. 1) shows that the tricorn hat was originally held at a different angle, with the apex pointing towards the sitter’s proper left eye. It also shows evidence of underdrawing in a liquid material around the nostril and to define the lips and the contour of the proper left shoulder; and that the nose was once a little to the left; the head may once have been more in profile, showing less of the sitter’s right eye and cheek; the bow at the back of the neck replaced a standing collar; and, as might be expected, that the lacework was painted over the rest of the sitter’s costume. No evidence that the painting once bore any legible date has emerged. Arnoult has noted that an X‐radiograph of Perronneau’s Portrait of Lambert Sigisbert Adam, called Adam the Elder (Paris, Louvre), which was completed by July 1753, shows a facture close to that of NG 6435.18
Jacques Cazotte is now best known as author of Le Diable amoureux and other fantastical fiction.19 His supposed prophecy of the French Revolution and the course it would take was once given wide currency, but is now regarded as apocryphal.20 He was also a colonial administrator, a maker and supplier of fine wine, an amateur painter, a collector of old master paintings and a dabbler in counter‐revolutionary circles. It was this last activity that led him to the guillotine. There he met his death with great courage, exclaiming to the crowd: ‘Je meurs comme j’ai vécu, fidèle à Dieu et à mon Roi’ (‘I die as I have lived, faithful to God and to my king’).
Jacques Cazotte was born on 7 October 1719 in Dijon. His parents were Bernard‐Denis Cazotte (died 1741), a notary and official of the Burgundian provincial government, and Marie Taupin (died 1745). He had six brothers and seven sisters. Schooled at the Jesuit College in Dijon, Cazotte learned English, Spanish and Italian, with a view to a career in foreign affairs. He then obtained a law degree (1739) and was admitted to the bar the following year. It was in late 1740 or early 1741 that he went to Paris. Cazotte obtained a post at the Ministry of Naval Affairs, then headed by the comte de Maurepas, to whom he was introduced by the good offices of the Bishop of Châlons, Claude‐Antoine de Choiseul‐Beaupré. Thanks to Maurepas, Cazotte was given a grant to pursue his legal studies, and in 1743 he gained his brevet d’écrivain ordinaire de la Marine, in effect the qualification to be an administrator for the Ministry of Naval Affairs. In that role he went to Le Havre; then to Brest, where he managed a shipyard; to Spain and Africa in 1744, on board Le Dauphin, where he maintained the ship’s records; and to Saint Domingue (now Haiti) in 1745, in a similar role on board L’Alcide. From 1747, promoted to Ecrivain Principal, he had the role of supervising the provisioning of French [page 373] colonies from his station at Rochefort. It was there that he contracted the first of the fevers that would subsequently afflict him. Later that year Cazotte was again promoted, this time to Contrôleur de la Marine aux Iles de Vent.21 In July of that year he was posted to Martinique, where from May 1749 he attended most sittings of the Conseil Supérieure de la Martinique.22

Infrared reflectogram of NG 6435. © The National Gallery, London
Maurepas’s dismissal in March 1749 did not stop Cazotte’s career progress. Appreciated by the new minister de Rouillé, he was once again promoted, this time to [page 374]Commissaire Ordinaire de la Marine on 1 April 1750,23 and was ordered to Saint Lucia in the winter of 1750–1 to oversee the destruction of the French fortifications there, following the terms of agreement between England and France. Nevertheless, these were difficult years for Cazotte. His salary was largely unpaid; he was lodged in a miserable furnished room; his relationship with the Governor, the marquis de Bompard, was difficult; and his illness returned. It was only in June 1752 that he took leave, arriving at Brest in July and thence to Paris.24 He appears to have been in Martinique again by April 1753 but was back in France by that November,25 this time only briefly, since he had returned to Martinique by January 1754,26 and soon found himself embroiled again in conflict. This time it concerned the respective powers of the civil and military authorities, with Cazotte wishing to uphold the former, in accordance with regulations. He also began to quarrel with de Rouillé. In response to the British offensive during the Seven Years War (1756–63) Cazotte was charged with preparing a mission to secure Guadeloupe; however, the 22 ships he organised did not arrive until after the island had surrendered on 1 May 1759. He wrote to the duc de Choiseul seeking permission to leave Martinique, citing his poor health and deteriorating eyesight, and by October 1759 had returned to France suffering from scurvy and severe eyesight problems. He wrote to Choiseul about the surrender of Guadeloupe, claiming that, among other things, Bompard was incapable, and that the support given to him (Bompard) at Versailles was one of the reasons why Cazotte had decided to leave Martinique.27 Showing what may well have been an unusual concern for public service at the time, he also made proposals for reform of the colonial administration, some of which were eventually adopted.
Accused on his return to France of selling permits to foreign ships and undertaking private business using state ships, he wrote again to Choiseul to defend himself. To his health problems and career conflicts was now added financial difficulty. On leaving Martinique he had sold his slaves and livestock and transferred his cash, worth 130,000 livres in all, to the local Jesuits, against bills of exchange valid in France. The procedure had worked the previous time he had left Martinique and must have seemed a much safer means of transferring wealth by sea, given the risk posed by the British navy. However, the French Jesuits failed to honour the bills, and although in 1761 Cazotte obtained judgement against them for the full amount, in the end he retrieved only 7,500 livres. The next year the Society of Jesus was suppressed in France, its wealth confiscated and its creditors hung out to dry.
The year 1760 saw a considerable change in Cazotte’s fortunes. He had written the previous November to Choiseul seeking permission to retire. This was granted, as was the pensionable post of Commissaire Générale. As his reasons to Choiseul he had cited both his health, which he described as ruined, and the cost of living in Paris. He wrote that he had decided to spend part of his capital to buy a property some 60 to 80 leagues away, where he could live cheaply and end his days in peace.28 Then on 10 April 1760 his elder brother, Canon Chrétien‐Nicolas (born 1704), archdeacon of the diocese of Châlons, died, leaving his wealth to Jacques. This included vineyards and La Marquetterie, a chateau at Pierry, near Châlons‐sur‐Marne (renamed Châlons‐en‐Champagne in 1998), a distance of some 170 km or 30 leagues from Paris (fig. 2). The inheritance was transformative. It allowed Cazotte to live in ease for the rest of his life. He maintained an establishment in Paris,29 while Pierry was close enough to enable him to attract the capital’s intellectual beau monde – his visitors included mathematician and educationist the marquis de Condorcet and the author of The Barber of Seville and The Marriage of Figaro, Caron de Beaumarchais.30

La Marquetterie, the chateau at Pierry. © Tim Graham / robertharding / REX / Shutterstock
The relative leisure in which Cazotte now lived gave him time to make and market his wines, of which he was a considerable producer.31 He was always interested in his vines and the quality of the wine he produced, and his efforts resulted in a prestigious list of clients. This included the wealthy tax farmer Laurent Grimod de la Reynière, whose gastronomic and literary suppers Cazotte attended;32 the Polignacs, intimates of Marie‐Antoinette; the baron de Besenval;33 the vicomte de Ségur, Besenval’s illegitimate son, and nominal son of Besenval’s best friend, the marquis de Ségur;34 and possibly Mme de Pompadour’s brother, the marquis de Menars (more often known as the marquis de Marigny).35 The other transformative event in Cazotte’s life was his marriage in July 1761 to Elisabeth Roignan (fig. 3), daughter of Simon Roignan, Lieutenant Civil et Criminal du Fort‐de‐France, Martinique, and of Françoise‐Elisabeth Aubin.36 The couple had three children, Jacques‐Scévole, Simon‐Henri and Elisabeth,37 and, to judge from surviving correspondence, the union was happy. In a letter to his ‘chère Zabeth’, undated but said probably to be of about 1777–81, Cazotte wrote to allay her concerns about her fading looks: ‘You fret, my angel, on your beauty fading with time. You believe that our affection will become less. You think that the time that must pass will be filled with nothing but repulsion, oh! My heart, what idea do you have of yourself, of me and of God.’38
With his material and personal life secure, Cazotte was able to pursue one of his other predilections, that for writing.39 His first published work had been La Patte du Chat (1741), a romantic fairy tale of lovers parted by cruel destiny who were [page 375] reunited after various adventures and the intervention of a good fairy. Many elements were derivative of the work of other authors, such as Crébillon, but it was also a light‐hearted parody of the genre of exotic tale. In addition it attacked the esprit philosophique, which Cazotte described as ‘sécheresse et de symétrie’. An anti‐philosophe stance was to be a constant in Cazotte’s writings. The following year saw publication of his Les mille et une fadaises, a title which harked back to Antoine Galland’s Les Mille et Une Nuits. This book, which was a fairy‐tale satire against women, the beaux esprits and the Philosophes, and a satire against what Cazotte saw as the taste of aristocratic women for the fairy‐tale genre itself, enjoyed more success than the scarcely noticed La Patte du Chat.40 He published nothing during his years abroad, but in the period 1752–3, for much of which he was in Paris, he followed the Querelle des Bouffons, a war of pamphlets concerned with the relative merits of French and Italian music. In February 1753 he himself wrote a pamphlet summarising the strengths and weaknesses of both, without taking sides, but later that year penned anonymously Observations sur la lettre de Jean‐Jacques Rousseau sur la musique française, a scathing response to Rousseau’s dismissal of French music.41

Lié‐Louis Perin‐Salbreux, Presumed Portrait of Elisabeth Cazotte, née Roignan, about 1785. Miniature on ivory, 7.1 cm diameter. Paris, Musée du Louvre. PARIS Musée du Louvre © RMN‐Grand Palais (musée du Louvre) / Martine Beck‐Coppola
Cazotte wrote with greater regularity from 1760, when he became settled in France. He wrote a number of fables, four of which were translated into English and published in London over twenty years before their publication in French.42 His epic prose poem Ollivier appeared in 1763. It was an immediate success and was translated into German in 1769. A story set in the period of the Crusades, it tells of the exploits of Ollivier, overcoming a multitude of obstacles for the love of Agnès, with the help of his faithful companion‐in‐arms, Enguerrand. Finally Agnès’s father consents to her marriage to Ollivier and the couple go to live in Palestine, of which Ollivier is the sovereign. As Cazotte acknowledged in the preface, he was especially influenced by Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso, the widely read and diffused sixteenth‐century epic and, since one of his lifelong friends was Jean‐François Rameau, nephew of the composer Jean‐Philippe Rameau, he must have been aware also of the latter’s Les Paladins (1760), a comic opera indirectly based on Ariosto’s work. Ollivier contains a number of passages evoking rustic simplicity as well as expressions of sensibility – his hero frequently sheds tears – but also elements of fantasy and magic. Then followed in 1766 (revised, republished and first performed two years later) a text co‐written with Michel‐Jean Sedaine for the comic opera, Les Sabots by Egidio Romualdo Duni, which inspired François Boucher’s painting of the same name in 1768;43 then, among other works, Le Lord impromptu, nouvelle Romanesque (1767), a supposed translation from English that is critical of English society and manners; and in 1772 the first version of Cazotte’s best‐known work, Le Diable amoureux, nouvelle espagnole, a story about a devil disguised as a beautiful woman trying to take possession of a man, in which is mixed allegory and realism and fantasy.44 This last was translated into German in 1780 and into English in 1793 and again in 1810, and it may have inspired Matthew Gregory Lewis’s Gothic novel The Monk: A Romance (London 1796).45 It has been summarised as being about the struggle between good and evil, an allegorical expression of all temptations and of the risks inherent in human curiosity, in which the temptress is an apologist for science and a spokesperson for the Philosophes.46
For a few years around 1778–81 Cazotte was initiated into Martinism, named after Louis‐Claude de Saint‐Martin, disciple of Martinez de Pasqually, who had founded a Masonic cult, the Ordre des Chevaliers Maçons Elus‐Coëns. The order, whose members were practising Christians, sought for mankind to reintegrate with its original spiritual state through fervent prayer, ritual and invocation, with a view to eliciting signs of the supernatural. The aim was not material but spiritual unity with the divine, and interior regeneration. Saint‐Martin turned away from many of the order’s magical practices, but still emphasised the ecstatic moment.47 Possibly because he had failed to achieve any signs of the supernatural, Cazotte, who was profoundly attached to the dogmas and ceremonies of Catholicism, left the order declaring himself hostile to ‘la détestable jonglerie’. Nevertheless, he retained his interest in a more intimate and restrained form of meditation according to Saint‐Martin’s ideas. Probably both Cazotte’s flirtation with Martinism and his move away from it, or at least from its external practices, owed much to the influence of Félicité‐Geneviève‐Elisabeth de Jarente, marquise de la Croix (born 1720), who had once been Saint‐Martin’s protector (as well as Beaumarchais’s mistress). She preached a dubious form of mysticism, and when in September 1789 she retired to Pierry, it adversely affected the climate of serenity of the place. Henceforth mysticism and politics became as mixed in Cazotte’s life as in his writing, and Good and Evil, so often evoked, found concrete examples for him in the events of the Revolution.
