Claude Monet, 'La Pointe de la Hève, Sainte-Adresse', 1864
About the work
Monet was in his early twenties when he painted this view across the breakwaters to the headland of La Hève, near Sainte-Adresse on the Normandy coast. He knew the area well, as he had spent his childhood in nearby Le Havre. The picture was probably made on the spot as a study for a larger studio painting, La Pointe de la Hève at Low Tide (Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth) which he showed at the Paris Salon in 1865.
The empty shingle beach has a wintry, desolate air. Three figures in a boat rowing towards us are wrapped up against the cold, and smoke rises from the chimney of the cottage on the cliff. In the distance sailing boats race along the horizon, their dark sails set against the glimmer of sunlight below the bank of grey cloud. The crisp dabs of paint suggesting pebbles on the beach and broad flat brushstrokes surrounding the boat hint at the future direction of Monet’s art.
Key facts
- Full title
- La Pointe de la Hève, Sainte-Adresse
- Artist
- Claude Monet
- Artist dates
- 1840 - 1926
- Date made
- 1864
- Medium and support
- oil on canvas
- Dimensions
- 41 × 73 cm
- Inscription summary
- Signed; Dated
- Acquisition credit
- Bought, 1996
- Inventory number
- NG6565
- Location
- Not on display
- Collection
- Main Collection
- Frame
- 18th-century French Frame
Additional information
This painting is included in a list of works with incomplete provenance from 1933–1945; for more information see Whereabouts of paintings 1933–1945.
Text extracted from the National Gallery’s Annual Report, ‘The National Gallery Report: April 1996 – March 1997’ and supplemented by Isobel Muir.
Exhibition history
2009Corot to Monet: A Fresh Look at Landscape from the CollectionThe National Gallery (London)8 July 2009 - 20 September 2009
2014Monet: The Water Garden at GivernyThe National Gallery (London)16 September 2014 - 31 December 2015
2014Inventing Impressionism: Paul Durand-Ruel and the Modern Art MarketMusée du Luxembourg9 October 2014 - 8 February 2015Philadelphia Museum of Art24 June 2015 - 13 September 2015
2015Delacroix and the Rise of Modern ArtThe National Gallery (London)17 February 2016 - 22 May 2016
2016Daubigny, Monet, Van Gogh: Impressions of LandscapesScottish National Gallery25 June 2016 - 2 October 2016Van Gogh Museum21 October 2016 - 29 January 2017
1883P. Burty, 'Paysages de M. Claude Monet', La République française, 1883
1883P. Labarière, 'Exposition de Claude Monet', Journal des artistes, 1883
1889F. Bourgeat, 'Chronique parisienne: À la galerie Georges Petit', L'Entr'acte, 1889
1902Notice sur la collection Jean-Baptiste Faure, suivie du catalogue des tableaux, Paris 1902
1906L. Rosenthal, 'Petites expositions [Monet at Durand-Ruel]', Chronique des arts et de la curiosité, 1906
1914Neue Pinakothek, Katalog der königlichen Neuen Pinakothek zu München, Munich 1914
1921A. Alexandre, Claude Monet, Paris 1921
1922G. Geffroy, Claude Monet, sa vie, son temps, son oeuvre, Paris 1922
1925Katalog der neuen Staatsgalerie, Munich 1925
1927R. Régamey, 'Formation de Claude Monet', Gazette des beaux-arts, 1927
1928H. Tietze, 'Les peintres français du dix-neuvième siècle dans les musées d'Allemagne', Gazette des beaux-arts, 1928
1937W. Udhe, Les impressionistes, New York 1937
1948O. Reuterswärd, Monet, Stockholm 1948
1955M. Rostand, Quelques amateurs de l'époque impressioniste, Paris 1955
1960W.C. Seitz, Claude Monet, London 1960
1966C.M. Mount, Monet, a Biography, New York 1966
1967P. Pool, Impressionism, London 1967
1972Kimbell Art Museum, Kimbell Art Museum. Catalogue of the Collection, Fort Worth 1972
1974D. Wildenstein, Claude Monet: Biographie et catalogue raisonné, 4 vols, Lausanne 1974
1986J. House, Monet: Nature into Art, New Haven 1986
1989E. de M, 'La Liberté', in Claude Monet-Auguste Rodin. Centenaire de l'exposition de 1889, Paris 1989
1996D. Wildenstein, Claude Monet. Catalogue raisonné, Cologne 1996
1996C. Lenz, '"Das Beste gerade gut genug…": Hugi von Tschudis Erwerbungen für die Alte und Neue Pinakothek', in Manet bis Van Gogh. Hugo von Tschudi und der Kampf um die Moderne, Berlin 1996
1997National Gallery, The National Gallery Report: April 1996- March 1997, London 1997
C. Baker and T. Henry, The National Gallery: Complete Illustrated Catalogue, London 2001
About this record
If you know more about this painting or have spotted an error, please contact us. Please note that exhibition histories are listed from 2009 onwards. Bibliographies may not be complete; more comprehensive information is available in the National Gallery Library.