Cazotte was totally hostile to the spirit of enquiry of the Philosophes, about whom he wrote, ‘for all their curiosity, on matters of importance they don’t see the end of their nose’.48 For Cazotte it was the rejection of religion preached by the Philosophes that was the cause of Revolutionary disorder, and Good, represented by Louis XVI, had to be saved from the hands of Evil, represented by the Revolution.49 In a letter of 26 August 1791 to his friend Pouteau, Cazotte claimed that [page 376]the Revolution originated in ‘the plan which M. Satan had conceived against the race of Saint Louis’,50 and during the course of the following year he assimilated Louis XVI with God: ‘Deign to reply to me, God of goodness: I must love my king, because I love you: there can be no separation between venerating him and venerating you’.51 Cazotte’s objection was to the Jacobins and to the other extreme elements of the Revolution, not to the correction of abuses. He wanted the monarchy reinforced and a return to the laws of the past, writing to his wife from Paris on 1 January 1789: ‘The courtiers, masters of the kingdom, share its riches with their concubines, stamp on morals, on diligence, knowledge, integrity, put the king in irons and all good citizens into a state of slavery; they have destroyed all the rules which govern us and murder us with laws promulgated by the Council and outrageous regulations.’52 In the same letter he welcomes the Third Estate becoming ‘an order of respectable citizens’ and states that ‘my children will profit from the consequences of the fortunate changes I predict, France became no longer habitable; there will be a return to the ancient laws’.53 Cazotte’s insistence on respect for the (supposed) ancient laws is consistent with his planned assertion of municipal power in relation to royal authority. On 17 January 1790 he had been elected Pierry’s first mayor. That March he drafted, but apparently never sent, a letter to his cousin in Paris: ‘France, my friend, is no longer military, and if the Baron de Besenval, still the titular commander of Champagne, were to come to Pierry with his army, I, as mayor, would be obliged to make him realise his insignificance in asserting my superior right.’54 Besenval, nominally commander of French forces in Champagne (and elsewhere), was then in prison, but was a customer for Cazotte’s wines. Cazotte’s point was that he would assert the civil power over the military against whomsoever. It was as if he had not forgotten the dispute he had had in Martinique nearly forty years previously.
Cazotte’s distrust of military power faded as the course of the Revolution became more radical. On 24 July 1791 he would write to Pouteau that ‘[the people’s] complaints were in the end just; I want all wrongs to be redressed; I want them to enjoy a liberty that it cannot abuse’ and that he was against the aristocrats and foreign military intervention.55 However, after the acceptance by Louis XVI in September 1791 of the 1791 Constitution, which limited royal power to a suspensive veto, Cazotte contemplated foreign intervention: ‘Unfortunately we’ll not be delivered of this odious vermin [i.e. the Jacobins] save with the smoke of cannon’ (1 October 1791).56 In letters of the following months he expressed concern over the bloodshed that would ensue from foreign intervention and hoped that its threat alone might be enough to bring Paris to heel.57 Mixing politics with mysticism, he remained optimistic, continually predicting the fall of the Jacobins, and that Good in the form of the king would triumph, writing: ‘The heavenly guard which surrounds [persons of royalty] is the same which surrounded the kings of Israel who walked in the way of the Lord.’58 By June 1792, however, perhaps in response to the invasion on 20 June of the Tuileries palace by the Parisian crowd, he had lost patience: ‘Louis XVI must take care against one of his tendencies, namely mercy. The kingdom, defiled by so many crimes, cannot be cleansed except by the blood of criminals.’59
After discovery of his letters to Pouteau, Cazotte was arrested on 18 August 1792 at Pierry on the orders of the Comité de surveillance de l’Assemblée Nationale, accused of fostering counter‐revolution, and imprisoned in Paris. His daughter, Elisabeth, followed him to Paris and was herself interrogated but not prosecuted. She stayed with her father in the prison of La Force, albeit in a separate room, until 2 September.60 Some seven years after the event, she wrote a colourful account of how she procured his release the following day: With much difficulty I got permission to wait for my father in front of the door past which he had to go; I protected him with my body and told them that they would not make an attempt on his life without first piercing my breast; I waited for them, these cannibals. And when they saw the tears I shed, they were reassuring and promised me protection. That lasted more than two hours. I was obliged to drink with them from a glass stained with human blood. They had us appear before their tribunals of blood and there they all embraced me and had us leave in triumph all the way home in a carriage in which we had to stop at every step of the way. Some men from Marseilles who were in the coach, and one of whom I had the advantage of having on my knees, shouted at the top of their voices: ‘Look, look, an old man of ninety with his daughter whom the aristocrats had put in chains.’ And the whole world passing by kissed us as if we were two Eucharist plates. My poor mother, who had got to Paris before us … thought when she saw all these people bringing us back, that it was her last moment. What was her joy once more to see these treasured objects!61 Cazotte’s liberty was short‐lived. He was rearrested on 13 September and tried on the 24th. After admitting that his letters contained plans for counter‐revolution and that he wanted them known by those in a position to profit from them, he was found guilty and sentenced to death. He wrote to his family: ‘My wife, my children, do not cry for me, do not forget me, but remember never to offend God.’62 On 25 September he was taken by cart to the place du Carrousel for execution. He read from the Prophets, and on the scaffold died with courage, shouting to the crowd: ‘I die as I have lived, faithful to God and to my king.’63
Elisabeth’s courageous intervention, which inspired more than one artist,64 had been all the more tragic for being ultimately futile. When the news reached London at the end of September, the painter Danloux recorded these words about Cazotte in his journal: ‘… he died with a courageous sang‐froid which astonished his executioners. They were reduced to saying that he was worthy of dying for a more noble cause!’65
[page 377]Although Elisabeth, who had acted as her father’s secretary, escaped prosecution, neither she nor her family escaped the consequences of the confiscation of all of Cazotte’s property. Her two brothers emigrated, Simon‐Henri in January 1792 and Jacques‐Scévole, who had served as a lieutenant in the Kings’ Constitutional Guard until its abolition in 1792, in January 1793.66 Cazotte’s widow and daughter remained in France but were destitute. In November 1800, eight years after Cazotte’s execution, his widow was writing to the prefect of La Marne that she owed rent both for the apartment she and her daughter occupied and for the one they had left. Then the following February, Elisabeth, who had married her émigré fiancé, François‐Barnabé de Plas the previous year, on his return to France, died in childbirth. Nor did the baby survive.67
Cazotte’s Picture Collection
In an earlier letter to the prefect of La Marne, Cazotte’s widow sought restitution of his library and collection of paintings.68 Cazotte had himself been an amateur painter. When troubled by the possibility that Louis XVI might agree to the 1791 Constitution, he wrote to Pouteau: ‘… I run to my brushes to gain a distraction to give me time to rest my heart and my head.’69 No surviving painting by him has been identified. He was also a collector of paintings, and at Pierry had a cabinet de tableaux facing south onto the garden.70 In a letter to Pouteau he wrote: … I preach woe in a study full of masterpieces of Lesueur, Poussin, Titian, etc. A naturally pretty good painter myself, a collector since childhood, born into a family of collectors, I’ve formed a collection of eighty original paintings of all schools and it’s in the midst of this luxury that I shout famine, without being able to help myself in any way.71 When a local painter, Leblanc, was commissioned to make a list of Cazotte’s paintings in January 1794, he counted 104 paintings and 12 engravings at the house at Pierry (not counting the 12 belonging to the marquise de La Croix).72 These were distributed as follows: in the dining room, 11 engravings and 14 paintings; in the corridor, 2 paintings; in the salon, 18 paintings; in the large antechamber, 21 paintings; in the cabinet de tableaux, 46 paintings, 1 engraving and 3 small pictures. A few days later Leblanc made another list of those pictures that he regarded as ‘tableaux de mérite’. This comprised 2 drawings, 11 engravings and 62 paintings. Although Leblanc noted the (approximate) subjects of the paintings, he did not detail their disposition or their authors, actual or supposed, and, as he had culled his original list, it is not possible to be certain how many of the 46 paintings in the cabinet de tableaux, for example, remained on the second list. However, one may suppose, for example, that, both by virtue of their subject matter and their proximity in the list to the 11 engravings mentioned in the first list as in the dining room, the paintings hanging there included the following (as numbered and transcribed by Beuve): 55. Le Benedicite; 60. Groupe [Grappe] de raisins; 72. Un grand tableau représentant un déjeuner et divers objets; 73. Un dessus de porte représentant un déjeuner. All of the paintings were removed to the Musée départemental, and when that institution closed in 1807 they were split between the town hall of Châlons, its college, and certain churches. This was the situation in 1816, when Jacques‐Scévole listed the pictures the restitution of which he was seeking. Again, however, the list identified the pictures only by subject and not by author.

Antoine Coypel, Jesus served by Angels, about 1690–5. Oil on canvas, 235 × 162 cm. Châlons‐en‐Champagne, Musée municipal. CHALONS‐EN‐CHAMPAGNE Musée municipal © Musée des Beaux‐arts et d’Archéologie, Châlons‐en‐Champagne
It was only in March 1817, after the municipality of Châlons had declined the opportunity to buy the pictures from Jacques‐Scévole, that a list of 61 paintings was made, with their subjects, authors and sizes.73 In January 1818 Jacques‐Scévole acknowledged receipt of the paintings. With the exception of the paintings that remained at Châlons‐en‐Champagne and are now in the Musée municipal, the fate of the Cazotte’s collection at Pierry after its restitution is unknown. Probably it was sold. The paintings now in the Musée municipal are, in addition to the copy of the portrait of Cazotte by Perronneau (see Related Works (1)) and that said to be of his wife (on which see note 36), as follows:74 Although it is likely that some of the attributions in the 1817 list would now be changed, the general shape of Cazotte’s collection, part of which may have been inherited, can be deduced.76 Of the 61 paintings in the 1817 list, three were of Old Testament subjects and 23 were of New Testament or other Christian subjects; there were 12 mythologies, including two bacchanals and one allegory of Wisdom; three paintings of ancient history; nine genre paintings; four landscapes; one architectural scene; and four still lifes. The remainder were insufficiently described to allow for categorisation, and two paintings were of mixed categories, namely ‘Paul Bril, paysage; sujet: Jésus tenté par le diable ermite’, here included among the New Testament subjects, and ‘Un paysage, orné de figures; sujet: Flore et Zéphire’, here included among the mythologies.
- (1) French School, sixteenth century, Saint Jerome in Prayer, oil on panel, 67 × 65 cm, inv.794.1.6;
- (2) Antoine Coypel, Jesus served by Angels (fig. 4);
- (3) French school, eighteenth century, Landscape with a Castle and a Mill, oil on canvas, 32.5 × 40.5 cm, inv. 794.1.8;
- (4) French school, eighteenth century, Classical Landscape, oil on canvas, 31 × 41 cm, inv. 794.1.9;
- (5) Peter van Bredael, A Fair in Italy, oil on canvas, 160 × 240 cm, inv. 794.1 5;
- (6) Joos de Momper, Winter Landscape;
- (7) Italian school, sixteenth century, The Virgin and Christ Child, oil on canvas, 63 × 48 cm, inv. 794.1 7.75
Although it is likely that some of the attributions in the 1817 list would now be changed, the general shape of Cazotte’s collection, part of which may have been inherited, can be deduced.76 Of the 61 paintings in the 1817 list, three were of Old Testament subjects and 23 were of New Testament or other Christian subjects; there were 12 mythologies, including two bacchanals and one allegory of Wisdom; three paintings of ancient history; nine genre paintings; four landscapes; one architectural scene; and four still lifes. The remainder were insufficiently described to allow for categorisation, and two paintings were of mixed categories, namely ‘Paul Bril, paysage; sujet: Jésus tenté par le diable ermite’, here included among the New Testament subjects, and ‘Un paysage, orné de figures; sujet: Flore et Zéphire’, here included among the mythologies.
76 Of the 61 paintings in the 1817 list, three were of Old Testament subjects and 23 were of New Testament or other Christian subjects; there were 12 mythologies, including two bacchanals and one allegory of Wisdom; three paintings of ancient history; nine genre paintings; four landscapes; one architectural scene; and four still lifes. The remainder were insufficiently described to allow for categorisation, and two paintings were of mixed categories, namely ‘Paul Bril, paysage; sujet: Jésus tenté par le diable ermite’, here included among the New Testament subjects, and ‘Un paysage, orné de figures; sujet: Flore et Zéphire’, here included among the mythologies.
Of the 61 paintings in the 1817 list, three were of Old Testament subjects and 23 were of New Testament or other Christian subjects; there were 12 mythologies, including two bacchanals and one allegory of Wisdom; three paintings of ancient history; nine genre paintings; four landscapes; one architectural scene; and four still lifes. The remainder were insufficiently described to allow for categorisation, and two paintings were of mixed categories, namely ‘Paul Bril, paysage; sujet: Jésus tenté par le diable ermite’, here included among the New Testament subjects, and ‘Un paysage, orné de figures; sujet: Flore et Zéphire’, here included among the mythologies.
‘Paul Bril, paysage; sujet: Jésus tenté par le diable ermite’, here included among the New Testament subjects, and ‘Un paysage, orné de figures; sujet: Flore et Zéphire’, here included among the mythologies.
, here included among the New Testament subjects, and ‘Un paysage, orné de figures; sujet: Flore et Zéphire’, here included among the mythologies.
‘Un paysage, orné de figures; sujet: Flore et Zéphire’, here included among the mythologies.
, here included among the mythologies.
Dividing the paintings by the various schools, 16 were Italian; seven Dutch or Flemish; four Spanish (assuming that two of those described as ‘sujets espagnols’ were by Spanish painters rather than paintings of supposed Spanish subjects by French painters); and 21 French.77 The remainder were insufficiently described to permit categorisation.
Finally, how many of the paintings in Cazotte’s collection were by his contemporaries? Assuming that he did not start to collect before 1760, the year he inherited wealth from his brother, the painters then alive represented in his collection were, according to the list of paintings, Chardin, Doyen and Natoire. Chardin was represented by four paintings, all on canvas and respectively described as: ‘Sujet de scène familière [hauteur] 2 p. 6 p. [largeur] 2 p.’;78 ‘Un enfant jouant avec un oiseau [hauteur] 1 p. 3 p. [largeur] 1 p.’;79 ‘Deux tableaux de nature morte [hauteur] 3 p. 6 p. [largeur] 4 p.’80 The pictures by Doyen were two landscapes on canvas: ‘une vue du Vésuve et une belle matinée [hauteur] 3 p. 11 p. [largeur] 3 p. 3 p.’81 The only Natoire was a Judgement of Paris on canvas, ‘[hauteur] 5 p. 2 p. [largeur] 3 p. 8 p.’82 None of these paintings, other than those listed above now in the Musée municipal, Châlons‐en‐Champagne, can now be identified.83
The Portrait
As the late Sir Michael Levey wrote of NG 6435, ‘[it] shows Perronneau’s outstanding grasp of physiognomy and reveals him no less a master than his more famous contemporary, La Tour’.84 Soon after its acquisition by the Gallery a commentator in the Burlington Magazine wrote that the handling of the pink suit reveals a relaxed mastery comparable with Gainsborough at his best, while the liveliness of expression, at once witty and teasing, and the easy naturalism of the pose, make the portrait a perfect mid‐century complement to the colder and more rhetorical Rigaud [Portrait of Antoine Paris] purchased last year. Jacques Cazotte has been hung next to the Perronneau Girl with a Kitten and is so markedly superior in technique as to raise the old doubts about the pastel’s authenticity.85 Cazotte wears an expression that is as amused as it is relaxed. In contrast, for example, to Henry Dawkins, who in his portrait by La Tour (NG 5118) inserts his forearm firmly into his waistcoat at a perfectly horizontal angle, Cazotte lets his forearm fall into his waistcoat. This and his coat are of salmon‐pink silk lined with white, a costume that may not have been the sitter’s, but which Perronneau may have asked him to wear.86 The Flemish lace of his shirt frill is thrown into prominence by the black silk ribbon, called a solitaire, which was tied round the wig at the back with the ends being brought round to the front, as here, and pinned under a lace cravat. The lace of his ruffled cuff matches that of the shirt‐frill. His wig is of a style known as à la mousquetaire,87 having a single curving roll at the side with hair at the back gathered into a black silk bag,88 and is similar to that worn, for example, by the sitter in Greuze’s Jean‐Georges Wille of 1763. On this basis, one might suppose that NG 6435 could be dated to some date after Cazotte’s return to France in October 1759.89

Jean‐Baptiste Perronneau, Presumed Portrait of Jérôme de Chassaign, seigneur de Beauséjour, 1756. Pastel on paper, 55 × 44 cm. New York, The Morgan Library and Museum. NEW YORK The Morgan Library © The Morgan Library, New York
Cazotte’s marriage in 1761 might have been a catalyst for the portrait, but Perronneau was most likely away from France during most of that year and all of the following. Consequently 1763, when Cazotte enjoyed immediate success with his prose poem, Ollivier, or 1764, would be possible dates for NG 6435; by then he would not have lacked the means to commission a portrait. The only other possible date, given the respective peregrinations of artist and sitter, is 1753, when Perronneau was received as an Academician.90 It is this date that seems more likely. It is more consistent [page 379]with the apparent age of the sitter, then 34. The style of wig is as comparable with that in Presumed portrait of Jérôme de Chassaing, seigneur de Beauséjour of 1756 (fig. 5),91 as it is with Greuze’s portrait of Wille of 1763, and the angle of the sitter to the picture plane is similar to that of Jean‐Baptiste Oudry, one of the portraits presented by Perronneau for his reception into the Académie in 1753.92 During the reign of Louis XV relatively few dated hand‐in‐waistcoat portraits of French sitters are dated after 1758 compared to the preceding ten years.93 Perhaps most crucially, in a letter to his wife, undated but probably of the 1780s to judge from its content, Cazotte referred to ‘mon mauvais portrait copié qui avait coûté 4 Louis à l’abbé Cazotte’.94 This was almost certainly a reference to the copy of NG 6435 now in the museum at Châlons‐en‐Champagne (Related Works (1)). Since Jacques Cazotte’s elder brother, the abbé Cazotte, died in 1760, if the cited phrase was intended to refer to a poor copy of NG 6435, NG 6435 must have been painted, or at least started, in 1753, rather than 1763–4.95
General References
Florisoone 1948, p. 78, pl. 112 (as in the collection of Mme Meyer Sassoon, London); The National Gallery 1978, p. 31; Wilson 1985, p. 106; Humphrey Wine, ‘Le portrait de Jacques Cazotte par Jean‐Baptiste Perronneau et sa collection des tableaux’, in Gevrey and Haquette 2010, pp. 51–64 (where dated 1763–4); Arnoult 2014, no. 124 P, and pp. 62, 76, 88, 114, 135, 188, 251, 252 and 358.
1 ‘4 portraits peints sur toile, dans leurs cadres dorés, il n’en est question que pour ordre, comme portraits de famille.’ ( AN , M.C., LVII, 892, 14 May 1847, cited in Arnoult 2014, p. 247). (Back to text.)
2 Arnoult (2014) proposes that the painting descended from the sitter to his eldest son, Jacques‐Scévole Cazotte (later de Cazotte), then probably to his son, Charles‐Ferdinand de Cazotte (died 1869) and then to his son, Jacques‐Charles‐Alexandre de Cazotte. In 1814 Jacques‐Scévole Cazotte had been allowed to add ‘de’ to his name (Bottacin 1984, p. 25). When NG 6435 was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1932 the Commemorative Catalogue gave its provenance as ‘de Cazotte, Paris’. According to Armand Bourgeois, writing in 1911, there was at that time a generation of great‐grandchildren of Jacques Cazotte, the senior branch of which was in French government service including the Foreign Ministry and Diplomatic Service (Bourgeois 1911, p. 6), and there did indeed exist a Jacques de Cazotte in 1912 who was (and since its inauguration in 1908 had been) the Director of the International Office of Public Hygiene in Paris and who was in the French Diplomatic Service (The Times, 8 January 1912, p. 5; Public Health Reports (1896–1970), 24, no. 2, 8 January 1909, p. 23; ibid. , 40, no. 34, 1925, p. 1728). Possibly it was this de Cazotte from whom Meyer Sassoon acquired NG 6435. According to Bourgeois, the junior branch of the Cazotte family resided in Chile, and had in fact done so since at least 1854 ( AN , MC , L0459060), making it a less likely source for the painting. (Back to text.)
3 Letter of 20 July 1976 from Gregory Martin of Christie’s. A label removed from the old lining canvas shows that NG 6435 was shipped to Meyer Sassoon by J. Chenue when that firm was at 10 Great St Andrew Street, Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2. Scott Nethersole has kindly advised me that ‘Jacques Chenue, French packer of works of art’ was at that address from 1902 to 1938, and that the street was renamed Monmouth Street in 1939, when Chenue was to be found at no. 25. The label was printed during the period 1917–38, since London postal districts were numbered only from and including 1917 (
Meyer Sassoon was one of the five sons of Elias Sassoon (died 1880) and Leah Gubbay (died 1878). In 1867 Elias established with his eldest son, Jacob, the firm, E.D. Sassoon & Co., based in Bombay with offices in Shanghai. Like the rival firm, David Sassoon & Sons, from which Elias had resigned, its trade was primarily in textiles and opium. On the death of Elias, the business passed into the hands of Meyer and three of his brothers. One of Meyer’s nephews was Sir Percival David, the prominent collector of Chinese ceramics: Serena Kelly, ‘Sassoon family (per. c. 1830–1961)’, ODNB. A second cousin was Sir Philip Sassoon, son of Edward Albert Sassoon and Aline Caroline de Rothschild, who became Under‐Secretary of State for Air and who, when a trustee of the National Gallery in 1923, presented the Gallery with a painting by François de Nomé (about 1593–after 1630; NG 3811). If indeed Meyer Sassoon acquired the painting before 1918, then its provenance during the second and third decades of the twentieth century would be: Cazotte family – Meyer Sassoon – Wildenstein – Cazotte family – Wildenstein – Mozelle Sassoon. It is simpler to suppose that the Chenue label is inaccurate in its reference to Meyer Sassoon rather than to his widow, Mozelle. It is more likely that Wildenstein bought NG 6435 in 1927 from a member of the de Cazotte family following the death of Jacques de Cazotte the previous year, and that that firm sold the picture in 1928 to Mozelle. (Back to text.)
4 The suggestion that the acquisition was made in 1927 or 1928 has been made to me by the present Jacques de Cazotte in an email (19 October 2009), and the date 1928 has been since confirmed by Joseph Baillio. (Back to text.)
5 I am grateful to Joseph Baillio for the information concerning Wildenstein & Cie., Paris. (Back to text.)
6 Mrs Fitzgerald’s date of birth is given at She had her own eclectic collection of paintings of all schools. The French eighteenth‐century pictures described in sale catalogues (all London, Sotheby’s) as belonging to her, but without a provenance there mentioning Mrs Meyer Sassoon, were sold as follows:
- (1) 3 July 1963, a (supposed) Boucher, La jolie pêcheuse (lot 8), Fragonard’s L’écurie de l’âne (lot 9) (a version of ‘quite inferior quality of a painting in a Paris private collection’: Cuzin 1988a, no. 327);
- (2) 30 June 1965, paintings by Vestier, Grimou, Largillierre, Greuze and Jean‐François de Troy. The last of these, a portrait of the baron de Longepierre, has been attributed to François de Troy (Leribault 2002, P.R.35). It was certainly in Mrs Meyer Sassoon’s collection, so it is possible that some or all of the others were also;
- (3) 4 July 1972, Jean‐François de Troy’s The Reading Party (lot 38) (Great Britain, private collection: Leribault 2002, no. P231);
- (4) 2 July 1976, a pair of oval landscapes by Hubert Robert (lot 47).
Among the old master paintings of other schools sold by Mrs Fitzgerald was Raphael’s Saint Jerome punishing the Heretic Sabinian (Raleigh NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, inv. 65.21.1), one of the predella panels for the Gallery’s The Crucified Christ with the Virgin Mary, Saints and Angels (‘The Mond Crucifixion’) (NG 3943). Mrs Fitzgerald also sold pictures of a more recent vintage at Sotheby’s, London, on 12 June 1963 (Renoir, Fantin‐Latour, Sisley, Gauguin, Lépine, Utrillo and Van Gogh) and 31 March 1965. (Back to text.)
7 Apparently the underbidders were Agnew’s. Sir Geoffrey Agnew claimed that if he had known that the National Gallery was trying to buy the picture he would not have bid, and that it would have acquired the painting for £60,500: The Guardian, 6 July 1976, p. 4. (Back to text.)
8 The Manchester exhibition, which took place from 22 March to 1 May 1932, consisted for the most part of paintings that had been in the exhibition at Burlington House, home of the Royal Academy, earlier that year. That fact, and a label showing that NG 6435 had been sent to the City of Manchester Art Gallery during Mrs Sassoon’s ownership, make it reasonable to assume that it was no. 99 of the Manchester exhibition. Its measurements are there given as 46 by 39 inches (116.8 × 99.1 cm), but this must refer to the frame size since the current frame, probably that on the picture in 1932, measures 115.5 × 98.3 cm. (Back to text.)
9 See The Times, 12 March 1935, p. 21. (Back to text.)
10 See The Manchester Guardian, 31 July 1937, p. 11, whose Paris correspondent called NG 6435 ‘one of the finest examples at this exhibition’. (Back to text.)
11 A pastel portrait, 55 × 44 cm, sold as by Perronneau and presumed to be of Jacques Cazotte, was auctioned Paris, Laurin Guilloux Buffetaud Tailleur, 3 April 1979, lot 41, and sold for 250,000 francs. It is now in the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York (inv. 1984.6), where the sitter has been identified as Jérôme de Chassaign, seigneur de Beauséjour et du Thil: Jeffares 2006, p. 400. In spite of this identification, the pastel, inscribed and dated ‘Juillet 1756 ‐/ par Peironneau’, as Jennifer Tonkovich has kindly confirmed, was exhibited at the Pierpont Library in the autumn of 2009 with an accompanying label proposing it as a possible portrait of Cazotte ‘based on the sitter’s strong [page 380]resemblance’ to Cazotte in NG 6435. However, the resemblance between the two sitters is no more than slight, and in July 1756 Cazotte was in the West Indies. (Back to text.)
12 The painting, with a supposed pendant portrait of Cazotte’s wife, were apparently among those seized from the sitter’s house at Pierry, near Épernay, in 1794: [Gillet] 1888, where numbered 551 and 552, and email of 30 April 2009 from Jean‐Paul Barbier. They do not, however, figure in any of the lists of Cazotte’s paintings published by Octave Beuve, ‘Les tableaux de Cazotte’, Mémoires de la Sociéte d’agriculture, commerce, sciences et arts du Départment de la Marne, 2nd series, 15, 1911–12, pp. 327–51. Apparently Beuve never discovered the list made on 8 brumaire, an IV (30 October 1795) by Charles‐Nicolas Varin, Commissaire à la Réunion des Diverses Productions d’Arts et de Sciences, of the paintings and prints gathered by the administrators of the district of Épernay (of which Pierry was a part). The list, according to a letter of 16 March 1933 from the then curator of the museum at Châlons, in the Archives Départementales de la Marne, refers to ‘deux portraits des citoyen et femme Cazotte’. According to Ravaux and Fusier 1997, no. 32, the portrait of Cazotte was deposited in the library of the college of Châlons before 1812. When in 1816 Cazotte’s son wanted to reclaim his father’s collection, it seems that neither the portrait of Cazotte nor that said to be of his wife (inv. 794.1.2) were shown to him. Both paintings have been in the museum since 1866. The portrait of Cazotte at Châlons is of inferior quality, especially the wig, the collar and cuffs, and the painting of the eyebrows is crude. Dominique d’Arnoult considered it to date to the end of the eighteenth century (letter of 9 June 2010), but has subsequently concluded that it must have been painted by 1760: Arnoult 2014, no. 1 R. (Back to text.)
13 Cazotte inherited the château de la Marquetterie from his brother in 1760. He sold it in 1766 and thereafter maintained his home in Pierry at what is now the mairie. (Back to text.)
14 Information kindly supplied by the present owner of the painting, of which I have seen only a photograph. (Back to text.)
15 Recorded in Duplessis 1896–1911, vol. 2 (1897), p. 231, no. 8820‐1. It is the frontispiece of Bourgeois 1911. An anonymous etched circular portrait of Cazotte facing towards the viewer is also in the BN , Estampes (Duplessis 1896–1911, vol. 2 (1897), p. 231, no. 8820‐2) and is the frontispiece of Correspondance mystique 1797/8. Arnoult 2014, p. 135, has noted an engraving after NG 6435 published in 1817 in an edition of Cazotte’s works. (Back to text.)
16 According to a letter of 14 November 1997 from Françoise Volat of André Chenue S.A. to Rosalie Cass, Jean Chenue believes that an oval Chenue label with a red border indicates a storage date at rue de la Terrasse around 1893. Chenue was certainly recorded at that address around that date: Annuaire‐Almanach 1890, p. 255, and 1900, p. 280. (Back to text.)
17 The information on the pigments used is derived from notes made by Joyce Plesters when the picture was cleaned on acquisition. (Back to text.)
18 Arnoult
, p. 245. (Back to text.)
19 The following account of Cazotte’s life is, save where otherwise indicated, based on three secondary sources: Décote 1982, Décote 1984 and Bottacin 1984. (Back to text.)
20 See, for example, The Times, 25 March 1815, p. 2. In Ezio Camussi’s opera La Du Barry, performed in London in 1913, the character Cazotte ‘delivers a sententious prophecy of the downfall of Mme. Du Barry and her kind’ (The Times, 4 July 1913, p. 11). (Back to text.)
21 He was appointed to this function on 1 July 1747 but did not receive the title until some 18 months later: Décote 1982, p. 6, and Décote 1984, pp. 46–8. (Back to text.)
22 AN , Colonies, E 66, dossier Cazotte, pièce 6 and 28, cited by Arnoult 2014, p. 247. (Back to text.)
23 Archives départementales de la Marne, E.80, cited by Arnoult 2014, p. 247. (Back to text.)
24 Décote 1982, pp. 26–7. (Back to text.)
25 Ibid. , pp. 27–36. (Back to text.)
26 Décote 1982, p. 36 and Décote 1984, pp. 83–4. (Back to text.)
27 For a memoir written to the duc de Choiseul by Cazotte immediately after the fall of Guadeloupe, giving his account of it and criticising Bompard’s conduct, see Shaw 1948. (Back to text.)
28 The approximate metric equivalents of 60 and 80 leagues are 290 and 386 km. (Back to text.)
29 In 1761 he was recorded as living in the parish of Saint‐Jean‐en‐Grève on the right bank of the Seine: AN , MC , ET/LVII/446. At the end of the Ancien Régime he was living at 39 rue Thévenot, now in the 2nd arrondissement: Décote 1982, p. 101 note 8. (Back to text.)
30 Bourgeois 1890, p. 23. (Back to text.)
31 Francis Leroy, ‘Jacques Cazotte, négociant en vins et maire’, in Gevrey and Haquette 2010, pp. 29–50, at p. 37. Pierry is in the arrondissement of Épernay, and since 1932 the château de la Marquetterie has been the seat of the champagne house Taittinger. (Back to text.)
32 Grimod de La Reynière fils held such suppers regularly during the years 1783–6. Among the other guests at these events were the playwright Beaumarchais and the author Rétif de La Bretonne. The latter saw Cazotte at another salon at some date after June 1787, namely that of Fanny, comtesse de Beauharnais, and recorded that Cazotte ‘m’accorda la plus tendre amitié’. Rétif was later to write Les Posthumes; lettres reçues après la mort du mari, par sa femme, qui le croit à Florence. Par feu Cazotte, Paris 1802: Hellegouarc’h 2000, pp. 290, 318. (Back to text.)
33 On Besenval, see the entry on Danloux’s portrait, NG 6598, in the present volume. Cazotte evidently had a good opinion of him. (Back to text.)
34 See the entry on Danloux’s portrait, NG 6598. (Back to text.)
35 The posthumous inventory of the marquis de Menars, dated 9 July 1781 and recorded at the hôtel de Menars, place des Victoires, Paris, included, as item 621, 30 bottles of ‘Vin de Champagne dit de pierry de 1775 prisées soixante livres’ and, as item 622, 230 bottles of ‘Vin de Champagne de Pierry de 1774 prisées quatre Cent soixante livres’. See Gordon 2003a, p. 281. However, there were probably champagne producers at Pierry other than Cazotte. (Back to text.)
36 The date of the marriage is given in Décote 1984, p. 108. The marriage contract was signed on 19 June 1761: AN , MC , ET/LVII/446. There exists a painting in the Musée municipal de Châlons‐en‐Champagne (inv. 794.1.2) which was once in Cazotte’s collection and is said to be of his wife, Elisabeth Roignan. She was born in 1731, but the style of dress and coiffure of the woman in the portrait cannot be later than about 1720. Conceivably it is a portrait of Cazotte’s mother. (Back to text.)
37 The miniature by Périn‐Salbreux is described as Portrait présumé de Madame de Cazotte on the Louvre’s website, but this identification seems improbable. The young woman depicted is shown in costume of around 1780 or later, by which time Cazotte’s wife would have been in her fifties. Jacques de Cazotte has confirmed that the portrait is not of Cazotte’s wife, and he does not consider it to be of Cazotte’s daughter‐in‐law but rather of Cazotte’s daughter, Elisabeth: communication of 14 May 2010. (Back to text.)
38 ‘Tu réfléchis douloureusement, mon ange, sur la perte de tes beaux jours. Tu crois à la diminution de notre tendresse. Tu pense que le tems qui doit s’écouler ne sera rempli que de dégoût, oh! Mon coeur, quelle idée as‐tu de toi, de moi et de Dieu’. Décote 1982, p. 114. Cazotte’s letters to his wife were at the same time affectionate and sermonising. At the end of the letter cited, he wrote: ‘Pardon de mon long sermon; il est de tout mon coeur.’ (Back to text.)
39 For an account and analysis of Cazotte’s literary oeuvre, see Décote 1984, passim. The account here is based on it. (Back to text.)
40 A second edition entitled Canapé troisième, ou Les Mille et Une Fadaises was published in 1743. On the nature of this work, see Orsini 2002. (Back to text.)
41 La Guerre de l’opéra: letter à une dame de Province (February 1753). On this see Cuillé 2005, p. 174. (Back to text.)
42 As noted by Jean‐Noël Pascal (‘Bref aperçu sur les Fables de Cazotte’, in Gevrey and Haquette 2010, pp. 203–23 at p. 206, note 11), the four fables of Cazotte were included in a compilation by Francis Fawkes and William Woty (Fawkes and Woty 1763, vol. 1, pp. 97–104). (Back to text.)
43 The information about when Les Sabots was first written is provided in Décote 1984, p. 110. For Boucher’s painting, now in Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, see Rand 1997, no. 14, who notes that the opera was first performed on 26 October 1768 and that, since Boucher completed his painting that year, he must have done so ‘with some haste in the final weeks of the year – testimony to the painter’s fluency and speed of execution’. Boucher may, however, have had access to the text first written in 1766. (Back to text.)
44 Cazotte wrote three versions, the last being published in 1776. (Back to text.)
45 Flavigny 2010. (Back to text.)
46 Décote 1984, pp. 293–4. (Back to text.)
47 On the distinction between the practices of the Élus‐Coëns and the followers of Saint‐Martin, see Luxenberg 2011. (Back to text.)
48 ‘pour peu qu’ils aient le nez long, sur les matières importantes ils ne voient pas le bout de leur nez’. Cited in Décote 1982, p. 136. (Back to text.)
49 For a recent account of Cazotte’s counter‐revolutionary views which relates them to similar opinions being circulated in certain journals in Paris and elsewhere in Europe, see Sébastien Drouin, ‘Prophétie et révolution dans les Révélations de Cazotte’, in Gevrey and Haquette 2010, pp. 265–80. (Back to text.)
50 ‘le dessein que M. Satan avait conçu contre la race de Saint‐Louis’. Cited in Décote 1984, p. 395. (Back to text.)
51 ‘Daigne me répondre, Dieu de bonté: je dus aimer mon roi, puisque je t’aime: ton culte et le sien ne peuvent se séparer’. Cited in ibid. , p. 397. (Back to text.)
52 ‘Les courtisans, maîtres du royaume, en partagent les richesses avec leur concubines, foulent au pied les moeurs, l’application, le savoir, l’honnêteté, mettent le roi aux fers et tous les bons citoyens dans l’esclavage; ils ont détruit tous les règlements qui nous gouvernoient et nous assassinent avec des arrest du Conseil et des ordonnances extravagantes.’ Cited in ibid. , p. 414. (Back to text.)
53 ‘mes enfants profiteront des suites des heureux changemens que je prévois, la France n’étoit plus habitable; on reviendra aux règles anciennes’. Cited in Décote 1982, p. 119. (Back to text.)
54 ‘La France, mon ami, n’est plus militaire, et si le baron de Bezenval commandant, encore en titre, de Champagne, vient à Pierri avec son armée, moi maire, je serai forcé de lui faire sentir son néant, en prenant la droite sur lui.’ Cited in Bottacin 1984, p. 13, and Décote 1982, pp. 137–42. (Back to text.)
55 ‘Ses plaints, au fond, étoient justes. Je veux que tous les torts soient redressés; je veux qu’il jouisse d’une liberté dont il ne puisse faire abus’. Cited in Décote 1982, pp. 150–1. (Back to text.)
56 ‘Nous ne serons malheureusement delivrés de cette odieuse vermine que par la vapeur de la poudre à canon.’ Cited in ibid. , pp. 157–8. (Back to text.)
57 Letters of end November, 1791, and 4 May, 1792 to Pouteau, cited in ibid. , pp. 171 and 193. (Back to text.)
58 ‘La garde celeste qui … entoure [les personnes royales] est le meme qui environnent les rois d’Israel qui marchoient dans la voie du Seigneur.’ Cited in ibid. , p. 210. As is pointed out in Décote 1984, pp. 347–50, Cazotte’s continued optimism over the outcome of the Revolution is inconsistent with the prediction of its actual outcome that was later imputed to him by La Harpe in 1806, but that was already being doubted in 1817. (Back to text.)
59 ‘Louis XVI doit être en garde contre un de ses penchans: c’est la clémence. Le royaume, souillé par tant de crimes, ne peut être purifié que par le sang des criminels.’ Cited in Décote 1982, p. 206. (Back to text.)
60 The hôtel de La Force, a prison during the Revolution, had once been the Paris home of Antoine Pâris, the subject of Rigaud’s portrait in the National Gallery (NG 6428). For a bibliography on the hôtel, the reader is referred to Babelon and Malécot 1987, p. 323. For an emotive account of the massacre there in September 1792, see The Times, 10 September 1792. (Back to text.)
61 ‘J’obtins, avec bien de la peine, la permission d’attendre mon père sur la porte où il devoit passer; je lui fis un rempart de mon corps et leur dis qu’ils n’attenteraient à ses jours qu’après m’avoir percé le sein; je les attendis, ces cannibales. Et quand ils voyaient couler mes larmes, ils me rassuraient, ils me promirent protection. Cela dura plus de deux heures. Je fus obligée de boire avec eux dans un verre teint de sang humain. Ils nous firent paraître devant leurs tribunaux de sang et là, ils m’embrassèrent tous et nous firent sortir en triomphe jusque chez nous dans un fiacre où à chaque pas on nous fait arrêter. Des Marseillais qui étaient dans la voiture, et un que j’avais l’avantage d’avoir sur mes genoux criaient à tue‐tête: “Voyez, voyez un veillard de quatre‐vingt‐dix ans avec sa fille, que l’aristocratie avait fait mettre dans les fers!” Et tout le monde passait nous embrasser comme deux patens. Ma pauvre mère, qui nous avait devancés à Paris … crut, lorsqu’elle vit tous ces gens qui nous ramenaient, que c’était son dernier moment. Quelle fut sa joie de revoir ces objets si chers!’ The letter, of 5 November 1799, is cited in Décote 1984, pp. 453–4. A similar incident occurred when, following the arrest of the marquis de Sombreuil in August 1792, his daughter, it is said, procured his release by drinking the blood of newly decapitated prisoners. It appears to have prompted a drawing by Greuze recently on the art market (Vrégille Bizoüard, Dijon, 27 March 2010; ill. Gazette de Drouot, 26 March 2010, no. 12, p. 130). (Back to text.)
62 ‘Ma femme, mes enfants, ne me pleurez pas, ne m’oubliez pas, mais souvenez‐vous de ne jamais offenser Dieu.’ Décote 1984, p. 461. (Back to text.)
63 ‘Je meurs comme j’ai vécu, fidèle à Dieu et à mon roi.’ The account of Cazotte’s trial and execution is in Décote 1984, pp. 456–61. (Back to text.)
64 P.‐A. Wille, and in 1834 Claude Thévenin, whose oil painting is on deposit at the Musée de la Révolution, Vizille (inv. MV 7061). (Back to text.)
65 ‘… il est mort avec un courageux sang‐froid qui a étonné ses bourreaux. Ils ont été réduits à dire qu’il était digne de mourir pour une plus noble cause!’ Portalis 1910, p. 179. (Back to text.)
66 Octave Beuve, ‘Les tableaux de Cazotte’, Réunion des Sociétés des Beaux‐Arts des départements en 1912, 36th session, 1912, pp. 151–70 at p. 155, note 3.
Jacques‐Scévole emigrated to England and married one Ursule Amiel, with whom he had seven children. After the Restoration he lived at Pierry and then at Versailles, where he was named librarian: Bottacin 1984, pp. 25–7. He lived until 1845 or later. (Back to text.)
67 Bottacin 1984, p. 24, and Beuve 1912, p. 161. (Back to text.)
68 The letter dated 24 germinal, an VIII (14 April 1800) is reprinted in Beuve 1912, p. 158. On Cazotte’s considerable library,
Bourgeois 1890, p. 20. (Back to text.)
69 ‘… je cours à mes pinceaux pour me procurer une distraction qui me donne de temps de reposer mon coeur et ma tête.’ Cited in Décote 1982, p. 154. (Back to text.)
70 Décote 1984, p. 107, where the disposition of the other rooms in the house is described as recorded in 1792. (Back to text.)
71 ‘… je prêche misère dans un cabinet rempli de chefs‐d’oeuvre de Lesueur, Poussin, Titien, etc. Joli peintre moi‐même par nature, amateur dès l’enfance, né d’amateurs, j’ai formé un cabinet de quatre‐vingts tableaux originaux de toutes les écoles et c’est au milieu de ce luxe que je crie famine sans pouvoir m’aider d’aucun de mes moyens.’ Cited in Bottacin 1984, p. 22. (Back to text.)
72 The information on Cazotte’s picture collection at Pierry is taken from Beuve 1912, save where otherwise indicated. (Back to text.)
73 The paintings in Cazotte’s collection were, with certain exceptions, delivered to Jacques‐Scévole’s agent, Meunier, in 1817 and thence to Jacques‐Scévole himself in Versailles in January of the following year. (Back to text.)
74 The attributions are those made by Ravaux 1997. (Back to text.)
75 Possibly by a seventeenth‐century follower of Bartolomeo Schedoni, as David Jaffé suggested to me, although no such composition by Schedoni is recorded. For the dating of Antoine Coypel’s painting, see Garnier 1989, p. 112. (Back to text.)
76 Jacques de Cazotte has stated that the collection was started by Jacques Cazotte’s father, Bernard (email of 19 October 2009). (Back to text.)
77 Included among the French pictures for this purpose are two pendant landscapes with figures and animals by one Etienne Nissard, whom I have otherwise been unable to identify. (Back to text.)
78 That is, 81.2 × 64.9 cm. The measurements in this and the following notes have been rounded to the nearest millimetre. There were 12 pouces (inches) to each French pied (foot). 1 pouce = 2.706 cm. (Back to text.)
79 40.6 × 32.5 cm. (Back to text.)
80 113.7 × 129.7 cm. (Back to text.)
81 127.2 × 105.5 cm. No landscape painting by Doyen is listed by Marc Sandoz (Sandoz 1975), but he appears to have been unaware of the article by Beuve (1912). (Back to text.)
82 167.8 × 119.1 cm. (Back to text.)
83 It has been suggested that the Chardin family scene in the 1817 list was Le Benedicité (no. 55) in Leblanc’s list of an II: Rosenberg and Temperini 1999, p. 302. (Back to text.)
84 Director’s Choice 1986, no. 23. (Back to text.)
85 Roberts 1976, p. 716. (Back to text.)
86 On Perronneau asking a sitter to wear a particular coloured costume, see Dominique d’Arnoult, ‘Séances de pose chez Jean‐Baptiste Perronneau en 1759 pour les portraits au pastel de Pierre‐Honoré Robbé de Beauves et et de Charles Nicolas Cochin’, paper delivered at the colloquium Maurice Quentin de La Tour, Saint‐Quentin, October 2004. (Back to text.)
87 The information on Cazotte’s costume and wig is contained in a letter of 14 July 1978 from Aileen Ribeiro in the dossier, and in Ribeiro 1995, p. 40. (Back to text.)
88 Ribeiro 2002, p. 130 and fig. 82. (Back to text.)
89 Perronneau was briefly in Champagne, where Cazotte’s elder brother lived, at some time during the early months of 1759 (Vaillat and Ratouis de Limay 1923, pp. 72–3); Arnoult 2014, p. 150), but Cazotte was then still overseas. (Back to text.)
90 Cazotte had returned to Martinique by the beginning of 1754, so NG 6435 could not have been started then. (Back to text.)
91 Arnoult 2014, no. 157 Pa. (Back to text.)
92 Ibid. , no. 117 P. (Back to text.)
93 The assertion is made on the basis of a count of pastel portraits by Bernard, Glain, La Tour, Liotard, Perronneau, Valade and Vigée noted in Jeffares 2006. (Back to text.)
94 I am grateful to Dominique d’Arnoult for having drawn my attention to this letter published in Décote 1982, pp. 116–17, and for having sent me her transcript of the original in the Archives Nationales, Paris, AN , C. 192/16020, pièce 146. She has read the word ‘copie’ in the Décote transcript as ‘copié’. See also Arnoult 2014, no. R1. (Back to text.)
95 In a paper given in 2009 at the Université de Reims, written before the fruitful discussions I had with Dominique d’Arnoult and published as ‘Le portrait de Jacques Cazotte par Jean‐Baptise Perronneau et sa collection de tableaux’ (Wine 2010, pp. 55–6), I had proposed 1763–4 as the date of NG 6435. Arnoult 2014, p. 247, notes that on an illustration of the painting published in 1928 there were written the words ‘peint par Perronneau en 1755’, and suggests that this might have been the date when NG 6435 was finished. However, there is no other indication that the painting ever bore a date, and therefore no need to accept this. (Back to text.)
Former Owners of the Eighteenth‐Century French Paintings in the National Gallery
Appendix to 'The National Gallery Catalogues: The Eighteenth‐Century French Paintings'
Mrs Mozelle Sassoon (1872–1964)
- Jean‐Baptiste Perronneau, Jacques Cazotte (NG 6435)
Mozelle Sassoon (née Gubbay) was born on 1 January 1872 at Malabar Castle, Malabar Hill, Mumbai.1 She married Meyer Sassoon in June 1892.2 She was the daughter of A.M. Gubbay and the granddaughter of Sir Albert Sassoon, 1st Baronet, who was her father‐in‐law’s younger brother. Mozelle and Meyer had one son, Reginald, a noted horseman, who was awarded the MC during the First World War. He died in 1933 as a result of a riding accident. They also had a daughter, Violet Leah, who in 1917 married Derek Barrington Fitzgerald of the Irish Guards.3 The Sassoons’ London residence was at 6 Hamilton Place, off Park Lane, about which a visitor in 1904, referring to the Sassoons’ Jewish heritage, said: ‘There is no sign in this house of the departure of Israel’s glory; everything shines with the greatest lustre.’4 In 1941 Mozelle moved definitively to her country residence at Popes Manor, Binfield, Bracknell Forest, Berkshire, which had been built in about 1700 (with later additions).5 In 1920–3 she had built a substantial house at Dinard known as the château de Port Breton. It and its substantial grounds are now owned by the municipality.6 She was a considerable philanthropist, supporting diverse charities, from helping the poor and the sick to the restoration of St Paul’s Cathedral after the Second World War. Among her more (financially) significant gifts were those to provide a new library to present to the British Institute in Paris in 1928;7 to support low‐cost housing in the form of R.E. Sassoon House, Peckham (named after her son Reginald), which was opened in 1934 and is now Grade II listed;8 £15,000 to found in 1936 the Mozelle Sassoon High Voltage X‐Ray Therapy Department at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London;9 and in 1938 to support German Jewry.10
In addition, Mozelle Sassoon supported both arts and other charities through her art collection. In aid of the Royal Northern Hospital, she opened her London home to the public for three days to show her collection;11 she donated a terracotta bust of a child by Houdon for Christie’s sale on 24–25 May 1939 in aid of Lord Baldwin’s Fund for Refugees (bought by Agnews for £441, the sale’s highest price),12 and for the same event a small painting by Francesco Guardi (lot 243, £30, to Gubbay); and she gave £250 to The Leonardo Appeal Fund organised by the National Art Collections Fund in 1962 in aid of the National Gallery acquiring the cartoon of The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and the Infant Saint John the Baptist (NG 6337).
Mozelle Sassoon had a significant collection of Chelsea scent bottles, which were sold after her death by her daughter (Sotheby’s, London, 4 May and 12 October 1965), but her principal interest was in eighteenth‐century French paintings and works of art, including Chantilly, Vincennes and Sèvres porcelain.13 Among the Sèvres items was a blue‐ground vase and cover of about 1765 which had once been in the collection of Yolande Lyne Stephens, the one‐time owner of Watteau’s La Gamme d’Amour (The Scale of Love) (NG 2897).14 One of the prize paintings in her collection was Largillierre’s La Belle Strasbourgeoise (Strasbourg, Musée des Beaux‐Arts), which, as Dominique Jacquot has kindly informed me, she had bought at the François Coty sale (Paris, 30 November 1936, lot 23, 1,510,000 francs). It was sold by her daughter, Mrs Derek (Violet) Fitzgerald at her sale, Sotheby’s, London, 3 July 1963, lot 5 (£145,000 to the City of Strasbourg). Other paintings in that sale which had once belonged to Mozelle Sassoon were Adolf Ulric Wertmüller’s portrait of Jean‐Jacques Caffieri now in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, probably bought by her either at the sale of comte Jean de la Riboisière, Paris, 27 March 1936, lot 9, or shortly thereafter;15 a portrait of the baron de Longepierre then believed to be by Jean François de Troy (exhibited 1954–5, London, Royal Academy, no. 133; now attributed to François de Troy),16 two small landscapes attributed to Boucher, Le Moulin de Quiquengrogne à Charenton and Le Vieux Colombier; and a portrait of Omai in military uniform by Reynolds. After the death of Mrs Fitzgerald in 1970, a number of pictures which she had inherited from her mother were sold by her executors: in 1972 a Nattier female half‐length;17 La petite nourrice by François Hubert Drouais exhibited at the 1763 Salon (no. 118), which was recently on the New York art market;18 the same artist’s circular self portrait and portrait of his wife, both dated 1764; and, in 1976, Perronneau’s Jacques Cazotte (NG 6435). Two paintings by Jean‐Baptiste Pater, La Balançoire and Fête champêtre, were soon afterwards sold by a descendant, underlining the dix‐huitième slant of Mozelle’s collection.19
2 For Meyer Sassoon, see the entry for Perronneau NG
, note 3. (Back to text.)
3 For Violet, Mrs Fitzgerald, see ibid. (Back to text.)
4 Cited in Roth 1941, p. 186. (Back to text.)
5 It was briefly described in The Times, 16 November 1964, p. 15. Information about the building is available on the British Listed Buildings website at (Back to text.)
6 For some information on the château de Port Breton today see www.ville‐ (Back to text.)
7 The Times, 19 January 1928, p. 11. (Back to text.)
8 Ibid. , 17 November 1934, p. 9. (Back to text.)
9 See reference GB 0405 RD at (a database of archives and manuscript collections of London higher education and other institutions), and The Times, 23 December 1938. (Back to text.)
10 The Times, 23 December 1938. (Back to text.)
11 Ibid. , 12 March 1935, p. 21. (Back to text.)
12 Ibid. , 9 March and 25 May 1939. (Back to text.)
13 Ibid. , 19 March 1935, p. 21. (Back to text.)
14 See the catalogue entry for lot 62 in Sotheby’s ‘The Dimitri Mavrommatis Collection: Important French Furniture and Sèvres Porcelain from the Chester Square Residence, London’, 8 July 2008. (Back to text.)
15 Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, inv. 63.1082. (Back to text.)
16 Leribault 2002, P.R. 35. (Back to text.)
17 Sitter and location unknown: Salmon 1999, p. 262, fig. 3. (Back to text.)
18 Christie’s, New York, 14 April 2016, lot 147. (Back to text.)
19 Christie’s, London, 30 November 1979, lots 81 and 82. The latter is in the Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, inv. F.1985.3.P. (Back to text.)
- AN
- Allgemeines Künstler Lexikon
- BN
- Bibliothèque nationale, Paris
- MC
- Minutier central, Paris
Technical abbreviations
- Macro‐XRF
- Macro X‐ray fluorescence
- X‐ray powder diffraction
List of archive references cited
- Châlons-en-Champagne, Archives départementales de la Marne: letter of 16 March 1933 from the then curator, 16 March 1933
- Châlons-en-Champagne, Archives départementales de la Marne, E.80
- London, National Gallery, Archive, curatorial dossier for NG6435: Aileen Ribeiro, letter, 14 July 1978
- Paris, Archives nationales, C. 192/16020, pièce 146: Jacques Cazotte, Cazotte, a letter to his wife
- Paris, Archives nationales, Colonies, E 66, dossier Cazotte, pièce 6 and 28
- Paris, Archives nationales, Minutier central, LVII, 892: posthumous inventory of Ursule‐Thérèse Amiel, wife of Jacques‐Scévole Cazotte, 14 May 1847
- Paris, Archives nationales, Minutier central, ET/LVII/446
- Paris, Archives nationales, Minutier central, L0459060
List of references cited
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- Arnoult 2014
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- Babelon and Malécot 1987
- Babelon, Jean‐Pierre and Claude Malécot, Le Marais mythe et réalité (exh. cat. Hôtel de Sully, Paris), Paris 1987
- Baker and Henry 2001
- Baker, Christopher and Tom Henry, The National Gallery Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
- Beuve 1911–12
- Beuve, Octave, ‘Les tableaux de Cazotte’, Mémoires de la Sociéte d’agriculture, commerce, sciences et arts du département de la Marne, 1911–12, 2nd series, 15
- Beuve 1912
- Beuve, Octave, ‘Les tableaux de Cazotte’, Réunion des Sociétés des Beaux‐Arts des départements en 1912, 1912, 36th session, 151–70
- Bottacin 1984
- Bottacin, Annalisa, Documents inédits sur les biens de Jacques Cazotte, Este 1984
- Bourgeois 1890
- Bourgeois, Armand, Le Salon de Cazotte à Pierry en 1784, Châlons‐sur‐Marne 1890
- Bourgeois 1911
- Bourgeois, Armand, Pages inédites ou ignorées sur Cazotte et son séjour à Pierry (1760–1792), Paris 1911
- British Listed Buildings
- British Listed Buildings,, accessed 2013
- Cazotte 1753
- Cazotte, Jacques, La Guerre de l’opéra: letter à une dame de Province, 1753
- Cazotte 1880
- Cazotte, Jacques, Contes de J. Cazotte, Paris 1880
- Correspondance mystique de J. Cazotte 1797
- Correspondance mystique de J. Cazotte avec Laporte et Pouteau, Paris 1797 or 1798 (an 6)
- Cox 1932
- Cox, T., Exhibition of French Art 1200–1900 (exh. cat. Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1932), 1932
- Cuillé 2005
- Cuillé, T.B., ‘La vraisemblance du merveilleux: Operatic aesthetics in Cazotte’s fantastic fiction’, Studies in eighteenth‐century culture, eds C. Ingrassia and J.S. Ravel, 2005, 34, 173–96
- Cuzin 1988a
- Cuzin, Jean‐Pierre, Fragonard: Life and Work: Complete Catalogue of the Oil Paintings, New York 1988
- Davies 1946
- Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: The French School, London 1946 (revised 2nd edn, London 1957)
- Davies 1957
- Davies, Martin, National Gallery Catalogues: The French School, 2nd edn, revised, London 1957
- Décote 1982
- Décote, Georges, Correspondance de Jacques Cazotte, Paris 1982
- Décote 1984
- Décote, Georges, L’itinéraire de Jacques Cazotte (1719–1792). De la fiction littéraire au mystique politique, Geneva 1984
- Director’s Choice 1987
- Braham, A., et al., Director’s Choice: Selected Acquisitions 1978–1986: An exhibition to mark the retirement of Sir Michael Levey as Director of the National Gallery (exh. cat. National Gallery, London, 1986–7), London 1986
- Drouin 2010
- Drouin, Sébastien, ‘Prophétie et révolution dans les Révélations de Cazotte’, in Le Marais mythe et réalité de Jacques Cazotte, eds Françoise Gevrey and Jean‐Louis Haquette, Reims 2010, 265–80
- Duplessis 1896–1911
- Duplessis, Georges, Catalogue de la collection des portraits français et étrangers conservée au Département des Estampes de la Bibliothèque Nationale, 7 vols, Paris 1896–1911
- Fawkes and Woty 1763
- Fawkes, Francis and William Woty, The Poetical Calendar containing a Collection of scarce and valuable Pieces of Poetry … intended as a Supplement to Mr. Dodsley’s Collection, 12 vols, London 1763
- Flavigny 2010
- Flavigny, Bertrand Galimard, ‘Un diable ‘si jolie’, La Gazette de l’Hôtel Drouot, 16 July 2010, 28, 106
- Florisoone 1948
- Florisoone, Michel, Le dix‐huitième siècle, Paris 1948
- Garnier 1989
- Garnier, Nicole, Antoine Coypel (1661–1722), Paris 1989
- Gazette de Drouot 2010
- Gazette de Drouot, 26 March 2010, 12, 130
- Gevrey and Haquette 2010
- Gevrey, Françoise and Jean‐Louis Haquette, eds, Le Marais mythe et réalité de Jacques Cazotte, Reims 2010
- Gillet 1888
- Gillet, Charles, Ville de Châlons‐sur‐Marne. Catalogue du musée, Châlons 1888
- Gordon 2003a
- Gordon, Alden R., The Houses and Collections of the Marquis de Marigny, 2003 (French Inventories, Los Angeles, 1)
- Guardian 1976
- The Guardian, 6 July 1976, 4
- Hellegouarc’h 2000
- Hellegouarc’h, Jacqueline, L’esprit de société: cercles et salons parisiens au XVIIIe siècle, Paris 2000
- Jeffares 2006
- Jeffares, Neil, Dictionary of Pastellists before 1800,, London 2006 (online edn, 2015)
- Kelly
- Kelly, Serena, ‘Sassoon family (per. circa (about)1830–1961)’, in ODNB (Oxford Dictionary of National Biography),, online edn, 2004–
- Leribault 2002
- Leribault, Christophe, Jean‐François de Troy (1679–1752), Paris 2002
- Leroy 2010
- Leroy, Francis, ‘Jacques Cazotte, négociant en vins et maire’, in Le Marais mythe et réalité de Jacques Cazotte, eds Françoise Gevrey and Jean‐Louis Haquette, Reims 2010, 29–50
- Lewis 1796
- Lewis, Matthew Gregory, The Monk: A Romance, London 1796
- Luxenberg 2011
- Luxenberg, Alisa, ‘Black arts: allegory, alchemy, and theurgy in the enigmatic drawings of C.F. de La Traverse’, Master Drawings, summer 2011, 49, 2, 225–48
- Manchester Guardian 1937
- The Manchester Guardian, 31 July 1937, 11
- National Gallery 1978
- National Gallery, The National Gallery July 1975–December 1977, London 1978
- National Gallery Report
- National Gallery, The National Gallery Report: Trafalgar Square, London [various dates]
- ODNB 2004
- ODNB (Oxford Dictionary of National Biography),, online edn, Oxford 2004–
- Orsini 2002
- Orsini, Dominique, ‘Cazotte lecteur du R.P. Bougeant: Les Mille et Une Fadaises’, Dix‐Huitième Siècle, 2002, 34, 511–26
- Pascal 2010
- Pascal, Jean‐Noël, ‘ref aperçu sur les Fables de Cazotte’, in Le Marais mythe et réalité de Jacques Cazotte, eds Françoise Gevrey and Jean‐Louis Haquette, Reims 2010, 203–23
- Portalis 1910
- Portalis, Roger de, Henri‐Pierre Danloux, peintre de portraits et son journal durant l’émigration (1753–1809), Paris 1910
- Public Health Reports 1909
- Public Health Reports (1896–1970), 8 January 1909, 24, 2, 23
- Public Health Reports 1925
- Public Health Reports (1896–1970), 1925, 40, 34, 1728
- Rand 1997
- Rand, Richard, Intimate Encounters: Love and Domesticity in Eighteenth‐Century France (exh. cat. Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH; Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo OH; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston TX), Princeton 1997
- Ravaux and Fusier 1997
- Ravaux, Jean‐Pierre and Jean Fusier, Peintures des Musées et des Eglises de Châlons‐en‐Champagne. 25 ans de restauration, Châlons‐en‐Champagne 1997
- Rétif de La Bretonne
- Rétif de La Bretonne, Nicolas‐Edme, Les Posthumes; lettres reçues après la mort du mari, par sa femme, qui le croit à Florence. Par feu Cazotte, Paris 1802
- Ribeiro 1995
- Ribeiro, Aileen, The Art of Dress: Fashion in England and France 1750 to 1820, New Haven and London 1995
- Ribeiro 2002
- Ribeiro, Aileen, Dress in Eighteenth‐Century Europe 1715–1789, 2nd edn, New Haven and London 2002 (1985)
- Roberts 1976
- Roberts, Keith, ‘Current and forthcoming exhibitions: London’, Burlington Magazine, 1976, 118, 716–19
- Rosenberg and Temperini 1999
- Rosenberg, Pierre and Renaud Temperini, Chardin suivi du Catalogue des oeuvres, Paris 1999
- Royal Academy of Arts 1933
- Royal Academy of Arts, Commemorative Catalogue of the Exhibition of French Art, 1200–1900 (exh. cat. Royal Academy of Arts, London), Oxford and London 1933
- Salmon 1999
- Salmon, Xavier, Jean‐Marc Nattier 1685–1766 (exh. cat. Musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon), Versailles 1999
- Sandoz 1975
- Sandoz, Marc, Gabriel François Doyen 1726–1806, Paris 1975
- Shaw 1948
- Shaw, Edward P., ‘An episode in the Seven Years’ War: a memoir of Jacques Cazotte concerning the capture of Guadeloupe by the English’, The Hispanic American Historical Review, August 1948, 28, 3, 389–93
- Sterling, Huisman and Burnand 1937
- Sterling, Ch., Chefs d’Oeuvre de l’Art Français, preface by G. Huisman, entries by R. Burnand, Paris 1937
- Sutton 1968
- Sutton, Denys, ed., France in the Eighteenth Century (exh. cat. Royal Academy of Arts, London), London 1968
- Times 10 September 1792
- The Times, 10 September 1792
- Times 25 March 1815
- The Times, 25 March 1815, 2
- Times 8 January 1912
- The Times, 8 January 1912, 5
- Times 12 March 1935
- The Times, 12 March 1935, 21
- Vaillat and Ratouis de Limay 1923
- Vaillat, L. and P. Ratouis de Limay, J.‐B. Perronneau (1715–1783), sa vie et son œuvre, 2nd edn, Paris 1923 (1909)
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- Who was Who,, London 1920–2014 (online edn, 2014)
- Wilson 1985
- Wilson, Michael, The National Gallery Schools of Painting: French Paintings before 1800, London 1985
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- Wine, Humphrey, ‘Le portrait de Jacques Cazotte par Jean‐Baptise Perronneau et sa collection de tableaux’, in Visages de Jacques Cazotte, under the direction of Françoise Gevrey and Jean‐Louis Haquette, Reims 2010, 51–64
List of exhibitions cited
- Edinburgh 1963
- Edinburgh, National Gallery of Scotland, Allan Ramsay, 1713–1784: His Masters and Rivals, 1963
- London 1932, Royal Academy
- London, Royal Academy of Arts, Exhibition of French Art 1200–1900, 1932 (exh. cat.: Cox 1932)
- London 1935
- London, 6 Hamilton Place, short‐term loan in aid of the Royal Northern Hospital, 12–14 March 1935; no catalogue
- London 1968
- London, Royal Academy of Arts, France in the Eighteenth Century, 1968 (exh. cat.: Sutton 1968)
- Manchester 1932
- Manchester, City of Manchester Art Gallery, French art exhibition: 22 March to 1 May 1932, 22 March to 1 May 1932
- Paris 1937
- Paris, Palais national des arts, Exposition des Chefs d’Oeuvre de l’Art français, 1937 (exh. cat.: Sterling, Huisman and Burnand 1937)
The Organisation of the Catalogue
This is a catalogue of the eighteenth‐century French paintings in the National Gallery. Following the example of Martin Davies’s 1957 catalogue of the Gallery’s French paintings, the catalogue includes works by or after some artists who were not French: Jean‐Etienne Liotard, who was Swiss, Alexander Roslin, who was Swedish, and Philippe Mercier, born in Berlin of French extraction but working mainly in England.
Works are catalogued by alphabetical order of artist, and multiple works by an artist are arranged in order of date or suggested date. Works considered to be autograph come first, followed by works in which I believe the studio played a part, those which are studio productions, and later copies. Artists’ biographies are summary only.
The preliminary essay and all entries and artist biographies are by Humphrey Wine unless initialled by one of the authors listed on p. 4.
Each entry is arranged as follows:
Title: The traditional title of each painting has been adopted except where misleading to do so.
Date: The date, or the suggested date, is given immediately below the title. The reason for any suggested date is explained in the body of the catalogue entry.
Media and measurementS: Height precedes width, and measurements (in centimetres) are of the painted surface to the nearest millimetre ignoring insignificant variations. Additional information on media and measurements, where appropriate, is provided in the Technical Notes.
Inscriptions: Where the work is inscribed, the inscription is given immediately after the note of media and measurements. Information is derived from observation, whether by the naked eye or with the help of a microscope, by the cataloguer and a member of the Conservation Department. The use of square brackets indicates letters or numerals that are not visible, but reasonably presumed once to have been so.
Provenance: Information on former owners is provided under Provenance and the related endnotes.
A number of significant owners, including Sir Bernard Eckstein; Ernest William Beckett,
2nd Baron Grimthorpe; John Arthur and Mary Venetia James; Yolande Lyne Stephens; Sir
John Pringle; Mrs Mozelle Sassoon; James Stuart of Dunearn; John Webb; and Consuelo
and Emilie Yznaga, are discussed further in an appendix to this volume on the National
Gallery website, ‘Former Owners of the Eighteenth‐Century French Paintings’ (see‐gallery‐catalogues/former‐owners‐of‐the‐eighteenth‐century‐french‐paintings
Exhibitions: Long‐term loans to other collections have been included under this heading, but they do not appear in the List of Exhibitions at the end of the catalogue. Exhibitions in that list appear in date order.
Related Works: Dimensions are given where known, and works are in oil on canvas unless otherwise
indicated. They have not been verified by
first hand
inspection. Dimensions of drawings or prints, other than in captions to illustrations,
are not given unless they are exceptional. Dimensions are given in centimetres, but
other units of measurement used in, say, an auction catalogue have been retained.
The metric equivalent of an Ancien Régime pouce is 2.7 cm and (after 1825) that of
an inch is 2.54 cm. In the case of prints, where measurements are given, it has not
always been possible to determine whether they are of the plate or the image.
Technical Notes: All works in the catalogue were examined in the Conservation Studio by Paul Ackroyd and Ashok Roy of the Conservation and Scientific Departments respectively, generally together with the author of the catalogue entry. The records of these observations were used to compile the catalogue’s Technical Notes. In support of these studies, paint samples for examination and analysis were taken by Ashok Roy from approximately 60 per cent of the paintings in order to establish the nature and constitution of ground layers, the identity of certain pigments, to investigate possible colour changes in paint layers and to answer curatorial enquiries relating to layer structure (as determined by paint cross‐sections). A few more works had already been sampled, mainly in conjunction with past conservation treatments, and the observations from these past studies were reviewed and incorporated. These studies were carried out by Ashok Roy, Marika Spring, Joyce Plesters and Aviva Burnstock. Paint samples and cross‐sections were examined by optical microscopy, and instrumental analysis of pigments was based largely on scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X‐ray analysis. Early in the cataloguing programme, some work with X‐ray diffraction analysis ( XRD ) was carried out for further characterisation of certain pigments. Some of these results had already been published separately; these papers are cited in the catalogue text. Similarly, any published analyses of the paint binder are cited, or if not published then reference is made to the reports in the Scientific Department files. The majority of the [page 36]analyses of the organic component of paint samples from works in this catalogue were carried out by Raymond White.
At a later stage in the cataloguing programme Rachel Billinge carried out infrared reflectography on 30 of the 72 works using an OSIRIS digital infrared scanning camera with an indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) array sensor (8 had already been examined by infrared imaging, usually in connection with a conservation treatment). At the same time she reviewed the entries, adding observations from technical imaging (both X‐radiography and infrared reflectography) and incorporating some additional details about materials and techniques from stereomicroscopy (photomicrographs were made of 12 works). Where X‐radiographs have been made, the individual plates were scanned and composite X‐ray images assembled. Some, but not all, were further processed to remove the stretcher bars from the digital image. Some further paint samples from a few works for which there were still outstanding questions at this stage in the cataloguing programme were examined and analysed. These analyses were carried out by Marika Spring, with contributions on individual paintings from Joanna Russell, Gabriella Macaro, Marta Melchiorre di Crescenzo, Helen Howard and David Peggie.
Macro‐X‐ray fluorescence scanning was carried out by Marika Spring and Rachel Billinge on one work, Perronneau’s pastel, A Girl with a Kitten (NG 3588), to provide fuller understanding of its means of creation than had been available from earlier analyses of the materials. The pastel was scanned during the summer of 2015 thanks to the loan of a Bruker M6 Jetstream macro‐X‐ray fluorescence scanner by Delft University of Technology through collaboration with Dr Joris Dik, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Chair, Materials in Art and Archeology, Department of Materials Science and Dr Annelies van Loon, now Paintings Research Scientist at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. This mobile system, the first commercially available macro‐XRF scanner, was developed by Bruker Nano GmbH in close collaboration with Antwerp University and Delft University of Technology (see Alfeld 2013, pp. 760–7). This examination included transmitted infrared reflectography and some further directed sampling to aid interpretation of the new results.
Frames: Information is given only in the case of a frame which is, or which is likely to be, original to the painting.
Text: With the exception of the Lagrenée, which was not formally acquired until July 2016, the entries take account of information and opinions of which the cataloguers were aware as at 30 June 2016.
Lifespan dates, where known, are given in the Provenance section and in the Index.
General References: These do not provide a list of every published reference. The annual catalogues published by the Gallery before the First World War mainly repeat the information in the first Gallery catalogue in which the painting in question was published. Consequently, only the first catalogue and later catalogues containing additional or revised information have been referenced. In all relevant cases references have been given to Martin Davies’s 1946 and 1957 catalogues. In the case of works acquired after 1957, reference is made to the interim catalogue entry published in the relevant National Gallery Report. No reference to entries in the Gallery’s Complete Illustrated Catalogue (London 2001) has been given since they contained no previously unpublished information. Other references are to catalogues raisonnés and other significant publications concerning the painting in question.
Bibliography: This includes all references cited in the endnotes to catalogue entries other than references to archival sources, which are given in full in the endnotes. Cited articles from newspapers, magazines, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography and Who Was Who have usually been accessed via their respective online portals.
List of Exhibitions: This is a list of exhibitions in which the paintings have appeared. The list is in date order. The author of the accompanying exhibition catalogue or catalogue entry is given where known. Exhibition catalogues are included in the Bibliography, by author.
About this version
Version 3, generated from files HW_2018__16.xml dated 06/03/2025 and database__16.xml dated 09/03/2025 using stylesheet 16_teiToHtml_externalDb.xsl dated 03/01/2025. Entries for NG1090, NG2897, NG4078, NG5583, NG6422, NG6435, NG6445, NG6495, NG6592, NG6598 and NG6600-NG6601 marked for publication.
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- Wine, Humphrey. “NG 6435, Jacques Cazotte”. 2018, online version 3, March 9, 2025.
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- Wine, Humphrey (2018) NG 6435, Jacques Cazotte. Online version 3, London: National Gallery, 2025. Available at: (Accessed: 31 March 2025).
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- Wine, Humphrey, NG 6435, Jacques Cazotte (National Gallery, 2018; online version 3, 2025) <> [accessed: 31 March 2025]